Wydaliśmy ponad 3,000,000 PLN na nagrody dla was! | M3 Touring, RS6, Nowa Supra i A45s AMG *START!

Wydaliśmy ponad 3,000,000 PLN na nagrody dla was! | M3 Touring, RS6, Nowa Supra i A45s AMG *START!

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This video officially begins the “7AUT” event! You got 7 cars up for grabs and 30 side prizes. Because of which, the chances were never this high. This video will tell you of the whole event’s course.

It’ll also contain strictly cinematic parts. Good luck, let’s move to the studio. Warm welcome and my respects, my loves! Come on closer, don’t be shy! Come on, then! Come on! I know, all of it looks great, but come closer.

Now… Come on! Now, that you’re here. Very warm welcome, from up close, now. And I’m suited… like a f**ing boss. Which means no other, than… Something important is happening. Let’s write history, perhaps. Let’s write history with… splendor, right? Headbutt! I promised you, that if I ever orchestrate the last giveaway...

It will be done with a worthy and appropriate level of opulence. Time has come to fulfill the promise. The way I see it, we’re doing fine… And you’ll like it.

Let’s start with some reasoning, maybe. Because: Remember the 352JZ? That car summed up to 82 000 EUR to build. All together, on all the prizes of the final event, 7AUT.PL…

We spent around 564 000 EUR. That means, it’s around 6.8 of such 352JZ’s. And what that means, the moment we grab a calculator, just as you see now… This, is how much a single ticket should cost, not even considering the inflation, right? So, counting with inflation, it’d cost 65 – 75 EUR.

For the cheapest pack. But, you’re probably guessing the thing I want to say, already. We’re not gonna raise the price, not a dime. The prizes up for grabs of a total worth of 564 000 EUR. I'll interrupt myself – the 564 000 EUR is what we planned. I already said it in the video from building the cars, so no need to prolong.

But, we spent a total of over 675 000 EUR on the prizes. So, it should be even more expensive. Yet, we'll keep it characteristically cheap. And the cheapest e-book still costs 8 EUR. The most developed pack and most developed e-book – 44 EUR. And that alone, I think is beautiful just by itself.

Why did we decide to do it, this way? Both in case of the 352JZ and the M3, you’d often comment, saying: Instead of such an expensive car like the Fame GTR or the M3… It’d be more fun to do a few, cheaper cars and use them as prizes. So, we decided to do a few, cars to use them as prizes… Just, keeping them expensive. Golden… Yet, modest.

So, I guess we’re nicely fulfilling our promise. If that all wasn’t enough, my loves – we decided to do a little breakthrough, here. Namely, the BMW M3 Touring, which is a truly anticipated and practical car.

This is a car I loved so much, that instead of giving away my own… We decided to do the impossible and find a new M3, somewhere in Europe. So I could keep mine. You win it in a pack… With a second car. You win it, with the A45s AMG. So, for the first time in history, the main prize consists of two cars. What do wish to do with it? Give the A45 to your brother, sister? Maybe gift it to your woman? Maybe you’re the woman and wish to gift it to your man? Or maybe, you wish to sell that car and keep the M3? Maybe, you wish keep the A45 and sell the M3? Listen up, such a car, straight from the dealership, is really hard to come by, now.

It goes for around 67 000 to 79 000 EUR, without mods. You leave yourself the M3 and grab around 70 000 EUR for the A45. For it, you could sit around and, I don’t know – quit the job you dislike.

Or go on vacation, pay your mortgage… Or buy a flat, save that money up, invest it… Fun fact: If you were to monthly spend 1350 EUR out of those 70 000, it’d be 58 months of HIGHLIFE. 58 months = almost 5 years Do whatever you like. If you need more cash, then keep the A45 and sell the M3. If you need even more, you’re free to sell both cars. But, the important thing here, is this car, too.

The Toyota’s car is even very important. Such a Toyota costs around 70 000 EUR, very hard to come by. Can’t be ordered anymore and lastly, greatly holds its value. This one, looks just absolutely f**ing beautifully. Compared to a stock Toyota, it’s a completely different car – just as you see now.

And it’s special, because I’d like to appreciate each of you, who’s entering the game now, or during the whole event’s duration. Not only during the final livestream. This Toyota Supra will be drawn right at the livestream’s beginning.

I’ll show you, how I see it, okay? I enter, say hello to the whole Polish Internet. My regards, we’re at the 7AUT event finale. My name is Kamil. For a good start, with a little bit of opulence, right? Let’s move onto drawing the Toyota Supra.

This is a sort of bow from me, to each one of you playing right from the beginning. I therefore officially announce: The new Toyota Supra will be drawn at the very beginning of the final livestream – on January 14th. WWW.7AUT.PL

Keep that address in mind. I invite each of you, individually. I invite you there, to enter and buy something, which – I swear, hand on my heart – I’m really proud of.

Because I showed beautiful stories, there. Each e-book contains a different trip – you got the USA, the backstage of “One Million Tour”… You also got the trip, that caused quite a stir. That’s the England trip with the Rolls Royce. All of that shows the backstage of creating the channel.

All of that also shows many stories never broadcasted before. I think each of you, is going to like it. I wrote all of these descriptions, e-books, during my way to the USA. I tried really hard, to bring you lots of great content. The cheapest pack, that allows you to enter the game, is 8 EUR. If you wish to buy a pack, that contains an e-book with each, separate car… And 4 different trips – it costs 44 EUR and also, contains 10 tickets, which will be printed out… Basically, you immediately got 10 tickets in the machine, instead of 1.

You may buy as many packs as you wish. You can buy them in different sets, at different hours… You can buy a pack now, right at the start, which I suggest to enter the game for the Supra. You can buy it at the very end. You do as you wish. Everyone has their own strategy, so I invite all of you.

Of course, each additional pack increases your winning chances. Though, there are some who think, if they’re to win, they’ll win with one – that’s 100% right, because as you know… Those who don’t play, don’t win. That’s 100% chance of losing, if you don’t play. If a single ticket of yours finds itself inside the drawing machine, you already got a chance to win one of these cars. For the first time in history, I also bring you the information regarding the minimum age required for participation. My loves, I invite you to participate if you’re 18 or older.

Before, I always said you could participate being 13, with your parents’ permission, if you’re not an adult. The permission was difficult to enforce. So, we thought if any of you are meant to enter the game with your parent’s permission… Just have your adult brother, parent, legal guardian or anyone else, buy the e-books for you. So, I invite you to WWW.7AUT.PL. But, as you probably noticed, there’s 4 behind me.

That’s because 3 of them are here. My loves, the additional prizes in form of cars. But, I’m wearing a shirt and quite elegant pants – don’t wear jeans every day. The way I see these machines, they’re more like a hoodie, joggers… Driving to Zakopane, to mistreat it sideways as much as f**ing possible.

Much better, the old Budda is back. The hoodie’s here, loose pants and comfy shoes, too. Now, I feel like getting inside one of these… I’d like say “lemons”, but that’s not true.

Because a lemon should cost 1000 or 1500 EUR. One for 2000 EUR should be luxurious. Now, each of these “lemons” – not lemons anymore, they’re Winter Warriors, now… Ended up costing between 9 000 and 11 000 EUR. I’m absolutely serious, the E46’s have recently gotten so much more expensive… It’s just unbelievable. I thought we’d be good with 3000 to 4500 for a perfect one!

These, 9 to 11 thousand. These are the side prizes, some of them, actually. Each of them has got a 3.0 liter petrol engine. Each of them has got a differential filled with love. Each of them – we really made them not lemons, but Winter Warriors.

Each of them has got a hydro brake, so you can throw them around, with as much strength as you got. We'll f**ing treat it like this! Let’s agree – the 3.0 liter Coupe E46 is a foolproof and sturdy car… Which, in case you win it and decide not to sell it – will stay with you until the end of your days. I think it’s a great matter – honestly speaking, I’m really stoked about the case of E46’s. Because these are the side prizes, which grant lots of fun.

You could take it to Zakopane, drive to the mountains… Go mistreat them, take it to the track – all it takes really, is when it rains. Easy drifting. Even if it doesn’t rain, let’s agree on that – the E46’s don’t chew through tires all that much. While giving you plenty of opportunities to practice drifting. So, we got way more side prizes besides the E46’s, in a number of 3. The moment we add them up with those cars, we got a total of 7 cars, from the title.

We also got quite an exhibition here. Level’s quite f**ing high, isn’t it. Don’t jump, Paweł. You’ll break your bones. In case you’re wondering why the iPhones 15 are currently unavailable in Poland and so hard to come by… It’s because we bought all of them and now they’re here. Probably. 10 iPhones, 10 laptops for gaming, chilling and browsing the Internet – do with them, what you wish and like. In case it all wasn’t enough, we also got 10 PS5’s here.

And likely for the first time – surely! For the first time in history, we’re not gonna call all the winners during the final livestream. That’d look like some hotline, some call center. Calling everyone, we’d just have to keep calling and calling… Saying: “You won, you won, you won”.

So, we won’t be calling everyone… But here and now, I’d like to tell you about an idea we had and I hope we’ll successfully implement it. Namely, I’d really like it to be, that when we call the Supra’s winner in the beginning, that could be you… To make it logistically possible, to bring you to the livestream, before drawing the main prizes… If we’re assuming a new, modded Supra isn’t a main prize. But f**k it. It is what it is. You’ll come here and be here on the livestream. You’ll pick up the car on the livestream.

That’s assuming if you’re not from abroad or some other end of the planet. Then, it’s probably gonna work. I can’t promise that, but I’d really like it to be this way. Now hold on, or go there to the front… And I’ll bring something here, wait up. Got it! It arrived, I teased it in the cars building video – that the Supra will be getting another set of wheels. Those are the AL13’s, from the USA.

The same company, that made the Fame GTR’s wheels. I also got their rims on my Twin-Turbo Huracan. Once you win the Supra, it’s your choice whether you wish to take it with the current ones… Or maybe you choose these ones, and then we install them for you.

It’s worth noting that, each car comes with cash. The Supra comes with 2300 EUR of financial aid. You may spend it on whatever you want. On fuel, maintenance, tires, some trip – maybe you wish to go on vacation with this car? The RS6 also comes with 2300 EUR. The M3 with the A45, come with 6700 EUR. So, besides winning cars, you also win cash.

Of course, many of you could worry about having to pay the tax. (The tax office) Couldn’t be more wrong, the tax has to be paid, indeed. It’s mandatory. But, we also cover the whole topic of taxation. Because of that, you don’t pay a single dime out of your pocket. Now, I hear… Something popped right here. Right below my back, something just popped.

I hear those voices from the sides. All that envy! “Just how much will he make from that?” Jesus Christ… So much money! I’m not taking part in this, you know? Not gonna support that, you know? That’s theft, cheating – no way. Before I invite you to… f**k off out of the channel… I’d like to inform you – of course, yes! Of course, this event… Will likely make money, despite us going big with the rewards. Because 564 000 EUR is lots of money, especially considering bank guarantees and lots of other stuff – nevermind! It’ll likely make money.

And I’ll likely spend it on making more, crazy content. I’ll likely invest in something. Likely, I’ll use some part of that money to buy clothes, food… Maybe save up for the future, because it’s kind of work, after all – a full time one.

So, I won’t hide the fact of making money through the event. However, dear Neighbor – maybe before you leave through that door, you’ll change your mind upon understanding… That, for the value of two packs of cigs, an Uber ride… Won’t even get a large pizza for it, because it costs 11 EUR now. Someone’s gonna have their life changed, in a truly big way, by winning two cars, as the main prize. Or maybe through winning the Supra, or winning the RS6.

These are really big deals, it’s worth to see it all through a prism, like… For that money, you’re getting cool e-books, which are armed to the teeth with cool photos… And simultaneously, you enter the game for cars and support the channel. I therefore warmly invite you to WWW.7AUT.PL I invite every one of you. Welcome, welcome. Come and play. Let’s have fun at the last event ever, by me. Won’t be doing more of these, so if you wish to win a car from Budda...

Then, homie… Or homegirl. This is the last chance in history, to do so. Right now, I invite you to the next part of the video, where we discuss each of the cars. And I’ll show you an example, of what we spend the money on.

That’s beautiful production of night and studio content, where these cars were recorded for you… Where we showcase them, so that they can please the eye of each of you. I invite you to participate, those who don’t play – don’t win. That’s more than certain. Wish you all good and good luck. From me. Hold on, I’ll take this away.

Now, the dope part comes on. Now, then. In order: I speak and you choose your prize. The basic info and fun facts, about each model.

We’ll do it in the order of final livestream drawing. The first one is the Mk5 Supra. The most frequent question is: Does the Supra have a separate drawing machine, separate sales and participation? The answer is: No. The Supra is part of the same event. The livestream begins, we get to drawing and later, the same tickets remain in game for the other prizes.

The only difference is that, one can only play for it before the livestream begins. That’s from now on, until the final. Just as you see now, the car’s definitely a weekend type. To me, the strongest part of this model is the B58 engine.

A great modding potential, cool sound, great endurance and foolproofness of the engine. I remind you: This particular copy is signed on the door inside by Han from Tokyo Drift. The car greatly holds its value. It cost us around 135 000 EUR to build. Now, if you win it and prefer the cash, I officially declare to buy it back from you. Next, likely a favorite to many of you.

The one being 5 meters long and weighing almost 2.5 tons. A wide, aggressive, loud and beautifully equipped Avant – nothing other than the amazingly beautiful Audi RS6. The 4.0 liter V8 generates 600 HP when stock. The Eventuri intake system, exhaust from MG Motorsport – one might hope for a bonus. The car, that likely calls for mandatory ceramics, having its speed limiter moved to a modest number of 305 km/h. Lowered, with 22” rims, perfectly fitted with the fenders.

A carbon fiber pack, making this car very sporty, but also practical, only needing 3.5 seconds to 100km/h. The interior is one of the stronger features of the RS6. By far, the most practical car of the group. It cost us just over 200 000 EUR. Not cheap. To the fans of RS: 201 570 EUR after big discounts from Audi.

Before discounts, it’d be over 225 000. Next, we move onto the random drawing machine and hear the magical: “Time for main prizes”. That’s plural for a reason. Let me emphasize that again: The main prize consists of two cars. Two, hardly available cars. Let’s do the A45s AMG first.

However you approach it after winning such a duo, you’re set. Sell it or keep it. Maybe sell one, or maybe both. There’s plenty options. The A class is 421 HP with four-wheel drive. To many women, a total dream car. To many men, a perfect daily toy.

The Drift Mode, nicely sounding MG exhaust. Quite quarrelsome, wide and pumped up looks. Modern interior, unusual rims and relatively low maintenance costs.

If that wasn’t enough, it comes with 6700 EUR cash for the winner. Now, a real star. Everyone has their own tastes, but I got to know the M3 Touring really well. I daily commute in my own, same one, for half a year now and I’m in love with it, each day. A very unique paint, from the individual palette. A 3.0 liter, 6 cylinder engine, which is a huge quality of that car.

It’s able to burn little, it takes mods very well and has great working characteristics, which screams for doing burnouts. A possibility of four-wheel drive mode, so it’s safe in the winter. But also, switching to rear-wheel drive with a single button. An intake system, engine cover, strut bars, a whole carbon fiber kit.

An exhaust without voiding the warranty, an Alcantara steering wheel. This car is perfect to me. Considering its equipment, one’d have to wait over year to buy a new one, like that, after ordering! WWW.7AUT.PL Probably no need to convince you.

Over 30 side prizes, including the cars. What has this all come to? Stop by the website, buy dope e-books, which will take you on a stroll through the channel’s backstage. But most importantly, stop by to write history, together! As an army! Thank you, love.

And best regards.

2023-11-12 22:01

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