Workout at home for women / beginners home gym tour

Workout at home for women / beginners home gym tour

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Hey. Guys so today um. What. I think we're gonna do it is, freezing. Outside mind. You it's June 2nd, June 3rd I woke, up this morning, and it, was 53. Degrees outside. Everywhere. Else gets to enjoy summer apparently. Where. I live we. Have to continue, to wait. But. Anyway, I'm freezing, right now I have my coat on my. Dog's racing he's, just really cold we're just sick of the cold but. So. Let's just make a video. What. I am planning on doing today I'm going to show you a little bit of the equipment that I do have, that I am using and, that I do plan on using that, I have in the garage we just got to clear out some space in the garage. We're. In the process of what. We've been in the process of remodeling the, home that we're in right now our goal. Is to, within, the next year, two, years tops is to get, out of here get out of the Midwest and move down we're thinking Tennessee, so. That. Being said we're. Trying to just obviously, budget, and really, watch what we're spending so we can get out of here sooner, not. Only so, we can finish fixing up this house but. So we, can buy. Your next one and get out of here like. I said but. That entails, as far as budgeting, goes we, would need I would need personally. To watch. My spending so I am not really I know that there's some affordable Jo memberships out there like Planet, Fitness I think you can get a basic membership, for 10 bucks a month, that's, reasonable. I get it I might look into that and a little bit later and the coming months visit. Up right now I want to just continue, to do. What I can work, out using, not only my body weight but the weights that I do have because I want to get into more. Of a weight lifting training, I'm. Learning a lot online especially, there YouTube and the certified, trainers that are out there I am, NOT a certified trainer, or. Anything of the sort so I am learning basically, from the ground up on. My. Macros, nutrition. Weightlifting. Proper form technique. Muscle. Confusion everything. So. What. I plan on doing I want to do some challenges, coming up too, so. Basically. What I'm doing now I pretty. Much I'm gonna do away in today it pretty much got the arm as far as weight loss school goes, I'm pretty much where I want to be about 135, 130th, this is fine now. I want to really, gear into fat. Loss losing. More fat from my body now there is a difference, between weight. Weight. Loss and fat loss within, the body I'm. Not gonna be so concerned, about counting, calories or. Anything like that like I was before now. I'm gonna be more focused, and zeroed in on my macros, making sure I'm getting you, know especially with weight lifting you want to know that you're getting really. Ample amounts of protein, and they're figuring out if I need more carbs or more fat I'm gearing, towards like. What fuels my body more I'm. Gearing, towards a higher fat lower carb thing but. It's everyone's, body is different so, we'll just figure that out as we go but, that's what I'm going to start with to see how my body responds.

To That so. What. This. Video basically is I'll do a weigh-in just, to see where I'm starting at and then, I'm going to start posting workout, videos, I'm. Gonna be doing them everyday so I just so. You could see a progression of trends, progression. Throughout my body and I. Am working, out without. My, shirt obviously, a sports bra on but without my shirt obviously. I'm not showing off because there's nothing to show right now I'm, pretty. Much mortified. That I'm even doing this but I have to keep myself accountable keep, myself going so. Then to at the end result when, I do start getting more defined in the. Weight training is really paying off I will, have proof, of where, I've started where. It all started, so, that's, my motivation, I believe. Pictures, is a big, deal like if you're taking pictures, before and after pictures that's awesome, I believe that's nothing, more, than a great motivator, for you me. Self included, so, I'm, gonna let show you what. Equipment. That I have laying around here at the house when I'm currently using what, I plan on using because I pick just some equipment, off that I do like I said had in the garage I, have in the garage I. Did. You a quick ab workout. Earlier. I. Believe, too because I do have a big problem with my midsection. That. Instead. Of doing tons. Of cardio and tons of crunches, which I don't believe is going to be as effective, as. Zoe. As. Lifting. Weights in general I believe that's gonna take care of all my, problem, areas, but, I'm gonna do them nonetheless here. And there whatever because I do want to build out muscle under the fat in the meantime, so, in this fats that's melting off but, I have some muscle to pop on through at least that's my mindset so. Yeah. So we'll go ahead like, I said do, that did, the workout and then, I'm going to do another meal figure out what I'm gonna bring my past with today and this.

Will Just be my I guess. Daily. Log for the day as far as my, continued, journey, through. To. Getting fit. So. I'm, gonna show you just what, equipment that I'm working with at the moment being, that I do not go to the gym or have any kind of gym membership, or. Any. Kind of like really big fancy equipment here it's brawl pretty basic so I just wanted to kind of get it on the record um let's. Start over, here, I guess we're. In the midst of remodeling, this home we're gonna flip it before, we move so if you see unfinished. Work. Like. This door here it this, is why, so. I promise. You it's gonna, be a beautiful house it's already becoming a beautiful house but I don't live like you know and, uh. In. A shithole I guess, okay. So, this, is just my mat I've used it in my video so far this is just a regular I guess yeah yoga, mat that I have I have, I do have this foam roller I am new to the foam roller I believe, they might come in different. Sizes. I just. Go to the TJ Maxx home store this shed is pretty cheap so. I don't know but. This is just the foam roller that I do have that I intend to be using more often. Being, that I am going to focus on weight training these. Are my husband's, weights these are the blocks that. He. Uses I don't use these they're. Power blocks I guess but. I do. Have the women's one over here that I'm obviously using now I'm, not a big fan of these I. See that they're pretty expensive my husband got these a um a while, ago at some oxen or whatnot but I like. The ones I mean they're nice and all but I. Prefer the barbell. Ones just because I don't like having to adjust these, all the time for, my weight so. Like, if I want to do some super sets or whatnot you know I, have, to stop adjust the weight and then. Lift. Again so I don't know I'm, still kind of getting used to it I have, these. And. That barbells but I guess they're um, what. Are they kettlebells. This. Is a 15, pounder, again my husband got these I've had them around the house forever before I decided I wanted to start working out, 10 and then I have a five in the garage.

These, Are awesome, especially, when we, do legs. These, are just from Amazon I believe it like 20 bucks or something like that it's, just a five three and two pounder, nothing. Special here, sometimes, I take, the five and three and and put. Them in one hand and use them because. Again I'm not a huge fan of this but I'm getting used to it I'm getting used to the whole weight, lifting thing anyway over. Here I do. Have a bike, again. I don't really use it the, stationary, bike I use it a little bit this winter when I was starting to get my motivation. Back, up. Not. Bad. I do have, an awesome, mountain bike that I'm being, that it's getting. Becoming. Nicer outside. I'm. Just, starting to write outside um. I do, live in Chicago is like 53, degrees it's June 2nd, or 3rd is 53, degrees huh. But. Anyway. That, is that. And then I will show you what I owe before, I do I do here's my exercise, ball in here huh. So, I have um. Stabilizer. Ball - oh and. I do have. Let's. See some resistance, bands in here that. I am using I have. I. Just. Ordered these from, Amazon, Amazon is like my best friend, and. That gives you a little exercises, on them - you, wanna so, that I have a light. This, is like a heavy duty, extremely. Light, what. Does it say on here, okay. So, heavy this. One should be like extra heavy yeah, extra, heavy, and. It gives you little exercises, on here that you could do with these which is nice if your new light. And then this, is medium, I believe yeah, medium. Cool. So, I got those I'm working with not, really using the bike doing. The weights and then I'll show you what I have in the garage, all. Right so let's head out to the garage here. Is. The. Light. Here. We. Are straightening, this up too obviously, we use our garage. For, a whie it's up right now being that my husband is pretty handy with the. Wood, but. I do have some stuff out here we want to clear out myself, a corner. For. Again. Working out so we have this. Bar here. For. Chin-ups. And stuff it, sees it the other way I tried to just see. Some. Work lifting gloves here. Yeah. So this is for the bar a bar and chin up bar this. Little contraption here, which is nice I do, have a weight bench. Yeah. Just. That off um. With. A bell another. Bar, so. I can do some inclines. And whatnot again I have to here's. All my weights back here, are all the weights back here just call mine. Start. Using them because, that five pounder, was talking about oh and here's my bike so. Here's my, freaking. Bike again my husband bought me yes, I had the best husband ever it's, got all these DM gears on it and I don't even know why cuz I don't not you saw his fancy, stuff but no, it's cool there's my husband's bike it's. My son's little cart that. We just got and. Here's, my daughter's bike oh there's. A lot about I was looking for so, again. We have all our weights back there I. Plan. On using. This bar hopefully within the next week we can clear this little section out back here. For. Mine. Existent, rollerblades. Yeah we haven't used those in forever and I. Can start. Using. This corner to work out a bit, being. That, I do have this equipment and I want to start weight training. Okay. Off to the scale. Zelly. Stock she, plays with I know. It's Monday I usually, do weigh-ins on Friday, but I don't weigh myself this past Friday let's, take off some extra clothes here I. Always. Feel like it helps even though I know my jacket, that. I have on the sweater that I have around my waist doesn't, weigh a pound, so. But. I even have socks on, but. We're gonna go ahead and just, weigh it anyway. All. Right. One. 38.4. Now. See let's take off the socks and see what I weigh because that's. I weighed 135. Three. Days ago. Yeah. One 38.4, we went fluctuate, though so. Alright. That's. Our way in so, now. Let's. Go on.

2019-06-10 15:59

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In today's video I will be discussing my future workout plans, all of which will be done from home. I workout completely from home using dumbbells, kettle bells, & resistance bands. I also provided clips of one of my ab workouts I started this week. My current goals are as follows: 1) To lose body fat around my mid-section, arm pits, & waist 2) To tone up my arms & legs 3) To lose 10 more lbs in the process, however I will be focusing more on my macro-nutrient intake rather than my actual calorie intake in order to retain muscle. 4) To have goals 1-3 achieved within 8 weeks time. Of course I will need to continue the toning & leaning (bulking) process as it is a lifestyle, however I would like to start seeing results within this time frame. I also decided to give up sugar for the next week or two to see how my body responds in conjunction with my daily workouts. I will be logging my progress (my detox off of sugar) on here as well. Wish me luck! Please subscribe if you would like to follow me along this journey to a more healthier lifestyle. I'm constantly learning new things everyday in terms of nutrition and health. I am a work in progress but I have the determination and drive in order to achieve the results I am looking for. Anyone can do it, it just depends on how bad you want it!

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