Winter Snow Camping- Hot Tent Overnight Trip *Solo Camp*

Winter Snow Camping- Hot Tent Overnight Trip *Solo Camp*

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welcome back to another episode  of the michigan magnet man   i am back here in kingston michigan again today  doing a little bit of camping out here as you   can tell there's still snow on the ground out  behind me winter is still full effect but today   it is a completely different type of winter day  it is about 40 degrees outside here in michigan   completely different than my last camping trip  last time i was out here on new year's eve it   got down to 10 degrees fahrenheit so tonight it's  only supposed to get down to about 32 so that's a   lot better than what it was now this area that i'm  camping is on some property that my family owns   i'm gonna go ahead and get all of my gear i  just picked a spot to do some camping today's   video we'll go over a couple different things and  we'll go over hot tent safety some tips and tricks   to help keep your tent warm what gear you need  because on my first trip i didn't have all the   gear i needed so this video will tell you a little  bit more about what gear i purchased since then   to help make my stay out here a little bit more  comfortable so without that let's go ahead and get going so the first thing that i'm going to do now that  i got all my stuff out here i'm going to get this   opened up and i'm going to pull the tent out  i always like setting that up first before   i do anything else um it is about 12 30 in the  afternoon like i said the temperature is close   to 40 degrees right now it's been warmer it's  fluctuating a decent amount i'm out here by myself i will be using in today's video is the  wild haven ultra light camping tent that   one tigress offers now it comes with one pole  the tent and then some stakes now there are extra   strings that come with the tent to spread out the  tent a little bit more on the sides and it didn't   come with enough stakes for that so this past week  i went to walmart and i bought some extra stakes   so i'll have a little bit more um pull away on  the sides because the walls were kind of pulling   up right where i was sleeping and i was feeling  all of the ice build up on the side of the tent   on the back of my sleeping bag and it got cold  a little bit i i had my sleeping bag it was warm   but it still didn't make that much more of a  difference let's go ahead and get this set up now i do want to find some place kind  of flat where i'm gonna be laying last   one was kind of on a slant so i'm  gonna look for some place like that over and tight so i mentioned earlier in the video that i've  got some new gear that i'm going to be using   and this is the first piece of gear now this  is an insulated emergency blanket slash tarp   it's going to be big enough for me to put  underneath my cot and it should protect a little   bit more dryness from the ground um on the inside  you can see it's got this reflective material   and i'm hoping that this will keep some of  the heat off of the ground and reflect it back   up in the tent so let's go ahead and get  this put down now i do plan on putting   velcro on the side of this and velcroing  it up to the side of the inside of the tent   that way all the condensation that was building  up that was hitting the side of the tent won't   be actually hitting me because there will  be an additional wall in there that should   prevent condensation so that's what i'm  hoping for with this let's get it put in now the part that i mentioned that i  was going to be velcroing is going to   be this back half here up to this  wall to make that little false   back each side comes with a little  stake i'm going to stake those into this should prevent it from  moving around at all on me all right so i got the velcro i'm hoping it  sticks to this pretty good let's start with   this piece here and stick this to the back of this  pull a little bit farther down to give it room   so i just stuck that one piece of  artwork to the back of this side here   now i'm going to do the same down on this side  push up on it i'm gonna try to get a grip on it the velcro is not gonna work i have another  idea let's pull that off so there are these   little corner parts here i think i  could take this this goes to the door   and i could just put it  around on this side like this and through the hole and  that should hold that side   up let's see if i can do the same  on the other side that's gonna work   we'll see what it looks like once i have my  cod up in here i'm gonna go grab my cot next   this cot was one of the best purchases that  i had made before i came out last time it got   me up off the ground and kept me a lot warmer i  don't know if you know this snow is really cold so do you see how this comes up behind i  know this doesn't stick right there but   at least i'm hoping this keeps some of the heat  up and where my bedding is now the next piece   of material that i bought that's going to make  this so much more comfortable than last time   is a sleeping mat so what that does is it's  going to create a layer of air between me   and the cot which is going to help me stay a  lot warmer than i would have been i was really   warm last time with my sleeping bag don't get  me wrong but i think that this little mat will   just make it that much better to be sleeping  up off the ground so that's one of my tips   i highly recommend getting a sleeping mat and  a cot i'm going to get the sleeping mat on this   sleeping mat is super lightweight and made by a  company called invoker i paid i believe like 25   or 30 dollars for it off of amazon i will go ahead  and put the link down in the description as well   it blows up super fast um there's a lot of little  ridges and stuff in it so it makes it easy and   quick to blow up now this particular mat does  have a um pump built into it that you can use   but i pulled it out and i didn't like the the  pump i like it doesn't work very well at all   so i prefer to blow this up by mouth it does  not take long um can't do it from this side this   this right here is what i was talking about  there's a foam mat in here that you're supposed   to be able to squeeze and it's supposed  to fill this up with air it does not work   so if you're looking for a mat that has that  option built in specifically i wouldn't recommend   this mat but if you're if you're okay blowing  up the map by yourself it doesn't take long i'm   going to show you i highly recommend this thus  far let's go ahead and get this thing blown up so the way the little valve works it's a  little check valve that's built into the   back so it doesn't let any air out see that  it's got large ridges coming through here   and it adds about two and a half inches  of thickness between me and the cot   that two and a half inches is gonna make  a difference now this air is gonna get   warm from my body heat and that's  gonna help keep me warm tonight too and it is fairly comfortable now i did read up  that people are having issues with other mats   where they fill them up with air and they're when  they turn on their side or anything they feel it   up against their cot or the ground with this i'm  finding that the way that they distributed all of   the air in the mat that it it that doesn't happen  at all my body's not touching i'm it's like being   on an airpad like an air mattress and it's crazy  how like difference that that's going to be warm   i'm excited about that i need to get this stove  set up and i need to get some wood cut before   it gets to be nighttime it's about 1 30 now i  got the tent part set up i've got my cot set up   um the tent i set up wrong last time i forgot some  steps um i didn't realize that the little ring   spots are where i could put something rather than  the strings that come off of them so i've got more   room in here today so the outside parts are pulled  out that wasn't like that last time i didn't have   the strings hooked up so that is another tip when  you were setting up the tent set it up correctly   this tent does not come with instructions you kind  of have to do it on your own but from watching   other hot tent videos on youtube i was able to  figure it out so make sure you're watching these   videos guys that single tip is gonna help  me have a lot more room in my tent today so   i'm gonna go ahead and get the stove  pulled out and get some of the wood cut so this is my little hot tent stove now when  i ordered this the company didn't send me   these little side panels you saw in my last video  that i had to use this little grill grate as the   little side i have since talked to the company and  they are sending out those two panels to me they   offered me a 40 refund on the product if i wanted  to continue to use the stove without it they also   offered to replace the entire thing but that  was going to take weeks and weeks because they   didn't have any currently available which sucked  because i just ordered it like days before that   so i'm currently still going to be using it how  i had it last time and it is okay it works great   none of the smoke got out really other than  when i was putting wood on top um to dry it   out that did get a little bit smoky in here and  i just opened up the sides and let it air out a   little bit so last video you saw that i was using  a piece of a couple pieces of pie tins with some   duct tape to hold the stove stack up i do have  this part now from one tigress um it got here   really quick within three days of ordering it so  if you're looking for a quick delivery and quick   delivery on products i highly recommend going  with one tigress products so what this does is it   keeps the stove stack from being able to touch the  actual tent and prevents it from burning so it's   really important to have this and it just sticks  up right up onto here onto this little velcro oh and now that part will be taken  care of better than some pie tents now i am gonna face this towards where i'm  sleeping tonight like last time so i have   easy access to go ahead and put firewood into  the stove and this back part connects right into   here for the stove set as i mentioned in my last  video i really like that this comes off the back   half of this and not off the top like on a lot of  other ones it just makes it a little bit easier to   control the smoke and the heat levels and it gives  me more room to cook up on top these pieces just   interlace into each other and they drop in like  that now i just have one last piece to put on i didn't think that was going to happen there was  snow on it and i was trying to get the snow off   there we go now i like that how the  end of this bends to the side of the 90   so to prevent the smoke from coming back  towards us it's really nice so now that i   have the stove and the tent set up i'm gonna get  out there and cut up a little bit of firewood   i did bring some food for tonight i got some steak  and potatoes but i did bring some mushrooms as   well some morels and a bunch of other random  foreign mushrooms that came in this pack   they're dehydrated i'm gonna rehydrate them and  get those cooked up tonight should be super good   if you saw the last video you found out that i  really like to cook i really like to eat too got   some trail mix going you guys need to make sure  you guys are eating plenty of stuff while you're   out here so you got plenty of energy um without  that you can get cold even your body when it's   digesting it's actually burning calories and  it's keeping you warm last time i came out here   i forgot my pan and my saw this time i did not  forget i got the salt here and go ahead and cut   some wood now i did bring some more of those  dirt flame logs last time i used them so they   don't fit in my stove like at all i have to cut  them i cut it a quarter of one off last time i   put it in and oh it was a bad idea it was too  hot the whole smokestack was just glowing red   so i brought some this time as well i'm gonna  cut them up into smaller pieces probably like   eight separate little pieces and i can feed that  to the fire throughout the night and it'll help   the dry wood just pick up and like start burning  a lot faster so i've got four of those those will   break into like 32 different little pieces i  also brought some to airplane fire starters what is nice and dry so we got two splits and the little pieces of wood  you're gonna get look like this now this is gonna   help them burn a lot easier than a full piece  would be because the inside will be able to the   fire i'm gonna split the rest of this wood and  then i'm going to cut up those airplane logs all right i'm taking a little bit of a breather  i just got all that wood cut and split i got it   stacked up in there should be enough for the  night it's not too cold tonight so i don't   think i'm gonna need that much i also have these  dura flame logs that i mentioned now typically you   would just put this whole thing in the fire this  is not that type of situation these do not fit   so i have to take and open it i don't know if  you've ever seen the inside of a duraplane log bag   this is what it looks like it's just this  giant puck and it feels really tight and packed   i'm gonna cut slivers of this off probably  the size of hockey pucks all the way down   and throughout the night i can put these  in there with the other wood just to keep   the fire going these are supposed to burn  for an hour and a half long the whole thing   so i think i can make it last a lot longer if i  split it up so it can fit in my stove so i'm gonna   cut a couple pieces of this off right now let's  see how easy it cuts last time i cut some of this   it was like 3 30 in the morning four in the  morning when my stove went out so i'm hoping that   it cuts pretty easy i think it will like i said  i'm just going to cut about hockey punch size off so it's cutting through like  a log wood i mean this is log there we go so i'm just gonna cut pucks  like this size and these are gonna burn   so hot that everything's just going  to warm right up these are almost like   instant warmers so we'll go ahead and cut up  a couple more of these and get those in there   it is still really warm out the sun's gone down  a little bit but it's still beautiful out here all right so i have all the firewood all cut up  and i'm hanging out in the tent now we using today   to light this fire believe it or not will be this  here handy dandy green lighter as well as one of   these handy dandy fire starters so i brought these  with me last time and they were completely handy   i'm still really warm i don't even  really know if it's necessary in here   i did bring a thermometer with me this time so  i can see what temperature it gets to tonight   i'm thinking that it's gonna get pretty warm in  the 10 at least i'm thinking in the 70s at least   it's only 32 out today or tonight i am steaming  right now um if you can tell my undershirt here   is soaking wet i am going to take this off as  soon as i'm done getting all my moving around done   so that i can stay warm the drier you are the more  warm you will stay so try not to sweat too much on a few other videos that i was watching  this week i saw that they were taking stones   and placing them near their stove to pull in  the heat and help keep the tent a lot warmer   throughout the night so luckily this big old  pile behind me are all stones so i'm gonna   go grab a couple of these stones and go get them  put in the tent and get them underneath the stove   so this is the giant pile of rocks i'm gonna  pick from and it looks like there's a bunch of   tiny ones up in here i do need to be careful  there is barbed wire out here if you see it   coming up through there oh the stone just moved  on me that just rocked out from underneath me   all right they don't need to be too large i'm  wondering if what stones hold the heat in the best   let's grab this one i think this looks like  one good one let's grab a couple of them   we'll just go ahead and toss that over there   i'm gonna grab a couple flat ones like this to put  up on the side easier to fit up underneath better let's try this style of rock as well and see if  that'll help out i think three should be plenty   man it feels so good to have all my stuff set up  and have all my wood cut i can start to relax a   little bit now i am getting hungry so dinner is  definitely going to be something that's happening   soon the sun is starting to set and it is so  beautiful out here guys look at that the sky   is just blue with the white streaks through it  really beautiful so i just got two of these rocks   put under the other one is way up underneath  and if i move this you can see it up behind it   the flat one fit up there really well right  up behind it oh yeah and this is getting warm   because my gloves are starting to dry up  i put my gloves up on the side here to dry and it is working i didn't talk too much  about my lantern last time i was out   it's just a really simple propane  lantern this just slides up and out there we go so this part just comes here  i've got my tank of propane here brand new   the last one i had was also brand new but  i've got some that are half empty in my car i'll just twist this right onto here this little lantern worked really really  well for some light in here last time   i got to get those threads started there  we go you can see i've got my lantern lit   think i'm to the point guys  where i can just start to relax   starting to get a little bit hungry i brought a  ribeye steak some little mini potatoes an onion   i've got that's just like my dinnery stuff i've  got some trail mix and jerky to snack on tonight   um oh and i cannot wait to show you guys the  salt that i got i'm using some sriracha salt   so i'm excited to use that i'm really enjoying  camping a lot before new year's eve i had never   gone out by myself before to camp so that was a  very new thing for me and i'm really getting the   hang of it i think i mean i'm splitting wood  i got a little fire going i didn't die last   time so that's cool that gave me some hope i did  just get a pair of brand new boots from a company   called xpeti i bought them on amazon they were 79  when i ordered them they suggested that you order   a half size smaller than you typically wear so i  typically wear a ten and a half so i ordered a ten   they came and they were so freaking small i  sent them right back and i ordered a size that   was a size and a half bigger and the size  and the half bigger was the perfect fit so   if you need to buy some boots from them buy  sizes bigger the smaller ones didn't do it   for me even though i don't know what it is  other people in the comments said that they   hadn't had that issue and that when they ordered  smaller it worked good for them so order bigger so as you can see my shirt is completely soaking  wet always bring dry clothes i brought a dry   shirt to change into now this cold water will  dry you out super fast it is freezing out here   um so you want to keep like i said  dry dry is key that's going to keep me   a heck of a lot warmer yeah i got my dry  clothes on now the sweatshirt was dry just   my shirt was wet now to keep warm the best way  to do that this is another tip for you guys   so your first layer of clothing should  be something that's going to suck nice fluffy and really really warm you want to  have a layer where all the warmth is going to   stay in but it's still breathable where all of  that moisture can evaporate off of your body   as you can tell before all the moisture was being  locked in to my t-shirt i was sweating a lot but   this sweatshirt was completely dry that shirt that  i put on first was doing its job to soak in all   the moisture and that is why i bring extra clothes  and extra shirts when i go camping so i can swap   them out i'm gonna go ahead and get some dinner  starting before it's too late i think i'm gonna   turn a movie on while i'm cooking and do some  relaxing it should be a good time so i'm gonna   go ahead and get started on cooking these are the  mushrooms that i have that i was telling about the   dehydrated mushrooms you can see the morels so  the types of mushrooms that are included in this   mushroom pack morels porcini chanterelles oyster  shiitake and lobster mushrooms so there's a whole   bunch of different types of mushrooms i know i  probably pronounced some of those wrong it's okay   so i'm gonna rehydrate these and  to do so i've got this little i'm gonna need one of these cups for my hot  chocolate for dinner but i've got this little   guy that i'm gonna pour some water to and get it  on the stove and we'll get them all warmed up and   rehydrated real quick pretty exciting i've never  seen a rehydrated mushroom so i don't know how big   they're gonna get i got my mushrooms in the cup  i'm gonna go ahead and just set it on the side   here next to the pan the whole side there gets  pretty warm i'm just going to let that dehydrate   a little bit not dehydrate it rehydrate spread  this oil around in here i'm going to get these   potatoes up in there i love campfire food so  much and normally i just stick to potatoes and   steak for the most part these are the little  potatoes i got just some organic dynamic duos   yeah that'll be good all right let's get  this steak seasoned when it comes to steak   i don't like to over season my steak steak  just needs salt and pepper typically guys   but today i was feeling a little frow a little  uh crazy and i brought some different stuff   clearly i'm going to use salt and pepper  because those are my go-to's for anything steak so we're going to go ahead and add some pepper  to this steak now let's look at this steak first   that is a beautiful rib eye i've been really  into ribeye steaks lately it's like my go-to you guys look how beautifully  marbled this steak is   i love rib eyes this company the san francisco  salt company makes crazy different salts and   this salt is sriracha flavored salt now i have  never experienced anything like that before   i don't typically oh i don't typically  do hot stuff um it messes with my stomach   but it smells like sriracha smells good go  ahead and add some of that to the outside i'm gonna add a couple more  little pieces of coal into there and get it nice and hot so i did bring a meat thermometer with me let's  go ahead and check the temperature of the steak   right now it's about 125. we're gonna go ahead  and call the steak done pull that up and out looks so a little good and  nice and buttery and salty   you guys the view here is amazing let me turn the  camera on show you guys the view i'm looking at   so when i'm sitting here in this tent  that is what i am looking at right now   it is really warm in here and it's just beautiful if you haven't gone out into the woods by  yourself or if you're going through a tough   time or anything i highly suggest  getting out in the woods like this   no other place i'd rather be this right  here is a morale mushroom it is really good it's weird eating that in the winter so if you look into there it's a nice medium  rare all the way through cook that perfect okay   i got all dinner done and now i've set some  of these stones i put a stone up on top and   that is just sucking in all of the heat from this  fire going on i just threw a couple logs in there   but it is going really well it is warm in this  tent guys i had the door open for a while while   i was cooking because it was so warm i think this  rock is going to do a really good job at holding   in a lot of the heat in this place i also have  the ones on the side and up underneath it so it   should make a huge difference it is now closer to  60 degrees fahrenheit in this tent and it feels   good i i'm comfortable um this pad underneath  me that i blew up at the beginning of the video   that was more necessary than i thought it was  going to be it is so comfortable like so so   comfortable to set up and my back has been  like not hurting all day because of it the   last time my back i was having back issues the  next day um but this this is helping a lot um   i got dinner all done all cooked i got everything  all cleaned up and i'm just hanging out i'm going   to start watching some movies here in a little  bit and it has been a really really good day guys   i love getting out here and showing you guys  what i'm doing and getting out and camping   this is just the second hot tub video i've  made and i plan on making so many more   um if you guys have any recommendations  around the state of michigan for me to go   camping go ahead and drop those down below in the  comments coming to visit we're going to pick up adam   so my cousin and his family just stopped back here  and it was really cool to show them the little   tent um a lot of people don't know what to expect  when they first hear that i've got a hot tub a lot   of people think it's going to be a lot bigger  than it is and there's going to be more room   but there's not i've got a lot of stuff  in here you could sleep two people   in this wildhaven ultralight tent but you're  gonna want to bring another tent with you to set   all your belongings in like all your gear i've got  this big tote that i put all of my camping stuff   in with him pull along with me and if with that  being in here there's no room for two people so   um i would definitely recommend putting that  in a separate tent if you are trying to bring   two people out to tent in the hot tub so  i'm gonna go ahead and get these boots off   climb up in my sleeping bag here soon and  watch a movie um i haven't decided what i'm   watching tonight i have some options i've  got full metal jacket ted and little nicky   so i decided i was gonna go  ahead and watch little nicky all right guys just wanted to check in and  let you guys know what is going on so it is   really warm in this tent right now um so i've  taken some of these body warmers these hot pads   they have stickers so i stuck one to my  front one to my back and then stuck some   to my feet you don't see it because i put them on  underneath these socks i've got a pair of socks on   and then i've got one of these heat pads and then  i have another pair of socks on and i found that   that is keeping my feet really really warm um  it is really warm in here like i said as is   i'm going to go ahead and show you guys exactly  how warm it is so if you are looking on here   it is about 72 degrees fahrenheit in this tent  right now and that is on the lower half let's see   how warm it is up top i'm just going to hold this  up here for a minute so today has been completely   awesome i'm watching full metal jacket right now  um the stove is going really good so cutting those   dura flame logs into pucks was the best thing  i could have done um i'm definitely gonna keep   doing that i might even cut them in half again  and make them even smaller because i think the   hockey puck size ones are still too big the  stove jack on the back is getting red hot still   which is okay um it's dissipating within like  a foot up which is cool um and then up top it's   not even touching a rubbing over there where it  exhausts out so that's not an issue okay let's see   oh wow and up top let's see if i can get  it for you it is almost it's about 83 to   84 degrees at the top of this tent so it is  warm in here i'm in a t-shirt guys like i am   like pretty much near sweating it's very  dry in here however else it would be   like i said the fire is still going  good these rocks up here have been   like lifesavers these things get super warm and  it's making it stay warm in here and they radiate   i can feel the heat coming from these rocks  uh let's say almost a foot and a half away   let me go ahead and open this up it is burning  really good in here still not good i had my phone   too close to the fire and i got an overheating  warning luckily it's 26 degrees outside so i   just shoved my phone under the side of the tent  and it cooled right back down so no more problems   there i'm just gonna keep watching another movie  and after that i'm probably just gonna call it a   night um it's been a really good night so i'm  about to call it a night um a ton of deer just   came through here they were like literally within  like five foot of my tent i was kind of hoping   one of them would trip up on one of the blah the  cords i have pulling up the tent on the sides but   got the fire going got some dare  flame logs up in there for the night   i will see you guys in the morning so i just  woke up to put some more wood in the fire   fire's still going pretty  good it's still warm in here good morning the roosters are out there screaming  good morning at me the fire's still going good i   woke up a few times last night to add more wood  to the fire and that seemed to work really well   this morning when i woke up i cut up two more of  these duraflame log chunks next time i'm gonna cut   up three of them um i only cut up two this time  thinking that's all i would need and i'm down to   my last three logs which is perfect because that's  really all i need that's enough for another like   hour and a half two hours and it'll be daylight by  then and i'll be able to pack up and head out um   hear that there's the roosters in the background  okay let's address the next issue so this morning   when i was sitting here i look up and there's red  marks up on the side of the tent three of them   i was able to get a couple of one of them out  before it burned a hole but there's three holes   burned in my tent um it's got to be from these  duraflame logs being so hot maybe smaller chunks   um that sucks i'm gonna have to get some patches  for that but that won't be a problem i can fix   that up easy so the sun is making it bright out  a little bit it's not sunny but it's bright out   i can see it's daytime i think i'm gonna go for a  little walk and get my muscles moving get myself   warmed up i've been letting the stove burn out  for like the last 20 30 minutes so i haven't   added anything else to it it's just about done  i'm thinking so i'm gonna go ahead and head out and just like that everything is packed up   that's gonna be all for today's episode guys  if you liked today's episode make sure to hit   subscribe and get those alerts turned on i  post new clips to my youtube every single   friday and i post new clips to my instagram  every single day so i'll see you guys next week

2021-02-25 08:16

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