Winter overnight adventure with skis | Taival Outdoors

Winter overnight adventure with skis | Taival Outdoors

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How's it going everyone welcome back to  Taival Outdoors my name is Joel I’m on this   great looking bog today it's Friday  stopped working early to get outside   spend the night here it's actually the same place   where I was last spring but then I was with fat  bike and I think my camp was somewhere over there   but now wind is coming from south southeast so  I’m thinking that I'll get to treeline over there   looking towards the bog and set up camp  there to be a bit more sheltered on the wind Thanks for joining in let's have  a great little winter adventure! I think that rock over there looks like pretty  good wind block it's definitely quite liberating   skiing on a bog hard work but I've seen  mostly just game trails around here so   I’m guessing I get to be all by myself,  so this is the rock that I mentioned Now I’m thinking that instead of staying  down here maybe I should just find my way   up there and set up camp there could be a nice  view from up there sounds like a plan to me. One final push. All right I made it up  here I’m looking around I still have those trees to block the wind  that is coming from that direction   and I have these two three  three these two trees here which I’m probably going to use for my shelter  I don't have a DD 3x3 tarp with me at this time   but a bit smaller shelter so I might be able to  fit it in between but first I need to hydrate oh okay so that took absolutely no time at all I  have that one piece of paracord running there   over my seat but I figured that I will  build a new cooking area over here in terms of the shelter itself this is 2GoSystems Trifecta it has a reflective  surface here underneath I’m not going to have any   open fire or anything but still nice to have and  also blend in quite nicely in terms of the size I do fit underneath just about  I can also sit up good head room   so just by eyeballing it in terms of the  height I think it came out pretty nicely   next up I will lay up my new sleeping pad we'll  see how it looks if it's any different from   the old one and also my sleeping bags then  it's time to make some lunch very late lunch all right so there's the sleep system my winter  sleeping bag and a bivvy bag and this sleeping pad   I don't know looks exactly like my old one except  I think these texts were black in the old one   so in case you're wondering what I’m  talking about old versus new Exped   sleeping pads I will put a link up there or  a card but basically my old one broke on me   but luckily the Exped warranty held and  I got a refund and I bought a new one   what I thought would be exactly the same but the  name had changed slightly and some specs also   slightly but it should be more or less the  same pad at least by the looks of it, it is.   As the first dish I’m making spicy noodle soup and  actually I’m testing out this Tactical Fire Pot   and seeing if that truly works during the  winter so there's a bit of a flame visible there let's see how it goes well my tests with the Tactical  Fire Pot didn't go super well   you can see all that in the video  that I going to link up here   once it's done I decided to come under this tarp  anyway since I have a good seat that lifts me   up from the cold ground and if this reflects  back some heat then I’m happy to have that one I’m in the process of melting snow now to my   first meal of the day spicy noodle soup all it  needs is a bit of beef jerky to, well, beef it up that should do it hmm oh yeah we are maybe one hour away from sunset and  this is my first meal of the day okay so while I’m waiting for the main dish to  become ready and rehydrated I think it's time to   put a warm layer on although I really like this  Ace Winter Combat Shirt especially when moving   this was again today very warm excellent for  carrying a backpack and moving during cold   temperatures it's still you know it's still not  enough when I’m stationary just sitting here   I just checked and it's only minus eight  maybe minus nine degrees so not super cold   but anyway better to put an additional layer  now that I’m still not chilled to the bone this is of course Keli Luppo  merino wool jacket I've been   using and testing as a part of my cooperation  with Keli for quite many months now   it's a simple product but I've  found it to be quite versatile oh yeah I think there might be still enough juice  for one batch let's see I've placed again this lantern here solar lantern waiting it  to get dark enough to light it up definitely   although it is cloudy immediately  when the sun went behind those trees   I could begin to feel that  temperatures are dropping   at least a bit but then again if it stays  cloudy like this it won't get won't get down to   I don't know down to -15 or 20 or anything like  that I think it's going to hover very close to -10 tonight funnily enough it was -22 -23 a couple  of days ago in the morning and looking at the   forecast it's supposed to be +1 this Sunday  so now it's Friday evening so in just two days but strange week in terms of weather  and also next week looks fairly warm   around here as well so I figured that this is  time when I need to get out and stay outside   out in the woods for the night testing now  the new old sleeping pad and see if it's   still the same and anyway there can never  be enough of these winter trips I think then I still have a beautiful curious dessert I'd say winter survival food honey  I have honey quite often but rarely in this format I think I’m going to put some into my cup and   maybe a bit of hot water on  top to get a honey tea going on cheers this is life all right I guess it's time to call this a night this lantern really  is quite a bit of light considering   that it's a solar powered lantern  so it's not that bright but   in this snowy environment with this  reflecting tarp seems to work now I will just   fold up this shirt and put it here to get a  pillow for myself like so seems about perfect this Luppo jacket I will keep close by either right here or tuck it  in the bivvy bag just in case it does   get cold during the night I highly doubt it  but you never know it's easier to pull it   out of the bivvy bag than this dry bag during  the night so it doesn't hurt to be prepared all right I think that's everything I’m ready  to go to bed I'll see you all in the morning good morning looks like we've received a bit of a   fresh snowfall last night like I said in my  previous winter camping video it always snows   when I’m out winter camping regardless  of the forecast every night always snows yes there has definitely been some  build up but the tarp held up nicely nicely no problem bivvy bag of course  did its job kept my sleeping bag dry still does snow a bit not a lot very light snow I think it might be a bit warmer  day today than it was yesterday   which isn't necessarily a good  thing when it comes to skiing but it is what it is now the first  thing and the best way to improve   my current situation is to make some  coffee so I packed up my sleeping bags   still leaving the bivvy bag and sleeping  pad out here it's time to try to find my cookware from here aw yes  most important piece of it all   coffee pot and yeah I’m aware that  my rucksack wasn't under the tarp but   it's very limited space and I am a tall guy so I  needed pretty much all of it but it doesn't matter if your rucksack can't handle  a bit of snow accumulation then   I suggest you get a better rucksack so while  the coffee is getting ready I figured it's a   good time to talk a bit about my skis  so these are made by Kuusisto their   snow line apparently I don't know what kind of  other lines they would have besides snow NeverWax   680 and as you probably can tell they are not  modern cross-country skis these are in fact my   grandpa's which I then sort of inherited for  anyone who's gone at least through the Finnish   Defense Forces conscript service this type  of binding system is very familiar with those   so these attach to certain type of rubber boots  and actually the boots I’m wearing are also from   my grandpa and these are Finnish Defense Forces  surplus boots and actually if I’m not mistaken   a couple of years older than myself this is a bit  wider than modern skis and of course my favorite   part is the fact that this here never wax so  I don't have to fiddle around with any type of   waxes or anything I guess you could still  do something to these but I've chosen not to   because they work just fine enough for me they're  still faster than walking faster than snowshoes   so that's good enough and they do have a bit of  flotation properties as well because they are a   tad wider I don't know the if the length of these  skis is good enough or suitable for my height   or any other properties but I’m not that big  of a ski snob yet that I would really care   so very basic very sturdy you know full metal  bindings a plane is flying somewhere over there   that's a something that I haven't heard for a long  time so if there's something positive out of this   current plague situation that is going around the  world is that there hasn't been a lot of planes   and being outdoors has been a lot more enjoyable  because of that but only thing that I’m a bit   concerned is that how long these bindings will  last on me and if there is in fact a place where   I could get a replacement if these get broken I  haven't checked that out but we'll see and I've   been also thinking a bit about getting those fancy  OAC sliding snowshoes especially the shortest   model because I think the longer ones are too  close to these type of skis that I don't really   see a point in getting a pair of those but the  more I think about that purchase the less I’m sort of interested about it after all because  those costs I don't know 350 euros or something   I’m sure they are really good but I  haven't had a chance to test those out   and I figured the amount of skiing I do outdoors  I already have these so why not use these   I thought that I would want to  have those short and wide skis to   be able to better go in deep woods but  I came through some pretty thick bush   yesterday and I didn't have any issues this  provided enough floatation on that snow and   and I managed to maneuver with this just fine of  course I had rucksack on and didn't drag ahkio   behind me so maybe that changed something maybe  not but anyway if there's one thing that I need to   consider getting is some type of overpants because  with this setup there's always the possibility   that if I brush off some branches or something the  snow falls inside my rubber boots that's of course   not optimal so some type of pants that would  go over my pants and over these boots would be   then maybe on the shopping list but I'll leave it  that for the next winter season so NeverWax 680   pretty old school some would say compared to a  lot of the gear that I use but I haven't never   considered old stuff to be bad or worse than the  modern gear in fact I started my outdoor hobby at least this current one with pretty much only   using military surplus gear and I still have  some and actively use but I've been just   kind of upgrading to lighter materials and  things like that more modern innovations   MOLLE and PALS compatible things and so forth  but every now and then they've done something   so good that there is absolutely no need to  upgrade it such is the case with these skis yes let's have a taste shall we another night spent in the woods  another great morning coffee cheers let's see how things look underneath   hmm bit of a heat loss definitely more visible  from this back side of the pad it's wet and   started to freeze a bit so as I said  before although the name is SynMat HL   Winter still I would recommend bringing another  maybe like a summer sleeping pad something   lightweight and easy to carry and bring  that place it first and then this one on top   not just for the warmth but to keep this pad also  then dry good thing is that this is SynMat so   synthetic insulation which I do prefer over down  for certain products such as sleeping pads because   again it's difficult to dry down but with  synthetic insulation is not that big of a deal the best way to get all the  air out of your sleeping pad very relaxing as well one two three all right I think I’m about  ready now just one layer off   and also what's really important  at this point is to remember to open up these pit zips it's better  to do this now before I get sweaty   you should feel a bit chilled a bit cold that's how you know that you dressed properly  for the activities you're about to embark on   these Varusteleka merino wool liner gloves are   very nice but don't last that long all  right one final thing before heading out I want to of course fire up my  GPS and then get some sort of   bearing I’m taking a different route out  this time or different route from yesterday let's see how long does it  take for the Garmin to wake up   this time I’m seriously amazed that this  is the best thing that hikers and such   have access to It's bulky heavy extremely slow  in fact everything about this reminds me of the   old Nokia phones from like 20 years ago  and it's full of features that no one ever   I just want to have a device that shows  me map, tracks my location and my routes   and that's it maybe that's too much to ask from a  GPS unit I want to start to get going roughly to   northwest not quite so maybe 340 degrees then I  will just pick some kind of a landmark maybe those   trees over there and that's my rough bearing for  now okay a hood would be nice in this weather but I'll manage so getting closer to the edge of the forest now has been relatively easy going actually these skis really helped  a lot this would have been   quite a bit slower on snowshoes you can see  a lot of game trail game trails here as well I guess my eyes are not  playing tricks on me after all I think I have found a trail that I was  looking for at least there's a clear path   now going through this wood so easy to follow but anyway thanks for joining me on  this winter camping and skiing trip do check out the videos here on the left  there's more of the same goodness over there   you've been watching Taival Outdoors my name  is Joel I will see you all in the next one

2021-02-27 20:00

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