WILDBAD WEEKEND 2021 | #Fasty-Rides

WILDBAD WEEKEND 2021 | #Fasty-Rides

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yo guys i'm faster ride and welcome today we  are at the wild bad weekend we reach aveda   we've got gaz in front of us yeah now we're  a bit late getting here so you had to fill up   registering that and he was waiting with a lad  who was uh putting some uh air in his tires so uh yeah we're on the ride out now so  apparently today i've got about 150 miles   i'm gonna stop for a brew break in a bit and uh yeah we'll see where the day goes but i  think we're going to get to see some nice scenery trying dab sure of course we're  just hoping that that weather stays   off because honestly my hands  are pissed wet through right now the roads are damp so we're just  gonna have to take it a little steady not that i'm worried about these  tyres or oaks the good tyres i've even put my thermal liner in today  because it would have been it's a lot   cooler actually it was only 10 degrees  when i left the house this morning seven but apparently we've got to catch  up with all the others and there's   there's absolutely [ __ ] loads of people here i i would say there's about  300 to 350 maybe is quite a lot so i think i've seen teapot one here i've  obviously received richie vida igor and gaz and uh yeah not seen any other youtubers  yet crazy legs i haven't seen him no doubt there'll be some other  youtubers that i don't even know about   so far the jacket's holding up a little bit  it's still still letting water in in places but it's not too bad apparently oh i know  where we are that's i went to that garage   there to look at a bmw convertible and he  [ __ ] tried rock ribbing me off big time   all they would do right i had two cars to  trade in and all he would do is give me the   money that i spent on it to get it through  mot and then he wanted somewhat like uh 600 pound a month for this bmw convertible yeah  we're nice but jesus christ it wasn't that nice plowing i have been up this  road before like i said but not on the bike but at  least we've got a full tank now just took that mag down because i don't want you  to get loads of wind noise we've got some learners in front of us in an accident or something  is that a cop car could be i hope i get loads of footage for  you this weekend guys i really do   but [ __ ] you know if the weather's [ __ ] like  this we're going home early yep copper's look oh i don't know refreshments  at uh yonderman's calf we haven't been there before wheat in these fields are barley i don't  know which one it is but the the uh it's   red see that down here to be honest in  derbyshire well i've never seen it before you know what little caught them all up how misty is up here jesus  we're in the bloody clouds look at this review you can  see hills right in the distance   big hills as well at that stunning  gym it's too [ __ ] cloudy yeah i'm just gonna feel like shriveled prunes  i'll tell you he swept through these gloves   not waterproof in the slightest in  fact they're like [ __ ] sponges i think i will have the web  yes when we get to the cafe oh look at this guys this  is cool how amazing is that cool oh there's another one castleton  guys lovely little town less it gets busy though it's summer so so hmm look at all these and i thought i got out quick so and we're off again boys and girls maybe  actually i had a look at my analytics   and it's literally all guys that  watch my video there is not one like   .01 of females so i don't think any females  have watched my video apart from one that i know   even though she will have watched  it on her boyfriend's account actually stunning in there well quad up there hey we can dry the grips out put the heated  grips on let's get this quarry up here in fact i'm sure i've been in that  quarry with me dad in his land rover and i think that's the lane  that richie goes down sometimes you can see him right up the [ __ ] hill there's  a camper van right at the top of the line there's   motorbikes behind it which is probably us a lot [  __ ] mad in it and there's still a lot behind us devonshire arms nice jack gonna  have to dump it here sorry guys should we go meet jake guys  jbl's motor vlogs give michelle what's that musical let's go meet jackie boy jbl vlogs faster right i saw you   at the other place and i once showed it  with you and i'm like then i'm looking hey   yeah styles out yeah that's all right are  you following me all the way no because i   was looking for your bike i was like i'm sure  it's jim jbl blogs but i can't remember i said   i know that he's got this bike but i'm looking  for it and all i see is gs's and everything everywhere yeah exactly twins as well yeah  yeah and then i saw when i came in i saw the   bike and i saw i saw you and if oh yeah i'm sure  he's him and then i saw the bike and i like yes   so i [ __ ] parked up and i thought right  i'll run across and say hello and everything faster ride yeah i only live in triangle  so it's not far from you oh yeah no i didn't know there were one nice it's them  guys you know you see me in that always footage   all right now they're just a group  for life you all join and if anybody's i'll probably join that cause  i'll go out on some rides anyway i'll see you in a bit  i'll leave you to it cheers what a house look at that that's gorgeous then all right guys i'm going to  show you the campsite now   this is hilarious [ __ ] tents  everywhere bikes everywhere   proper good but it's [ __ ] lashed it down  earlier on big time oh that's faster i stand there yes that's the mackie over there  apparently people get a bit rat   legged in it so it's going to be fun and  games tonight we're gonna have some tea so yeah yeah so this is it   wow bad weekend 2021 here we come i've already run  into jbl vlogs he's up there with his girlfriend we're in a car actually i don't know  if he's uh i don't know if he's staying   cat but he had a tent see mr fish  teapot one not bruce lee richards that's that yeah you better step into  the light just give it a try think that   it's time you let that spark out  you've been hiding in the shadows who cares shouldn't doubt yourself you've been hiding in the shadows way too   if is mr steve scott's just arrived everybody  the man that sorted all our bikes and   looks after all our bikes where is he  is the man right let's get this phone oh so the traffic lights are [ __ ] yeah so that's  gonna be about 15 minutes apart very quickly   so this is like when you do before market   imagine people that we see that get off have  a [ __ ] and you're just like we just and this   one looks like just i'll catch your face like you  don't know where we're [ __ ] yeah we've had this   before so we have to like when you bite come on  and then we'll play catch up i've never done it   before it's easy as long as they stay  where they need where we need them to be   what's cable for charging cameras all right  so all i've got is mine's up back at helmet   yeah oh you've been having there yeah so all we've  do is just tuck it up inside pocket ah right yeah   an hour no code do you have a battery in yours yes  yes i i heard that if you took yeah if you take   the battery out then it just runs off that but i  get loads of issues with stabilizer it like goes   on and off so it's like can be really jerky yeah  and then smooth so i put the battery in and then   you've just got to make sure it's full to start  off with then you get five or six hours off that   does not keep it going at all because i said  we by the time with this power bank i've got   and we're plugged in by the time we're done  the battery's still full yeah mine is but if   the battery is half cooked half gone and i've  got that in it's trying to charge the battery   and then when you press record it sometimes takes  the mic from there or the mic inside here it's a   bit which one you are you want nine yeah yeah i'm  already seven they're all [ __ ] temperamental   oh hi they're paying it [ __ ] ass and they're  an ex expensive and they don't work as this here the joys of cameras but yeah we we eventually  went to powerback safety we were fed up with   pulling up every hour your battery got  there okay then you carry like yeah

2021-08-11 21:40

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