Why Kunming Made Me Cry Heartfelt Travel Vlog

Why Kunming Made Me Cry  Heartfelt Travel Vlog

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hello and welcome to another video I am here in China and my name is Wilco and today I'm in the city of conim which is in the southern part of China in the province of yunan I'm going to be visiting a village which has I think up to 26 different ethnic minorities that live here in China let's go along this bridge it's not that bad M oh wow you're smoking a cigarette from the stick wow that's so cool M that's good what is all this oh ah amazing should the ringing Bell for the best [Music] wishes I don't know why that's moved me so much so we got here in the end all of the detail and the gold the blue and the green so this is the Gateway which is like the entrance into the village this Yan minorities Village is really special I'll tell you why because it's got 25 different minorities that are in this province all in one place and it has different Villages that it's built where people show their local clothing the local dance the food that they would eat and it's all tried to be kept in the most traditional style now yunan is very interesting Providence it's where I'm going to be for the next 5 days really I'm going to be visiting three other cities I'm here in Kim which is current is the capital but then I'm going to be moving on to Del for one night tomorrow which is one of the oldest apparently Chinese towns that still exists and then after that I'm going to be heading up to lingan for two nights before I then fly out of this province to give you kind of a an idea of this province and where it sits in China it's right at the South so it's bordering Vietnam Laos and Burma and the population here is around 42 million people so it's a lot it's almost the same population as the whole of the UK in just this one province of China 45 million people are in this province and coming is very important because this is actually known as as the Eternal spring this history here has been around for about 2,400 years it's actually celebrated as where the Silk Road began which allowed trade to be happen with Tibet and also uh with myamar and also with India so it's got a very special place in terms of its history here look at all of these beautiful Lily PS here flowers been learning some um Chinese words and the car we've got niow which is hello you've got jayen which is goodbye we've got J which is thank you J it's a hard one to pronounce cuz when you try and do transliteration of like how does it in English letters how would that sound but it's hard for that one it's like x i e x i e and there's not really an English way of going J sh sh sh let's see how I get on using some of these words oh I might mess myself a coffee first I think neow um oh let me see if I can use this phrase Ching j y Cafe it's a oat milk coffee okay ah perfect okay perfect 36 36 yes yes 20 oh 26 perfect yep wow look at this armed with my latte in the hand and I'm stepping outside to this it's like being in a old traditional village already this is amazing okay let me ask if oh there's a free tourism brochure how uh do I need to pay for a ticket oh ah there a map okay cool take it to the next building and then I've got the timetable but it's all in Chinese but I know that's actually an English version online so I'm okay with that I can I can find that website it's a very good website I'll link to it in the description it's actually got maps of all the underground stations of all the major cities in China and English it tells you all about what lines to get when you get off the airport aha neow one please can I pay alip pay do I want to pay for this oh it's dumb amazing simple right how wow okay so we're heading this way how Wonder all those people are dressed up for cuz if they're not the people from the tribes maybe they're just here for their own meow I need to say about a million times before I remember it okay we've just entered the village I think we've just crossed over this bridge here this is where the entry ticket offices so now there's all these different areas but there's not any English man there's a couple of different ways you can basically transport yourself around this because it's so big you'll see here that there's 26 different villages to visit so in theory you'd think you come over here I go left I'll start number one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I suppose there's two routs here isn't there there's a blue route there's a yellow route or there's a red route now what I read online is that there's different times where there's different performances from different groups presuming that's in their Villages so we probably want to get to one of the villages so we can see one of these performances but then also to get around this place it's huge from what I read online that you can get different ways of getting around so you can either H or get a seat on one of these cars or you can even I think maybe get a bike so I think I might look at doing that cuz this is going to take ages to try and visit all of these can I visit all 26 in the day niow hello hi do you speak English yes I ah amazing which Village is this this isang yes number four 14 yes 14 I think I understand that we're going to Village 14 and there's going to be a performance there in about 8 minutes so let's see if I can walk there in 8 minutes so this is the Tibetan Village over here of all of the different PR Flags you can see up here you've got massive PR Flags here you've got all the kind of stones people stack on top here as well we might come back to Tibetan Village I'd like to see this but I'd also like to catch the performance so I need to head down this way to Village number 14 I've taken a wrong turn and I found my way as an exit which is not right but Apple Maxs to the rescue here it's got every single Village listed on here in English so I need to head over here so need to head back over this bridge and it's left starting walking directions turn left then in 150 yards turn right like having my own tour guide with [Music] me it's so peaceful here look at those totem balls there so beautiful look at the train we're close now I think there's so many villages here to explore I kind of do wish I had an ebike junor Village population of 20,000 look at these old kill feels like if there's not something going on like a show here there's not anything really in the village [Music] happening let's go along this bridge it's not that bad I was thinking it was going to be very rockety but it's actually not too bad there is a sign which does say Don't Rock The Bridge so not to like shake it up and down I'll put a link to this in the description this website travel Chan guy is so helpful honestly it's got so many pieces of information for British Travelers or people who speak English so he's put a map here or whoever's done it I don't know who it is he or she so it looks like the dayve village is going to have a show we went past that one earlier I think let me go back to here yeah we did it was at the entrance there so I think I might go back there so I'm ordering this which is a Tibetan tasting meal where you get this we should try the rice it's like a beef jerky is like really tough like cured beef I'm presuming and need look like it was like cereal what this reminds me of they've just brought me now other the food so there like a powder in here and this powder you pour on this liquid which has got looks like seeds in it it's like um and then you mix it into this and then they were saying that you need to knead it like a dough and then beet it dry and then wet and then wash it and need a bite of sber and drink some vegetable tea that's why I have this glove so as soon as I start to mix it it's all going powdering so such a strange feeling cuz it's so hot m m yeah this say creamy and then this is like tastes like oats going all over my face though and then you have a sip of the drink here oh my God but it's everywhere but it's really nice actually it's like a little bit sweet it tastes like porridge or oats M this is really nice it reminds me a little bit of chai because but it's not spicy it's super interesting that like this comes out as a powder you put some of the milk tea into the powder to make your food and then you drink the rest of the tea getting the high of it now it's all about creating a little scoop with your fingers I'm not sure what the black things are on it that was super interesting having that food in there it's really tasty actually quite spicy that beef jerky that's got some chili in it an interesting mix I've I've never eaten from my hand before like a porridge a hot porridge at that and I also find it's quite interesting I've seen a few like I've s any how to a couple of people cuz now it's my new favorite word now I know how to say hello and everyone responds back I said hello to so it's it's good my worry was that Chinese people are a little bit don't want to speak to foreigners maybe like different to what I've experienced in India where everyone wants to come up to and say hello in Hong Kong definitely nobody wanted to really speak to it's like being in New York or London so it's nice to be back somewhere where people seem a bit friendlier I've given up on the search for the shows because I found myself rushing around from one Village to another and not getting there on time or not finding it so I'm just going to wander around at my own pace these prayer I we're doing it the right way wow I should have been doing it this way I think I've just spotted the arrow down there on to the next Village I'm going to hire an old person's buggy to get around this park let's see how it goes what you didn't see on film is I fell down a step on one of the bridges and so my ankle is okay on my right ankle but I'm also a Weare I'm just not I'm not feeling 100% so it's quite a big Park I've gone around myself a little bit anyway am explaining to you why I'm doing it I just want to ride one these a document I'm not really sure what it says but I've got my car it's right here perfect so key in the ignition full battery perfect aha to accelerate to reverse yep and to pull the key out yes amazing when I am driving around and I want to stop how am I meant to park is there a particular Place ah mhm on the side yeah yeah okay perfect thank you thank you very much oh it's not exactly the steering wheel I was expecting wow I feel like it's not going much faster than I would be walking oh well let's go this way I mean it's on Full Throttle right now and it's not really going anywhere so it's just like when you have other drivers in cars they say hello to you oh my gosh this steering is horrendous it's like so hard hello I feel like M off of benador if anyone who watching this watch benador you'll know who matches it's about1 an hour to hire this but you could fit two people in it so it would make it like half the price it is for me right now feels like the Train's going a lot faster than I am can it get up this hill slowly going slowly going it's made it there we go power out see you later let's go and explore this Village so this one is the Bay Village it's a population of about 1 and a half million most of whom live in a compact Community look at this bridge here you've got these kind of marble it looks like flowers on either side of the bridge and then you've got the pagodas over there wow that's beautiful wow it's so pure white I can't get over how white that is like you would think that rain and Bird poo and other stuff would make this stained but it's not I mean there's a few scratches on it but it's like looking it's pure wies it's an interesting mix isn't it of like you've got the stone like almost Breeze Block Stone with then these white areas where they're used for design mixed in then with you kind of overhangs where you've got wooden areas with the design as well you've got like the trell thing up there but then you also have like Stone overhang up here so it's a real mixture of different styles I've seen in the past h by paper making [Music] experience see yeah you've got a Courtyard area in the middle here and you got your different rooms on each of the three different size ah what is this fried potato fried milk fan grilled milk fan interesting a bnic Cuisine let's try some bnic Cuisine can I have uh one of these oh wow you're smoking a cigarette from the stick wow that's so cool oh wow I'm guessing you have to blow to get interesting uh yeah can I go with one of these please oh so like a fried something fried potato he's putting sugar is it sugar thank you ah 10 perfect just got like Chopsticks to hold it together M it's like a mixture between pork crackling but it's not pork I don't think there's any animal in this I think it's just potato which has been like fried it look like thinly fried you've got sugar as well cuz it's quite a Savory thing m still can't get over his stick that he's smoking with so cool that's good look all the sugar in there like there's no way I can have all that be bouncing off the walls I'll be driving that thing into people let's go to visit the Mongolian village now byebye wow look at these trees je it's beautiful I'm worried about straying too far from my buggy now that's the problem and you've got it it's like how do I know where I can get to this Village cuz it looks like it's only accessible through this Forest which is so cool just maybe we'll get to a village to see a performance or maybe we won't that's okay oh wait I've been here I know if I go that way I'm not going to be able to go back to my buggy for ages so I've had this way and we'll Carry On Moving no one's stolen it yet that's a good sign on the move again oh my gosh there's a horn button I dare even push it see horn I've got an indicator as well I'm not going to switch them cuz I'm not moving yet there's like some big stage area is here and it looks like there's also an elephant um show but I'm not really up to seeing the elephant show I'm going to head all the way down to the end of the park cuz I didn't realize that this oh I almost pressed the hole there that this actually goes all the way down to the lake let's have a look and find this tea place hello oh wow look at this beautiful spot over here oh you want picture thank you amazing a thank you it's been a while since that's happened to me and I wasn't expecting that in China oh we're back where I started with all of the I'm going around in circles here I've been around here like three times now what what's going on I don't know what's going on I'm lost what have I named there Susan the scooter I can actually get used to just riding around in one of these all day I could do with power steering though that's for sure cuz this is quite hard when it's not power steering got a full battery so we're going to try and do as many of the villages as we can next one is this one New Village farming centered only 30,000 people interesting let's check it out oh wow this would be like the traditional fire that they would have wow look at the hunting tools were like bow and arrows and they' got a little Satchel there that would hold all the arrows in look at that they're collecting rainwater falling from a rock or water coming down the mountain m this ah are you sure oh thank you wow it smells very good oh wow there's mushrooms there as well oh thank you what is all this oh ah amazing should are these oh these are beans ah like Bean mhm I thought this was mushroom interesting M what is the food J M you do cook mhm spicy hot hot spicy yes M oh wow what is this this is like M ah M thank you it is very tasty I am enjoying it very much thank you for asking me to join you wow that's so nice t t tof mhm tofu mhm M and then uh what is this like dumpling oh no it tastes like eggy M it's nice like a gravy like a dumpling I suppose this is very good ah Hot Pot yes aha M Hot Pot nice just more food wow oh this is so good oh thank you oh no it's not I canot remember this one yeah these are my new favorite thing here in China they're so tasty it's got like an inside of like a gravy or a juice oh it's so tasty that's my best meal best meal in China M super tasty oh [Music] wow wow amazing thank you so much again for your hospitality and offering for me to join you for lunch I really enjoyed it and thank you again it's very nice to meet you oh thank you my head is just blown away by that amazing Hospitality in the new Village wow I actually don't know what to say I was not expecting to walk in and see them all having lunch and then be invited in to join them and have such tasty hot pot and yeah the new Village guys this is the place you want to come to to see the best Hospitality I've had in China so far by a mile dve straight to the river straight to the lake [Applause] [Music] these clothing made out [Music] of [Music] [Music] shoes I wonder if these are like offerings for the birds to come and eat people ate it ah [Laughter] I wasn't thinking people are going to be eating the corn hanging from the poles wow there's a church here looks like a Jewish Church though huh look at all these um are they bull horns or like skulls huh and you've got in the factory is more like the flat style there but even like there's a gap at the top where you've got where the air can come out the your hot air what is this can I try some [Applause] please [Music] ah wow so it's got like noodles and then the Pea flour on top and then all the spices 150 for all this it's spicy so pean flour is very interesting it's like jelly almost but I you can see it here with all these spices in these are amazing it's like coriander soy sauce like chili flakes and then this is the Pea flour it's like can't describe it doesn't taste of anything so I think that's why they put all the spices on to make it taste of something this is very very spicy the noodles are really soft this also is really soft as well but it's interesting that must be the protein that they're serving here because there's no meat in this dish bit oily but good my my lips are tingling I wonder what this is all about wooden drum room it says here that this wooden drum house is a house where W people worship the wooden drum a sacred instrument that reaches the sky it is a sacred landmark building beat the wooden drum to talk to the gods and drive way evil [Music] [Music] spirits so strange I feel like I'm the only English person here cuz barely anyone speaks any English which is interesting I had heard this I had been warned expect nobody to speak English which is good it means I'm learning my Chinese wow look at the dragon boats here look at this one it's huge there about 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 poles on that H the ringing Bell for the best wishes [Music] this is my first full day in China here if you want to see more from the trip and even if you want to just see more past China after China I'm going to Vietnam I'm here in China for 22 days and hit that subscribe button below and you'll be notified if you hit the little bell when there's a new video out it's crazy I have to pinch myself sometimes to just remember that I'm traveling for over a year getting to enjoy all these amazing things and also sharing it with you guys I mean I selfishly just want to remember this for me that's why I'm partly filming it 1.1 million there Zang Village let's go check it out I mean it's epic already it's got this big gate here like these holes of dragons climbing all the way around and then a fre tiered building it's beautiful I think we seem to forget over in the west just how complex China is it's a massive country that has got so many different people from so many different backgrounds and histories and there's been so many different dises that it's it's so such a large difficult terrain as well wow these guys are playing I think you have to try and get the bag through the hle [Music] it's like a yin yang but with three sides to it this is interesting I've never seen this before well of course it wouldn't be a travel video without me having an ice cream I swear I'm having an ice cream every day at the moment I'm quite worried cuz there's a set of weighing scales in my hotel room and I probably do need to weigh myself cuz I haven't I was hoping that because I got food poisoning I'd have lost some weight but I don't think that's the case mostly because I'm eating ice cream every day I put this on Google translate it says milk oh my gosh it's very cold M reminds me of a Milky bar oh wow [Music] this the grandmother's room so the grandmother sits highest the mother then the Elder Uncle your uncle and then guests would sit here you have your fish curing up there vegetables and then B here [Music] away possession all [Music] [Applause] hallelu [Music] hallu hallu Hall [Music] I don't know why that's moved me so much maybe it's just the the chords of the strings that are just I don't know maybe it's like a sad song maybe it's just the kindness of people just offering you a tea come and sit down they're not trying to sell you anything they're not trying to get anything from you they just really want you to experience their culture and learn more about and just experience it it just feels really special it feels really nice I think that's the first time I've cried on camera on this journey so well done China you got the first tear from me I'm so glad that I stopped trying to chase after the performances and instead I've just started to go from Village to Village and stop cuz I feel like I honestly have experience more just by wandering into a Hut and being offered lunch with people who work here or being offered tea with the people who are playing music I feel like that's more of a connection with the people than standing in a crowd and watching people perform so I was not expecting that and yeah it's really moved me bye-bye I've enjoyed having that little scooter it's me honestly it's elevated the experience for me got a few more villages to go to but dang Village in total that cost 400 Yan in the end I paid 500 deposit so I got 100 credited back to my wichat account it is like £44 it's not cheap but for me it was easier there's actually quite a few other things you can do if are here and just because of timing I don't have the time I was maybe a bit ambitious I was hoping when I landed yesterday at 3:00 I could do this and then today go and do the Stone Forest which is what most people do here it's most popular Activity The Stone Forest is about an hour an hour and a half drive away from the city of cim that's the reason why I chose not to do it today cuz I didn't want to spend 3 hours in a car going to look at the stone forests they're apparently the first wonder of the world world now they were known since the Ming Dynasty in 1368 and yeah it's a kind of a limestone landscape of lots of stone forests now I actually do have a trip booked to a different place in China which is going to be amazing so I am actually going to be going to zanti National Park for two days and that's where the world's highest elevator is is where the world's longest and tallest glass Bridges it's where the world's highest bunch of jump point is and it's where Avatar was based off now if you want to see that that will be coming up later on the channel so make sure hit the Subscribe button below but that's the reason why I haven't gone to the Stone Forest is because I'm going to be seeing a very similar type of architecture I might even say personally even better but I've not been to the Stone Forest here in cunning so I can't say that so today I wanted to get more of an understanding of the different ethnic groups so here in China and understand all the different complexities and it's been such a moving day for me so I couldn't have asked for a better day here my first full day in China I've had a wonderful time here today so I would recommend it

2024-08-19 21:17

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