Where Have I Been? 2021 Vlog | Shelly Coco

Where Have I Been? 2021 Vlog | Shelly Coco

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okay it is basically the middle of march now and  i have done pretty much nothing obviously we're   still in a pandemic all of the clips you're  about to see are of my dog all i have done is   go to the park and film my dog or like working  i'm just working from home working from my cat   tower which is my standing desk actually this is  the best adjustment i made to working from home   is standing instead of sitting i can't believe  i sat on the couch for the first few months   of working from home and i would just sit on  the couch all day and work from home and then   watch tv in the evening in the same  position oh my god it was really toxic   but now i have a nice standing cat tower i have  vlogged my dog walks and i just haven't really   vlogged anything else because one i haven't  done anything else and because of covid the   [ __ ] pandemic and two because all i do at home  is work from home i've been working really hard   the beginning of this year because i need to make  money and i work on commission and it's not going   well because of covid so yeah uh enjoy these  clips of my dog and the dog squad got together   which was fun so kate actually came to pick me up  and we went to cheesequake park which is only half   an hour from brooklyn but it's in new jersey  beautiful trails and we hiked in the snow and   then we went to a winery so that was fun and then  harley and i have been doing adventure weekends   and we've been going to the beach at coney island  which is nice but that is it i am just dog walking   and working from the cat tower and justin and i  have been having movie nights but it's just movie   night after movie night there is nothing else  going on i mean everyone's in the same position   aren't they i mean the us obviously you can do  whatever you want but is it responsible and safe   no so i mean i've tried to do as many coved safe  things as i can like me and harley going to coney   island when we get the train to coney island in  the morning on a weekend there is no one on the   train no one in coney island because it's winter  and no one wants to be there and we go early in   the morning any time that i go out even before  covid i go early in the morning so there's no one   else there because i hate people so yeah enjoy  these dog clips and i'll try and vlog some more oh harley what is it are you ready it's still very dark i've been up since  five i just couldn't get back to sleep   um so i got up had some porridge uh waited until  six and now we're here i think sunrise is at seven   hopefully it'll start getting lighter soon it's really windy i don't think harley likes   she doesn't want to come on the big field because  it's so exposed to the wind Harley come here excuse you Harley come on come here harley here we go go ready hello kate and augustus yeah this is really pretty a  little slippery but it's nice   oh this would be fun to slide  down i know i was saying that it was slippery there's a weird smell it's because it's a wetland   oh yeah this is the black  run of walkies that's funny are we all so happy? yeah milo you're happy oh they say they do i might  need to call in six tomorrow his nose is oh no it was a big day god i have not really properly vlogged all  this year i mean but i haven't done anything   obviously still in a pandemic and um i don't  know we're having such a harsh winter in new   york it is snowing again we're having another  snowstorm i mean personally i'm loving it   because i love the snow and going for a  dog walk in the snow is just oh wonderful it's actually all like uh melted snow that's  turned to ice underneath here so it's so slippery   like the whole field is just jaggedy slippery ice   under a thin layer of snow so  harley is not too impressed oh for me oh thank you harley you got me some flowers i just decided that um i needed to do something  and uh go somewhere different so harley and i   have come to coney island today it's not open and  it's cloudy and it's cold um but i kind of like   that i love the abandoned theme park vibe that  it is right now and then there's the beach and   the pier it is just so nice i just wanted to go  on a long dog walk and be outside holly come here it's great because there's  not that many people here   harley and i got up early so we could come well  for sunrise but i mean it's a little bit pink   over there no you can't really see it it's just  so cloudy it's just nice to be somewhere different it's so gloomy oh and there's a  plastic bag floating in the sea humans are disgusting we have ruined this planet what have you got ready harley it's actually quite upsetting how much plastic   is on this beach and how many disposable  masks i've seen it's just so depressing so the pier is actually called steeplechase  pier after the steeplechase ride which   andrew brie and i went on when it was breeze  last summer in new york and i hated it i felt   like i was gonna come out of the seat it was  not secure i'm trying to see if it's on this map i can't see steeplechase on the map but we  should go past it when we go through the park   so coney island originally was four or three yeah  four different parks it was steeple chase park   luna park dreamland and sea lion park now i think  it is just luna park or maybe it's still different   because i know you you have different methods of  payment for two different areas um so i think they   are still separate but luna park was first opened  in 1903 i just love vintage theme parks amusement   parks and this will be open in the summer but  right now it's like an abandoned theme park   i just love the history of coney island and the  different parks they also used to have a freak   show here like a proper bearded lady freak show  and they still do have a freak show but i honestly   don't know what they have on show everyone that i  have seen on my walk has been so nice and smiley   and like gives a wave it's like a secret club like  the early morning walking in the cold winter club   yeah i don't know what those pieces of track are  down there but there is the thunderbolt which goes   up vertically and then has a huge vertical drop  then loops and loops is this interesting harley   yeah oh my god i've just seen people  swimming there are people swimming in the sea oh my goodness i bet that is freezing i also love the creepy face of coney island there's still snow on the ground you can see soaring eagle through  there that's the right way you lie flat   and you go up the windy  thing and then you saw down then here's nathan's the famous hot dog place oh my god look at these sad wet bears oh my god those bears are soaked   see i'm loving this abandoned amusement park   vibe so this is the steeplechase ride that i  went on with brie and andrew and that the pier   is named after you like sit the um the seats are  covered so i can't show you but you sit on a horse   and then there's a thing that goes against  your back but you're not really secure and   then you go so fast around this track and it  turns you right on the side i screamed the   entire way round and then brian andrew went on  again without me oh to walk around here at night how creepy there's one ride on it just  turned on and there's no one on it there's the subway and then there's the cyclone  which is supposed to be   the world's oldest roller  coaster i love this wall art says by 2050 the oceans will contain more  plastic than fish the artist is down here   and her instagram's there so  this was a mural competition this one is by sheena wong shui this one's by thomas manco and then this is  the aquarium which kitty and i went to in maybe   2011 2012 and i cried at how small the tank  was for the sharks and the turtles it was   honestly horrific i would say don't go there it  does say wildlife conservation society park but   i really was not happy with the tanks the size  of the tanks it was honestly so depressing when   we went it may have changed because it's  been almost 10 years i just wasn't a fan   um so i would maybe do research i don't know i'm  not a big fan of aquariums or zoos unless it is   purely rescues and rehabilitation and that  can't go back into the wild i can hear sea lions they have um these rock sculptures here   and they've put um i guess figures  of different sea life on them and you have to identify them so  harley just saw the horseshoe crab   which we see a lot of when we go to cape may it's a horse i mean defund the nypd but also  what a dream job riding up and down   the boardwalk on a horse on a sunday  so this is where the freak show was   i honestly don't know if it's still open oh they  don't call it a freak show they call it a sideshow i mean a freak show or a side show is  just like not politically correct anymore where are you going okay it is um a week later now and harley  and i are going to coney island again   um it's much colder though last time i was just  in a fleece now i've got the full winter coat   hat gloves i thought we should take advantage of  the fact that dogs are allowed on the beach in   winter because once summer's here it'll be crowded  with people and dogs aren't technically allowed on   the beach i think it's maybe april through october  so we're having another coney island day today   we had hot cross buns for breakfast this  morning which was so nice jill sent me an   easter package yesterday which i'll show you  when we get back 19 and keep our city safe this way come on good girl good girl oh my god it's so much colder than when  we came last week but it's actually   kind of sunny when the sun breaks through  oh it's nice i love a winter beach i feel like the sea is so much calmer  than mommy came last week as well this is so wonderful there is no [ __ ] here no [ __ ] here i think this is so cold and last week  it was kind of mild it was still cold   i'm keeping my face mask on to keep my face warm  it's actually very practical oh this is lovely   last week when we came there was so much trash on  the beach it's not because the tide was coming in   or tide was going out i  assumed tide's going out now   because most of the beach is like wet yeah  but it's so much nicer i don't know we're   here at the same time i don't know how tides work  there are still plastic bags embedded in the sand   but at least it looks a bit nicer  there was a woman picking up trash   last week i feel like maybe we should do that  on our walk do some litter picking hey hulk my shoes are waterproof it just feels weird  these are my vessies they're waterproof   but honestly the best thing just for  walking in the park when the grass is dewy someone looking for treasure over there  with their metal detector and their shovel   he's obviously been digging small holes   all along here don't think he's found  anything i mean what do you find coins he really thought he found something here shiny

2021-03-21 04:44

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