What I ACTUALLY Do (and EAT) While Camping for 3 Days

What I ACTUALLY Do (and EAT) While Camping for 3 Days

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[Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye I'm got to tighten this thing I put just that too much water I might make  it got a moment of quietness last night I did   not sleep very well unfortunately I was so  comfortable like the temperature was perfect   I had two sleeping bags on it was nice and warm  but it was so windy so the sound of that really   kind of kept me up today I'm going to show  you everything that I packed to eat and cook   here at camp I think we're going to go hiking  just enjoy the day outside away from the city   in the desert my hair mess you you got a little  bump a bump yeah like right there in the middle   my hair last night was insane in the tent it  was just like rubbing against the tent so it   was so much static how did you sleep last  night pretty good I just want to get some   sun that's what I would love got a little bit  of cloud coverage our camp over there we took   Nick's truck look how cool his truck looks it  was built in 98 Toyota Tacoma that's 312,000   on it man it it got here just fine it's outlived  many cars that are much younger it's so cold so cold I'm doing hash browns sausage eggs  and spinach it's just going to be really   good I think I have this nice maple flavored  breakfast sausage I'm going to use only half   of that and some hash browns it's time  to get get serious here the gloves off I've got the hash browns done I just set  them aside on plates and now I'm cooking   the breakfast sausage it smells so good  and then I'm going to put the eggs right   in this Canan I'm not even going to scrap  scramble them first in a bowl because I   don't want to have an extra dish so I'm just  going to kind of scramble them in the pan [Music] breakfast is done this  looks amazing I am so hungry [Music] we cleaned up camp just kind of organized  our stuff and now we're going to go on a hike we   decided since it's still pretty cold and windy  we might as well just hike get some exercise   and get warm that way and then hopefully this  afternoon it will kind of die down and to be a   little bit warmer and we can just sit and chill  at camp but that is the plan for the morning we   decided instead of hiking to rent some bikes  this was a very impulsive decision but we're   in Kodachrome Basin state park and we just kind  of saw the bikes and we're like let's do that   so here we are look how pretty this is though  there's Nick unable to raise his seat these   bikes are definitely not high quality yeah that's  going to be rough look at this road oh de [Music] woohoo I'm having so much fun on the bike  it's been a while since I've biked but   it's fun because you can just cover so  much more ground and so it's cool I've   hiked around here before but we're  going to go a little bit deeper than   I hiked last time I was here so having  fun starting to warm up finally [Music] we dropped the bikes and now we're hiking into   this cave it's called cool  cave and it is pretty cool [Music] we are in the cave this is looking straight up  at the sky how cool is this light in this alcove [Music] this cave did live up to its name it  is very cool now we're heading back   to the bikes this little bush has  been blowing in the wind and just   matting down the sand Nick got a new  camera and uh he is obsessed with it [Music] [Music] for lunch I am doing really  easy sandwiches so we don't   have to cook anything but I have roast  beef provolone turkey lettuce avocado   tomato red onion pickles and that's  what we're going to do for lunch [Music] just got back to the tent and there is  so much sand in here no it's so windy out [Music] I slept for about an hour and I feel a lot  better I was so tired this afternoon I think   it's just the sun and the wind and just  being outside hiking and biking and all   that kind of stuff really drained me so  that was nice but now I think I'm going   to hop out of the tent and we're going to  slowly start to get ready to make dinner   I made these energy bites at home and  I'm just snacking on this before dinner [Music] I'm going to go see if I can  lure Nick out of the tent with some of [Music] these oh Nick [Music] he's gone oh  no where did he go I have a snack for you you can't eat food in the tent you  have to come out here you go here's a snack fed the monster come on out it's okay  it's nice out here you can come out I have a snack for you go on I'll  lead it right here come on just a   little [Music] further here you go come on come on [Music] that was a good nap [Music] huh it worked he's getting out of the  tent for a [Music] snack thank you we've got the   camp kitchen set up I have all my ingredients  out for my camper Hamburger Helper this is so   good it's definitely becoming one of my favorites  this recipe is on the blog already so I'll link   to it in the description below so we're going  to dive in this has beef I have shell pasta   cheese sour cream in this cute little container  here spice mix that I made at home so I'm not   packing a bunch of spices or measuring things  here at Camp I just did that at home which is   nice and easy a little bit of olive oil some  diced tomatoes and that is it only made in one pot so with this recipe you need a can of  diced tomatoes which don't want to forget   the can opener or make sure you buy one that  has the easy lid thing or I always have my   Leatherman with me and it has a can opener  on there and a pinch so just something to   think about because you don't want to get to  camp and realize you can't open this [Music] [Music] now comes time to add the pasta to make this  a one pot meal we're going to cook the pasta   in this liquid and the sauce and you just  kind of mix it pretty frequently and since   we're not straining out the starch in the  pasta it creates a really creamy dish so   going to put the pasta right in there  oh God woo that was almost a camping disaster okay now I know this looks wrong but  you're just going to try to get all that pasta   down in there and bring this up to a boil and you  got to mix frequently in order to get everything   to cook [Music] evenly with this recipe you can  add more water as needed so I just tested one and   they're not quite done we are at elevation here so  it's probably going to take a little bit longer so   I'm going to add a little bit more water as needed  I'm just kind of guesstimating there um you don't   want to add too much because at the end of this at  the end of cooking you don't want it to be soupy   it's a fine line but you can see even now it's  really getting very creamy the pasta is getting there that's perfect turn this off okay now to here I'm just going  to mix in some cheddar cheese just   about a handful or so some sour  cream there all this [Music] in that's really good I top it with a  little bit of parsley if you want to   get fancy and just have a little pop  of green on there but I don't even   think I'm going to bother doing that  tonight I think we're just going to   eat it just like [Music] this the wind has  finally died down which is just so [Music] quiet dinner's done I just have to clean up the  pots and the bowls and stuff we have a little   bit of leftovers which I put in here I'm full and  ready to hit the tent already even though it is oh   my God it's only 6:45 okay well I'm going to hang  out here a little bit I have a bar of chocolate   that I'm going to snack on clean up and then  hit the tent I have energy now that I ate dinner some frost good morning it is a lot colder this  morning but I slept really well last   night because it was quite pretty cold  so I just scrambled to get up for sunrise   because it was so pretty and now the  colors are gone did not get up early enough we are finally getting some sun it has  been a very cold cloudy morning but now that   we have some sun I'm going to make breakfast  and I was going to do the same thing I did   yesterday morning but I woke up really craving  some pancakes so I'm going to do pancakes and   eggs instead and I have some blueberries that  are barely hanging in there so I'm going to   try to salvage those make some blueberry  pancakes can you tell that I'm a Knitter I   got just knitted stuff galore right now but it's  keeping me warm oh God oh God not bad not [Music] bad this is one of my go-to breakfasts protein  pancakes some eggs it all cooks in one cast iron   pan it tastes amazing and it's a go-to for us  we are getting ready to pack up this camp and   then we're going to go to a different area to camp  and I wanted to quickly update you on this sweater   before I go because oh my coffee cup is sliding  so I wanted to update you on this because if   you saw this video here I'll link to it somewhere  here but that's where I showed you I was starting   to make this sweater and so I wanted to show you  the finished product I really think it turned out   pretty cool for my first attempt at designing a  sweater I'm really happy happy with it I just have   the detailing on the sleeves here and then all of  this color work which I think turned out really   cool I love the colors that I chose here I'm glad  I brought in the lighter Ash color to really give   it some contrast and then I think overall I would  like to tweak the pattern just a little bit and   this size is probably a tad too small for me so  there's a few things that I would need to tweak   but my plan is to hopefully have patterns for on  rivalry one of these days I mean this is why I   got into knitting was so I could knit these wool  sweaters for camping and hiking and eventually I   just want to have a library of my own patterns so  I am working towards that but it's probably going   to be quite a while until I'm there because I want  to get them test knit and Tech edited and all that   kind of stuff but yeah for my first attempt I'm  really really happy with this and I just wanted to   update you guys before we left I enjoyed reading  all the comments on that other video of all of the   knits that watch this channel it's so cool that  there's quite a big knitting community here so   I love being able to just share this new hobby  and craft as well as my love for the outdoors   and camping so I'm going to go help Nick pack  up and uh we're going to hit the road [Music] [Music] [Music] we are still camping we found a new campsite  so tomorrow morning we're planning to wake up   early and go do a hike and we wanted to  be a little bit closer to that trailhead   so that we don't have to drive an hour in the  morning so we found a new dispersed camp spot   set up the tent there it is and yeah that's  kind of all we've been doing just hanging out   got the sleeping pads in there so far getting  ready for dinner so this is the col saw that   I made just a couple hours ago I just mixed  everything in here so that it could marinate   for a little while I have some barbecue  sauce that I brought from home and all of   this leftover pulled pork which I'm just going  to cook in this cast iron pan so it's going to   be a really easy dinner and then the tent  way over there sun is just setting and it's   gotten really quiet there's no wind look at how  cool those clouds are those clouds right there [Music] wow [Music] the sun is just rising 0:22:28.520,1193:02:47.295 [Music] and we've got some coffee  being made we are starting   the hike it's nice and sandy look at these views it's getting hot fast but this trail  has been really fun because there's not   actually really much of a trail this does  require some route finding skills because   it's mostly hiking on slick rock but it's  really fun feels like another planet out here   and I just love it I love hiking on slick  rock through this landscape it's just so [Music] crazy hey this is so [Music] cool I think we're getting  [Music] close woo just climbed up   that hill I think we're here  oh my God I just need noticed it oh my gosh this is huge this is bizarre for scale I mean you can  see how tiny Nick looks compared to this look at this tree just growing out of all  of this rock look at the roots how cool is that   snack time so this is stuff that I brought  a couple apples jerky sticks normal bars and   salts we're going to have a snack with this view  we lugged a rope all the way up here because as   I was researching this hike I read that there  was an acre point and a rope and some steps and   you could go down into it and I thought well I'd  rather use my own rope than some random rope so   we brought the Rope but after getting here the  Anchor Point is actually broken and honestly I   don't feel the need to go down in there it is so  pristine there's no Footprints and I just love   the way that the wind has kind of created those  waves in the sand it just looks so beautiful so   I yeah I'm very happy to not even go down  there the sand just looks so cool with no footprints back at the truck that was about 8  miles of hiking and I am pretty tired I am ready   for lunch just hiking in the sand and then the  slick rock which just so much up and then down up   and down so it's kind of just harder on the ankles  too cuz you're hiking on a slant but overall so   much fun and it's about 12:30 so we're going to  head back to camp and have some lunch [Music] we going to have some salt [Music] packet There  is almost nothing better than a sandwich a really   good sandwich after a long hike and that's what  I'm making the same thing I made the other day   just still have a bunch of that turkey roast  beef and all of the toppings and I'm so excited   about this at the end of the hike salt water and  a sandwich is really all I can think about [Music] this is going to be hard to eat but after a  good [Music] hike M we are going to take a   little nap in the tent before we pack things up  and head back to the city Nick has a meeting at   the end of the week and normally I would like  a little bit more downtime at camp but it was   so cold and windy a lot of this trip that it  was just nice to keep moving with some hikes   so overall a really fun adventurous few  days but if you like this video make sure   to hit that subscribe button for tons more  camping content tons of camping food ideas   on the channel if you're new here check  out some of these other videos over here   and I'll see you in the next one how long  do you want me to give you to nap how long   do you need before we head home shouldn't  be more than like four or 5 hours [Music]

2024-03-28 01:00

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