WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Van Life on the Pacific Coast of Chile

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Van Life on the Pacific Coast of Chile

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good morning everyone today we are driving through the heartland of southern Chile a lot of Farmland through here bigger Farms than what we're used to corn fields and the like modern facilities a lot of tree farms and things but it looks like this area and I don't know if you all heard about it but chili had some massive devastating fires and this area we are coming through we've been driving for miles is just absolutely scorched and this only happened I think a few months ago a few months it covered the food very southern tip of it it went all the way North but we are leaving the Andes mountain range and we are headed to Nicole's the coast the beach now we're always attracted to water and we're always headed to the water whether it's a lake or river a waterfall a glacier snow ice something but the Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean the coast of Chile let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I don't know if I captured it on the video if you look closely though behind the trees you'll see there's a giant Sawmill and we've come through several of those different than the ones that we've seen further south where they're a little smaller in private these are huge a lot of eucalyptus tree farms through here and you can see where a lot of them are burnt I'm wondering if maybe they didn't cut a lot of them down that were burned because all of these Sawmills through here have just big sass of lumber but uh I didn't realize I don't think we realized we were coming through this area but the the fires the area that we're seeing was burned is definitely far-reaching it is a long drive day today but we're going to an area Kurt's already told you where all the campgrounds and all the stuff is just closed because this is a summertime tourist area so we're looking at about four hours of driving today but we still need to think about getting the kitty cats outside and getting them a little activity and getting them a walk so on Long driving days like this we're always looking for a good spot to pull over and walk the kitties now we're coming through a small little city here and there was a perfect little City Park soccer field workout area running track where we were able to get these guys out and get them a good and off on the horizon you can see we have made it to the Pacific Ocean yet again actually I think this is gonna be oh look at this I think this is our final trip to the Pacific coast in quite a while need to soak it in I don't know if we've mentioned this before but Chile is I think the first country where pedestrians truly have the right-of-way and any of these crosswalks if you stop in them or you don't let people go they will let you know about it now we've made a mistake a couple times but we are pretty good about it we've actually stopped in other countries for pedestrians people kind of looked at us but chili it's a big thing parking in any City in Chile no matter how big has been a challenge it has been described to me that a lot of these towns were built before there was roads and so when they added the roads it just didn't allow for room for parking in any event we found a spot nestled up against a tree over there and uh yeah we're headed over to take a shower we found parking about two blocks away from the hostel where we're finally gonna get to take a shower we grabbed some yummy lunch and now we're headed over there so this is gonna feel good then it'll be back to the van then we gotta find a camp spot for the night and just like that I'm clean I'm headed back to the van Curt is still in there because he's shaving and everything to be honest it was an expensive shower but it's all we could find so it's ten dollars a piece so that was a twenty dollar shower stop so Kurt said he was definitely gonna take his razor in and get all cleaned up and things just keep getting worse so we finally did get a shower which was great it was a clean bathroom a good shower I got a look I got a new bald head and got all cleaned up but I come out and it's raining so here we are we come all this way to go to the chili Coast fog and rain so anyway we're gonna head over there you guys know us we're Troopers we're gonna figure we're gonna see what's going on over at the beach so that's the marina up here oh I just saw a seal or a sea lion in there there I think that's one laying up on the beach over there maybe not now keep going so this is a little Canal a little Channel or a jetty if you will they have a jetty built out here so this is clearly how they get out into the ocean in these fishing boats and they're fishing along the pier oh I wonder if there's crabs here they are definitely doing some fishing out there and on the jetty that thing goes out a long ways out there look at this Boca laboo and that might be a guy out there digging up clams or oysters I'm not sure what he's doing but he definitely has a shovel and those are sea lions they are not seals and I could see a bunch of them over across the canal Waller and around together and there's some out here feeding in this little Canal we got a cool little boat but guess what guys this is where we're camping for the night boondocking on the beaches of Chile so you guys know I love a fishing culture up on a big one one but we're kind of struggling because of the rain so I'm sitting here in the van filming with the windshield wipers on but a parade of fishing boats have gone out and it's kind of a mystery to me I've noticed that several of them have sort of pullers on the side of them and when I say pullers they're sort of like a big wheel that they would use to pull up a rope or a line maybe like pull a crab trap or a long long long long fishing line I don't know what they're what they're fishing for though right now I don't see any ice in the boats or I don't see any coolers so they look pretty much like their open compartment which I would think if they were catching fish they would have ice somewhere in the boat and then across the way snow can't stand it she's got to get out the big camera and start filming these sea lions prepare for sea lion overload but it's pretty cool because they're over there fighting foreign [Music] foreign [Music] another thing that's cool along this sea wall is there's a bunch of people fishing so you know me I'm gonna have my eyeballs on that if anybody catches a fish we're gonna go up there and get the scoop see if we can figure it out [Music] and let out to do some fishing of some sort out there a very heavy mist parked back in the corner so we're not bothering any of the locals but what an intriguing little Camp spot for us now we didn't come to Lebo just for the fishing culture although you guys if you've been following along on the journey you know we love that but this is not just a fishing Town it is also a former mining town so Kurt is out mingling with the locals a little bit you know him he can't stand it but tomorrow hopefully the rain stops we'll show you a little bit more of this fascinating Inlet maybe we can catch some of these boats coming in after their long night of fishing Go Fish [Music] wow look at that new pedals the Rio Le boo dumps out right here into the Pacific Ocean and along the river it's lined with tons of commercial Fisher fishermen boats and they're all uniquely painted and I think that is for the regulations here in Chile but anyway there are a lot of boats and as you move down the river towards the causeway and out the jetting it's lined with fishermen everything here is fishing from something on one side of that channel we have the sea lions and first of all they love to tussle with their heads in the air like they don't care get some sun but they are vicious and aggressive towards one another meanwhile out in the channel you'll just see a few of them feasting on some giant fish and the birds well they're opportunistic they're looking for big shreds of fish to fly off as the sea lions just smash it around I guess trying to help them digest the food there must be a lot of fish here because the sea lions are fishing ferociously and then all the way out the jetty you can see fishermen they're either fishing with some type of fishing pole but more commonly they fish with what my dad calls is a yo-yo reel and the reason is is you have a tube we've seen them throughout the world use anything from a Gatorade or a Coca-Cola or a water bottle and wrap the string around that to like a just a tube where they can wrap their fishing line around and like you would wind up a yo-yo so it's a very easy fishing method you don't need all the expensive gear you just need a fishing line and a hook and so you see a lot of that along here and then of course as you look off the beaches off the water there are just pelicans and seals plunging in the water feasting off of all the things and believe you me when these fishermen come in with their catch they're always trying to scavenge up a few bits from that as well but speaking of these commercial fishing boats lined up here the first night just a parade of them came literally dumping out of this boat dock for like three hours it was it had to be hundreds of boats and we couldn't for the life of us figure out what they were trying to catch I did all sorts of speculation and we learned that they are out catching jaya's squid and so as I said this is one of the sort of biggest commercial uh squid uh squid areas in the world and the coastline here is beautiful as well so not only do you have this very active Jetty Causeway here but then you also have sort of a long sandy beach now I would warn anybody traveling here in areas there's a bit of rubbish but other than that really stunning you can see the Rocks the sheer Cliff walls as well as have the beach atmosphere and there's some caves over there in the sides of the cliffs finally the sun came out and after a couple days here watching these boats and these sea lions we decided to move just a little bit up the way where we could get some different views of this fishing City now there are a couple features up to this spot even though it's only a sure move and first off we have this little boat dock or Pier out here where we can walk out on and get some nice views of the lighthouse that's over there and the crashing waves and all that stuff also this is right underneath the Boca laboo sign which is pretty cool and up above us right here is the cementario symbolico de pescaderos now I probably pronounced that wrong it's the symbolic Cemetery for fishermen who have been lost at sea and so this Cemetery doesn't contain any bodies per se but maybe remnants of clothes or other things that would be symbolic to fishermen that didn't return now one of the really great things about this move is mostly due to rain in our other location we weren't able to walk the kitties now I took Vanna out and she immediately went up the stairs and got very adventurous really quickly much to my surprise I didn't have my camera but I took G along the way and he equally loved this little spot and we climbed the hill up to the the symbolic cemetery and we had some really cool views and Vistas up here and uh it was really just a completely different look on this city and fishing community of labou anyway we started kind of working our way up the mountain and G was definitely adventurous and climbing up there so we're going to show you a couple of the cool things that we saw while we were up here and one of them was down here along the water's edge if you notice there's sort of a little shed or Shack or Shanty over there and at first I thought someone lived there I don't think that's the case I think that's a little workshop and you'll notice along here there's people Gathering seaweed and other things from the water's edge and they put the seaweed up on these rocks to dry out so I think it's a little bit of a business there and some of these guys down here in the Rocks sort of digging with the shovels I've noticed they're digging for like little worms or something snails or something in the sand amongst the rocks and they're using them for fishing and I've also noticed that the seagulls look and dig for those worms as well so something at surprise food source was something that these guys use for bait and oh by the way while we're up here snow headed out to the pier and she is getting a look at this surfing culture here check this out [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I could move [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] can never run out of time [Music] hey baby [Music] foreign [Music] ER [Music] if you're looking for frustration [Music] thank you [Music] sometimes we stumble up on a little town that we plan on just spending One Night in grabbing some fuel some water seeing one or two little things and then getting back on the road thinking there's nothing special about the town sometimes we get really surprised when we show up in those towns and that was the case for this little town this fishing Village this little blue collar town on the Pacific coast of Chile called leibu if you like this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys know when we put out new videos and don't forget you can always follow us over on Instagram to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-06-27 04:50

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