West Java Nature Left me SPEECHLESS

West Java Nature Left me SPEECHLESS

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all right all right guys welcome to another  video I'm currently here in chiwi day well   just outside chiw day south of bandong  in Indonesia and uh I'm making my way to   the pting gani lake if I'm pronouncing that  correctly probably not but I'm making my way   there it's a beautiful Lake from what  I saw in the picture so um yeah let's go and as you can see we're riding  through the tea plantations here   look at this it is gorgeous wow I love  how beautifully green that is look at this I've seen many many tea  plantations but every time I   see them I'm still impressed  you know it's so beautiful so beautiful oh wow and look at that backdrop  here it it's gorgeous look at this damn W   I need my two hands maybe but look at this wow  beautiful maybe I should stop yeah maybe I should   stop for a minute let's see okay I'll stop for a  minute and admire the views here because it's so [Applause] beautiful my phone go okay let's  see oh there's like a lot of shops here but   I don't need anything I just need  a views a Viewpoint that's what I need it's a bit tricky to cross here  though oh they're also selling strawberries here okay I will cross oh wow look at this beautiful yes she's uh no thank you thank  you it's too much for me too much   family packages always here they  need to have smaller packages hell   hello hello oh lots of people enjoying  the views here beautiful view yes yes yes well I just had my lunch so I'm not   really looking for any food right now  hello mister hello mister how are you hello I just want to have a clear view  honestly I don't need any food so guys   here we have a beautiful clear view of the tea  plantations here in Indonesia buung no Gung banku wow I'll be honest guys I didn't even know  Indonesia had te Plantation I mean I knew   it when I went to when I came to chiw day  I knew there would be tea plantations but   before I knew about Chi day I had no idea  that Indonesia had tea plantations I know   they have coffee here but for tea I didn't know  that but I think it's a similar um a similar   climate that you need for tea and coffee so it  makes sense actually so yeah one more last view here okay let's jump back on the bike and make  it to that Lake that I cannot pronounce the name   of bang gun Lake it's called I think patang gang  something like that or patang gang I don't know   it's with double G so it's a bit weird I don't  know how to pronounce it but that's where we're   going let's go okay guys it seems like we have  made it to the lake I'm pretty high up still but   I can see it already in the distance look at that  it's pretty huge actually I didn't expect it to be   this big I just uh okay probably the ticket boo is  here I see already a friend is SM there hello uh   tickets uh yes yes uh one ticket one ticket please  25,000 rupia 25,000 okay let me see what I have here can I drive all the way down yeah can I ride  all the way down yeah okay okay okay thank you wow it looks beautiful okay thank you is it busy  today a lot of people people a lot of people okay   okay okay let's go okay we acquired our ticket  now it's time uh for some Lake exploration let's   see what we can find here she said it's very busy  today but I don't see so many people honestly but   uh yeah let's have a look oh there's like  a little village down here as well I'm not   sure what's going on here but uh we will know  soon we will know soon what's going on here yes   yes Lake exploration and it's getting a bit cold  honestly um I should have brought my jumper maybe   somebody told me like bring your jacket when you  go up there and I forgot but uh I feel why now I   thought it would be hot but it's a little bit cold  here okay we made it and uh we part this SC right   here and I see a sign Helm oh you're you work  here yes oh for the helmet for number for your   helmet okay much okay how much is it uh 500 500  wait 500 or 5,000 to 5,000 yeah 500 seems a bit   low I mean I want to pay 500 it's okay no problem  5,000 no three zero yes three zero yeah yeah yeah   okay let's see what I have here oh that's a 5,000  and four parking also parking and helmet both okay   thank you and the entrance yes entrance this way  this way uh and then right right okay thank you   see you later okay so we made it to the lake here  let's have a first view already here let's see uh   first and then we can go in oh I see already  lots of uh little souvenir shops food drinks   everything is here so let's see first the lake  looks kind of gorgeous maybe we can swim here   but I don't have uh any swimming clothes though  yep that's the lake and you have some boats here   these boats are really beautiful honestly it's  like a traditional kind of style boat oh wow nice okay let's make it to the entrance now got   to the entrance and uh see maybe we  can buy some souvenirs here I don't   know usually I don't buy souvenirs but  maybe today I will hello they were saying hi okay there's like a whole  street here with um souvenir   shops on the left and some on the right as well St hello oh lots of souvenirs mostly clothing oh  yeah they sell the the wool and jumpers here   because it's so cold here but for me actually  it's not that cold on the scooter it's a bit   cold but here it's not so cold hello sir what  is this is what is it B ban yeah for what is it   yeah oh it's Ginger Ginger drink wow it's a bit  big though okay okay maybe later okay thank you   thank you oh yeah it's a bit of a big bottle  if it would be a small one maybe I could take   it but uh yeah let's see let's see okay lots  of souvenir shs everybody's selling the wool   and jumpers here hello hello oh and that's the  name of the lake here patang gang hello how do   you pronounce it patang gang patang gang yeah Pang  ah pting gang situ is Lake no Lake yeah situ situ   situ pangang yeah Pang okay situ P gang that's  how you pronounce it Lake Pang gang oh and they   have some uh food here but yeah not for now hello  oh it smells good though what is this uh it is uh   chicken ball chicken chicken chicken oh it smells  sweet what do I smell something sweet uh chicken   ball this ball fishball fishball M no not now  maybe later okay thank you oh I smell something   really sweet here and I was thinking like maybe  I can have something sweet but that's not sweet   that's chicken so maybe the smell is coming from  somewhere where else let's see yeah I still smell   it now or maybe it's this this dude his perfume  maybe he's maybe he has just a sweet perfume hello hello yeah let's see if we can find some sweet  stuff because I'm kind of a little bit in the   mood for a snack but uh it has to be a sweet snack  so let's see if we can find something it's like   a whole village here with all restaurants and and  food and a little Market even Oh I thought it was   a people living here but I think it's just for  sales for business so where is the entrance the   entrance hello entrance this way entry entry this  way uh to go to the lake this way okay thank you   oh yeah I wasn't sure because there's something  here as well I'm not sure what this is looks   really cool though but uh maybe later maybe I'll  explore that later let's make it to the entrance first it doesn't seem so busy today  hello hello hello where you got from   uh belgia ohia yeah the entrance this  way entrance entrance to the lake lake   lake not not not here like where this  way this way oh what is here then yeah uh scratcher scater crater a crater which  crater there's volcano volcano which one   kaapi no no from G oh you can go there how far  walking walking maybe uh 20 minutes it's half   it's half hour half hour oh I'll go to the  lake first I didn't even know there was a   crater here you need to thiser you need to pay  entrance entrance sck or the same entrance uh   difference a different entrance differ oh okay I  didn't even know you pay ticket uh yes yes yes I   pay I pay 25 25 yes this is a different uh uh  different 25 is for the lake yes the lake ah   okay I go to the lake first okay thank you mister  okay see you see you see you okay so this is the   lake and apparently there's a crater there as  well but uh not sure if I will go there I'll go   to the lake first cuz it's half hour walking  I mean I don't mind a little bit of a walk   but let's see the lake first I paid already  for that so ticket a ticket ticket ticket I   need to show you no for you no who where this  way this way okay oh I don't know what he was showing I was going to give my ticket to the  wrong person um I'm still not sure where the   entrances oh people are swimming here  even look there people are swimming oh yeah look here oh no they're not swimming they're  I don't know what they're doing fishing maybe oh   really it's like a fishing thing with a little  with a basket and they're putting it in the water   and taking it out again and I'm really not sure  what they're doing maybe we can investigate that later oh it feels good to be in the nature  proper nature just uh 1 hour and a half out   of Bandon and this is what you get nature  lovely lovely but uh still not sure where   to uh redeem my ticket I have a ticket but where  do I show it or what's the point of this stick it really oh you can rent a boat there 40,000  40,000 oh it's like a pedalo boat H not   sure if I want to do that not sure if  I want to do that maybe the traditional   boat would be nice oh they're making  their own picnic here hello hello oh   you're cooking yeah enjoy enjoy do you  know what I need to do with this ticket   what ticket yeah where do I should I show it  somewhere you show it show it where here yes okay he's pointing at the lake show it  to the lake I'm so confused why did I   get a ticket well it doesn't matter  I'm here now wow look at this I'll   just go off-road a little bit like  the other people do and admire the views it seems to be very popular to do your picnic  here and everything these two girls also having   a picnic hello then some couple there and  some dude here and then me here wow let's   go a little bit closer hello wow oh it's  gorgeous honestly this Lake it's really gorgeous oh they're on the boat  oh they're just taking pictures   I wonder if these boats go like for  a round or something probably they   do there's like a some cabins there as  well that must be a nice place to sleep wow gorgeous look at this completely made out of wood but  I think this one is under repair because the   benches are missing so you have like  the the rest the the back rest but not   the bench itself so I guess they're just  repairing it or where maybe you sit on the   ground on the floor I don't know I think  I feel like there needs to be like some   kind of plank here so you can this is the back  rest you sit down oh it's actually beautiful   very colorful let's see there are some other  boats here as well yeah see these have proper benches look your back hello hello hello hello  guys are you going on a boat tour boat tour no   no no uh just pictures can I go pict can I go  can take a picture oh yes yes I'm taking video   where you from uh from Belgium huh belgia belgia  belgia yes yes yes I'm very long yeah very long   very far oh so just sorry here yes yes yes yeah  I'm just checking the boats here oh it looks   nice you see these have a you can sit down also  so you can rent a boat you know you can rent it   for on the lake you can rent the boat rent it  for no can yes uh by in there oh you need to go   there and ask for it oh okay okay oh not sure if  I want to go on the boat though but uh I was just curious it looks kind of nice honestly these boats hello hello hello how are you I'm fine and you  good good good you're tourist here also or you   live here I'm local tourist local tourist oh from  where uh lambang lambang oh so what is better TI   day or lambang Che day Che is better maybe oh  that's good I made the right choice then from   here go to the lambang maybe 28 km oh it's not  so far yeah oh so you come only during the day   and then you go back yeah tonight you go back  yeah oh do you did you go to the volcano also   yeah uh ah is it far far away yeah sure how many  minutes walking which one is it this one no you   cannot walk in oh they told me 30 minutes 30  from here uh to the lambang no no no no not to   lambang to the volcano here there's one volcano  here oh yeah yeah yeah Ka no no no another one   another one I went to kabati already I don't know  somebody told me there's a volcano here and it's   30 minutes walking maybe 30 minute oh yeah maybe  30 minutes or uh 1 hour Hour 1 hour is a bit long   nobe not sure if I want to do that because so  far yeah it's far but to which one kapti yeah   oh no no I don't want to go to kaputi okay thank  you I will I will ask around I will ask around I   will see I will see maybe there's another volcano  maybe there's not I'm bit confused now let's see   I think he the guy was pointing somewhere there  there should be a volcano somewhere there and it   is a separate ticket he said 30 minutes walking  really not so let's check out what these guys are   doing it's definitely some kind of fishing but  some kind of fishing that I've never seen before   I'm really really curious to see what they're  doing and did they catch any fish that's also   the question because they keep moving and moving  but I don't see them holding any fish maybe those   guys they have a different system that's with  the net but these guys that's something I've   never seen before let's go a bit closer I think  they're got they're trying to trap the fish or something oh wow yeah I think so yeah I think they're looking for  fish fishing fishing oh fishing good   did you catch something no okay yeah  they're really fishing wow look at this well I would go closer but it's getting a bit   muddy here not going to go  too close yeah this is my limit oh they they have a they have a net but I'm  not sure if they're catching anything oh they are   have a really huge net honestly let's see if  they have something yeah yeah they definitely   have something yeah yeah they have some fish there  I can see it moving wow I really wonder how they   do it I think they just put it there and then  take the fish with their hand you see this guy   his hand is in that uh cone or how you call it  like a sort sort of cone so they put the cone   in the water and then with their hand they're  trying to catch the fish I think that's what   they're doing yeah I'm uh going to continue  random exploring here I've seen the lake I've   seen uh some fishing in another Lake and maybe  I'll make my way to that other volcano if there   is another volcano I'm really not sure but that  guy told me maybe I need to find that guy again   and then I verify on Google as well because  not going to walk for 1 hour for nothing you know look here they're making a boat from  scratch I think but it's not in Wood it   looks traditional but it's from plastic  they use these uh plastic barrels they   cut them and I guess they they melted  a little bit to fold it look this is   they're still building it you can see the  the framework that's all in wood but the   outside is plastic that's crazy man will  be very light I guess with this kind of   plastic but it's not finished yet they're still  working on it wow look at this it's interesting interesting so I just checked on Google  and there is indeed a crater here and it   looks beautiful on the pictures but I'm  not going to walk there I'm going to get   my bike first and then go there it's like  10 minutes on the bike but maybe first uh   I'll have a little snack here I don't know  yeah so it looks like you can rent that boat   for sure because I see some people there and  in the background there's another boat well   that would be a cool activity if I would not  be by myself you know if you're with a group   of friends or family that would be nice but  all by myself it will be a little bit boring   I think it's nice to look at and nice if you're  with a group but yeah not for me today another time no I want a small one small one how much is  this one 5,000 5,000 okay that's a good price 10   delicious Big 10 no it's too too big too big for  one one person one person wait wait 5,000 5,000   okay let me see yeah I was looking already  for a small portion do you have chain change   okay no no no no it's too big too big just one  person you know if you're alone it's a little   bit much it's from here thank you ter Massi  it's from here in the area you grow it here okayi yeah I think they grow it around here  they grow it here but uh I'll give it a try   of course because they've been uh trying to  sell me strawberries for uh pretty much the   whole day already so finally I gave in because I  saw that they had a small package I hope they're   washed already but I guess they will be washed  so uh before I go I'll try some strawberries   okay let's give these uh Mountain strawberries a  try they're definitely from around here so let's   see I hope they're washed I guess they're washed  if they sell them like that they should be washed no oh wow they're super good they're  really good I think honestly they're   better than the ones I tried in Malaysia  this one looks a bit strange but that   doesn't mean it doesn't taste  good don't judge a book by its cover yeah they're so good m yes okay rest is for later approved  hello what what are you selling what is this   banana and this one uh tofu T tofu this one B  one what is it KU ban B onean balala balabala   Indonesia balala balabala and this one Chang  Chang what is it English you don't know this   is vegetables or onions onions Kies B cies  koes Kies can I try one piece uh one 14y   one 2,000 1 2,000 okay okay one I'll try one  not sure what it is though H one is okay yes yes yeah I'm very curious what it [Music]  is chili oh no it's okay no chili no chili   I have 5,000 here thank you I'll try  I'll try it right away okay okay right   I'll try it right here and see how it  tastes is it with vegetables no [Music] vegetable so we have some kind of mystery uh Fri Kies with some kind of coal I [Music] think tastes a bit like brussels sprouts it's good   it's like it's definitely something  with vegetables like a frer that is good I can see some green in it  some kind of onions as well so   um a mix of different vegetables  I guess and then fried she fried   it here yeah good which sauce is this  sauce sauce which sauce can I do some sauce just a little bit here a little bit spicy I hope it's not too it's very spicy  uh no no chil chilly o she says not spicy   but it's chilly let's see because she gave  me a lot oh yeah it's smell spicy but let's see it's not too spicy yet so that's all good  it's not spicy not spicy okay she was not lying good good good leer leer oh  I like it you like this also good not oh yeah can I buy one water also  one water yeah how [Music] much   four 5,000 5,000 okay okay I'll take one water cool cool cool a cool you have cool cool oh  yeah yeah cool one I I like cool cool I like cool oh yes yes yes I have 10,000  again it's okay yeah I'm always   big bills I mean not really but okay  okay thank you yeah okay thank you very muchi okay okay thank you Kaa Kaa what's that this is definitely really good it's  like a healthy and non-healthy I would say   the healthy part is is with vegetables  the non-healthy part is it's fried but   overall is the good taste okay it's time to  uh continue our road trip to the crater let's go beautiful views everywhere you look wow making a quick stop here to admire the views  because um in the afternoon the Fox starts   rolling in similar to many Tea Plantation  that I've seen before and you can see it   coming there it's really really beautiful  probably in I don't know 30 minutes an   hour it will be full of fog here which will  give like a complete different feel of the environment and I guess these are the Tea  Plantation workers you can see they have like   a football pitch and everything there looks  really nice wow I really love these kind of Vibes hello hello is it still open or I can still  visit yeah I know it's it closed at 5: maybe I   can still go yes yes how much is the ticket  is 50,000 50 ,000 okay okay I'll get my money out you want the hot spre uh no I don't have  any clothes for swimming yeah it's okay here   okay what time is it closing yeah what time  what time will it close uh 6 6 okay okay okay   okay I still have some time I thought I  would be late okay thank you thank you so come on ah okay okay it worked let's go yeah I don't know what's with the scooter  but sometimes it doesn't want to start was a   bit awkward with all these people looking at me  but uh Google Maps said this closes at 5:00 but   they told me but you have to know at six is  pit black so I don't think I will spend much   time here there's hot springs and everything  here but the problem is I didn't bring any   clothing because I didn't really prepare for  this uh location it's just like um a spur of   the moment thing I was Googling and I saw that  there was this place not far away so that's the   reason I came here so uh yeah let's see what  we can do here uh okay thank you very much   here so which way do I I need to walk walking  this Which Way VIP ticket uh no just a normal   a normal ticket normal all right let me see I  have so many tickets already wait wait wait I   have so many tickets here in my pocket I think  it's this one this one oh here this way okay Teri okay oo last stop of today another  uh Lake Kawa ranis oh he asked me if I   have VIP so if you have VIP it's 100 RB  and I don't know what I have honestly no   idea oh wow look at this bike this  bike looks really cool look at this wow wow it's beautiful look at this it's  completely customized I think okay guys we   made it to kawasan ranis which is another volcano  crater uh somewhere that way I think uh and I need   to hurry a little bit or it might be that way  there's also a pot here but I saw people walking   there as well so I'm really not sure maybe I'll  try here first yeah so it's a volcano crater but   I need to hurry a little bit because it will get  dark soon the Sun is setting already so um yeah   uh let's see but on the pictures it looks really  really gorgeous and there's a hot spring as well   but um I didn't bring any bathing suit so no hot  spring for me today but uh yeah let's check it out oh wow look at that guys they have like  a cable car but it's like a bali swing type   of seat on a cable car that's impressive can  you sit in that or is it just to transport the   goods or I'm very curious about that I think you  can can sit in that uh let's go down there let's   go down there let's go down there and see if we  can uh use that cable car oh and I can smell the   sulfur already you can see all the smoke there  behind me that's where the crater is and I can   smell it already it smells like rotten eggs more  than the other volcano I went to it's even worse   yeah it's a really strong smell here let's see  if I can get one of those chairs yeah there they   have these chairs hello the chair lift is open  it's open open okay okay I don't know if I need   to pay extra for this exit H this is the exit  yes oh where's the entrance then uh you want   the hot spring h no no hot spring just we're  walking around and maybe if I I can I go in   there yes I go there uh Bridge no this one the  the chair lift oh no not possible exit where's   the entrance other side yeah oh how to go there  walking walking uh go there upstairs oh how how   how go all the way up yes but I came from there  yes from there oh and how to go to the other side   of the cable lift you want to uh fing uh Bridge  no is this a this bridge here Bridge uh down there   oh there's Bridge there oh and then I can go on  this until what time is it open yeah still open   uh Five Five O it's 10 minutes yes is enough to  go there yeah go there 10 minutes uh 15 15 yeah   15 oh I need to run then it's 450 s 10 minutes and  it will be five I can go okay okay okay I need to   pay extra for that extra ticket ticket yes okay  thank youi oh so this is the exit of the cable   of the chairlift the Bali chairlift but um I need  the entrance of course even though I saw people   going in there from this side so I don't really  understand what he means but you can see that's   the entrance there or maybe it's two way you start  there and you go back and forth but the thing is   it will close at 5 which is in 10 minutes and he  said it's 15 minutes walking so I need to hurry   a little bit oh we have the crater here already  oh yeah I need to go all the way down and back   up again wow I will never make it in 10 minutes  dude hell no I will not make it but maybe they   leave it open a little bit longer wow looks like  a whole amusement park here the hot springs and everything this guys right here is the  hot spring and you can see it's like a   hard shape very romantic very romantic but not  for me because I'm alone here and I don't have   swimming gear so uh no swimming and no romances  tonight only maybe I'll manage to get in that b   seat which is also a bit romantic but I'll do it  alone how to go over the bridge I think this way   wow look at the smoke coming out of here you  can smell it rotten eggs all over the place   look at this the smoke coming out here you can  see the color on the Rocks also like Neo green   or how you call that there as well oh yeah it  smells like suur like fireworks almost it smells here well that's actually a good thumbnail with  the smoke behind me like in an action movie that   I'm running away from a b or something okay  let's make it to that bridge and see if we   can still make it to those lifts oh there's a  bridge there oh I think he was talking about   that bridge oh why did I come down here there's a  bridge there but I wanted he meant that bridge oh   no I screwed up guys I'm I'm all the way  down here but I should have been on that   bridge uh well let's see let's let's try to  make it I'm sure I can go from this side as   well and make it to the bridge wow it's  really warm here the steaming hot smoke hello ah let's see if I can make it up there hello yeah oh wow it's beautiful look at  this there's like a little waterfall but it's   um hot water waterfall you know hot spring so  the water's going from there I'm I'm I guessing   I'm guessing there's a pool also there then it  goes here this way also some more water here   and then in the hard shape and the B seats up  there the suspension bridge in the background   wow I think I came a bit too late to this place  because everything is closing soon so I need to   rush it a bit ideally I still go on the suspension  bridge and the B seats let's see if we can make it wow this is really really nice  everywhere there you see smoke and   everything look how mystical that looks it's  like a mystical atmosphere here wow look at this oh you can even hear the steam you hear that wow yeah that must be steaming H really okay guys it seems like we made it and it's  for 56 so we still have 4 minutes let's see   if they they will still allow me to go  I hope so we got a but it seems pretty   quiet here so I'm really not sure let's see  out of breath out of breath so here here we are here we are but there's nobody  oh no they closed early today oh   no really I rushed it up here for  nothing really come on it's not it's 4:57 really I rushed it up here for nothing really hello nobody there I think they're  done for today come on really really   I think they're closed look so more people are coming you also want to go it's  closed I think it's not five yet   but it's it's close it's yeah it's close  I think it's not 5 normally until 5 but nobody yeah too late [Laughter] no yeah I I I even yelled  there but nobody's coming nobody is   there yeah unless you have some connections  or something you can pull some strings huh yeah I think it's too late now yes  5:00 it's 4:56 when I arrived here so   it should be open still but I think they  closed early ah too bad would have been nice yeah yeah closed no too late too bad  next time I need to come earlier here maybe   the suspension bridge is there this way open  at least the suspension bridge is open okay   oh you're also going there yeah oh oh yeah  see I'm not the only one come on that's a a   little bit bad organization if they say 5:00  it closes it should be 5 and not uh 450 or something probably when I met those other guys  they're already planning to close and still they   told me to come here I wonder where the bridge  is though the suspension bridge at least I will   be able to do that but yeah it's kind of my own  fault I just arrived way too late here I'm out   of bread oh yeah I see the start of the bridges  here so okay that one is open okay okay let's see   if I can make it up here because there's like  a ticket system not even sure how it works oh   yeah it's open okay okay no Bali chair lift but  instead a suspension bridge and it seems like I'm   not alone here there's a whole group of people  here let's see how scary it is because it's a   moving Bridge so hello hello hello how are you  oh you take your pictures first before I disturb   the picture take it now take it now otherwise  you will have a you will have a Bulet in the background where you come from uh belgi Belgium  Belgium Bel belgia belg yeah yeah yeah oh wow   it's beautiful no you you came from there already  yeah oh you you're going back now yeah I'm going   going I wanted to go in the chairlift but it's  closed yes too late too late oh wow it's beautiful no wow look at this suspension bridge let's see how they manage  it's a bit shaky maybe I'll walk already by myself you take your picture and then  I go okay oh yeah plan is it scary so   scary scary fair enough oh really so you're  going to go back the other way really okay   good luck okay oh they're not going back  this way they're going to do the detour   because it's too scary so uh hopefully it's  not too scary for me maybe my sunglass is not   a good idea here because you know okay let's  see well it doesn't look that scary honestly   for me I guess if you have a bit of uh fear of  heights maybe it's a bit scarier but it's all good wow what a cool view though look at this wow I'm I don't know how high we are here  but we are pretty high now it's uh W it's a   little bit scary yeah now it's a tiny little bit  scary okay maybe I need to have some thumbnail   action here oh and that's where the river is  running down there and then the hard shape   uh hot spring should be somewhere there and  that's where the B seats chairlift arrives so yeah oh yeah it's a little bit scary a little  bit but I've been on uh other suspension   bridges that were more scary than  this one honestly so it's not too bad overall yeah it's not too bad overall yeah yeah if you see me doing these weird   poses that's like for a thumbnail  maybe possibly for a thumbnail later I feel pretty safe on this bridge even  though this plank here is a little bit unscrewed   and everything but it's still pretty pretty  sturdy doesn't feel too scared but wow look   at this view so we have like jungle all around and  then in the background you see the mountains you   see a little bit of tea plantations I think it is  then you have the fog there it's like a mystical   background wow I really love it I really love it  it's so beautiful it's like proper jungle Vibes here the advantage of coming uh  late to such tourist attraction   is I'm all alone here on the suspension  bridge look at there nobody and behind   me nobody so yeah that's the  advantage of uh these kind of things the disadvantage of course is you don't get  to go on the chairlift H yeah I just want to take   a moment here and enjoy the beautiful views it's  really really incredible I didn't know really what   to expect when I came to chewy day I just saw  some pictures and I knew there was some tourist   attractions around but and I knew there were tea  plantations but I had no idea that it was so big   such a large area full of tea plantations also  like hot springs volcanoes everything is here   and that's just 1 hour or 1 hour and a half from  bandong which is really nice it's a beautiful   area yeah I'm really uh glad that I came here oh I  enjoy the silence as well here just a bird sounds   some water running in the background wow no matter  how much I love uh the city life and you know the   Vibrance and meeting new people and trying new  foods but you know these kind of experiences   um exceed that for me honestly just being here  in the beautiful nature that's the reason like   the main reason that I travel that's why every  trip that I do I always try to at least have a   little glimpse of the nature uh even better a  big Glimpse but uh sometimes it's just easier   to travel in cities so that's why I try to avoid  uh well I don't try to avoid sometimes I avoid the   nature locations because it's hard to get to but  uh if you rent a scooter it's pretty easy to come   here so yeah definitely not disappointed so uh  I think this will be almost the end of the video   but um let's make it to the exit first see what  is going on there and then uh make our way back   to the hotel probably because um it's 5:15 and  and uh yeah it will close at 600 they told me   and also it gets really dark soon so I don't want  to drive all the way back in the dark well I will   have to drive in the in the dark anyway but I  try to avoid it so if I leave now I might have   like 20 minutes still of daylight so that's all  good but uh wow this uh view is incredible look   at this all right guys this was this for the  trip here around the Kawa arenis it's time to   head back to my hotel now I have about 30 minutes  40 minutes to drive it will get dark soon so I   need to get going but I want to all I want to  thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed   it as much as I did and uh you already know if  you're still watching you're a legend legend

2024-01-03 15:46

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