West from St Louis | Cycle Touring | Keppel's Vlog 13 | Katy Trail 1

West from St Louis | Cycle Touring | Keppel's Vlog 13 | Katy Trail 1

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[Music] [Music] my name is lucas levy keppel and for the next five days i will be cycling across the state of missouri following the katy trail hello friend humans i'm here at the start of the journey in lee's summit missouri about to get on the uh amtrak here and ride over to st louis before i take the haiti trail all the way back it's exciting i had to ride about six miles to get here i'm all warmed up now i get to be get to be on the train for the next you know six hours or so [Applause] [Music] great thank you i should be able to get it i just need to put this down somewhere thank you oh [Music] this is where you side right yeah okay cool um [Music] backyard [Music] thank you kindly it's a lot easier getting it up than getting it down there good grief yep thank you appreciate it [Music] i've arrived at one end of the journey i'm here um in kirkwood at the kirkwood america amtrak station and about to head out to get to the katy trail because just getting to the train station is not enough i've got to get to the trail itself and it's about 1 30 in the afternoon be fighting some daylight issues obviously it's a little chilly and windy but uh that's okay that's part of the adventure um not sure that there's gonna be a campsite tonight either uh when i was checking on the train it looked like the campsite might be all booked up or may not be open so i've got a couple options that i'll check out when we get closer but always exciting to have complications this early in the trip in any case let's uh get to the trail so we can start riding the trend [Music] [Music] oh so a moment ago i was uh up on olive street on the way through crave kerr and managed to catch the edge of the tripod with my leg and wouldn't you know what i broke the tripod leg right off of the uh the selfie stick so i'm going to not have a tripod for the entire trip on the katy trail unless i can find a place that has it so it may be all handheld and for that i apologize but um you know what what kind of a trip would it be if everything went according to plan yeah i don't think i'm 44 times should be okay [Music] so [Music] all right highway above us cycleway below us [Music] beautiful [Music] here i'll get bored of farmland somewhere and that was not that time [Music] [Music] i think the trails is excited for me to get here as i am to get to it [Music] here it is kitty channel [Music] so i'm still fairly close to the highway or that was the bridge over the missouri river i love that the trailhead was right next to the missouri river crossing somehow that just seems perfect the trail is so pretty all of the changing trees the leaves on the trees but up at the bridge there was a sign that said family arena i have some real questions about what the family arena is i'm guessing it's not a place of gladiatorial combat i don't think that's legal in missouri of course in latin the word arena merely means sand so maybe there's a family beach or something over here that someone is feeling all classy or classical anyway wasn't sure what the surface of the road would be like surface of the trail but it's nice no problems here [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning friend humans i made it into defiance last night didn't quite make it all the way to where i was hoping to make it to just outside augusta but uh making it to defiance is a pretty good first day with you know losing the tripod and everything it's a beautiful morning today though a little chilly got down to about 38 last night which was you know colder than i was promised but fortunately the uh the quilt worked a treat it was amazing to be there i i even did a thing that i've never done before and covered over my head to warm up my head when i was pulling into defiance i passed a bar uh or a brew pub i guess is the technical term passed a brew pub that was called good news i thought oh this is good news indeed i'll stop here and have a bite to eat uh looked like they had pizza and burgers on the menu just as i was riding by well bad news for good news was that they were closed on mondays so i didn't actually get my my good news treat but uh you know i did make it back to the camp it was completely dark and made stroganoff for dinner so sometimes you have to have stroganoff looking forward to getting back on the road obviously it is morning i'm gonna have a little bite to eat here and then uh head out because i stopped a little early yesterday we've got a little bit of extra uh time to make up today um to make it to the the turner katy roundhouse which is our goal for today so that's going to be some 70 miles here's hoping we make it all the way [Music] so [Music] [Music] this is just absolutely stunning looking over at the missouri river the bluffs beside the trail ahead is exactly the kind of thing i wanted to see on this trip now much of this trip follows the path of the lewis and clark expedition they were on the river itself and since the railway and now this path follows the river too it's kind of neat to think about how lewis and clark and the in sacagawea and all of the others coming along here scouting it out for the new united states trying to figure out what in the world that we're going to do with all this territory back at madsen the trailhead there was information about daniel boone moving out here to missouri apparently he was having such a difficult time in kentucky that he asked the spanish for a land grant and they gave it to him it was across the mississippi river which meant that it was no longer in the u.s territory and he was allowed to have it unfortunately just a few years later the us acquired that territory and it became the missouri territory they had no idea what to do with the spanish land grant they'd only dealt with english land grants and some dutch ones as well took an active congress to recognize it and allow boone and his family to have the land that they'd settled i say this with a smile and a laugh but remembering that the land that they settled was land that belonged to native tribes and that a lot of the troubles that boone was having in kentucky was with those native tribes who were understandably upset about him taking their land i don't know it adds something to it [Music] place called kickstand good morning [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] coming up on my first tunnel of the katy trail granted it's just underneath the road but still holy it's a shout out to ryan van duser this is a pretty big blow down [Music] okay that wasn't about it [Music] [Music] this trail is magical [Music] lost creek [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello i'm here outside mckittrick in missouri i'm about to take a little jaunt over for lunch can't believe how far we've come today it's been 40 miles or so already and another 35 ish to go more than halfway on the day seems like a good time to break for lunch and herman is a wonderful german town they have the oktoberfest going on uh throughout october which is a little strange because it's supposed to be in september but we'll get into that too much uh but i'm gonna go in get some nice german food refuel for this uh particular half of the day and i just am amazed at how it's going i just passed to the 100 mile marker although that's 100 miles from the mississippi river not 100 miles of the trail it just got me thinking about how far this trail goes and how long it's been here and all of that and i'm just so excited to be on the trail and it will be nice to have some food [Music] [Music] good german [Music] every now and then i need to take a break on the trail get out of the saddle sit down i thought that i'd be more energized coming out of lunch but instead i'm seeming to have the same thing that happened in school i ate lunch and then i got real tired so i've come about nine miles from hermann ah only another 22-ish in the day which is not bad quite honestly i can make 22 miles i know i can do it but i got to keep my energy up so gummy bears i don't know why i hadn't thought of this before bears are packed with energy and they pack pretty well it's not like they care if they freeze or melt they'll still work just the same plus i keep my reminding myself that every you know liter of water i drink and every gummy bear i eat well that's weight i don't need to be pushing or carrying on the bike instead it's in me where it's doing more more good at that time so this is the standing rock as you can tell it lives up to its name stands kind of on its own on this rock mysteriously every time the missouri river floods another line is added onto this rock with the flood level marked out clearly at least clearly at the time of the flood i had to do a little bit of reconnaissance to find even one of the flood markings on it i believe [Music] i believe this red here is a flood marking also [Music] still considering we are a mile and a half from the missouri river it's pretty impressive that it can flood that high out here [Music] i've talked about these mileposts along the way how they've been counting from the mississippi river it's really nice that at mile 125 exactly is where mccain is now mokane is a town named for the missouri kansas and east railroad they had a different name when they were steamboat town on the river but after a flood they rebuilt at the location of where the railroad was coming through well they had a contest to change the name of the town mccain won and then mccain was incorporated into the missouri kansas texas or mkt railroad the mkt railroad is what gives the katy trail its name the kt is the kansas texas and we're in missouri so i assume that they just thought you know that this is the missouri kansas texas [Music] there it is turner katie shelter well hello there it's never too early for a tour let me show you around come on in now begins the adventure part of this trip that is the normal cycling bridge to get across on the katy trail and the rains have started come on in [Music] you

2021-11-11 13:50

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