[Applause] f [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel I left the house at about 5:00 a.m. 2hour drive it's now 7:00 a.m. as you can hear it's raining pretty heavily I've got a huge walk up the mountain fully loaded huge snowstorm coming in this is going to be the most epic Camp it's the moment we've been waiting for the snow is coming it's going to be rough and I can't escape the punishment that's coming my way but I got to get the pack on get walking and I'll see you on the [Applause] trail it's very wet oh we're making good progress I'm on the first little bit of rudge and the weather's kind of held off a bit it's splitting down it feels like I'm walking inside of a fridge the temperature dropped the air is thick with cold which is good means the snow's coming I have about another hour to go all right I've made it to Camp as you can see I've totally wet my pants it's unacceptable but you know that's what it's like when you're up here in the mountains it's cold it was raining on the way up and I found this nice little spot kind of spooky amongst the trees so I'm going to get the pack off get my like full shelter set up and then we'll see how things progress but you know it's cold and I think the snow's coming in [Applause] soon the rain's coming in you can pitch this tent fly first so it doesn't get wet then I can adjust the TP perfectly over top of it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey this is taking shape pretty nicely the winds are coming in and it's cooling down got to get this up quick good shelter check this out it's a pretty nice setup perfectly covered with the hellberg unaa I can look out this way lots of camera angles get a fire going here later this is nice I'm going to get the rest of the stuff into the tent get sorted to get my chair up I need to collect some water off the top and get some hot noodles on but yeah I think I have to get the puffer jacket on too cuz it's cold but so far so good woohoo so cozy man that's awesome they have to get some food on [Applause] now I think it's time to get some wood soon big stack of wood although I don't know the wood situation up here it's probably wet and rough and crappy wood but we'll find some anyway okay I think it's on the verge of snowing now it's getting real cold and it's just coming in I've got no wood yet so I've got to go out and get a whole bunch I'm kind of ding it but I need the fire for later cuz it's going to be freezing so I just got to do it I got to get that sweet sweet wood baby you know the drill woo it's the worst wood wet wood it's turning into a pig pin in here slushy I want to try cut some of this up and I'll see how much I have this wood just sucks so I spent a long time trying to get this and this is all I get we make [Applause] do so rotten [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh man oh [Applause] okay I think I need more wood [Applause] I think that's [Applause] enough it's the wetest I've ever seen it I'm not sure where the snow is I don't even know what the time is it's probably like 2:00 in the afternoon it's on the way I was hoping it would have been here by now so instead of all this wetness it' be dry snow falling but you know we're going to have to wait a little bit longer I want to finish breaking this up I got a baton some have a cup of tea and a biscuit and I think I like the [Applause] fire that's a piss week bro I'm going to need some biscuits big cup of tea power up then I'm going to split the wood and then get this fire going I don't want to light it too early though and run out and I need to sa some word for the morning cuz the morning's going to be real cold oh we best get man good reward M oh yeah man the rain's just being relentless where's the snow I'm waiting for it I baton wood now get some nice little kindling pieces so I can light the fire easy [Applause] [Applause] this wood it's just so wet all the bark on it is just saturated I only need a lot of fire starter to get this going yeah look at this if you can see that it's all rotten [Applause] [Applause] that's my little fire [Applause] pet this is turning into a just a full-on rain storm the forecasting is terrible they were supposed to be like 40 cm of snow or something oh well we get this guy oh went out what the heck oh there we go just soaking wet wood man [Applause] let's pray the fire will go I actually need this to dry myself off I'm quite damp as you can see so if this actually gets hot enough it can dry [Applause] everything with all the wind and the water and the coldness in that damp rotten wood I'm not sure about this fire I have more Fire Starter but I want to save a for the morning I hope it goes I think it will I haven't filed with a fire yet [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] man this is Relentless it's coming in full power [Applause] it's like a mud pit Muddy Pig pin well it seems we've got the fire going there's a good core of heat in there now so I'm not concerned and the winds are kind of coming up but it's not too bad still no sign of the snow but I suppose it'll come when I'm in the tent I don't know who knows we'll see but I'm just going to monitor the fire get it going real good and start thinking about doing Dennis soon and I just checked the webcams 200 km down south and there's so much snow it hasn't made it up to here yet the forecast was absolutely incorrect it said it should be snowing to 400 m above sea level I'm at about 1,200 m above sea level and it's just rain there's still a chance it'll turn to snow soon but you know it's pretty sad man I came up here expecting the dump and it's like happening just down there even though the forecast had the main snow event for here oh well we'll wait and [Applause] see it actually is very cold it would only take like 1 or 2° down and all of a sudden dumping everywhere [Applause] [Applause] whoa sometimes people ask in the comments they're like do you ever get your TP burnt does your tent ever get burnt by Sparks and only once the tarp has a spark on it but the tent I've never burnt the tent [Music] [Applause] wa man Aroma is on the mountain oh I'm hungry now there's so much steam everywhere look at it all Steam and smoke all right so I get the pot on woo and then yeah got cormer paste of some Tom extra tomato paste oh so much steam there's so much going on okay I get this water [Applause] in then I'll Chuck in this bag of free dried freeze dried rice oh my goodness oh the smoke I have my curry pot oh I'll show you it in case you haven't seen it already just so you know massive lamb Curry [Applause] oh yes I need this bed yes it's divine New Zealand lamb man it's so good someone in the comments of the video the last time I at lamb they watched the video and all they said was Welsh Lamb's better that made me laugh I don't know maybe it is B but New Zealand Lamb's pretty good too this is like a lamb Cora briani I don't know what it is not authentic but very very delicious oh yeah that hurts the [Applause] spot it's still not snowing unbelievable if I wake up tomorrow morning and there's no snow I might have to delete the channel would you guys be upset about that I really just want to sit out in the Snowman I need it bad [Applause] [Applause] oh I mean look at this succulent woo [Applause] Curry the curry [Applause] [Applause] monster guys and girls it's finally happening it's falling from the sky water that's snowflake oh and look at my fire look at this I'm not going to have to delete the channel after all look at this okay I'm really excited I'm worried now I don't have enough wood and it's just falling the temperature it's plummeted it's freezing now oh I can actually feel it I need to sit closer and closer to this fire and the flakes are coming we did it it was a little bit delayed but it's here and it's only going to intensify or the big flakes oh yes okay so we have to be a little bit sensible about this um if it continues to snow at this pace I'm going to have to adjust the top because there's going to be pretty big accumulation overnight and I don't really want it to collapse on me oh man look at it these are proper snowflakes I've been waiting all year for this guys subscribe to the Channel smash the Thumbs Up For my sake just for once and enjoy this snow footage man this is New Zealand snow the best snow as you can tell I'm probably a little bit over excited some of you guys like walk out your back door in this snow everywhere but not here in New Zealand we have to work hard for it walk up the mountains plan the weather oh it's just glorious it's magical for hot chocolate in the snow look at that fire man there's quite a good core of Embers in there I still have quite a good amount of wood for a fire in the morning too so I'm not going to put any more wood on tonight I'll let that die down and we'll have a good fire in the morning cuz it's going to be really cold and there's probably going to be quite a lot of snow wow these are the biggest snowflakes I think I've ever seen there are some huge whoa I'm not sure what the camera is doing even if it's focusing on me or the snow the big flakes but man that's impressive that huge oh there's like no win too incredible this hot chocolate is Delicious By the way rich and creamy warming me up I'm so excited now I said before I delete the channel if I didn't get snow well it looks like we're not deleting it and I be satisfied man if it snows at this all night long that's going to be an experience I woke up here 4:00 a.m. to get out here to do all this work so I can get set up for this so I hope you guys appreciate it and thank you for taking the time to watch the videos I know there's a lot of other videos you could watch so it's cool that you watch mine thank you I appreciate that a lot oh man oh bed time welcome to inside my cozy A's Tent sit up of the ugq and I'm using the Nemo tensor pad for this truck uh it's still snowing outside and the fire's still going but yeah it's quite late so I'm going to get into the cozy quilt and Tuck myself up I didn't bring the top down so hopefully there isn't a catastrophic failure over the night you never know the weather has been unpredictable and the forecast has been absolutely all over the place so who knows what's going to happen good night people I'll see you tomorrow oh no it [Music] snowed good morning everybody I had a great night's sleep in the tent I finally got warm after my body heat pushed out all the moisture and the dampness from my quilt and down jacket uh it appears as though we have some great accumulation on the top and I think it's snowing more now so I'm going to I have to get a coffee on real quick yeah I can hear something and then I do that beauty shot of shaking all the snow off the top that's going to be glorious get a fire [Music] going I have the most amazing view out from the tent right now snow covered trees man it's so beautiful oh this coffee this is camping man this is the best oh man that's so fluffy for oh man all the rains turned to fully ice that's a fully iced up top crocky finally I've got my snow fix there's probably nothing B in the world camping wise than this for me this is the Pinnacle I just need to absorb it all cuz I don't often get this experience only have like 50 coffees man I guess I better get up get the fire going oh man sitting by the fire with the snow that's going to be good fire time looks like we got a little bit more snow coming in that's nice hopefully this just goes easy it should do I've got some dry Twigs well nothing's really dry but you know what I mean I might need to split some of these pieces up try to avoid the smoke it's just so rot in this wood my toes are going num once the Fire gets hot enough it should be okay it's just getting to that critical temperature where it can just evaporate off all the moisture and the sticks can take hold then I can burn these pieces that I've batoned up and then relax time for coffee number two then I'm having massive bacon sandwiches with pisto and sourdough it's going to be so delicious it's magical Snow's [Music] falling just got a bunch of smoke in my eyes looks like I'm crying and it's gotten really dark all of a sudden real dark must be more snow clouds coming in I think the temperature's dropping as well W you can probably hear snow hitting the top again whoa snow hopefully that goes good and I can chill out and do my breakfast woo breakfast whoa It's coming in magic wa man sow shower put this on I want to get this bacon super crispy render all the fat down there's so much fat in here miraculously the fire it's managed to actually take pretty nicely it's putting out good heat should last me just long enough yeah you can feel it right back here without it it would be it'd be bitterly cold got these sourdough buns which I'll choing half is my plate and we're going to leather it up with bezel pisto who loves pisto I love pisto I got the whole ptle not a health food show guys you can only do this when you're out in the snow otherwise it's a tad excessive even I'll admit that all right now look at this this is fat on the fire this is how much energy isn't all that [Music] fat oh crap that's almost getting the top I probably shouldn't have done that it's like bacon petrol fet the main event I mean what a life congratulations to me oh the pist though what a camp what an experience I'm taking you guys along for the ride that's awesome I can share it with everyone I'm going to finish this one off just sit out here soak it up Let the Fire die down then I'll probably have another coffee and I'll come back to you for pack up I think in the walk out you don't want to miss that not on an occasion like this the snow's just keeping on coming it's pretty big flakes coming down sh look at this holy cow it's a paradise winter Paradise it's unbelievable oh big flakes it's pretty deep it's probably like 20 cm it's really good snow too the ski field will be happy holy moly the snow isn't ens ifying oh yeah man my fire's about to run out and it's getting colder uh not ideal scenario I don't really want to pack up in this heavy snow storm so I might just chill for a bit have more coffee [Music] I like the snow see I'm getting a little bit over excited if you can't tell just having another Brew before I leave I might as well finally packed up all right going to get everything onto the pack and then I'll come back to you I think on the GoPro in the winter wonderland just as I begin to walk look at this snowing again this is the perfect camping trip I can't believe it look wow I'm going to enjoy this walk there's going to be something special I just filmed some of me walking and you guys can just sit back and enjoy it cuz it's magical Winter Wonderland and a Ginger Ginger snowman I got a bit over excited with that snow I'll leave in the crazy things that I did it's kind of funny look at this obstacle look at these big hunks just powder it's going to take me about 2 hours down I have to be real careful cuz it'll be very very slippery but it should be fun if I take my time I've made my way down quite a fair distance it's still snowing down here in the forest I've never seen it snow this much here before I'm just like super full of enthusiasm right now if you can't tell I mean look at this [Applause] whoa I just went up to my knee in mud the mud pits are covered in snow oh man this is treacherous back down at the river that was a slippery descent I fell over a few times I'll turn the camera around see out there you can see the snow line and it's just snowing up there still it's a snow cloud I think it probably would have fallen as snow down to here but it's getting kind of late in the day and I think it probably melted off in the last couple of hours look at that that's where I was 10 minutes and we're back at the car I'm filthy and tired but we have made it back and it just started raining pretty heavy it's almost snowing down here it's cold in fact it's sleeping I think want to get oh look see it did snow at the car I think it just melted off in the morning sun but it's coming in again but anyway thanks everyone for coming along on that Adventure that's an instant classic I loved it hope you enjoyed it and if you're new to the channel and you liked it subscribe and go back and watch some of the old videos if you were enjoying your on this one but my name's AEL and I'm signing out from another epic adventure see you next time guys peace.
2024-08-27 02:43