Welcome to the Land of Mountains | Kyrgyzstan | Off - Road Adventure

Welcome to the Land of Mountains | Kyrgyzstan | Off - Road Adventure

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Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is. You could be anywhere, in the world right now watching, this, but i wish, you were here. In. Kyrgyzstan. He's calling. Me. Is. Foreign. Yes. So. So. Beauty requires. Sacrifice. And. Patience. Welcome, to. Kyrgyzstan. So guys here, is. Uh, islamic, muslim, church. We call it. Wait not church. Mosque. Mosque. If you ever wander, to harakol, city. There are two things. You must do, number one, you have to eat ashland. Number two you have to visit this mosque. That was built in 1900. For seven years from 1900, to 1907. And was built, by the chinese. Muslims. Of dunga. And a fun fact about this place, it has no. Nails. Me. Hello. I have nothing to say except i'm so, excited eat this damn food. Yeah it's called ashnamphu. This city is very, very, very. Well known for this food. It's very spicy. Very good after hanging over, not not that we are. What else do you have any. Contracts. It looks and smells, extremely, spicy. So. Life had given to us by islam the tour, guide. You must, be. Prepared. Wow. It's amazing. One of the best. Investments. One can make. Is to invest. In education. Before. In order to get the best education. Students, had to attend the top universities. Luckily. Thanks to technology. And internet. Today. Education, has become. Very accessible. To everybody. Our mission at gilda's academy. Is to empower, the individuals. From anywhere in the world. To get the best education. And change their lives. This is the original, off-road. Made in 80 years. Ago. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Me. Foreign. Hey. Today. I would like to tell you, a little story. Called, jetty, a goose. Once upon a time. There was a young lady. Who lived in this. Wonderful. And majestic, place. And. They weren't from a very fortunate, family, she had a father. And this father. Had seven. Bulls. These bulls would roam these mountains, and eat. Then help the families, survive, for the generations, to come. And this father, who had a wonderful, and beautiful, daughter.

Decided, To. Marry. This young lady. To an older guy, who was supposedly. Very very, very rich. But. This was not an ordinary, girl. She was in love. And she was in love. To a younger person. Who was not wealthy. Who didn't have. Hundreds, of. Cows, and horses, and bulls, and, mountain, goats and land. The father couldn't let her marry him. Because. They would continue, to be. Poor and love is a strong, power. With this power. She decides, to. Show her father. That she's now willing to. Live with somebody just for money. So she takes a knife. And cuts the throat. Of seven, bulls. And these bulls. Even, with their cut throat. Keep walking. And end up. In this beautiful, location. Gigantic. For the generations. To see. And show. That love. Is the ultimate, power. And love. Is the only way to live. Forward. Wow. What a beautiful. Place. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are ready for flight number 465. Provided, to you by turkish. Airlines. Um. Pancakes. There are so many, amazing, local. Entrepreneurs. You. Live anywhere. Work anywhere. Become a software, engineer. Today. I like this a lot, it's better than riding a. Bicycle. Literally. Amazing. Do the light, slap. Foreign. Is. Foreign. Foreign. Foreign. Foreign. Every time i drink the coffee here i just want to. Sleep. Foreign. My. Foreign. I. Be. Oh. Uh. We are 3. 400. Meters, above the sea level. And here, the mountains, remind, us. That we, are small. Animals. Foreign. Run up the. Mountain. Welcome. What a wonderful, place, i used to see this part of. This, magical, lake. On the outskirts, of vastness, of. Mountains, in kyrgyzstan. And i was jealous. I was born in this beautiful country but i've never made it past. A few cities and a couple villages. But. Starting from october, 1. Until october. 7. We have. Made a round trip around the secret. Then, we have arrived at marin. And. This is considered, off season. Because. The weather is quite cold. But. If you are willing to sacrifice, a little bit of comfort. For. An amazing, magical, view. And then you must visit this country, at any time of the year, not just the summer. Summer is for popular. Touristic, places. Fall, winter and spring. For a very passionate. This place. Has left me speechless. I am too poor for words, to describe, the beauty. Of this magical. Place. It reminds, me of when i was a little young boy. I used to be curious. Other new places. Besides, my home. Are there any places besides, my village. Are there any places besides, my city. And. 20 plus years, later on. I have found the answer. All the places. Within, your home. Are the most beautiful, places. You could find in the. World. Approach. This amazing, family has my favorite, meal in the world, it's called. Auroma. Foreign. Foreign. Oh. Hello good morning ladies and. Gentlemen. Um. So. I'm getting ready to swim in sun cold. The temperature, is not advisable. It's really really cold. As you can see we are, 3600. Meters above the sea level. And we are surrounded. By mountains, with. White snow caps. It's all. Mental. This is a little bit crazy. But you never know when you're gonna get back. Try to live, here and today. Let's test the water at some kern, october, 7 2020.. I can't feel my fingers. But i feel alive. The, first moment you get in the water, it just shocks, you and you can't breathe. And it keeps tracking you. Until you have to get out of the. Water. We've been uh for 30 minutes. We got in a cold sunker, lake, and then we decided to go. To. A banyan. Which is, sauna. And on our way. This very innocent looking road. Has captured, us. And now we're stuck. Trying to figure out how to get out of here. So there's a few ways. We put the rock. Under the wheel, so when it's spinning, if this is the rock it can go like that, but it's not catching. So it got rid of the rock. Then they went, all the way there, and brought back three pieces of wood.

And. A shovel. But you can hear the water, we are literally, on the water. And the more, the wheel spins, the more it, digs. So now we're even lower. In the water. And, after using the three pieces of wood, in every direction, it didn't work. So now. They're actually gonna change the. Water. They're gonna try to divert, the water so there's no water here. And then dig more and then put the pieces of wood again and then hopefully get out. I'm gonna think it's gonna be about in one hour in total. We have already been here for 30 minutes. But i'm not mad, look at this view, how could you be mad. We're in the car. This way you have the views of the beautiful, mountains, with snow on top. Some yurt. And then here you have a little mini mini, river. And then you have a lake. Also it's a mountaintop. It's very peaceful, and there's no service. You can't call anybody. Hello manual one i'm stuck. Nope, no service. You can't even go on instagram, and tell your friends that you're stuck. So what do you do. You just enjoy. Because once we get out of here. There's a hot sauna, waiting for us. You can see it's the yours over there. It's like teasing, you you know, just like, hey. I'm. Here. Yeah yeah. Hey. Update. At the end of the day, we were saved by some nice people from switzerland, thank you zach. The ranger. Already. Yeah. With. We have two flat tires. In the middle of nowhere. We ran one hour, down from a mountain, and we found this lovely home. It just so happens to have a pickup truck. But we don't know what's going to happen next. So, stay tuned to find. Out. Birthday. Hey.

2020-11-11 11:25

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