Waterfalls in Hardanger - Norway | Furebergsfossen | Steindalsfossen | Låtefossen | Odda

Waterfalls in Hardanger - Norway | Furebergsfossen | Steindalsfossen | Låtefossen | Odda

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Staring from Stockholm via Oslo, now we have reached Bergen Lets continue enjoying our journey and hit the road We will start our day by visiting Furebergsfossen To reach there, we need to take multiple ferries We will get our first ferry from Hättvika ferry terminal and after driving for a while, we need to take another ferry which will take us to the waterfall Because we need to visit Bergen city as well as explore the Hardanger area, we decided to stay in the southern part of Bergen for a few days. We are about to reach now The signal is red at the moment and we will wait for it to turn green. This tunnel is quite narrow and that is why traffic can only move in one direction at a particular point of time The view is awesome and the water droplets from the waterfall makes you feel really fresh When we were about to reach, there was this tunnel just before the waterfall I was not expecting a waterfall right after passing the tunnel That experience was great Not sure what the hell is going on :-D She was very enthusiastic when she went there but not sure if she is doing something special At this waterfall, two streams combine in this river We just reached here and were feeling very hungry There was this cafe nearby and we ordered these two items Ishu - They are serving only two items and both are here We will quickly eat this and have a closer look at the waterfall Looks nice from distance but will get a better area when we will move a bit closer Ishu - How does it taste? Tanu - Its good, you should also try! There are some stuffings in there Ishu - There is Pesto , cheese and a few other things in it.

Tanu - May be tomato pickle? Ishu - Yes it is tomato pickle There is a home-made feel to it. Tanu - I liked it. We have got another one You gobble up everything so what can one do about it? It was so tasty that we had to get another one Quickly eat it now He has put very less ketchup this time Ishu - It was me who put it less so that we dont waste it Now we had our sandwiches and I have got another thing for you. Guess it? Ice-cream?......... Seriously.....

Seriously I was not expecting it Ishu - you did not expected me to put it in my pocket may be thats why... because you usually eat milk ice-cream Tanu - but this one looks kind of similar and I did not expect that you will bring it :-D Looks cute right? There is another one which I liked. This one. They have really nice mugs It took us a while at our last stop and now we are heading towards our AirBnB On our way back we found this beautiful town , Odda The hike (trolltunga) I was talking about is this point After looking at the picture I think we should do it. Its a 25kms hike which takes 12-13 hours The city view of this place is really nice.

There are houses, water, mountains and it feels like nothing is missing It is already 8:15pm and we were feeling like eating - Ofcourse with a nice view So we got our pizza here. We will spend some time here with lovely view And after finishing our food, if time allows, we will visit one last waterfall otherwise we will go there tomorrow. Open it and show us how the pizza looks like Of-course I can't eat it like that The pizza is really big But I think we are quite hungry as well so we will be able to finish it And there are my favourite corn and mushrooms in this pizza so I can eat some extra I will start eating and you focus on recording the video :-D It 10:20 in the evening The waterfall you see there is called Steindalsfossen This is a 50 meter high waterfall and a few of the waterfalls where we can go behind the fall itself.

Generally we can only view the waterfalls from front but this one is a bit special here we have waterfall and then there is space on mountain that you can use to walk behind the waterfall It is a bit special so we thought we should visit this place No we will go up via this path and we can stand behind the fall as well It feels like raining heavily and we are not getting drenched in water, So how do you feel being at a waterfall at 10:30 in the evening? It feels great. Like it is raining heavily and we are standing with a roof on top of our head and watching it. But do you think its worth a visit here? Of-course we travel to record our experiences and probably thats why we are here this late in the evening No, I really liked it. it is a bit different that the regular falls. generally you can go behind the waterfall so it is altogether a different experience Someone who enjoys rain will surely like it. Tanu - what do you think? Did you not like it? Ishu - yeah it is okay but that view is really good Sorry that we can't get any drone shots at this place because of the drone battery We have used all our batteries while recording during the day. hope you were able to get a feel of this waterfall with regular shots. We have three batteries but all three are used since we have been recording quite alot While saying good bye to this place, I would have to say good bye to you all as well.

Sharing it as much as possible Let us know your feedback in the comments sections

2021-10-11 11:36

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