Watch The Nice View By: Renew Djønne

Watch The Nice View By: Renew Djønne

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Is. Red. Foreign. Foreign. Is. My. Foreign. Hmm. Blue. Bar. Hey. Thank. This bit. Here. Foreign. In. Okay. No. I. Am. Okay. I can pull. Out. Foreign. Oh. Foreign. Okay. Here. Give. Me. Foreign. Hey. Oh. No berries. How many. Blueberries. Refrigerator. Um. I, am a. Senior. Mama. Tell them about your, single seat yeah the congestion. Tell them about your bid. Frozen. Present, come to. Mama. Um. Foreign. Oh. This is my favorite diamond. I'm not holding your. Hands. Oh. Okay. You just go little by little. Bit. I'm waiting here. Elizabeth. Um. With grass. It's slippery. Myself. Okay. Put it down. Put it in your. Pocket. Your stone for. You. What special, of this is. What's special, of this stone. She said. There is no diamond. She bring this, one. Here. Just here. Yeah we go up first. You're thinking. You're thinking, you're thinking. Where are we, going, down. Which way. But. We are still in the middle. This is my friend. Hi, my friend marlene. Marley this is my friend. This is my friend molly. Oh see marlene, a young friend. She's seen her already, i don't know. Her honey is dry. It's like it's like it's like old dry hand. Yeah. Your hand, is dry. Because my hands are dry. And. Um. Some nice views, a. Mountain. Youtube. A. Picture. You cannot, move if you're just cheating. Just go little by little, bit. At the floor. So youtube what's up ninja, turtles. Is. You see something. Say something. To all your family, and commodities. Friends. And family. Families. Also. Also a girlfriend. Her name is angela. And your aunt. Especially. Especially. Keep the name. Uh. I don't know how. Your class meet in cebu. Kenzie. Kenzie. And. You miss them. Yes. All my friends. Kenji. And. Who else. The, one. Just. Then. What's. Up. Me. La. M. Feel. We're first from unis. We are fairs. We are first, la la la la, la la la. La, la la. La. La. Yay. This is where, we go we met. We we. Come. We're women. This is where we. Are. You are a shout out to my life, this. Is. You go there. Just go little by, little. Bye bye. Bye, mama. We are here on the top. On the mountain. Yeah, come here. Go faster. A guy, i just kick. It. Come. Here. So your shoes will not dirty. We go here. Here. Bye-bye horsey. Bye-bye blue, blue bar. Girl. A guy. Assistant. Where are you now, we see them up the mountain. It's slippery. The with grass, and the wheat. Stone. Okay, be careful. Careful. Be careful. Be. Careful. Um. Funny. Youtuber. Not robert. I. Am. Now. Hi bold boy, i think. I will forget. Take it. Here. We just wake you up. When we come back. Um. Okay. You're you're a sleeping. Uh. Rabbit. And we are the. And we are the turtle. And the turtle, continues, to, walk. Until the finish line. And the rabbit. Sleeping. Because. The rabbit thoughts that the, pagong. You cannot. Up. Climbing. And then, a spiderman. Woman. Always climbing, i'm not spider, woman, you're not a spider woman. You are princess. Yes spider. Princess elizabeth. Yes. No, princess. Princess, only princess. My my aunt is calling princess. Son, i'm the person. Okay. I'm calling. Him you're the, princess.

Can I please talk to youtube, i'm just sleeping. Okay good night. You doing good night, youtubers. Hi naka welcome to the place. You. Oh my. God. Hello, world, we are on the top of the mountain. Yeah, hello hello kawaii kawaii, manga. Kawaii. Manga. Amiga. My horse team blueberry, girl. Wait for us. Drinking, a crazy, girl. On, top of, work. You're making. Your own lyrics. Oh. It's slippery. Do not stick there with. Grass. Just go. Listen. I like this beat. Who are you. Princess. Princess. Princess, anna. No. Oh yeah. Now i know. I did this because, i come to mama. I am your mother. Come to. Mama. Blue, bar. Foreign. My. We are near on top. We are in the middle. Get up. We are not. Listening. Wow, this beard. You're like a. Horse. Be. For me and the leader, yeah. Later, go, go, go. We're. Following. Right, left. Right left. Right. Turn. Turn to left here. Yeah you just do. That. Um. Um. Um. Foreign. Oh. Um. Delicious. Yeah. We are almost. We are almost the top. We are. We are. Too. We. We. Are. We have to see. Girl, next to her. Grow up. Be out of the world. We are a huge, win. Yo, you are fully charged now. You are fully, charged, 100 percent battery. I wasn't trying deeply. You're not seeing i'm tired you're not seeing i'm. I don't want to go i'm going to stop here. I am. You yeah, you're like a horse. I'm not a. Horse. Just go. I'm not scared. Yeah. You're brave, now, i told you do not do not scared. Be brave. If you climb the mountain. The mountain. Climb. With force. Do not, scared. Wait, wait we need to wait tomorrow. And hold the camera. Okay, it's on now. Hello. My name is with half yard. Next next episode, for my channel. For the kids. Channel, for kids. Yeah. Uh, we fix, now, after, this. Yeah. Subscribing. Big thumbs up in five. For them follow me, in the tick tock and, instagram. Thanks thank you alex, and next this episode. Is at the floor. Thank you. Yeah thank you to my. My channel. For the kids, thank you for all my subscribers. Yeah thank you for my, subscribers.

Yeah. Yeah we are here. In here in the, at the top. Regards, to my classmate, in cebu. Regard, to my classmates. The name of your swollen singer. Her name is seb, his name is savvy. Eva. Trees. Sean. Uh. I forgot the name. Yeah. We are here in the top. Look, right here here in the top. Awesome, also my mom. Is very very. Slow motion, slowly. Slowly. Like like a turtle. And i could see the turtle, like that. Did you fly, oh. Yeah. It subscribe, here for my channel, for the kids. For the ipads, for kids that's mine, i know. For you man. That's my channel. It's not your channel. Just pretend. Now pretend. I just pretend, it's not my china. This is a difference, china. So. So we are here. Oh. With mud. Yeah with with mud speakers. Because we're so. High up. Because you guys mommy name also. Marlin. My friend marie. Marley. Yeah. Do not see marlene. Just that's your mama. I know. Yeah. And china is called her, marley. He's sometimes, called marlin. Yeah yeah we're here now. Appearing, at it, on the top. Okay. You must describe. Come over here. Come up here. It's nice view here yeah. Yeah yeah. Just continue. Walking. Do not stop. Until we got. To the top. Ouch. Ouch, ouch. Ouch. We are, almost. Be afraid. Do not scare me. You are brave. Be brave do not. Scared. You know everybody, this is my friend. Because, i need to slide because i like a. Spider. You must have a force, of your legs. So. You can climb the mountain. You're not scared. You can do it cool, paper. And i. Hmm. Because i like a spider. Okay spider. You can do it, and that's, fine. That'd be an ending. We are here now. We are here, finally, we are here. That matt. We are here now. We are winner. We are winner, yoho, let's bet it's winner. Narang. Mountain, guys. What's. And then once, i get. The view. After, after after her channel announced, my time, chanya, and i, for the kids. That is her channel. So, for your town in the mountains. We are around the mountain.

Because. That's mommy, don't do. This.

2020-09-06 01:49

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