VLOG • #KindaJoanGem Day in Itaewon & Unistella Cloud Nails ️

VLOG • #KindaJoanGem Day in Itaewon & Unistella Cloud Nails ️

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Why am i so. Good morning everyone. I am currently, getting ready to get brunch with iong, and gem. We are going to, summer lane it's like. A brunch spot that we've been wanting to go to for some time now but every time we went there there was like a really long line. And so we decided, to save, our summer lean, lunch date to a weekday, instead, of a weekend. I pretty much spent the entire. Week. At, home, or at the soft, office. It was, raining. A lot, here in seoul because it is monsoon, season, it's been a while since i went out to hang out, so, i'm very looking forward to this. Um. Yeah let's, change and head on over to hanando. I pretty much have been living in my pj sets but today, i'm going to, dress, up, and wear something, different. Um, since it did stop raining. And it's looking, a little gloomy, today, as well i kind of want to wear something, right to, kind of. Counteract, that so. I'm going to wear this dress from petite, studio. I actually, ordered. Two skirts, as well, this one is in the same pattern as the dress and this one is just a white one. But, i'm pretty sure there's going to be puddles, and i want to wear sneakers, so i think this short dress will look cute so let's change into this. This is my ootd. It's been a while since i wore. This much red. Um, but every time i hang out with gem and iong they always ask me to wear more color, so, i'm going to surprise, them today. And head on out like this, all right let's go. Seat, i came a bit early because this place is really popular. Um, so i'm just looking at the menu. And, they're actually, like two minutes away so it's. Perfect. Brought some clothes for me and it's all colorful. Even the tote bag is colorful. I literally, look like christmas, right now, red and green. I think it's slow gemini, yeah that's very dead. Seventies. Bye. She loves wearing pants, pants. The sun's out now. It was like windy. It was so windy last night. Yeah, and the rain was. Like. Oh my, goodness. Hello. Yeah she brought, you. Clothes. Here we. Go. She's getting, married. She's getting. Married. I literally had the chills just now, because she showed us, the proposal. You guys. You. Guys. After brunch we're just gonna walk around. Look at the sky. They're so pretty. How colorful, they are. First stop we're gonna check out this bookstore. They have instructions, before entering. Yes hand sanitizer, first. And we're all wearing a. Mask. Yes. Look at, this. Yes. Let's look because, we're going to judge you. Soon. To. You. To. You. Next shop. What do you have right there. Lucas oh you like that, it's very colorful. Very colorful. It's like red, on red but. I love red dresses. This is so cute, so cute. Oh. My. God. Oh my gosh that. Color. The green, lettering, is pretty. The pound, shop. And. Cafe. Um. That's. Smart. It takes forever. They cut it for us. We need to get the photo, coming out. All right we're ready we're ready ready. Ready. Wow. So we're waiting to get seated. At the deep hound cafe. Yes. She likes this. Yeah. Look at the sky. It's so pretty. What a perfect, day. Wow. We came into, this store. And we all want to get matching. T-shirts. Don't they have another white one. What is this one. The blue one, wait let me see. Oh my gosh this is powerpuff, girls. All right we're all changing. Oh. Yes. Uh we're unintentionally. Matching. Again. Just kidding the same brand. Well. Yo. You know the dress. Time to go. Let's go. Right when we leave it's starting to rain. We got really lucky.

There Were no seeds at d-pants, and we'll probably come back next time. But i feel like we had a very productive, day today, we. Had brunch, sorry it's not focusing. It's. Bloody. It's okay, we changed. Or changed, jen's in the front seat she's tired aya. I. We're going to, uh. Let's. Go. So. So. Um. She made it. Longer. So. It's like your favorite color. I love blue, pink. Green. Is. Walking downtown. And i'm okay. Eyes on me i don't know what to do so i smile, and i wait. Everyone's, looking like they know what they're doing. Everyone's. Looking like they know what i. Pursued. Is. You would never, made, for. Me. It's more than a few. Days. Me. Look at that little, scrunchie. So. Cute. Just got our nails done, and we're gonna go, get dinner now yay, pickle pie. Nice. That sounds. Good. Wow. Oh. Wow. You.

2020-08-12 15:20

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