Vlog I Vanlife Quick stops - On our way back to sweden!

Vlog I Vanlife Quick stops - On our way back to sweden!

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so there's a lot of quick stops at the  moment but that's how it is when we are on our way back home but now we  slept here for the night look at it absolutely amazing and we're now gonna head  up to bilbao but first we're gonna stop at the silent beach which should be really nice so kind of similar to this but yeah it's gonna be really exciting to see and then we're off  to bilbao for another long drive four hours to go this place is so beautiful i can't believe it like i completely lost Andreas somewhere i thought  he was driving too slow so i was like driving past him and i was like okay let's  just keep it this speed and then i lost him somewhere but these roads are absolutely  gorgeous we are heading into this cute little village or i am he will be in like i don't know 10  minutes maybe but it's absolutely beautiful i have literally no idea where we're going but it  looks amazing like literally on the countryside i don't know if you can hear it because of  the water down here absolutely beautiful but i just want to share something and  people constantly yes i am freezing even though it's soon june we're heading up  north it's getting colder and colder but people keep asking me and Andreas if we  are gonna travel in one van and the answer is no so what we're going to do this summer back in  Sweden is that we're going to rebuild both of them and we're going to continue traveling with  two bands why is because i work a lot so if i mean meetings you know during the  morning or sitting working like between 6 a.m and 12 or 1. he can't do anything or the  same when i work evenings like between 5 and 9 p.m he can't even do the dishes or cook or speak  speaking phone all players guitar you know nothing so that is why it's really really nice to have  two vans so i can just you know go into my office and work and also like today so i've been working  this morning really really busy because we've been driving so much i lost a lot of work hours and  he wanted to go fly paramotors so he took his van went up flying will be gone for a few  hours and then head back so that is the big benefit of having two vans is that we can  still do separate things we don't have to do exactly the same things all the time so that  is really really good and i'm also going to rebuild my van this summer because there's some  changes that i want to do so if you want to join for another one or one and a half two van builds  comment that below and i might record all of it i am very happy she's way more happy than i am because this is not that do you  guys know where we are look at this we are at ikea and i'm gonna have swedish  meatballs cinnamon buns and do loads of shopping she's like a child on christmas this  is great i love like i've been like here too many times already yeah me  too like 1517 but let's make it 1518. what to buy ikea i take the dishes tonight honey okay so Andreas told me that we are going to a  historical beach and for those of you who know me i don't watch a lot of tv movies you know all  of that but apparently this is very historical it is very cool i'm not going to say anything so  tell them babe where are we we are at flysch beach just outside Zumaia and to the historical part  or the the fun fact part of this place is that game of thrones i think it's several scenes that  is taken from this place but it is just amazing so come with us and check this out so this is how it goes when  you get spanish neighbors local spanish neighbors i'm  going to turn the camera around we gave them swedish chocolate and  we're getting spanish omelette i love it let's see if you like it wow that looks delicious food company great  view we were alone but now it's like so many campers here it's literally everywhere babe come on spanish omelette starting to  become a morning routine baby's about to fly struggling with the lines a bit beautiful  view even if it the weather is not perfect and we also got the whole van clan watching everyone is wondering what is going on excited so he was flying yesterday and he's flying today  and i have no idea what he's done with the line and we actually jumped over a fence to get  into this where he's gonna start and uh i don't know how to get out and here we are 10 seconds later how good was the ice cream it was  the best cream that's the best cream it was the best ice cream i've had during  my van life life life life and to that view san sebastian you are amazing oh  adam yeah the best city we've been to check the best restaurants we've been  to check apparently the best wine that we haven't tried yet  the best ice cream we've had the best just just sum it up like this number  one since van life started and the best van life parking in the middle of the city yeah  it's it it's the best not with the best view though no it's not with the  best view but to access the city it is the best place to be the motorbike  it's not with us we're walking i'm happy i'm not happy i'm not happy but yes but  tonight i'm going to be super drunk instead okay let's drink so we've been walking around now i'm gonna cut  you out there we've been walking around like for hours saying that we're gonna do this  is called pinchos in like several different restaurants but no one beats the one we wrote  yesterday so we ended up being back here this place is absolutely absolutely amazing we are  going to share the name of the restaurant so if you go to san sebastian you have to go here right  babe oh we're gonna say that we are a little bit we are a little bit tipsy say goodbye enjoying the beach a bit and then another tiny one you're enjoying it  buddy aren't you oh life is good now oh i think i just died a little bit oh [ __ ] this is insane it's sick  i thought someone was shooting i have a confession about what we were supposed  to leave san sebastian today for france but we love this place too much  and it doesn't rain only sometimes today is kind of rain but we still decided we  normally we go traveling when it's raining it's raining when it's bad weather yeah but we love  this place too much we said no let's stay another day and maybe we'll leave tomorrow now we're  on uh i don't know hike after the mountains so we yeah we found that guy on the beach look at this though this is really nice except  you had some like the tape on the cannons but otherwise this is pretty cool i like i like very much you definitely need to practice  on your jumping that's for sure hello it's in their own language  it's really hard to understand the basque language have you learned any basque okay so while we add this view and in  san sebastian yeah we can use go through what we think about san sebastian we had cadiz as  our favorite place until now i mean literally yeah cadiz been amazing algondales has been amazing  marbella have been amazing but san sebastian wow on top of the list like just look at the view behind  it yeah just look at that that's insane so i mean we love every part on san sebastian so far like  the beaches are amazing all the girls are topless that was the first thing yeah he is actually true  but that was true we came to the beach and he's like oh topless oh topless and there's  like oh well it's like 70 percent and it's new and it's the beach in the middle of the city as well  so uh after that we've been we've been having food the food here is amazing is famous for the  good restaurants and the good food they have and we've had we've been eating out two nights oops  we normally eat out once once a week ish yeah but this place just been amazing like the food and  now i'm trying to get him to have lunch outside as well so i'm working on that so the food are  amazing the views are amazing the city like the city is amazing so beautiful old buildings  everything is super clean the restaurant street the beaches yeah the ice cream the beach bars  literally everything is so nice and it's not too big because in bilbao we just felt like just  another big city yeah that was not our thing no we're not city people but this place this place is  we are definitely going to come back oh yeah we're definitely going to come back to san sebastian and  we were as i said before we're supposed to leave today but we like it so let's see if we can leave  tomorrow maybe in two days yeah maybe two days we have to go to up to france soon though because  we do are as you know on the way back home uh but this was a good stop on the way and really really  worth going if you guys are driving around spain so number one on our list san sebastian if you  looking for any advice whatsoever to where to go in spain san sebastian definitely and surf good  surf like the best surf in the north is here up here in san sebastian we love you and  we don't want to leave not so much shopping today we are leaving spain so this is what  we need to bring from spain lin's there is a lot of pasta okay so diesel is refilled because it's  much cheaper in spain than it is in france food shopping done because there's  things in spain we really want to bring and now we are heading towards france feels  so sad to leave spain it is like home but i can't really say that i'm excited about  france because i'm really i've never felt this one place in france in the southeast  part of france i really love but otherwise it's not really my country but we are on the  way back home so we do have to take it and still looking forward to some of the places like  we're gonna try to stay in a vineyard and stuff but yeah well bye spain i'm gonna  miss you and i see you in a few months

2021-06-24 23:37

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