Visiting Sri Lanka's Highest Mountain Village

Visiting Sri Lanka's Highest Mountain Village

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good morning from my lovely mountain home stay  here in nuwara eliya and yeah i'm about to have   breakfast here now i have some some eggs some  bread and sri lankan milk rice kiribat and   after that we're going on an adventure i  was able to organize a motorbike for today   and then we are going to visit a village  that is on the mountain behind me and   that is sri lanka's highest village  with over 2 000 metres above mean sea   level but first uh yeah i need to fuel  up myself with some protein some carbs   really looking forward to the milk rice maybe  we can try that right away sri lankan milk rice or warm it's still warm or really nice i'm  still thinking about the dinner i had here   yesterday evening if you saw the previous  video you saw the awesome dinner they   cooked here for me really nice and by the way  the night here was super comfortable the bed   was super comfy super nice but it also got pretty  cold in the night you also see me wearing a jacket   so the fire that you saw that we had here in the  room yesterday evening you saw in the previous   video was much needed to warm up the room  but yeah lovely stay here so far so i also   just got this here i think this is maybe  some honey to uh pour over the milk rice   this is actually the second time that i try  sri lankan milk rice and i really love it oh yeah okay let me fuel  up and then see on the bike all right let's start the motorbike trip   this is the motorbike that i'm going to have  for today which i think it's basically just uh   the bike of the the neighbor here who is giving  me the bike for for the day all right let's see there was an easy start and yeah i  think the village is called shantipura   or maybe my pronunciation is wrong i'm not sure  but it shouldn't be that far maybe like 10-15   minute ride but you know how we do it here we tend  to stop along the way pretty often hello hello hello good evening good afternoon good noon  at 12 o'clock oh the brakes sound a little bit   uh okay let's not think about that everything will  be all right so yeah welcome back to the roads   and oh the first thing i see is do you  see the dark clouds over there let's   hope it will not start to rain yesterday  it rained a little bit here in the evening   but uh let's see not scared of terrain if it  rains it rains that will not ruin my experience   i'm excited exploring around with my own  bike again all right what i will do now   is find out the name the exact name oh what  is he carrying is that t no it's not t right   oh interesting but yeah i'm looking for the right  name so that i can ask for the directions without   saying the name wrong so i think it's shanti pura  there's a shantipura viewpoint which should be   somewhere up there ah i see a sign on the right  viewpoint so oh okay it's getting steep now   yeah you don't always need google maps there  are signs here and there no problem oh steep   roads i love it that normally means that  the views are going to be great in the end yeah i can park the bike and then  walk up there okay let's do this ah let's check out the little temple here i think  it's pagoda so buddhist temple i can now check it   out yeah whenever i see something that could be  interesting along the way you know i tend to stop   often on my journeys and i see i actually saw this  uh pagoda from my hotel or from my homestay ah we   have a guardian dog here hello what was the sri  lankan word for dog again i learned that in the   previous episode bella bala bella something  like that and he had a bright white color   here that looks pretty nice with the with the  dark looking clouds in the background i wonder   are these no that's not g right because  the whole area here is famous for t but   i'm pretty sure this is not tea five  dressed biryani oh you make a riyani that's not good oh interesting  okay what was the name again   please for cooking wow okay interesting okay ah  durian fried rice ah you mixed with fried rice   yeah ah okay okay it smells very fresh and  delicious oh very good okay i can try yeah oh there's a strong taste to it yeah  oh okay okay it's really sweetie   thank you thank you oh it has very strong taste  so i can reckon that if you mix it in in your   cooking pan it adds a lot of flavor to the meals  the first thing we already learned today learned   about a new plant or maybe for you it's not a  new plant but for me it was a new plant hello there are the monk here i'm actually wondering  because the monks that i saw at buddhist   temples in thailand they were always wearing  orange colors and the monks i see here you   that monkey was wearing like a dark red color  so i'm wondering if there's any meaning uh   about the colors that the monks are wearing  they are wearing orange colors or red colors   maybe some of you can explain that in the comment  section always happy to uh to read your comments all right we have to make a stop here because  we have the official sign here welcome   to the highest village hello yes the highest village in sri lanka and  it looks nice with the clouds over there   so you can really see we are high now and yeah  if i remember correctly i think it's 2 300 meters   above mean sea level here so uh wow and the air  here is pretty nice by the way you it's very rare   that you see me in a vlog with a long pants and a  sweatshirt but it is needed here it is needed here   hello let's see maybe we can stop somewhere  to uh to have a drink or a small snack   speak with some people it would be lovely  maybe a little corner shop or a restaurant i'm not sure if there are like  restaurants and shops here let's have a step here ah i think this is also a tea  plantation this looks like tea right   but there must be a place to drink here as  well maybe just a little uh what is it a truck   sell something some tea maybe hello hello nobody  here hello hello i'm looking i'm looking for t   d do you sell t here no no t what what is this  dal cookies oh maybe let's try dark cookie ah you yo you make it here okay how much is one dial cookie i would  like to try one how much 10 rupees okay   let me try it out whenever i try to die  quickly before yeah you make with uh just dal chili oh it's going to be a  spicy snack yeah okay okay   garlic all right i will give  you there let me just try it it's very crunchy not so spicy it's more spicy right  yeah that's good for me not too much what else is inside just like garlic thank you thank you it's so  sweet this one is sweet yeah okay get me let me please uh one as well  one like this yeah yeah also 10 rupees   10 rupee uh this one uh 20 okay  okay no problem okay okay no problem let me uh finish showing this one you just offered  me a seat i can see oh oh lovely oh swooty's duty   oh oh it's warm in here oh that's  nice because outside a little bit let me see your operation here so this is uh what is this this  inside egg potato potato ah okay okay i'm still chewing the dark cookie yeah it's a lot  to chew right i have to finish this one first okay oh nice little operation yeah this is your little  shop here yes okay so you every day you sell yeah   yeah okay okay so yo i'm from germany sure  nice country germany but in sri lanka one   month already one month and i will stay two more  months okay what is the name of this so this movie oh you're very sweet what what is inside here  uh coconut coconut honey honey any other mix   and this is very delicious very  good there's a nice aftertaste to it or something let's see if we can uh try some nice tea here hello he said you are selling tea here how much is one tea here here have a look outside we have little  corner shops here typical village vibes stuff is here around of  course tuk tuks around as well i love village wipes come on i think they  are selling the same diet cookies here   oh you also have dal cookies i tried already over there oh no no thank you  i try already there the same the same cookies   okay black tea okay strutty's duty thank you all  right let's enjoy a nice tea here in the village   ah what brand is this tea i think this is a  lipton iced tea not not iced tea in germany   lipton iced tea is very popular but this is a  lipton black tea right black tea i think it's   just a regular black tea but watch which is good  because the temperature here are not that hot oh yeah oh very good good good hello i like situations like this like every day normal life here it's not  the truest place just the locals having   their normal day here little tea shop  these are experiences that i really like   i think the people here like to drink their  tea is very sweet it's always the tease i had   so far were always super sweet i think they they  add a lot of sugar here front front right side   one kilometer yeah okay okay he just  explained me the way to the viewpoint   the main viewpoint here from the viewpoint i  can see like the whole thing yeah yeah okay okay thank you very much for the team i  leave it here yeah okay 30 right yes   you can uh invite him one tea yeah one tea for  you one tip okay okay have a good day bye bye and   i couldn't change so i just invited the friendly  guy who explained me or who explained the way to   the viewpoint to a tee all right let's see if we  can find this viewpoint hello very good very good   i'm going to the viewpoint now it's uh he  said something about go back this is this way right there ah over there ah the viewpoint is over there oh  yeah okay okay okay thank you very much have a   good day ah the viewpoint is uh over there  i thought it's going to be somewhere here   but okay let's go there so i think we have  to go here that should be the right direction hello i am in the middle  of a tea plantation i think   but the views here are pretty incredible um i'm  a little bit lost now trying to find a good view hello yeah i can see the people here  are a little bit surprised   to see a tourist here but check it out i love  the vipes here little houses here every house   has a little garden attached where they probably  grow some plants maybe some fruits hello hello everybody here is friendly towards  me that's nice when you when you go   to a place like this a very rural place  with no tourists or rather low tourist   actions and everybody is friendly to you  welcoming saying hello smiles to you which   makes me feel really welcome here welcomed  here and that's a great feeling i love it i got a little bit lost lost  in sri lanka's highest village   maybe that's gonna be the title of this  video but um i think this is more like a   main road here at least so i got out of the  maze of all the small roads in the houses and   i mean do i have to say anything more  this is so incredible beautiful here wow sri lanka you can be really beautiful all  right i found another pagoda here and yeah you can   see all the clouds actually it's getting colder as  i'm speaking like every minute i can really feel   the temperature drop here and i'm also a little  bit worried that it's going to rain soon i mean   yeah looks mystical looks  nice but also looks rainy   ah oh well okay the view here is a little bit  blocked by the trees here but that is okay but i really enjoy just to uh right through here  the small roads seeing all the surprised faces and   welcoming smiley faces that is uh an experience i  really love it visiting remote areas see how how   the people here living their everyday normal life  you know far away from any uh tourist tour groups   or something like that just the real sri lankan  life you know i love it i love to see that yeah   i'm not sure if you can see it on the camera but  it's starting to rain so maybe let's see if we   can find this main viewpoint here and maybe  have a little rest there under some shelter check out the view here already and part of the  village is covered into the clouds now with this   view in the background that looks amazing right  wow i love it a viewpoint there's a sign here   oh maybe there's a cafe or something maybe we   could have gotten a tea as well hello ah  upstairs here okay okay i can park here okay oh we have some uh what is the  english names for these birds   rabe in germany not sure what the  english name lots of them here hello ticket i have to buy tickets  how much 100 rupees okay no problem   i go up and then i play when i come back  okay okay you have tea here yeah see   um you have free tea i give you this introduction  i included a tea okay can i have a milk tea   okay let's get another tea right away why not  this is tea area i'm here to try lots of tea wow beautiful view here we can see the whole  town of novara ellia which is here a small   mountain town on the right side there's  even a lake which i haven't seen before   check this out we also have a  monkey here a monkey on a leash   hello hello little guy you look a  little bit aggressive this your monkey you have a monkey here yeah monkey  what is his name what is his name hello he looks dangerous with his  teeth maybe he's a scared of me he's kind of small kid now small kid here yes two  months okay your pet monkey pet pet no no no pet hello cute and by the way this is uh the highest  mountain in sri lanka right yeah highest power   that's over there's the highest mountain in sri  lanka which i think is two and a half thousand   meters yeah two and a half thousand meters high  and actually i was also keen to go up there but   the owners of my home stay they told me you need a  special permission to go up there because there's   also like a military base up there so it's not  really uh possible to just drive up there as   a tourist that's what i heard yeah let's try  the milk tea here i can sit here yes yeah okay   oh yeah dal cookie yeah i just hit down there oh  thank you thank you silent music in the background okay so no need to pay no need to pay yeah  why not just include your ticket yeah but   i need to pay the ticket oh you want pay  tickets yeah not have to pay the ticket yet all right what a lovely uh  stay here lovely viewpoint   friendly people in the village and if you haven't  seen the previous video where i checked in   into my lovely home stay down there then  check out the video right here thanks for   watching stay healthy stay positive and  then see on the next episode ciao guys

2022-02-19 19:40

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