Visiting China’s Most Beautiful Oldest Ancient town In Dali City Yunnan

Visiting China’s Most Beautiful Oldest Ancient town In Dali City Yunnan

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What is this? Rambi? But if you want to see real China Then you must come to Yunnan province The image that comes to your mind when you hear the name of China You will get to see that image here I don't know, they are drinking tea and this is tea It's an empty city You will get to see such cities very rarely in China There are a lot of things, there is a market in the old town They have removed the drain from here in a great way So welcome to another new video from China's Dali city If we talk about Dali city, it is in Yunnan province The capital of Yunnan province is Kunming 321 km away from Kunming is Dali city Dali city is a very old city You will get to see the real Chinese culture in Dali city Nowadays you know that China has become very modern But the real Chinese culture, the old Chinese culture You will get to see it in Dali city So yesterday I came to Dali city You must have seen the journey from Kunming to Dali city Today we are going to explore Dali city Here is an ancient town Ancient Dali town We will explore it today There you will get to see the real Chinese culture Sometimes it is sunny here, sometimes it is cold I am getting cold The temperature was 3 degrees at night 2 degrees So it's too much for me I have a cold now I am wearing a jacket I am wearing a jacket But the weather is a little strange If you go in the day, it will be sunny If you wear a jacket outside If you don't wear it, it will be cold So the weather is a little strange Now the time is 11 o'clock If we talk about India, it is 8.30 o'clock India is 2.5 hours behind China If we talk about Dali city, it is not far from India The border of Arunachal Pradesh is very close Myanmar and Burma are very close So first of all, I will show you my hotel So first of all, I will show you my hotel So first of all, I will show you my hotel This will give you an idea How old is Dali Then we will go to explore the oldest town Then we will go to explore the oldest town The mountains look amazing The view is amazing Look at the weather Look at the beautiful view It's fun to see The whole Dali city is like this There are old buildings in the whole Dali city It still looks a little new It's still looking very old But the old Dali city forgot But the old Dali city forgot There's mostly a hotel There's mostly a hotel I think it will be a very touristy I think it will be a very touristy I think it will be a very touristy The old China has appeared I was staying here, I think I have already told you in the previous video All my stuff is here So, I will pick up my bag and let's go We are going to explore Dali city Yesterday when I came here, I booked a hotel for just one night Now I have to extend it Because I was thinking that if I don't like this place, I will change it Hi Look at this Oh my god Hey, tick tick tick What is your name? Magic Name Magic Her name is Magic Magic, how are you? So, what are you doing? Coffee You are making coffee Oh, coffee This is your coffee shop Yes Oh, nice What's your name? Emma Emma? Yeah You are from Dali? Chengdu Chengdu? Yeah Oh, I will go Chengdu Look at this This is the view of Dali town Maybe you won't see it tomorrow I have to extend the hotel So, I have to come to another building and extend it This is also hers Hi, morning Morning Coco, how are you? Fine You are fine? So, I want to extend Extend? Yeah Maybe tomorrow I will extend one more day Yeah For now, I want to extend for one night Maybe tomorrow I will stay here, I don't know Okay And we have come to the main road of Dali city It's an empty city, you won't find such cities in China But one thing is there, it's fun to travel in China There are many challenges here Language barrier is very high here They don't speak English at all They don't understand Coco, the receptionist of my hotel Foreign tourists keep coming here That's why she knows English very well So, it's easy for me to communicate here She also guided me a little about Dali city Where to go and where not to go Look at the road, it's so clean They have made a cemented road here China is excellent in cleanliness I have to cross from here They have made a temporary crossing Look at this, they have brought vegetables from the fields Stop, turn on the light somewhere Some cars may stop there Oh, they are coming Thank you One good thing here is that the car drivers stop If they think you have to cross the road Then the car drivers stop It's the opposite in India Many people have come back from old town This is the gate of old town You can call it the gate of old ancient town Many tourists come here They are serving pomegranate juice for 5 yuan Look at this mountain It looks so beautiful from here But you will find only local tourists here You will see very few foreign tourists How much? What is this? This one, this one, this one How much? How much? No, no, money, money, yuan, yuan How much? Wait, wait, wait, wait Wait, wait, wait, wait I will have to explain it to him in English Small, small, small, small No, this is too much This is too much This is too much The language barrier has increased here Carrots are so small here What is the name of this fruit? Tell me the name of this fruit I don't know the name of this fruit at all This is probably a potato Potato or something else Hello Hello No, no, no, it's okay Just making videos, recording Old China looks like this They have run a river What a thing There are many things in the old town market You will also see the old Chinese things here Maybe that's why this market is so famous Here are winter clothes This river is coming from somewhere So they made it a tourist attraction Hello Local people come to visit This lady is selling juice But they don't give juice in glasses They give juice in bottles There is a lot of juice stock here Many people are selling juice You will find juice stocks at every step You can't call it a stock You can call it a cart This is a market You can call it a market Chinese traditional things are sold here You can say something like this And they have made a river Maybe a stream comes from the mountain They have made a stream from here Yunnan Y-U-N-N-A-N Yunnan, not Y-U-N-N-A-N Y-U-N-N-A-N The image of China In your mind Dali city Yunnan province You get the image You get the image You get the image You will see it in Yunnan province Dali city has a population of 3 million Dali city has a population of 3 million 3 million is not enough for Chinese cities This lady is asking for food This lady is asking for food Later Recording Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Very big town Look at all these posts. What a pity. One thing is for sure.

Chinese men are very caring. So many people here. I think I have to leave.

I was thinking not to disturb him. This is one photograph. It really feels like I am roaming around this town. This town looks so beautiful.

You get this in Thailand. Ni Hao Ni Hao You good? Xie Xie Here in China No one has a beard or a moustache. In this video I am the only one who has a beard and a moustache.

Sorry? What is this? Tea She is serving tea. How much? RMB? I am asking her. What is this? She is trying.

I can try. If I want to take. I can try free. Cheers You are from Delhi? I know Beijing. What is this? Tea? Look at her.

She is drinking. It's hot. I am from India. No. It's cold.

Chinese tea. I like Chinese tea. It's fresh. It's 1.2 RMB.

15-16 Indian Rupees. Can I try this one? This is good? Lemon How much is this? Lemon tea. She is serving tea. You can purchase from here. No free.

I can pay. Okay. Thank you.

I liked the tea there. I purchased a little. The lady was telling me not to pay. I said I won't take it for free. If she is taking money, I will take it.

I won't take it for free. I will taste Chinese sweets. How much? I like the sweets here. I will buy it.

I purchased sweets for 10 Yuan. 10 Yuan. 120 Indian Rupees. Thank you. I bought sweets for 120 Yuan. I liked the taste.

I will buy it. I will eat it on the way. I have seen this soap only in China. I don't know which animal they have kept this big. I don't know how long they have kept it in the freezer. You will see such big legs.

You can guess which animal this is. Pig. Cow's leg is not that big. I don't know. Tell me in the comments which animal this is.

They have kept it here. I think it is better to come here in the night. All these red things will shine in the night. It used to be an ancient town. Now they have modified it. They have converted it into a market.

This market attracts local tourists. It is an ancient town. Local tourists come here a lot. I like one thing.

You will find fruits everywhere. What is the name of this fruit? Tell me in the comments. I don't know the name of maximum fruits.

I don't know the name of this fruit. I don't know the name of this fruit. I think it is a pineapple. I have eaten this. I don't know the name of this fruit. This is guava.

I think it is a bell drum tower. I entered from one gate. This is the second entry gate of this ancient town.

This is the main road. I feel like eating here. I am very hungry. There are many restaurants here. Let's go there and try.

Let's see if we can get something to eat. I have seen many taxis in this city. But I have not seen a taxi in any other city of China.

The reason is that the metro does not work in this city. If the metro does not work, people need a taxi. Look in front. There is a restaurant here. Let's eat something.

You will find such trucks in China only in Yunnan province. In other provinces, you will find many high-five trucks. This is the tourist information center. If you want to get any information related to the ancient town, you can get it from this tourist information center. This car is also used to take tourists. We have come out of the ancient town.

Let's go to the main market and see if there is a restaurant here. If you want to see real China, you must come to Yunnan province. You will see the real China in Yunnan province. You will see the old China.

You will see the Chinese culture. You will see the image of China as soon as you hear the name. You will see that image here in Yunnan province. Let's go inside.

Let's see what is available. Let's see what I will eat. Do you have rice and vegetables? Okay. I got it. Long live translator. Thank you.

I have just ordered scrambled egg with tomato and rice. I like the taste of tomato. Egg and tomato. I am seeing this for the first time.

50 yuan note is like this. I will give him 50 yuan. He will give me some change.

RMB or yuan, it's the same thing. There is a case list here. Sometimes people don't get 50 yuan change. As soon as you come here, download WeChat or Alipay.

Okay. I will take a small water bottle from here. Oh my god. As soon as he opened it, a beer bottle fell down. He sold a 2 yuan water bottle and lost 10 yuan. Sorry.

It's not my fault. I should have kept it carefully. I put it upside down.

A beer bottle is special. I should keep it well. I keep it in the fridge. You know beer has gas in it. As soon as it falls down, it will burst. I gave him a 2 yuan water bottle and lost 10 yuan.

This is beer. Till now, I was in the ancient town. This is a new city. It's not a new city. It's 18 km away from here. I got off at the railway station.

You must have seen the last video. I showed you the new city. Small rickshaws come here to take things. If they want to take small things, they use this rickshaw. If they want to take things to the restaurant, they use this rickshaw.

Cutting? Beer cutting? Yeah 20 rmb By 20 rmb Thank you Foreign So guys Foreign Foreign Ancient town Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Dali Foreign Foreign Take care

2024-02-11 19:05

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