Vietnam Village Life | Biking round the Vietnamese countryside

Vietnam Village Life | Biking round the Vietnamese countryside

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okay guys so today i thought i'd ride through the villages of a different area something they haven't seen before and i actually haven't ridden on the bike before so it could be a a bit of getting lost here and there but i wanted to show you some vietnamese villages which will look really really cool today because it's a very beautiful day nice sun is shining quite peaceful the time i'm going out is 20 to 11. i might catch some music in the background which is always an issue with copyright for youtube so i might have to cut out some footage at some stage but hopefully you'll enjoy this ride and as the live chat will be switched on we can chat along you can have any you can answer ask any questions you wish while we're riding along so you get to see some of the vietnamese countryside and local people going about their daily lives so at the edge of the village now bugota was to the right but rice fields all around as you can see everyone's pretty much planted their seeds now so i was thinking of doing this every sunday gives you the chance to ask any questions you may have i get some exercise and you get to see the real vietnamese countryside tell me what the sound is like because i've got the cover on my gopro hopefully it's not too bad and if you can hear me because of the open planes as you have so to speak it can get a bit windy completely flat no hills around here really so as per my kayaking video which i i hope you tuned in to watch last week i will talk about a few little things some travel tips maybe anything that comes to mind but as i say we do this every sunday you get to see another aspect of vietnamese life oh no music in the background trying to drown it out by talking you see you get music videos where they play the music all through their channel i don't understand the copyright issues that i face we're just having music in the background that's not meant to be in the video so if you do know how to do that please make a comment below so i believe this is where i need to turn right somewhere yeah here we go it's a very beautiful day i've got my hat on protect my bald head still people plowing the fields that's probably where we get our stones from actually further building hello so i need to take a right here and then i left we go pasta pagoda oh i think that was the left is that the left no it wasn't see i knew we'd get lost somewhere see i haven't done this before so [Applause] i've got my google maps out but it's an adventure for all of us not just me okay straight ahead goes towards the river so we want to be going this way hello hello conical hats everywhere signify is right now with a vietnamese flag up there as well so [Music] racing me won't be a trip out without hearing dogs oh look at that i've seen that before it's pretty cool sure sure is a pagoda so it might not be just a walk around let's see if i can get in here wow i'm seeing something new today [Applause] so this is actually uh like the lint uncle golda in da dang if you've seen that video or not the link is in the description basically it's a similar yeah it's a similar statue to what we filmed there but the one in da nang is huge the colorful flags you see on the left that's the uh significance pagoda and there's a goldfish goldfish in the pond there yeah not bad the bridge is of a dragon you can see that a bit like danang also with the dragon bridge crosses the river and that lights up at night and at certain times of the month i think it's weekends they shoot fire out the out the dragon's mouth so uh that's quite interesting i didn't get a chance to see that we left on the sat i think it was a saturday work was happening and we were leaving the saturday so we missed that unfortunately but if you are in da nang on a saturday evening head along to the bridge in the river the other side and you'll see the fiery dragon spitting out fire apparently pretty cool to see so these are like the gates to the village community so uh that's the one behind us i believe because we're moving out of that village a few tractors out today see some areas uh have already planted for about a week or two and our field has only been planted a few days ago as you might have seen in our video if not click the link below and follow along with the rice growing process i'll be doing it all through the year so you'll be able to see how how it goes so these guys have have yet to start planting they're just plowing the fields and some of them have made a bit of actually on the left-hand side they have planted well on the right-hand side there they've just flattened it out and plowing it some of them are filled with water which needs to be drained looks like a brick manufacturing company there you see that i've got it on i've got the gopro on my chest so it's a bit limited you may not have even seen the bloody pagoda the linong statue in that pagoda had to move it with my hand i didn't want to move the camera too much for it's all set up for on when i'm on the bike and leaning forward you might notice the plastic surrounding the fields some some people do that some don't and i asked one of the ladies once and it's for contour which is mouse or rat in vietnamese they seem to have the same word for both ra and mouse it seems if you know any different please write a comment below love seeing the flags out national national pride i don't think we can do that in england anymore goes against the minorities apparently it was a shame i think flags have been used at football matches too much now and therefore it signifies england football fans we're not the uh the best in the world if you're a football fan and i mean using your feet not the football in america guys please mention below your team i think i actually came this way on my motorbike on the way back from my child hulu on my chow trip if you haven't seen those videos please do check out the playlists playlists for my channel food alone will be shown in the description so guys have uh any of you been to vietnam if you have please comment below where you went how long you came for and why you didn't choose us another main road here now see all the flags laid out on every lamp post there's gotta be thousands of these flags we've got quite a big one at home on our gate i think it may have been taken down now with all the tech lights have been taken down the lanterns and things he's a lady who's uh spraying the rice fields with fertilizer so rice isn't as organic as you think it's pretty cool out here beautiful weather normally when i do a cycle ride i i tend to bomb everywhere try and go as fast as i can try and beat my times and to work up a good sweat and hopefully keep me trim but today it's just going to be a gentle ride around so you can actually see something i've done a couple of videos one that was at warp speed but i don't think that did particularly well people wanted to see the village so i did another one where i edited it edited it down to uh i think it might be about 10 minutes or something but this one is going to take in all the action so if you are interested in vietnam and see what it's like seeing the local people just going about their normal day i mean it's a sunday so it's not not so much the working day but you'll still see the rice farmers going out working because they uh they just started their season so they need to get cracking every day you know and protect the rice fields and maintain them ah that reminds me i need to go to the garage and get my bike fixed i think i might i was going to do it monday tomorrow which is the 22nd of february i'm filming this on a sunday 21st but uh it's my wife's birthday tomorrow so i don't want to be uh messing about like garages that's quite windy it might be quite noisy hopefully the camera microphone protector is working [Music] so uh you notice these yellow buildings i didn't notice uh that's one thing that i can't get used to here they just pull out turning right they just pull out doesn't matter what's coming they pull out and because i was just looking to the left there at one of the government government buildings they're usually the yellow ones or green green and yellow she pulls out she pulls out right in front of me not care in the world that's something i can't get used to here it winds you up no end look up you could be driving down like this and there'd be a road coming out to the from here and they'll just come out they won't look they'll just come out so basically you've got to be on your toes which you're meant to be anyway i suppose that's the whole point of you know safe driving and things but whenever i come to a junction i always look both ways just being brought up that way i've actually got a driving licence a lot of these people don't so they haven't done any any form of uh highway accord as we say in the uk there's nothing anything like that so they they just get to get on the bike and drive you know they couldn't they can handle a bike probably better than westerners but be nimble in that but actual road safety and uh there you go see that that girl didn't even look and she's got a hood on the ninjas as we call them they'll wear that in the summer and in the winter the summer to keep them protected from the the sunshine and getting burnt but also the winter to keep them warm doesn't matter where you go there's always a cockrell croaking you see shrines set up from uh cemetery uh gravestones here and there sometimes you'll see them in the rice fields so so banana trees everywhere oh yeah i was talking about hello i was talking about uh if you've been to vietnam before but have you been cycling in vietnam before i mean i'm actually riding on the main road which isn't terribly exciting but it does show you more people hopefully you see some of the businesses on the sidelines as well little uh pharmacies just there people just stop in the middle of the road no we're not care in the world now mayo lao is hop up hello lao is hot pot joe his dog meal meow you can guess what that is so dog and cat hot pots so yeah it still still happens in the north oh so looks like there's a little village to the right so what i'll do i'll take a detour off to the right have a look at a village it will pop back out onto this road again so let's see what this is like see some small houses slightly smaller than ours you don't have a huge house ah looks like they're just seeing on the left there they're planting the rice but the further stage than the seedlings that uh my sister-in-law was planting and as one of the subscribers bl suggested hello looks like a wedding here they set it up where they cover all the the backyard and front yard make it nice what was i talking about oh yes bl subscriber i don't know your name mate but uh you mentioned the two different types of planting it's very informative as usual thank you mate there's some kids playing in the fields i'll take a right here go back out the village no all this water one or two of you have asked about mosquitoes oh dear yeah february time is uh nightmare even in hanoi actually where there wasn't a lot of water around where we lived in long bean it was uh a nightmare the house we were in the lovely house green and yellow a bit like the government buildings really smart house three bedroom but the windows were uh wooden and weren't fitted very well and so when the evening came all the mosquitoes could get in so we were sat there with the the tennis racket that you see maybe you've seen it in thailand or in other parts of asia india maybe where you can swap the mosquitoes with the electric bat that was what we were doing all the time all night nightmare watching tv there's thousands of them ridiculous so now we've we're gonna get one or two in the house because it's all sealed a couple windows it's all sealed now but uh still get one or two and buzzing around you at night around your ears nightmare but if you're seeing my video walking around the ice fields with the ginger i was getting attacked by the mosquitoes that's on my daily life videos check them out in the description we've been going about 30 minutes ah here we go see these guys here they're planting them hello so they're planting very evenly and spaced out so as as my subscriber bl said they get a lot of they get more out of it by spreading them out like this looks a lot more economical see when i was trying to spread them out with the seedlings and just throwing them all over the place there were never going to be any even spots certainly not my hand grab so basically i've seen actually hello she's just putting up the plastic sheeting for this for the rats i've seen uh back at the same place i filmed for the daily life video there was some some guys in the fields actually spreading them out like my sister-in-law was the seedling so it looks like they fill in the gaps basically because the way they've filled them with the the rice stems they were quite spaced out so not going to get that much rice so they're filled in in between with the seedlings it seems i think i might take a take a left here hello get a lot of hellos let's go down here let's go through the countryside much more interesting hello go through the rice fields there you see the ones on the right what i've just been mentioning and the plastic sheeting around see it's quite a small area imagine doing that for the area that lure my sister-in-law has that's back-breaking work that and i've seen them come apart as well because it gets windy obviously you know on the wide planes and they get ripped open get blown all over the place so they have to go out there and do it again so now then when i was in hue for our holiday last year we visited i visited aubang cemetery now some of the uh some of the uh gravestones there were unbelievable but here we've got mediocre you know still beautiful i mean all this land look at all this land here you can see all that so this is somebody's gravestone i'm not sure where the is there a year on there somewhere my eyesight is terrible you might be able to pick it out normally there's a year on there you see uh some of these are really beautiful in nice grounds far better gravestones than what we get back in the uk you know but the other day as i said in that video and check check the link out below it's a fantastic video and i guess you just guess you see how much people spend on their their past loved ones it's unbelievable hopefully soon that one's 2011 so that's 10 years old already it doesn't look 10 years old does it i wonder if they've refurbished it repainted it i don't know so there's other smaller ones as you see there's quite a few but the ones in near hue some of them were like uh fifty thousand hundred thousand dollars somewhere even more i believe so unbelievable and uh you might you might uh understand the the thinking of the vietnamese really they love their family you know and that and uh they when you see celebrations of people's lives like for instance our great great grandfather he was uh nat's great great grandfather of course we i did a video of that if you haven't seen that check the link below that's uh celebrating his life and they do that every year that was a couple of days ago and they what what i've said in that video and what i'll say again is they remember death days but they don't remember birthdays it's terrible i mean nat's mother knows the day the the year she was born but not the actual day or month because uh one person who came round the villages to register new births only came around once or twice a year so nobody actually knows when they were born which is crazy so there you understand that people hello hey [Applause] aha lam na zombie asking me to go and work with him i think so you understand why they're they're older so they remember when people die but when they were born the parents don't remember when they were born the day or anything like which is crazy so i mean it's nat's birthday tomorrow but she's not actually sure it is tomorrow it could be any time of the video so she could be older oh she could be younger it couldn't be any much younger jesus 19 years between us i did well right where the hell am i let's have a check of old google if uh yeah it's basically showing you the countryside i think what going through the towns is quite interesting maybe a little bit boring sometimes for you guys you see towns all the time you don't see the vietnamese countryside but you know comment below what you'd rather see the countryside and rice fields or going through the town seeing seeing the people seeing the shops the businesses what goes on you know i will do a walk round of namding which is our our main city closest city to us i'll do a walk around and stop for drinks and food and i'll do that over over the course of a few hours maybe if you're interested in that please comment below it's not hanoi but uh hanoi is a little bit off bounds at the moment out of bounds at the moment a lot of cafes and bars karaoke shops parlors and whatnot i've all been closed down to contain the spread this is the third wave if you're watching in a year's time maybe this was the third wave which i'm reporting on i was reporting daily but i think people got bored of that so i'm doing it every few days i'll be doing it on monday tomorrow hello so you do get a bit of life there's some guys out there flattening the fields manually no machinery here you can see that it's a bit difficult with this bloody chest strap let me know in the comments below what you thought should i do in the chest strap or should i i do have a helmet darker jews it just means it moves whenever i move my head whereas with the chest strap it just points forward spreading them out better than i can there's another let's go that's pretty nice well land that's taking up you know what that costs i suppose it wouldn't cost that much because they're not building uh you know houses or anything on it so it might be cheap maybe uh clusters um cool uh cultivated land i think it's a slightly different price but you can't build on it so it must be a lot cheaper you don't you hope so [Applause] there's quite a lot more plastic sheeting around these rice fields they must have have more of a problem with rats or if they have more money you think we're going past the rabbit the rubbish tip that's the first one i've seen actually you don't want uh smell-o-vision now where the hell am i going how am i going down here i don't know oh maybe going that way yeah i think i'll go that way come on looks more well trodden this route i don't want to mention it but i will anyway i haven't come across any uh cows or water buffalo blocking my path yet myself when i see them boogers the water buffalo just stands out and just puffs up his shoulders saying oh wait then come and have a go and i'm like uh no you're all right go this way it's more like a path to see all these canals by the side they'll have been filled up drained from the fields on the left over here and to fill the canals there so it's there when they need it and it rains enough to keep it topped up as well but by our house by our villa village there are there is a river you do notice the the water levels go down a bit in the winter because not so much rain and that's another thing that's a tip for you if you are wanting to come to vietnam in the north it's relatively dry through the winter but also it's cooler which is a bonus especially from the north of england like me it's a nightmare in the summer june uh well may june and july even august august september get get rains in the north so october it's still warm very warm it doesn't really get cool till december and then january february can be cool cold with regards uh not cold as in where am i going am i going this way yeah why not yeah it's not it's not cold cold certainly not like cold as in texas for some of you vietnamese maybe without water as well apparently terrible time if you are watching from texas give us a shout i know dan may be watching although it's it's about six a.m when this goes out so he may not be uh up that early he's in ohio so it looks like we're going through another village i might go back yeah a little left here see the village are you enjoying the video guys give me a thumbs up if you are appreciate that i also comment say hello also comment uh if you'd like to see more of these rides around the countryside give us a thumbs up for that as well well let's not mix up the thumbs up let's uh let's call it a yes please oh jesus this looks like a dead end actually especially with a bloody dog in the way yeah that's what you come across i've come across loads of times in asia you're walking down a path going trekking because yeah if you haven't got a guide sometimes it can be a bit difficult so the uh the path you think is going through a village or whatever comes to a dead end and you end up boxed in with a a mad dog comedy time desire hello hey there's actually a road that went through the village as soon as you speak a few words of vietnamese you laugh i'm nowhere near fluent so but i am i'm learning and doing these trips does get chance hello hey hello hi i wonder this is a dead end as this is well good stuff this because i i'm enjoying this i love riding through the villages and as you can see people are so friendly and this is where this is what uh stands vietnam out amongst other other places they are so very friendly but actually when i first arrived in in hanoi after doing the motorbike ride i i rode all the way from ho chi minh a lot down through the mekong delta over to fuquak and then back through to ho chi minh and then i went up zig zagging sort of mourinho queen on i i i felt that the the south was very friendly and then i was thinking oh the north really i got moved away from a shop front in hanoi i've stood there looking at my phone they moved me on i've got bloody hell mate i'm not that big i'm not blocking all your all your shot frontage am i um and also a girl that uh was very rude to me a a high but uh actually since then i've never come across it much at all i always i mean there are the old people obviously same in any country in the world but uh no the north is very friendly as well it was just initial impression just from a couple of people which is clouding my judgment so okay so we're out of that bit again after a little detour we'll go left here i think uh here we go 30 cows in the way you just got to sort of stand your ground as our visions have been booted when i go past getting smacked but uh no such thing there all right let's go let's go deep into the countryside let's see what's going on here not sure i mean i mentioned it before but uh yeah there's a big cows i'm sure i mentioned it before oh bloody hell in india i was stood outside the homestay in jaisalmer and uh i'm glad you run away mate um i stood outside homestay my little place in jaisalmer great little place looking at the the fort um just start stood there talking and the cow just comes up to me headbutts me twice the indian lads watching were just in stitches i thought it was so funny look at that bridge that's a cool bridge nobody see it yet so i've got the camera the wrong angle now that's so much on the bridge that's awesome that whoa there's a proper arch bridge that right left over look at the map see where the bloody hell i am okay going towards the river that way so we'll head back that way get on the bike the right way you did and i see cows blocking the way awesome time for a swig of water i think it's an adventure hello sanga dana come on i asked if the river's this is here she just nodded we didn't hear the thing i said or understand it uh that was another thing while i was motorbiking through vietnam when i was in the mekong delta i got lost so many times i've actually mapped the trails i did on a website so i might bring that up one time i wrote a little bit about each day some of it's funny some of it's cringe-worthy but anyway when i was in the mekong delta there were roads i used a paper map i didn't use google maps i didn't have a phone and when i was looking on the map there was a road there but when i rode along it wasn't there it was being built so the map was way ahead of its time and i got stuck in the middle of a village like i like i am now and i stopped to ask this woman showing the map and she just jumped on a bicycle and ran away yeah like it liked it hello hey hi hello lambie no i'm quite hot probably pronounced it totally wrong i'm sure a vietnamese guy will mention that if you're watching okay lost lost power there it realized for 10 minutes there we go hey so i was rabbiting on for 10 minutes and you weren't there right so what i was saying if i was rudely interrupted if you do want to come to vietnam do check out our website at send us an email from the contact us page on there you'll find it goes through step by step of what you'd like which will give me a better idea of what you you wish to see or do while you're here in vietnam there are sections where it asks you the type of room you need standard a hotel and also the tours that you'd like to do whether you're mixed group or private but it's a bit of an unknown or after this pandemic i think a lot of tours may be private because the numbers the volume of tourists won't be good enough for a group tour so you may have to take a private tour here and there which will be more expensive but i think travel is going to be totally different when it comes back online again so we're all learning and also when you get down the page you get a chance to select where you'd like to see now if you're coming for five days or seven days please don't click them all i have had some clients who were coming for five seven days and they were picking places like the northeast but it takes a good three four five days to see any of that so you won't have time for that kind of a trip and also bear in mind your budget we always offer vietnam airlines which is is more expensive but it's far more reliable than the budget airlines we've had clients in the beginning had flights who actually they didn't book their flights with us they said just do the package without the flights we bought the flights make it cheaper i said well okay but you may regret that and they did they ended up losing a whole day when they were flying to hue or to danang because of tonsil flights or delayed flights they can be delayed up to five hours so cheap is okay but if you're coming for two weeks you don't want to miss anything so it's best to use the best airlines that's what we do quality over the cheap stuff there are a couple of other new budget airlines i don't know how good they are but the main one that we've we've seen and perform very poorly is via jet so yeah so if you're looking to do seven days and you click all the pictures please bear in mind the budget and also your relaxation time isn't going to be very often you're going to be in airports on bus stations or train stations all the time so this is actually the road just here where i come out from the river on my other road so we're back on track for heading back home so yeah have a look at the the pictures click on them i'll probably change that a little bit and use video at one point that way you get to see more of each location rather than just one picture gives you a better idea of if you want to see that place so i will have i will be filming a lot more hopefully over the next six months traveling around the vietnam depending on our funds of course being a travel agent and solely well we do offer expats trips as well but uh we don't get many people requesting our services so most of our customer base is from abroad so they can't get into vietnam yet since since march 2020 so funds are limited for travelling but if you did want to maybe sponsor me to go to a place that's that's an option i've got a buy me a beer link on my channel if you want me to go to visit a place i can price it up and i'll price it uh well so that you don't it's not a lot of money and i'll be still i'll stay in uh whatever standard hotel you want me to stay in or stay in a in a dorm in a hostel i don't mind if it gets you to see the places you want to see then maybe you could sponsor me to do that so the link to buy me a beer is in the description below if you're interested in that let me know but yeah i'm going to be filming the rest of vietnam's as i can and i'll be replacing the pictures on the on the contact us page with a video so you get to see a lot more for your click so yeah have a look at the contact page see what you like and then send us an email and i'll look into it for you so much to see in vietnam if you only have a week i would suggest picking the north or south north i am i'm certain you'd have a better time there's so much to see in the north i know i'm biased based up in the north but i've seen a lot of the north and it is beautiful compared to the south but if you already beat the north we can still offer the south the southern region for you mekong delta fuqua pucci tunnels ho chi minh city and even nip to uh dallas or even mooney they're about four or five hour private car journey each way so you could go there for a couple of days if time permits and if you want cycling included or kayaking like you saw last sunday then make sure you you click on the activities list as well there's a selection there you can pick kayaking and trekking cycling so do have a look and get in touch i enjoy the video guys give us another thumbs up and also tell me where you you're watching from maybe dan you're awake now in ohio time zones really make it difficult for me to choose a time i chose the weekend because i thought people are more likely to be off work or in the current situation in lockdown you're not going anywhere anyway but weekends may have more time to sit with a cup of tea or a beer depending on what time hello what time of the day it is one thing bike rides do for me is giving me bad knees um playing a lot of football when i was younger three different football teams the raf on a wednesday the duke of wellington on a saturday and crownwell village on a sunday so raf cranwell on a wednesday in crownwood village on a sunday yeah my knees are knackered and of course what comes with uh a game of football in the uk in england especially in the uk maybe the same all around the world but it comes uh shed loads of beer afterwards on a wednesday if we were playing away and we used to play against uh the army always good games they were tough games never more than one or two goals in it um when we won away we'd have a crater beer on the bus we'd get food at their mess all right there there bar few beers get the food down us and then head on our way with a crater beer fantastic have you ever done that guys wednesdays were clusters duty playing football for your raf royal air force station was classed as duty my chief technology i was a junior technician my chief technician was always okay with it let us off for the afternoon our manager was raf regiment now if you don't know they are kind of the army of the air force they're like our defense at airfields and things like that and they have all kinds of uh training going on for the the normal lads in the air force like ranges and infantry sort of training and every year you've got to do a range test well because the sergeant was the boss of the regiment and also the manager of the football team if my training was on a wednesday afternoon i'd say to us oh sarge i can't come this wednesday i've got your trainers no you haven't you passed flying colours mate oh bloody hell so i don't think i shot on the range for years i was always playing football so now my knees are knackered especially between the sunday saturday and the sunday games have you ever done that played football on saturday afternoon got tanked on the night and then nine o'clock in the morning you're meeting up to play at quarter 11 on a sunday bloody hell i couldn't do that now i was in my 20s then like bloody hell i mean i get up early here because i'm in the village but bloody i'm getting up and doing that playing football for 90 minutes with a hangover no no thanks okay let's take a right here go through another little village i'll go around this one see what there is to find i think i can go down here i'm going to get boxed off again aren't they oh my god westerner get around here how do you little alley tell me i'll come to a dead end again oh freaking out where that always happened to me all those people are looking at me thinking where's he going he's not going the right way now trail failed on that one um i think i'll go this way hello these lovely kids so sweet so you can see the rubbish at the side of the road that's uh because it's sunday rubbish gets collected on a sunday but after tet holiday is the timetable's been skewed a bit all right where's that i think i'm going this way yeah there's the bridge so there's the open playing the fields that link up two in hours of you hello oh do you know music in the background oh it's a wedding somebody singing actually sometimes the singers at weddings are professional but they don't sound it they tend to put an echo on the microphone all the time which makes it sound terrible you may have a good voice but uh they mess about with the microphone so much that sounds terrible okay friendly beep of the horn to let you know they're coming past sometimes it's not needed but on other occasions you you haven't heard the car or bike coming and then the beeping oh so i think it's best that they do do it the problem is though in hanoi everyone beeps all the time you end up ignoring it all so if anyone does beep at ya because they're coming at you you probably just ignore it so it goes the other way doesn't it he's a delivery driver for lazada and shoppie i've had a few deliveries myself for lazada pay on delivery perfect well we are now an hour and a half and out nearly an hour and 40 minutes but that's actually what my watch is the video is probably less than that because i missed i missed out 10 15 minutes didn't realize the battery had gone how long have we got uh just come up to 17 kilometers now is that right no oh coming up to 28 kilometers what's going to say was talking about 15 kilometers about 10 kilometers ago so guys have you enjoyed the video i think that's the third time i've asked but not everyone will be watching right the way through it's gonna be a long the longest video i've done as you can see it's a very hot day and it's now quarterback 12.

most people have had their lunch and now be having a siesta so overhead wind this bike isn't actually the right size for me to be honest i bought it in hanoi years ago it was the biggest i could get the seats is at its max that's why i can't go that far my knees are in agony now actually final straight oh one of them anyway see all the flags on the lampposts here as well every single one every household has a flag outside their house during uh celebrations like tet or independence day that's a local beer high actually don't sell beer high i think there's just bottles of beer hanoi i've not actually sat there and had a beer with them yet so i should do that that'd be interesting content the local village bar the local pub sunday maybe they're doing a roast dinner my knees are killing me now okay guys so coming towards the end of the video now and thanks for watching if you watch the whole of this video again hats off to you that's commitment if you haven't yet subscribed please click the subscribe button in the right hand corner click the bell as well to be notified of new videos and i'll be trying to do this every sunday i'll mix it up between cycling and kayaking maybe walking okay guys cheers for now bye [Music] you

2021-03-06 07:55

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