Venice, Italy - Amazing Relax Walking Tour, 4K UHD

Venice, Italy - Amazing Relax Walking Tour, 4K UHD

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The station is one of Venice's two most important railway stations. The other one is Venezia Mestre, a mainline junction station on Venice's mainland. Both Santa Lucia and Mestre stations are connected to each other by Ponte della Libertà - Liberty Bridge.

Chiesa San Simeone Piccolo - built in 1718–38. As of 2010, the station was used by about 82,000 passengers per day, or a total of around 30 million passengers per annum. Every day, approximately 450 trains stop at the station.

This was, of course, before the pandemic, so now are the numbers completely different. Unfortunately, we do not have such statistics now. Ponte degli Scalzi - bridge of the barefoot [monks]. It`s one of only four bridges in Venice to span the Grand Canal.

The bridge connects the sestieri of Santa Croce and Cannaregio. There is even a Magnum Algida store.. Whole store where only icecream is sold. :) This one is called Ponte Del Parucheta.

On our left is a tennis court. Ponte Bernardo - It's named after a very old Venetian family - - who lived in a large house adjoining the canal. Campo Santa Maria Mater Domini is dedicated to the Holy Mary as many other Venetian campi.

The campo is encircled by beautiful and elegant palaces. Ponte Giovanni Andrea Della Groce o de la Malvasia Giovanni Andrea Della Groce was a venetian surgeon, who lived from 1515 to 1575. Mercati di Rialto - Located near the landmark and arched Rialto Bridge. This busy daily market stands in the commercial center of the city. Venetian locals and international tourists alike frequent this centuries-old market for fruit, fish, and vegetables.

Chiesa di San Giacomo di Rialto - It has a large 15th-century clock, a useful item in the Venetian business district. The clock is also regarded as a standing joke for its inaccuracy. Its Gothic portico is one of the few surviving examples in Venice. Ponte di Rialto is the oldest of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal. It has been rebuilt several times since its first construction in 1173.

At first a pontoone bridge, the idea of rebuilding the bridge in stone was first proposed in 1503. Plans were offered by famous architects, such as Jacopo Sansovino, Palladio and Vignola... ... but all involved a Classical approach with several arches, which was judged inappropriate to the situation. Michelangelo also was considered as designer of the bridge.

The present stone bridge is a single span designed by Antonio da Ponte. The construction began in 1588 and was completed in 1591. Today, the bridge is one of the top tourist attractions in Venice.

Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni was an Italian playwright and librettist from the Republic of Venice. His works include some of Italy's most famous and best-loved plays. This dragon originally acted as a sign for a leather goods shop, which also sold umbrellas. The shop opened its doors in the 1870s, but closed down at the end of the twentieth century.

Campo San Luca was with Campo San Bartolomeo one of the most frequented meeting points of the Venetians... ... thanks to its central location, the presence of numerous commercial activities and bars. Ponte Goldoni Piazza San Marco is in the heart of Venice. It is (180 m) 590 ft long and 70 m (230) ft wide. And it`s the only “piazza” in Venice, since the rest of the squares are called “piazzales” or “campos” This was live music, to entertain the guests of the café.

The Piazza San Marco is one of the most beautiful in the world. Napoleon called it “the world’s most beautiful drawing room”. Piazza San Marco is the lowest point in Venice. When there is an acqua alta, it is therefore always the first area to be flooded. Acqua alta is the term used in Veneto for the exceptional tide peaks that occur periodically in the northern Adriatic Sea.

St Mark's Campanile (Campanile di San Marco) is the bell tower of St Mark's Basilica. At 98.6 metres (323 ft) in height, it is the tallest structure in Venice. On the top of the tower, there is a golden weather vane in the form of the archangel Gabriel. Thsee three flagpoles in front of the basilica are original ship’s masts. They refer to the 3 kingdoms that Venice conquered: Cyprus, Crete and the Peloponese. Basilica di San Marco is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice.

It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture. The building's structure dates back to the later part of the 11th century. The Doge's Palace is a palace built in Venetian Gothic style.

The Doge of Venice was the supreme authority of the former Republic. It was built in 1340 and extended and modified in the following centuries.

2021-07-06 09:25

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