Vanlifers Discover Lost Drone Footage Below Nauyaca Waterfall [HELP US FIND THE OWNER]

Vanlifers Discover Lost Drone Footage Below Nauyaca Waterfall [HELP US FIND THE OWNER]

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it's emily's birthday and current snow met  up we're gonna have her birthday tomorrow but   already curt's making his fancy drinks we're  drinking beers here on the beach hanging out   emily's birthday is still tomorrow but  we have done the happy birthday banner   and you can see here we got one cat trying to meet  the other cats yeah graham wants to be friends   oh grammy loving the beach this day graham   dang thank you sir whoa little  top off from the master chef kurt what do they call a master bartender what do  they call curt is the mixologist for the evening   good morning it's my birthday happy  birthday we're gonna go celebrate with   curt and snow over at a waterfall nauyaca  waterfall we're gonna be able to swim   so we have our bathing suits on  it's gonna be fun day birthday baby off to the waterfall so apparently here at the end this  waterfall is just public land it costs   ten dollars to hike nauyaca waterfall or 35  to drive up it's a four kilometer long hike   really clear water so are you at the waterfall you know what i learned  this side allows dogs so if you come here and   you want to bring a dog definitely don't do the  main road one he said it's not that far of a road   around the other side and it's a shorter walk  it's only two kilometers instead of two miles   and you can bring your dog she's happy so so can  we walk back that way it goes to a different way   so we're gonna you know what i had to  do is bring the dog up through the river wow so now emily's to join us on the  much more scenic river route and then   here it's better up here whoa see  because that part is crazy slick   yeah i definitely prefer this  way to the road look at this i love this yeah crazy vines oh i wonder if a  monkey ever runs across these vines look what we found i'm an ancient drone look at  this that part's popped open full of dirt this   rocks up here oh you're getting some out though  yeah i think this thing's been here a while   i don't think we have to feel bad about saving  it i think this is great that we're saving   it less plastic in the out there oh there's  the memory card card so uh there might be uh   some footage it might be some epic drone footy  this part doesn't look even huh there it is   it's a little bit different than ours this  is the ultralight oh that's the mini mini wow yeah we found a drone today   i can't believe we just found a drone  that is so funny little birthday surprise wow we figured out how i got  down here and we're there time to cut up tell me thing that cats just need oh my god you're my good boy you're just a hungry boy   and we're making a little popcorn as a snack  head over to curt and snow's hangout oh i know   we can bring the drone and we can try and get the  videos off of it to see what happened to this guy bring it on landed on the slipperiest on the next shot or something because this is  obviously a successful landing okay okay wow who i was looking at that vine oh dude watch  out for the vine i know because we were   like that's probably what it was that vine  is a drone i stopped i took a video of that   drone killer i mean that vine killer  it's a drama you know remember that   no yeah we remember i remember the vine yeah he's  just above those vines that were going across the   river looks like philadelphia that's where you  found the drone well i don't exactly remember   where i found it and that's how they lost it later  it fell out well we've established this was made it was too high in a tree  i think i can't get it out   the video is still going i  thought it would be at the end   of the video so they know that they know where  it's at and they can't get to it that happened   to me and i got the ladder but it had to fall down  right there later let's rewind it a little bit and   see if we can figure out where it was oh so this  is the final shot goodbye i love the drone goodbye   taking a picture did not enlarge the drone from  the tree was left so sorry we did find the drone   because we got kicked out of the place with  our dog and we had to walk across the river   that's the only reason you found the drone  it's the only reason it was a beautiful walk   for your birthday present yeah lakers fan yes  thank you so much hopefully we can find laker liam   awesome to one him this footage right so you guys  got to help us find this guy whose drone this   is if you know a lakers fan that  lost a drone in costa rica in may   let us know the drone is toast from the  rainy season and also being caught in   a vine but the pictures and videos are still  intact and we love to get them to their owner good morning today we're heading over here  to this national park we woke up next to   marino ballena so like a whale in spanish whale  national park and it has this crazy looking beach   that looks like a big whale tail at low tide so  we're gonna go get the shot of that here low tide   should be in an hour and we're right on track so  now we're gonna walk out on the whale tail you   have to come at low tide for it to be visible  but this huge thing looks like a whale tail   and there's no shade on this hike i thought  there was a forest out on it or something but   yeah it only shows up at low tide yeah  we got the sunscreen and it should be   pretty big spot here a little bit of a river  crossing a little bit of a river water is flowing   out right now we're at low tide but sometimes  there's no crocodiles or bull sharks that's good   i imagine at high tide this is probably  mostly a flow of water coming in   so this is such a beautiful beach out  here at merino ballena national park   it was a little over six dollars for  non-residents to get in and along with every other   uh national park you can only  pay with credit cards now   scarlet macaw wow we're definitely out here  on the whale tail park skinny water each side   beautiful and i are taking the water out  screwed over there crossing the sahara desert look at that guy he's just training for  africa funny looking at all these shapes   created by the bugs just scrolling around i think  they're snails look at that romantic little bug   drawing a heart so emily this is the pan american  highway yeah this is the way to argentina   up here go over through canada down mexico  the chili pepper oh no natural disaster   pan american highway was washed away in an  unfortunate accident at the whale tail today   but a little known fact about curt he was  a competitor and look at this marathon he's   running over here geez i can imagine  him crossing the serengeti the sahara   any vast desert and here now you're starting to  really see that we're in the water on this side   and the water is getting even closer over there  i love sandy spits like this yeah reminds me of   so many places the last one we saw was when  we were up on that mirador of three countries   cosiguina nicaragua way at the end of the hike all  of a sudden opened up a view of one of these weird   sandy spits quite a geographical phenomenon  and i love geographically interesting places you want to catch up to curt yeah yeah let's do it better watch out because we're  using the drone we found yesterday on the whale tail there's also pretty cool  little tide pools where we can see some little   fish definitely crabs but as soon as i walked  up to every tide pool all the fish scatter oh   there's some going we're at the  whale tail as low as the tide gets   so if we came at another time of the day  we would be able to walk out here or be   able to see any of these tide pools the  water completely covers the entire area or slug i love tide pools they're so much fun  to find i just and the rocks here are pretty   dry without algae so they're not slippery  which is one of this is one of the reasons i   sometimes don't like to go out on tide pools  but these rocks are pretty easy to walk on which is super nice for exploring i found a  bunch of little sluggy boys that are cleaning up   the algae on the rocks and these tide pools it's  so cool well i made it to the end of the tail   i wasn't really planning on doing that i just  wanted to check out the little tide pools   but that's how 27 is going looks like danny  climbed on that little rock that's out there hi my new hello friend need some sunscreen   once again found a dog where they say no dog   no the ranger says you can't even go over  anywhere over here he says this is dangerous in his all the way to the water over there  it was okay when you guys were there but now   i can't go oh we should have a race crab race  looking at the drone footy yesterday we knew   that guy's airbnb would be off to the left and  up in the hill we're thinking it's right up in   there so we're gonna go knock on the door just  kidding but we gotta find this drone owner the droner   75 of coral reefs are threatened by  contamination overfishing heating of the ocean two percent of the bottom of the ocean   is covered by coral reefs 0.2 and twenty-five  percent of animals are sustained by coral reefs there it is the van dang good eye curt right by the vans   what a great time traveling with our friends  coming to an end now the final meal here a little local soda recommended on ioverlander  it does smell good well here we're having our   last meal with curtin snow but it's been great  traveling with you guys thanks for coming to meet   up for emily's birthday tons of fun this is three  out of four or three out of five levels of heat we'll see you guys in panama   foreign

2021-08-05 19:33

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