VANLIFE Ep.42: I NEED TO LEAVE TURKEY | Embassy refuses to give me a new passport

VANLIFE Ep.42: I NEED TO LEAVE TURKEY | Embassy refuses to give me a new passport

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tomorrow morning is the big important appointment to extend my passport but it didn't work i think i'm at the point i have to accept that i have to leave and make haha look who i found on the road apparently big five has a technical problem have you broke your car found the new mama am i suing for me come on now we go for the office adventure we're just discussing how we get phone connection we're going to tape a phone onto this drone hi i am pete and i live work and travel in my van the fat lady on my way i explore the world and different ways of living together we don't miss out any adventure join and be part of it [Music] after being the second time at the hippie house in the north of turkey i am heading back to the south coast now yay i hit the road i'm almost halfway through looks like yeah three and a half hours to go to antalya i will arrive at night it will be dark but that's mine tomorrow morning is the big important appointment to extend my passport or to make a new one actually in the german embassy fingers crossed that it will work it's super difficult and complicated i didn't explain yet because it is difficult to explain but long story short the german embassy december is closed no appointments for new passports because of kovitz still i'm gonna try and antalya this is my own only chance is the istanbul is closed maybe if that network i will maybe try an ankara if that's not working then i will have to go back to european union end of may or maybe i fly back home and make a new passport and then fly against turkey but the thing is i don't want to leave the fat lady here in turkey it's a very strange feeling to leave your house with all your belongings here in a foreign country and you'll never know what happens with it and maybe it will be restricted to travel to turkey or something and then the fed lady is here in turkey and i'm in germany or something that would be bad oh you can't believe how much i'm looking forward to sun and beach and i'm just laying down and relax this will be amazing about the next plans i have no idea so we'll meet up with the other guys that i met before yeah we have no plans actually but we want kind of to go east along the coast and then maybe to cappadocia or something which is in the middle of the country and maybe maybe to georgia but this also depends on my passport thing we will see but i'm sure we'll have adventures and fun it's always crazy with this guys [Music] easy easy my [Music] [Music] the next morning i arrived at the beach super nice the night was crazy it was a huge thunderstorm all night super loud the whole shake the whole van was shaking but it's another fresh day it's an amazing air oh so great short breakfast and then let's see what the embassy says to my new passport yes or no yeah behind me you see the german embassy i just was inside but it didn't work it seems like it's impossible for me to get a new passport which sucks so they tell me to go to istanbul embassy but istanbul embassy is not giving any appointments he says like yeah they do it like they want you know they have other stuff and other rules and yeah so that's bad news i don't know what to do here i want to stay longer in turkey but it seems like i have to leave an end of may oh i'm like super disappointed and mad and like bureaucracy stuff is a nightmare and also sometimes water crossings and stuff i'm not the person usually who gives up very fast but i think i'm at the point where i have to accept that i have to leave in may end of may it sucks i don't know like when i think about all this bureaucracy and rules they were made to protect us and to make everything run but i'm not sure if this is the case anymore it's just making impossible to move freely to travel freely to be free it's so limiting it's just nonsense in my opinion okay it let's make the best out of it of the rest of the time two months to go it's first of april now so i have two months until i have to leave turkey and now i'm going to decathlon let's see what they have uh i need to buy some stuff which i lost and was stolen so my chair was stolen and i lost the metal cap let's see if they have it found one i think it's okay should be fine it's good it's lightweight compact not as good as mine or before but it's okay yay car mechanics again for my wheel alignment problem or better to say a camber problem so the angle of the wheels to the street and now i'm at continental where is it there is continental they have a laser alignment thing so i think they can measure it and then adjust it hopefully okay here we are at the laser measurement this friend there he will help me to solve the problem it looks good it looks very good finally i found someone who is understanding what is the problem and is professional it's not easy in turkey not easy and the price as i said 150 litre is totally fine if you consider that the equipment is super expensive [Music] so as you can see in the background uh he changed the wheel alignment with the rods for 3.3 degrees which is quite a lot this explains why my tires are worn out on the outside [Music] zero yay it's not my day i guess during the fix of the wheel alignment and stuff i noticed another bad thing the real differential is leaking badly actually it's like almost dripping i think i have to fix it pretty quick unless i don't want to damage anything okay the differential was fixed i hope so it costs about 800 liters which is 80 euros but i'm happy that it was done so fast like one hour done go and now i'm gonna visit a friend that i met i know one month two months ago when i was in italia before with the van gang we bought something to eat but we didn't know where to eat because it was only to go everything was closed and he was just renovating his restaurant and invited us in and we ate there he opened a bottle of wine for us for free and now i'm gonna visit him and yeah now it looks for sure differently because everything is open now so he's busy hello and welcome to murad's bar i met murat a few weeks ago i don't know two months two months ago maybe we just visited him and now he invited me over and we're just talking about image movie that we want to make maybe the next days while drinking a beer and eating a book super delicious murad is a very brave man he not only bought this place during corona pandemic but also put a lot of effort and time in his bar restaurant i liked his attitude and decided to offer to help him a little with a professional instagram promotion video and here is the final instagram video [Music] so [Music] tell me in the comments below how you like this short promo video there is no week without a turkish bazaar i'm already four months in turkey and it is still an adventure [Music] uh look who i found on the road are you waiting for me [Applause] apparently big five has a technical problem a relay under the seat is going crazy because of another roller in the engine area adventure have you broken your car that's me it wasn't me i wasn't here it's boring it's an electrical problem so the plan is not solving it today maybe tomorrow and we will tow them to the next parking lot [Music] too much pressure then yeah that happens when you look at the camera what do you say to this problem have you broke your car super nice [Music] okay that's fine did you switch to an electric engine it's super quiet family breakfast we have shakshuka made by kasha [Music] good comments finally i'm back in the sea super refreshing french is with me it's amazing i found a new mama what am i suing for me come on while i got my residency permit back in the hippie house also my vanlife family managed to get a residency permit which is great news without a residency permit you have to leave the country normally after 90 days with the residency permit you can stretch it up to 5 years the fireman yeah as you can see i'm back at mert the eggplant farmer he invited me for a barbecue we'll bump you a lot of meat 2.5 kilograms or yeah 2.5 for three people yeah oh my god and this is nice to meet you jay home welcome to youtube say hello hello guys [Music] long time ago that i had shisha what do i get mart i got eggplants for you this is specially for you that's how it's done in turkey and they just put the whole eggplant on the floor just on the fire and make holes i mean if i think it's dead it's like open [Laughter] this is 60 years old [Music] then this is for you the meat yes this was for you them without no fat but you missed your chance we almost ate i think half a kilogram of cooking we ate one one yes i was the meat half cooked and okay we ate almost one kilogram it's one more left i know that this one oh my god death by meat this looks like a very nasty instrument [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another beautiful day in turkey weather is perfect 20 degrees sun is burning water gets warmer and warmer today we go for an amazing awkward adventure that's why i put some diesel we have three cars in total so let's get the fat lady ready and go hmm i just noticed a squeaking noise while driving i think it's coming from the karan shaft i will try to put some oil i hope it stops squeaking okay we didn't solve the squeaking noise but uh i think it will be all right okay now we go for the offered adventure the crew is complete uh wait here's one more uh and this guy in blue you know him already this is the eggplant king eggplant king of uh kombucha and he's showing us a secret beach spot there he is ready yeah we are ready let's go do you see my reel no change between the lens we're on the way to the off-road track [Applause] oh we have five minutes in the drive and we already have an amazing spot look at this we're adjusting the tire pressure just to be a little bit more soft on the hard rocks and not to damage the tires three bars in the back and two and a half in the front it's amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] this dude is going with a normal car holy [Applause] is your experience so far shaky shaky yeah okay have fun the real road is starting until now this is this this is nothing that is nothing it's beginning [Applause] okay we were told that the real road is starting now off the road let's see [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well oh welcome to paradise voice it's epic what happened one of the doors okay [Music] of course the eggplant king organized some eggplants we have do you see this this it's everything full and there's one on the floor and we have so much eggplants so we're making an eggplant soup eggplant tomato soup actually english drug come on this is english though yes speak english on the vlog it's changing now most of the viewers were german but now it's changing to english speaking or turkish speaking because i see it on the one side amanda [Music] mm-hmm [Music] it's okay it's okay it's like a dog yeah i want a dog now he's pink be careful just buy your leash [Music] [Music] is [Music] give him the nuke we are making yoga here and we have some visitors and they're getting closer and closer good morning good morning that's interesting yeah [Music] without any internet reception we spent some amazing relaxing day at this beach [Music] what a life welcome to paradise this is a paradise beach we are here since three days we are having a great time here every morning with a yoga heading for a swim having amazing breakfast amazing dinner campfire video evening it's just awesome i think we're gonna stay few days longer it's perfect weather about 20 21 degrees light wind it's amazing no reason to leave this beach as long as we have food of course we're just discussing how we get phone connection because on this secret private paradise beach we have no phone connection so either constructing a satellite yeah we will send a satellite like this we're gonna tape a phone onto this drone like something like this and then we send it 100 or 200 meters up of course only 100 meters then see if we have a connection this crazy idea worked surprisingly well we were able to get a good 3g signal these four russian girls popped up at our beach by boat and they were hiking a part of the famous looking way they hiked in the mountains through that massive thunderstorm that i mentioned in the beginning of this vlog my full respect girls you are badass donald duck and no the other animal very small one like a rat mickey mouse [Music] after an amazing evening at the campfire the girls continue their last day of hiking hey okay we are about to leave this magical paradising beach next stop camer again third time yeah i guess we will stay one more night maybe fifth yeah i've been three times also already three times i've been two times it will be the third time now julie goulet i hope you enjoyed the video and i could bring you a little joy in these part pandemic times last week i got some donations with very lovely messages thank you so much for supporting my videos this means a lot to me and helps to continue making better videos for you

2021-06-04 19:53

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