Vancouver Island 2021 - Victoria Day 2: Whale Watching Tour

Vancouver Island 2021 - Victoria Day 2: Whale Watching Tour

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all right we're here at spring tide whale watching so we're gonna go check in over here So we're lining up here ready to check in at 10am. And the weather's kind of cloudy They say it's like guaranteed to see whale. So if we don't see whales today we can come back next time for free and we're supposed to go on this marauder 4 boat move faster guys method when you're moving around hanging  on the tube it's getting windy and cold   in the front let's do more should be a  nice day out on the water i think that it's   uh relatively calm out there but we are on the  open ocean so tide uh also affects what we do so   it can be a little bumpy at times so make sure  you're always taking some sort of precaution   additionally we should see some fog out there  today as you can see when we're looking at that   uh we certainly have the electronics to move about  here we can move around here more challenging   also it'll also be a little cooler so if you  see us entering the fog and you are outdoors it's a lovely morning i'm just gonna grab your attention for a couple  minutes once again my name's kate i'm up at the   front and i'm just gonna run through some safety  and emergency procedures while we're exiting the   harbor so marauder 4 has never had an emergency  but in the in case a situation does arise you're   going to need to know what to do so in the event  of an emergency you're going to hear an alarm   sound at that point we're going to ask you to  gather at the back deck so that is where you   boarded the boat today when you're back there the  crew will be grabbing these life vests they're all   in the inner cabin located underneath  the seats and we will be handing them out go to the side there haha i see sand foot so a little bit scary up here wanna go there take picture for you we real foggy that's not too bad but he's standing  here for long yeah maybe it's killing me seven knots inside yeah unless you  want to hang around out here no we're still on a journey searching for  wheels outside in a foggy kind of weather probably hard for us to sweat away over here so far no whales yet speed up and slow down searching for  whales again looks like it's clearer now   that's foggy over here now so maybe they saw something here see anything you see anything all right like i said i'm gonna be chatting with  you guys here but by all means keep your eyes out   on the water i'd hate for you to miss something  because you're looking at me and not at the whale   so that's gonna be my first tip come backs in particular  are fairly unpredictable so   we just want to keep our eyes out  and not miss anything exciting to feed probably a couple hundred feet down  when it comes up again we should expect it to   take a few breaths at the surface so we'll get a  good view of it before it does another deep dive yes all right we're seeing that  we saw once in here we're going to   pivot the boat so everyone can see it came  up right in front of our mouth we're here if you're looking to your left you  should be seeing that whale shortly wow yeah oh oh do you oh watching that was a lovely view of that humpback  whale again we're gonna expect it to be   down for a few minutes again doing  a deeper dive you got a good sense   of the size of that animal so these are very  large marine mammals this one's not even full   grown i'd estimate that one to be a couple years  old it's a little bit on the smaller side can   reach up to 50 feet long that's about 17 meters  and weigh in at about 40 tons at their largest how do you feel you're being on that small  boat over there now this whale they've been   timing in it's been doing about four minute  so we expected to keep that consistent   humpback whales can hold their breath up  to 45 minutes if they really wanted to are there rules about how close boats are allowed  to be to the animals yeah absolutely we can get   fairly close to humpbacks and it does depend if  we're in canadian and american waters as well   that's washington behind us um so we might be  in american water it's hard to tell from here   but yeah we try to keep our distance you know  not to disturb that behavior the whale could   choose to approach us and then we just stay  put especially with humpbacks we don't know   where they're going to come up again sometimes  they do come up within that regulated range so so like i said while that humpback  whale is diving it's going down to feed   here in bc waters these are the feeding grounds of  the humpback whale so they make a long migration   most of the populations we have here in bc are  coming from hawaii or mexico sometimes also   central america so they travel all the way up  that's where they breed so they have their babies   down south and they don't eat well they're  there so they make a long journey up here   and they start to feed once they arrive in bc  and some go further up north to alaska as well it is a long time they lose  a lot of their body fat   so they got to build that back  up again while they're here   so we usually see humpback whales by themselves  they're often solitary they'll gather in groups if   there's a good feeding ground or down south that  they're breathing around oh well we're there now all right we've seen that well  take another breath it's off   our bow just on the right hand side  it's traveled a bit of a distance   we're going to come up alongside it  once again so you get another good view once again we're gonna be on our left oh so the pattern of black and white  and the ratio and different stars oh uh oh no it's going down an ecological reserve  so it's a protected area   which is great for us because that generally  means there's lots of wildlife to see here   so race rocks is one of the oldest lighthouses  here on the west coast which is built back in 18   jellyfish and of course it's built  for sailors about these rocks here   so it's called race rocks because as you're  looking around you may see the water sort of   in turmoil there's some waves around here  the current comes through quite strongly and the and in the fossils this is a popular fallout  so that means skinner pets   like seals and sea lions like to  come here and bring themselves up they like to make themselves hurt so so we get two species of sea lions here  those ones making the barking noise   those are the california sea lions the ones that  make the low growling noise so far the stellar yes so you may be looking in the  water and noticing some heads pop-ups splashes those are also sea  lions will be in the water   as well you can look up on the island  here's a big one with the lighthouse so the ones that are more golden in color  is larger those are the stellar sea lions   so you can also set them apart by locating the  darker colored ones those are the californians is a great place to come and  see these sea lions especially   starting in july so their stellar sea lions  have their breeding grounds to the store the californians have their breeding grounds  to the south and they start heading here in   about mid-july and their numbers just increased  seagull got a bit of fish there their numbers keep   increasing into the fall until the spring when  they head to their breeding grounds once again so as we're looking to our left we're gonna  pass one of these smaller islands here you'll notice if you look so we've got a lot of  sea lions on this island left if you've got a keen   eye and you're looking sort of on the farther  side of that island you may see a couple lumps   near the water surface where the water meets  the rocks there's some harbor seals on there too   so we've got harbor seals  and then those larger animals   further up on top of the  rocks those are the sea lions and we can really hear that low growling from that  group to our left that's mostly stellar sea lions um sea lions are actually much more closely related  to bears so we do refer to these sea lions right where the water up on on their stomach so it's much harder for them uh victoria so i don't think that's about 30 to 40.

as handrail always finding your  seats while we're traveling is fast all right everyone welcome back to victoria  on behalf of myself and the rest of the   crew i'd just like to say a big thank you for  joining us today i hope you had a great trip   i hope you enjoyed that humpback whale we saw  especially when it decided to give us a bit of   a show at the end there and do some snail slaps  that's always fun when they decide to do that   and of course those sea lions and steel through  race rocks are always so fun to see as well   they've got a lot of personalities there's always  a lot of activity there so it could definitely be   the highlight of the trip for sure i hope you've  got some great photos if not you may have seen   captain eve running around with his fancy camera  he takes a lot of photos on there probably a   couple hundred from this trip give them a couple  days to sort through those we end up posting   those on our social media so even if you're not a  facebook or an instagram user you can just google   uh springtime whale watching it should pop up for  you in a couple days if you're new to victoria and   you're looking for something to do maybe you're  feeling a little hungry and want to get some lunch   coming up on our right hand side is fisherman's  dwarf so you see all of the sailboats in that   marina as well as those colorful floating houses  it's about a 30 minute walk from our harbor you   can go down there there's lots of restaurants  you can get fish and chips ice cream i think   there's even a mexican restaurant there so it's  always a neat place to check out i do recommend it   if you had a great trip today we do always  appreciate reviews so if you leave us a   review on tripadvisor or google reviews that  would be really great you can post your photos   tell people what you saw it's still a interesting  year in tourism with a pandemic going on   our numbers still aren't where they usually end  so especially the owners who have owned spring   tide it's a small family-owned business they do  appreciate that word of mouth so even if you chat   with your friends and family we do appreciate that  we're gonna be at the dock here in a few minutes   now is a great time to take a look under your  seat take a look around you make sure you aren't   forgetting any belongings if you end up back at  your car or your hotel room and you notice you're   missing something you can come check back at the  office those items think they're way up there if you borrowed a jacket from us today  you can keep that on for a few more   moments but when you get a chance just take that  off check the pockets before make sure you're not   leaving any cell phones behind and just put those  jackets on the seats the crew will collect those   after if you want to leave something behind on  purpose if you felt well taken care of today   we do always accept tips and gratuities so you can  pass those to the crew as you disembark the boat   once again we're coming around the corner here  will be a few more minutes until we're back at the   dock i just ask that you keep this area where i'm  standing clear so this doorway is gonna open up   this way so if we're standing back a few feet  that really helps us out let us get off the boat   secure it nice and tight tie those lines down and  we'll let you know when it is safe to disembark   once again thanks so much for joining  us today i hope to see you again

2021-09-26 20:10

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