VAN LIFE SCOTLAND - NC500 Highlands Road Trip! *Lithuanian Subtitles*

VAN LIFE SCOTLAND - NC500 Highlands Road Trip!                                *Lithuanian Subtitles*

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Welcome to Lindy Vanner I'm Gabi this is Sam and together with our sprinter van we invite you along on our Van Life adventures if this  is your first time here thanks for joining us and don't forget to subscribe and turn  on notifications so you never miss a video after we spent almost two gorgeous weeks on  the Isle of Skye, we decided to head up towards the NC500 Many people had told us that the west  coast had the best scenery, so we decided to head   across Scotland to Inverness to complete the  NC500 in an anti-clockwise direction from East to West  We began our NC500 with a quick stop at  Fairy Glen, and the waterfall, like so many others in the Highlands enriched all of our senses and got us excited for the journey ahead once we left Fairy Glen we headed towards our first of the night at Loch Fleet We got some speciality potatoes over here how exciting is this, posh  fish and chips yum yum yum that's looking good as well I've got some lovely homemade tartar sauce from Isle of  Skye as well so excited to try that!   In the morning we were once again  gifted with beautiful scenery   and continued to head North up the East side  of Scotland towards castle Sinclair Girnigoe This is actually really interesting and these  consultants Pelican Design Consultants done this awesome cross-section so what we see here,  this tower is actually right in front of us you can see where that massive hall was, they  had this beautiful Oriel window, and you can   just see the remaining detail of the bottom of  that window, and they've done a drawing showing   how that window would look like over there  and that would light this massive dining hall fascinating! so interesting! Are you serious now... You're gonna  destroy these pancake towers! Oh, it's like a nature "Jenga" You win against the gravity of stones! However, nature was about to get its own back... Where are you little guy? I see him! I see him! Oh, we found him, he's beeping at us! That was scary, oh man, that was so  little batteries as well, I've not backed up any of the stuff from Sky So what happened, where did it go? The wind just started taking him, and I saw him go over the water,  I was like, oh he's gone! And then I saw grass again when I was looking down with the  camera, I was like ditch, ditch, ditch! We were afraid he would have landed on some inaccessible  little island, there's so many places we just   can't get to like you know, over there  there's no chance I was getting over there We've just arrived at John O'Groats and  we've run out of bread, so I'm gonna try   a very first for Lindy Vanner, and that's to bake  some bread in the van, let's see how it turns out! One of the benefits of proving it in the tin  I'm going to bake it in, is that I'm gonna wash   my hands now and wash everything up and then when  it's finished proving, I just stick it straight in the oven! Okay, so the loaf's been in there for, I  don't know, maybe an hour or so, let's have a check! Oh, that looks good! Oh not bad, very happy with that! I'll let that just sit there on the side to breathe, and we should have some nice fresh bread tomorrow morning! As we arrived to John O'Groats after dark, we were excited to go and explore the area on the following morning, but unfortunately there  wasn't really that much to see... We were, however, able to get our token  photo with the John O'Groats sign   Before heading off towards Dunnet Head, the most Northerly tip of mainland Britain When we finished up at Dunnet Head, we got back on the road We were heading towards our next destination,  when we came across this beautiful bay   If anyone knows what these things on the beach  are, please let us know in the comments below We came across this lake, we've got no idea where  it was it was just at the side of the road on   the NC500, and that's the special thing about  Scotland, it doesn't really matter where you   go or what you plan to do, just make sure that you  always plan for the unexpected special surprises, because Scotland's nature will  gift you left, right and center! We finally made it to our destination just up  from the beach, we stayed the night in this lay-by   and in the morning we went for a walk on the beach the beaches in Scotland seem like they belong in the Caribbean endless golden sand and blue water  makes for some pretty unforgettable moments we were soon back on the road, and the next  destination was one, we were very excited about! wow! Smooth cave definitely exceeded our  expectations neither of us have ever   been in such a huge cave and it was another  wonderful unexpected surprise whilst on our route We were glad that we went there just after  sunrise, because there was nobody else there   but it is possible to book onto guided tours, where  you can be shown around deep within multiple caves   but we were satisfied with what we saw, and  before long we were back on the road towards the   destination that defines the NC500 at least for  me as a civil engineer anyway the Kylesku Bridge but before we got there, we  got yet another opportunity   to see the beautiful landscape that Scotland has  to offer, as well as meeting some local residents too we arrived to the Kylesku Bridge just as the sun  was going down, so I found some driftwood, chopped it up, we had a bonfire Gabi cooked some dinner and then chilled out for the evening, and it sort of wrapped up the NC500 for me in a way, because this  is the bridge that I'd longed to see in the flesh we spent some time there, a few hours,  chilled out, had some breakfast, went   for a walk and it was from this point  that I felt that we had left the NC500   when in actual fact, there  was still a fair bit to see when we left the the Kylesku Bridge  and said goodbye to our neighbours   we headed to meet up with some friends we've  met earlier in the trip on the Isle of Skye   Rhys and Amy. But unfortunately we ran  into some unexpected traffic along the way... Hello! Hi there, hello there friends!  would you mind if we squeeze past It was so good to see Rhys and  Amy again, they were pretty much   the only other humans we'd seen  in our whole time on the NC500   and when we met up with them, we headed  to go and see the world's smallest castle King of the castle! Do this, do that! After we found the castle we hiked back towards the vans and headed towards our spot for the evening - Ardvreck Castle   and of course Gabs couldn't resist to go for  a dip in the ice-cold water with Rhys and Amy The following morning we decided to go  and find the biggest waterfall in the UK   But unfortunately, when we got there, it  was a 12km hike from the car park   and it was pouring down with rain, so instead  we headed towards the nearest waterfall It was very slippery at the top of the  waterfall so we jumped back in the vans,   drove down to the bottom and trekked  up towards the foot of the waterfall   It was one of the most awe-inspiring  moments of our whole trip Unfortunately Rhys and Amy were heading North  and we were heading South, so we said our goodbyes So here we are we just arrived at the Corrieshalloch George, I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly, it's got this amazing suspension bridge  under which the waterfalls are just coming from   all directions and it's absolutely beautiful!  Love it! And as you can see in the background,   Sam has just walked over the bridge and he's  trying to fly his drone, while there is no wind   but the suspension bridge is something else! Only six people are allowed at the same time   and you can see the water falls from  all directions into the gorge it's incredible! My favorite thing about the waterfalls  is there you also see all the greenery and   beautiful nature around them, that just get  this constant spray of water to keep them happy! So we're doing this then! "Road normally  impassible in wintery conditions" And as you can see we had a bit of snow  last night, so that's going to be fun! Challenge accepted! There's snow on the ground and  I shouldn't look at the camera! So we're just making our way up the  Apple Crossing and it's proper   cold here and very slippery and windy  and snowy and all of that, pretty cool huh! Sam's trying to get the drone back, we're just  filming as we're going up and lost signal   completely so no idea what the little drono is, hopefully we'll find him! Are you happy to see the snow, Sam? Yes! - How is the van doing in the snow though? - It's fine we've got our winter tires from when we lived in Sweden, so it's all good! So we made it all the way this hill, we're not quite at the top but we thought we'll make the most of the little  rays of sun. It's so beautiful, look at the sky! Pretty! We made it to the top of the Apple Crossing! So we had some adventures going up, didn't we?  We lost the drone, that wasn't fun! And who found  the drone? Gabija found it! She finds everything! Thanks so much for watching the NC500,  and also huge thanks for your support,  since our last video we've now reached 1000  subscribers, and if you haven't done so already, don't forget to subscribe yourself and tune  in next time, when we head to Fort Augustus, Plodda Falls and we end our time in Scotland with  the scary climb up the tallest mountain in the UK!   Until next time, Merry Christmas  from us, keep safe, over and out!

2020-12-26 00:38

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