Van Life Daily Routine | The REALITY of Living on the Road

Van Life Daily Routine | The REALITY of Living on the Road

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in case if you missed our last episode we are  officially on the road we picked up our camper   van and are finally doing van life here in  Australia making our way from Melbourne to Perth   over a massive 4,600 km journey in this episode  we are taking you through a full day life in the   van what a nice morning I wanna stay here  one more night I know it's such a hidden gem what is   really like from the little routines that we do  to the unexpected moments like something happen   some problem inside our van along the way we'll  share some incredible spots that we've discovered   from the hidden campsites to stunning  coastal views and even a beach where can   drive right out to the water while enjoying  some of the best seafood in Australia I eat   this all day woah nice unbelievable it's just  like on my face size and those Unforgettable   encounters with Australia Wild Life feel  like I'm in the Safari Safari Park yeah so   join us in this episode to see what makes  van life so special and memorable for us good morning here from Rapid Bay campground last  night we were super tired so when we arrived we   immediately like you know parked down start  cooking dinner and then we actually saw a few   kitties outside and Alina were just playing with  them there was so adorable because I never saw   Wild Cats in Australia because I know Australia  usually so strict with this they always catch   dogs and cats and put in to shelter immediately  that's why I was so surprised and I want to   like I just come too close to them and I play  with them, I want to build connections because   they're a little bit scared of people so I want  to be I want to be the first human who they trust   but anyway last night we slept like a baby  because we were so tired from the hike and   this morning we just opened the back of the  van door and we've got this beautiful ocean   view just looking out it is so peaceful and  then the seagulls fly around as well it's   just the dream life that we've always wanted  I guess but today unfortunately last night when   I was showering when I realized it ran out of water  I already put on body wash and I have to wash it   off right I just stopped water so I just like  oh using the last few drops of water rub rub rub but   yeah that's the reality of Van life sometimes  you run out of water and another thing is we also   realize that we kind of run out of battery on some  of our devices so we have to go to a power site   where there's electricity to top up the van  so that we can continue to use the electrical appliances guys just now some bird fly to our  car I saw how she's flying like no no no no   no and she's like we were driving 50 I hope  it was okay in Australia the rule is if you   see wildlife you should keep driving because  otherwise it's going to put everyone behind   you the cars in danger so you just have to keep  driving yeah even if it's kangaroo so we are here at Myponga Reservoir and the  view looks so pretty here check this out    so beautiful apparently this Reservoir is for  supplying water to the main city of Adelaide and this   is one of the reservors and people usually come  here to do fishing because the water is so clear   here that's why it's so beautiful I feel like  Australian nature it's it's like a painting you   know like the perfect colour saturations it's just  something I feel like along the way it's the way   that you know van life you can just go wherever  you want to go if you want to stop you can stop   here and this is a nice view to stop at and just  eating our snack bar yes you already eat your   snack but it's mine I always feel hungry on this  trip I don't know why I always feel hungry and   also because I think when it's nature you want  to eat more because it's like fresh air what   an amazing view to eat what's that is that pig  huh oh is that dog oh that's a dog that's a dog   every single dog for Justin is Pig why its tail is so long  oink oink you know next place we going to we're   going to go to the beach where we can park the van  directly on the beach and we're going to take some   nice photos chill maybe cook lunch as well let's  go let's go I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry   already what are we cooking today asparagus  mushroom everything we have in the fridge   I love this van so much it feels so  nice driving it it's so easy to drive   basically like driving a normal car but  you have got your whole home behind you   it's just an amazing feeling you're so  happy yeah if in the future I would buy   a van I would buy something similar  to this one, it's so easy to drive FIAT has to be FIAT this is probably one  of my biggest concerns as a video creator I think  you guys know Alina and I usually put our heart and   sweat into making every single one of the videos  and I think I mentioned in many of our Vlogs   before as well the reason why we do a YouTube  channel is because we want to collect memories   so that when we grow old we can always watch  back these memories that's why we literally treat   every single footage like gold and we treat them  with care as well but the most heartbreaking thing   that could happen when we come back home is that  when we start transferring files from our phone   to the computer and we only need to realize the  footage is damaged or corrupted sometimes the   footage cannot be played maybe the audio is missing  or sometimes it just cannot be open at all it is   really devastating which is why I'm so glad to  have found a very useful repair tool called   Wondershare Repairit which is also the sponsor of this  video it's a very powerful tool that can repair   and recover data from damaged or corrupted files  including videos photos audio and other file   types how it works is so simple it follows three  main step number one you upload the file number   two you press the repair button and number three  the software does its magic and repairs your files   you can even preview them before downloading to  save time now the new version of repairit also   expands support to more file formats including  the repair of GoPro gyroscopic data the kind of   data that helps you stabilize video footage by  tracking the camera's movement and adjusting the   image to keep it steady they now also support  HEIC files like our iPhone photos and many   other raw file types I'll include the link to  want to Wondershare Repairit in the description it's   honestly so easy to use you can download for free  and try it out and I hope this saves you from all   the stress from damaged or corrupted files now  let's get back to the video change of plans I   think we like it here so much that I think we  will spend the rest of the afternoon here it's   just so beautiful with the canyon backdrop and  then the ocean waves here I think now this is my   first favorite beach It's so peaceful here and  so big space and we can stay with our van yeah   yeah what's a dream I really want to go for a  swim later whether the water is going to be cold   or hot I don't know but I think that's my plan for  today and for you um I think when you're going to   swim I just plan to cook some lunch I don't want  to go to super cold water but if it's not cold   then I can yeah I think it'll be nice let's see  everyone swimming there but first need to put sunscreen usually whenever we are not at a power site  we have to turn on our gas in order to keep   the fridge warm just because wait keep  our fridge cold just because our fridge   is actually run by a threeway model either  by electricity or sometimes by gas as well   so when we're not driving we have to  turn on gas in order to power the fridge okay so what can I cook we have  mushroom asparagus potato carrot onion   and spinach tuna I'll eat whatever you  cook we open our van fully every   single door and now flies coming  inside a lot so you'll see me do this water test while Alina is cooking let's see  how the water temperature is like oh it's   actually ice cold like really refreshing  cold on a hot day like this so I don't   think Alina's going to like it but it is so  nice being out here alright let it hit me okay let's do this one two three my goodness that's so  cold ah life is good life   is good first of all we need to clean four potatoes wow see looks like there's a tiny crabby inside  I'm not sure you guys can see it yeah it's like   a tiny crab hiding inside it's moving let bring  the Alina yay finally I finished cooking good   job this is fried potato with mushroom carrot  and onion looks very delicious try smells good   hope you like it ChatGPT recipe yes good good good  tasty okay let's eat then just now when Alina   was cooking there was suddenly a man that came to  our van and he was just like looking at a van and   he came out to us and he started asking how much is  the van like how did you build it yourself I   said no this is a rental but honestly I wish that  this is our van which is so good that one right   there is actually his van because he's currently  building his van as well and because you know   after this trip, I think we are really interested  in getting our own van so that's why I just   quickly asked him like how much does your van  cost so he was telling me it cost around 14,000   just for the van and he's building the whole van  by himself after talking to him for a while we   realise that he actually speaks Russian  because he's from Uzbekistan originally it was just so interesting to suddenly hear him  speaking Russian in Australia I don't know if   there's a community of like Russian speaking  people in Australia but it turns out they are I   guess so now I think we're just going to quickly  wash up and after that get packed ready just   because we can't really wash our dishes here  we don't have water so I think we might head   to like a public toilet just to quickly rinse it and  then after that, we will be on our way to our campsite okay guys we have arrived at the  power site I just want to quickly show you   how it looks like at a normal powered site  usually a powered site it looks something   like this it's really well organized usually  you've got your designated slot so this time   we are at slot 24 and you can see all the cars are  parked so tidily compared to unpowered site usually   it's more disorganized you know but first thing  first because we're at a power site so I think   we're going to quickly plug into the power so  that you know we're no longer off grid but one   thing I do notice in Australia people prefers  using Caravans so you can see they leave the   caravan trailers here and then they have got a side  vehicle like a four-wheel drive so they can you   know leave the trailers here and take advantage of  the four-wheel drive so it's maybe it's like more   convenient for the Australian terrains usually  but for us we are so used to living in the camper   van and I think I like to stay it that way just  because it's so comfortable having an all-in-one   vehicle yeah it's so nice because you always  can like uh after you sitting here you can go   inside do something here after that come back but  if it's Caravan then you always need go out and   have to go to car have to go out from car and  go back yeah that's just our preference wow so nice yesterday was so cold so we turn  on heat today it's so hot so we turn on aircon   we already start charging our drone our powerbank  my computer Justin's phone and we still have a   lot of things to charge but I guess we don't  have space enough because we have only two   plugs and like one of this that help us charge  everything together and now time to wash clothes   okay let's go I'm excited why it's just washing  clothes don't know because I bought a new detergent   with good smell I want to smell that you're like  a mom now that's true I bought this detergent on   discount I can't wait to try it I bought few  days ago thanks for cleaning the table and   it's so nice smell and I love it this time every  time I clean clean like so good oh yeah   how much was it like you know $5 for two it oh  laundry bag it's like a stone now it's   so nice area I like it oh man oi welcome  to Australia summer we found clothesline   things that you can hang your clothes after  washing but I don't know maybe what if someone's   stealing and it's right outside dump point there  no one wants to put their clothes yet no it's right   outside dump point oh yeah so it's 5 Australian  dollar per load I thought payment campsite   is already included laundry I guess not and then  $5 for dryer they have dryer too let's take this one I help you it's okay ah you  help me with flies okay then thank you heavy light normal wait what's the  difference ah this is dryer I see you need to pay   now okay babe You should pay for for washing  machine this is dryer oh why they put two   here I didn't see wait what's the difference ah  this is dryer I see you need to pay now okay I didn't   see the small label here that says dry what to do  can they reverse if we don't use it in service 4   seconds no it does not have a cancel button yeah we failed the paid for dryer push 45 we should pay this one  pay pay pay okay use this one first then come   back after 36 minutes I hope no one no use our  dryer that was a mistake a mistake a few moments later one minute oh is it oh there you go yay perfect oh  wait we need to put to dryer we paid already   oh yeah oh we don't need to hang means we just  put to dryer and dry it good take the bag while we're waiting for the laundry now  we're actually going to start cooking so for   tonight's dinner we actually bought some steak  early on from Supermarket Scotch fillet and this   cost around $17 Australian dollars I think  I'm actually going to base it on a recipe from   Gordan Ramsey and just following along to  cook the steak and also on the side we're   cooking some pasta macaroni with whatever sauce  we found at the back this is the honey mustard chicken   and I think that's going to be the meal  with asparagus as well okay let's start cooking oh wait shouldn't I have  boiled the water first time to eat steak okay let's try justin's food it's soft it's soft good is it tasty though hmm good steak is it   Australian beef really nice you did  good job I did good job so tasty we forgot to cook asparagus but anyway it's a good meal because we're  so hungry already everything is tasty go   sleep tomorrow big day mmm oh delicious  good job I did good job yes I did a good job good morning here from the beautiful  coastal town of Port Lincoln we are currently at the   southern tip of Eyre peninsula here in South  Australia we actually drove all the way to   Adelaide to stock up on some groceries and after  we continue our long drive Adventures we passed   through a lot of deserts there's like literally  in the middle of nowhere so we keep driving keep   driving and sometimes we just park on the side  road to quickly recharge ourselves with a power   nap but the sceneries out there were just so  beautiful and after a continuous long drive we've   arrived here at Port Lincoln now the reason  why I'm so excited is because this location   has been on my bucket list for the longest time  Port Lincoln is the seafood capital of Australia of   South Australia and coffin Bay is so famous for  the oysters today we're going to start our Adventures   here in pot Lincoln with a delicious Seafood  meal that I found online and now let's get going our window today is crazy dirty I  don't know if you can see that but because   yesterday when we drive it looks like we  kill a lot of insects it's always like this   one day of driving in the window just become  crazy so I think today we need to go to the gas   station because they have free cleaning  window and I will do this job she's so happy cleaning this oh it's much better good job we just finished topping up Fuel  and as painful as usual the bill comes to   62 and so far we've topped up around five times  within 10 days that we're driving this vehicle   yup so it's every other day so every time we  top up it's not a full tank it's just half   tank it's around like 70ish Australian  dollar but yeah it's really painful okay   let's go where are we going where is GPS not on  place then continue straight to stay on warlock Terrace we are driving and we suddenly  smell this so strong of poop and Justin asked me   did you poop I said no this looks like something  happened some problem inside our van maybe it's a   grey water that we usually wash our dishes maybe  some food stuck inside that's why it gives this   kind of smell it's been a few days since we've  stayed at a power site and yeah I think we have   a lot of probably like rubbish or things  inside the grey water sink so that's why maybe   it's giving off the smell it's not me I never  know smell the same we are here this place is   called the fresh fish place apparently this  place is actually very famous for the fresh caught   Seafood every day don't know how much it's going to  be but you know we are in the seafood Capital got to get some   seafood need a hand yes wa thank you now this  place apparently is really popular I saw tons   of good reviews about this place literally every  travel blog I saw was about this place so let's   see what's the deal about it can't wait to eat  because I'm so hungry and I haven't eaten good   fish for a long time since Japan so I hope this  will be better wow look at this oyer 19   per dozen for 12 is 19 so it's like around  a dollar to $2 for one that's pretty good price   this place is so cool it's like a collection of  like an antique shop and also there's like tons   of fresh fish caught here and over there  that's a frozen column but the smell here   just smells so good feel like it's making me hungry just now when we look at the Sashimi  we thought like for a few tiny fishes is 29   so not quite worth it but then we'll look  at the oysters 19 Australian for 12 not bad   not bad so we broke the rule and we're going  to eat oyster today because I actually saw   on Google they say the recommended portion  is it is controversial actually one of   them says each day you should eat six and another  post says each day you can eat 12 per person so   we'll go with the latest one Australian oysters  really amazing I tried it before in Melbourne it   was like Mah but this looks much smaller actually  but all the oysters are from this area are very fresh   I want to say I was really disappointed about  salmon yeah it was so tiny yeah the portion on   picture looks wow so nice like a lot of sashimi  and like yeah unless you buy a whole fish then   it slice it up then that's like full salmon  but that's 48 get a lemon because oyster it   goes well with lemon it cost an extra dollar  full lemon yeah not included I thought usually   for oyster they always give lemon mhm yeah but  they charge almost I think it's like a dollar or   two it's okay it is what it is I like the fresh  Taste of oyster anyway can I eat already where   is lemon I told you it's a dollar so yeah buy  buy you want me to buy of course of course but   eat with lemon hey I thought you buy I  thought you say like no why need you buy $2   lemon one full lemon it's a big one we have lemon  oh yeah we do why we need to buy lemon we completely   forgot we're living in camper van yeah we have our  own lemon yeah so stupid wow luckily   you mention it otherwise you would be so stupid  yay we finally found a purpose for this lemon yum juicy how this oyster from  the oyster region tastes like mm wow amazing just melt in my mouth it's  so fresh wow this is the best oyster I ever try   really yeah so nice are you taking a moment to  process your thoughts it's so bad that it's so   small I want more already well it's 19 but  tomorrow you're going to have more it's so   nice because even like last time we we eat in  Melbourne it has a little bit Taste of fishy   fishy yeah but this one no not like this try  try try try let's see let's see if it's that tasty wow it's it's like it's so creamy so smooth yeah  like you said it just melts in your mouth it's   so mmm so creamy very good now I want to eat  my own 12 yeah ah yeah I forgot to mention we   also are waiting for fish and chips right now  fish of the day is Flathead I don't know what   that is but they say 30 minutes wait time  it just shows how many people are inside is this premium fish and chips I like how  we have our own spot to eat yeah you see like   all the tourists over there they're in  a crowded space that's the benefit of Van   life we have our own table our romantic setup  we'll clean the mess blur out these I can't   imagine tomorrow when we go to get oyster  from real ocean wow be even fresher emu emu oh my gosh emu wo what they doing there this a wild emu baby yeah  oh my God that's crazy wow first time seeing them   I just ran from the car to see them in person  so close I hope they're not going to scare me wow   oh they're so pretty Wow first time seeing  even in real life, they're so pretty Justin   said in this area usually a lot of wild emu I feel like I'm in a safari no flies no flies how is it nice they're so nice they so  peacefully walk there they said emu and ostrich   ostrich is the largest and emu is the second  largest bird in the world I was reading and they   said us should ostrich they're more aggressive  but emu usually just has a curious nature so very   interested in what you're doing I feel like  I feel like I'm in a Safari Park yeah we   just driving seeing kangaroo driving seeing emu  driving seeing wombat seeing koala somewhere else no we   haven't seen a koala actually yet only in a zoo We  also haven't seen a lot of kangaroos apart from the   dead ones on the road I saw a lot of dead ones  now I don't want to see any more okay back on   the road and then every 5 Seconds we stop one  time drama king, stop already... $20 okay okay okay do not waste a single drop every drop a few cents where we going   I told you I don't know where we're going just  kidding wrong direction yep yep yep yep yep I   just want to chill drive you know sometimes I like  the van lifestyle it's just you go with the flow to   wherever you want to go without having worried  about much you just wake up in a new destination   and every day you go to explore some new regions  I think that's a fun part of va life I feel   like usually in our travels we have very designated  places we want to go like today we're got to hit   this place this place this place but then in Van  life we're just like eh whatever wake up oh look   at the phone this place looks pretty cool we're  going to go there today and to be honest because   we really love this vab we actually thought like  maybe we can find something similar to buy and   we I search a lot of different website to to find  exactly same brand and first one it's so expensive it   will be around like $100,000 uh Australian dollars  minimum for the build everything like this inside   and it's just not a lot of like exactly like this  brand FIAT because we really feel in love in this   car so we're trying to find something similar  I think like the car for me it's like doesn't   doesn't really I think it matters of course but  I feel like the car with a similar structure with   a bathroom with like with toilet with shower and  with this kind of size yeah with this kind of size   it is so expensive yeah in Australia yeah because  we don't like caravan it's so uncomfortable   and another type of Vab I think it's cool but it's  really big that's why I feel like this one is perfect wow this unreal just now I didn't even realise I was wearing  sunglasses just because in sunglasses it's   already so white but when I took it off wait  a minute it's so bright it's so bright that my   eyes can't even open look at it it's so  so beautiful this is so unbelievable we   can just drive stop in the middle of nowhere  find a huge white sand beach with no people   around it looks so pretty this looks like  paradise just look at this I want cry love you love you too I love you  love you more I love you to Infinity   I love you to 2 Infinity no I love  you to 3 I love you to infinity infinity I love you bilinifity okay then guys we've arrived at our campsite for the  night and I think we've officially broken   our own record of staying at an unpowered  site for three nights in a row and this   is free camping for three nights in a  row and we're alone here yep completely   no one it's so nice and at the same time it's so scary  I think this is going to be the first night ever   that we oh no second night we're going to spend  time alone especially in nature but I'm sure   it's going to be a good night so now my chef let's  start cooking yes ma'am let's go cooking let's go wow look at this so pretty wow that's so beautiful  yes I told you I told you come we found a nice   Camp spot I think mhm this place perfect what a  nice for you what a nice day feel like I'm just   absorbing this moment you know if there is a  way I could somehow print this moment in my   mind and then somehow I can play it back in my  brain think like that's an awesome idea someone   should invent this because this so beautiful and  I want to remember this moment when I you know   spend time with if you travel with you around  the world don't forget about your cooking okay burn thank you wow every day like a restaurant  meal today we have butter chicken and I saw in   the fridge the mushroom it's kind of slowly going  bad oh really not going bad but just like you know   getting older and older so I just added the mushroom  in as well good extra nutrients as well then we've   got parathas so the reason why we picked this meal  is just because it's just so easy and fast to cook in   general the parathas are frozen you don't even need  oil just Chuck on a pan heat it up and that's like   crispy paratha and the rice was from the day before  so we just reheat it and the sauce itself was just   from a package so it was really easy to make the  reason why we can do 3 nights without power is because   the actually called up the company and they were  saying that usually for 12.9 or like you know   anything above 12.9 is considered good you still  have a lot of electricity so from what we saw now   even after 3 days this car has a lot of battery  left so we can afford this thing another night of   if we want but we don't want so next night we're  going to go to a powered site yeah thank you for cooking   you good job thank you let's eat then and see  you guys tomorrow morning yep tomorrow morning   is going to be epic actually guys I want to say  something else now today it's the first time when   we're sleeping uh in the middle of nowhere no even  campsite just like you know place um in a wild and   a little bit scary Alina just now said oh let's  go and camp fire if not necessary I don't want to   go at all tonight especially because we've been  watching like horror and thriller movies TV shows   the last you know before we left so now outside  it's already dark and uh we close all the curtains   so we cannot see anything and I plan to close  here now yeah and I feel a bit nervous to be   honest look no matter what I'm not opening  the door today yeah we already immediately   when it became dark I said lock the door lock  the door okay now good night hopefully good morning guys and welcome to another day of  van life this morning we woke up around 5:00 a.m.   just because it was so cold outside it almost  felt like it was around 5° so we have to put on   oodies to sleep these are like massive jackets  they are called oodies but then now the sun came out   and it feels like I'm defrosting already so  today we're going to go to the oyster farm   and apparently, we actually going to get into  the water to pick the oysters ourselves and do   some tasting as well but it's going to be really  interesting I was told they're going to give us   a waterproof swimsuit so hopefully that you  know ease the problem of being in cold water   but anyway we're going to eat breakfast now  and let's get going Ok good morning   you ready for oysters yes oh no I just eat just  now don't eat so much then we're going to eat   some tasty oysters breakfast it's okay after  2 hours I'll be so hungry again yeah it's okay   what is it next morning I want to stay here one  more night I know it's such a hidden gem we just   found this on an app called WikiCamps I think  WikiCamps Australia and it's such a good app if   find us like water points you know these kind of  secluded campsites it's so beautiful okay bring me   back bring you back yes you cold no I cannot step  it's my home sleepers all right let's get going here's a piggy Farm near our campsite  and they all piggy sleeping they're   so cute oh oh adorable oh this one  sleeping stand up ah n this moving y so this morning we starting with the oyster  farm tour here at oyster headquarters we're   going to go out to the waters right there you  see I think those are the oyster farms and   we're going to go out there and eat some  delicious oyster we got this what they call   I think they waders apparently they are like  fishing clothing so that it's completely waterproof   waterproof boots and waterproof pant so heavy I  thought it's up to my waist but look at this this   is like to my chest level is this normal these  are huge I guess everyone yeah everyone looks the same not easy not easy I'm falling  down everywhere wait tired okay   oh that's one side done and then you realize  you went upside down I'm sure you have another   one it's actually really comfy no it's not like  this it's not X why is X it's not a bikini baby   who wears like this I cannot wear differently  can what do you mean you cannot yeah so it's   normal is it yeah oh wait oh you're exactly I  told you I guess you're wearing a bikini yeah   yeah yeah yeah I cannot sit do you need my help Yep this  is pretty cool I feel like this is such a good   activity to start the day with yeah it's so  interesting I'm so excited to do that and I   feel so chill doing this too and we are gonna have some  fun sound good? loving the energy this morning guys I feel like I'm a penguin oh so excited we're going inside the water wow  that's nice I don't feel the water at all I think   my biggest nightmare is when we start walking  and it suddenly starts leaking into our pants   I know that's why I think on my pants here  have something I think they it's a glue for   this suit now it's actually a little tired  so it's easier for us to walk to the dining   table over there we're going to see a bit of  Wildlife and it gets really Rocky somewhere here   this is today our whole group of Australian  people my penguin the little girl I'm worried   when she will sink yeah so nice if I have this I  can swim in Australian ocean no   we pick up the right spot to see this feels  like a VIP spot right in the middle   got some sparkling for you folks awesome did you do any  of the wineries in Adelade when you drove no   we didn't no McLaren vale right yeah look I mean  there's so many good ones if you like red barossa   is really amazing but there's really good wine in  Margaret River as well yeah I think we're going to   stop there yeah totally worth it o there we go  music to my ears in the morning Cheers Cheers how do you feel nice sun is so warm and  water is so like refreshing my body so it's so   nice sitting here can't wait to eat I honestly  can't think of a better way to start the morning   it is so nice I'm so awake right now I think  this girl she's so extrovert she talks to everyone   I'm so introvert I don't I don't know I can't talk  I feel like when someone tried to talk to me   I'm like just now when she ask are there any  like non-Australians here Alina I want to say but   she talks so fast and like okay I and after she asked  like where are you from and you where you   come from and you're like from Melbourne and I'm like  you should have said I'm from Russia I'm from Russia alrighty and some oysters for you lovely folks down here these are called Pacific oysters right   Pacific oysters yes that's correct here  we are thank you wow so beautiful how   to open this I don't know how to open this I  think she'll give us a tool to open it later okay now it's time for us to open oysters just now  this girl she actually teaches us how to open she   going to give us a knife and I want to try it  looks really hard to open there we are friends   thank you best of luck was it 6:00 from here yes  and then just cut open sorry 6:00 facing towards   you oh okay okay like that hold it on the table  and you're going in from the shell up here I'm   going in from here yeah exactly and then open  this side exactly okay good this is the oyster   flat side and then she said going from 3:00 right  here think of it as a clock there's 3:00 so think   of it between 12:00 to 3: opened here and just  like slides over in the muscle and you can open   it you're try honestly after one glass of wine  I am already drink so fast usually you know the safety   guide it's like do not put the knife towards  yourself but she said Put The Knife towards   yourself don't even know if I'm doing it right  you sure no she said it's from here this looks like   easier know yeah I'm struggling I'm going to try  it okay wearing a gloves and knife wow here it go   what how did you do that what I opened it my  God look at this what how did you do that   I open it I'm still struggling on this same one  need to take everything from the top we go over   here make sure that nothing thing is stuck on  top okay here we go t how did you do that how   did you do that I don't I tried I couldn't open  it wait I'll help you let me rinse my oyster now   to put my oyster under water to rinse it so  all shell go out okay okay let me help you   open yours which one this one okay so we take  like this after we put knife somewhere here like this and we open it this and now we need to take everything from top  so nothing sticks so now can open the shell wow o and now   I'm a professional yeah you're a professional  okay now much better than me rinse it yay yay   we open two oysters so beautiful shall we try yes  can't wait to eat okay I'll at least contribute   a little bit and squeeze some lemon all right  ah wait she said need to also cut like this ah   yeah like this around cut around  and after flip to make its presentation better   but better don't flip I'll flip to  water I'm good okay all right let's do itow wow wow this is the freshest oysters wow  amazing and so salty because just now I rinsed   in the salty water I think after this too I want  to buy another dozen me too just like eat tonight   or tomorrow night or something you know yeah wow  it's delicious here is just um four pieces that's   why I think I want to 12 for myself now you open  yep you do it like this right yes just find a   hole and put knife inside try harder harder harder  I think this is the one yes good good good good   harder push it yay you do a good job now turn like  this like like key inside the car oh like this   open uh ah I got it I think I got it wow I got  my first one yay so fatty look at that that's so fun yeah I love this kind of  interactive activity yep wash down here I can eat this all-day I think doing it yourself makes it  even tastier yeah I want to try actually   now without the lemon to feel the fresh ones  to feel the real taste of oyster together you're still doing okay  down here yeah fantastic so delicious that so good the sauce is so nice  everyone finish I'm still eating look at   these oysters so these are our longterm residents and my emotional support animals Tom and Jerry so as you can   see here unfortunately Tom is dead RIP Tom  uh but he was about 12 years old and 1.1   kilos before he passed and he actually only passed  back in December oh my God just now she said this   is a Jerry they have a two big oyster it's called  Tom and Jerry they just like they don't eat this   they just grow this for many years this Oyster is 5 years old and it's still alive it's like a   hand size oh that's Tom oh wow Hi Tom  the Tom they said already dead unfortunately he's   12 years old something happened with him they  said he did have a good ending though they feed   him to the Dolphins I think yeah you can see it's  open already it's so heavy oh my god wow that was   like what 10 years was it 12 12 years 12 and 5  years crazy unbelievable it's just like on my   face size yeah oh my God this is still alive I want  to eat this so we had a few glasses of this I   think I want to use this moment to quickly recap  what exactly she said just now but basically she   actually share a lot of information usually they  put the oysters at the bottom of the ocean because   the ocean floors are usually calmer less stress  for the oysters so they eat a lot more so Yum Yum   Yum Yum Yum they just keep eating in the bottom  of the ocean but if you put at the surface of the   ocean on the other hand it's more stressful for  the oysters so they eat less because maybe there   are birds maybe like you know strong waves it's  harder for them to grow so that's why like you   know usually they put at the bottom floor so the  oysters grows bigger what a nice experience   yeah now I want to buy more oysters I feel  like we can buy two dozen of oysters yeah   and we could just eat on the road because we've  got fridge so this is awesome oyster vending   machine first time in my life that's awesome wow  amazing well this is going to be our lunch and   maybe dinner for the rest of today yum yum wow  this looks so good this is two layers of one 12   another one 12 so two dozens of oysters for I forgot  how much 30 something 35 yeah what a good price

2024-11-28 13:47

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