UZBEKISTAN Tutaj doszło do NAJWIEKSZEJ KATASTROFY ekologicznej w dziejach Ludzkości… #17

UZBEKISTAN  Tutaj doszło do NAJWIEKSZEJ KATASTROFY ekologicznej w dziejach Ludzkości… #17

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Hi It's 6 a.m. It's starting to get a beautiful sunrise There are some clouds Looks nice This is my taxi. I was just about to pay money I'm going where I told you yesterday By the dried up lake We have a full day of driving ahead of us The owner is coming with me I will have someone to talk to Because he speaks English It will be an interesting day It's going to be a long day because we have a lot of road to travel I've lived in a house like this before We're going to go see up there All around is desert I'm going to go see that tower I don't know if I can go up there. The tower is from the 11th century I read that some people believe that this Chilpik is from the 1st century BC Or from the 1st century AD I'll tell you what was going on here The first funeral rites took place here Here the bodies of the dead were left to be eaten by some birds of prey Later, the bones were cleaned And only the bones themselves were buried Such were the rituals here This is a strange place To be honest The view from here is beautiful This place is called the tower of silence Translated into Polish This mister from the hotel is very cool that he came here with me His brother was supposed to go, but unfortunately his baby cried all night and he couldn't make it I thought I wasn't coming here But he called his dad who is also a driver. He came with me and we made it They're very nice people Masks, a strange action But the view Now we stopped at the old cemetery The first people were buried here supposedly 2000 years ago, when the first settlement was here Most of these tombstones are now restored It is a piece of history I asked you why each of these graves, is surrounded by such a fence I do not know exactly what it is He couldn't answer my question because he doesn't know Maybe one of you knows, because it makes me wonder why there are such ladders here If any of you know let me know in the comments I'm very curious about this We went higher and here is the cemetery for the rich This looks very old You can go inside The road is very long It's already getting better I haven't had coffee yet today I'm tired every now and then sleep I said that we have to stop because I have to at least drink an energy drink, although I would prefer coffee I want something to wake me up We just refueled the car To refuel a car with gas, everyone has to get out of the car It's going to be an interesting day, I've been doing some reading about this place we're going to It will be fun to see Terrible things happened there I look forward to showing it to you Look at what the grocery by the road looks like We are in the village of Mujnak First impressions are not good Not even grass grows here There's sand everywhere I'll tell you more about this place when we get to where we planned To show you what happened here First impression is strong First, I'll show you what it looked like, in 1960 They called it the Aral Sea because this lake was huge They said it was like the sea 10 years later that much has disappeared 20 years later there was so much In the year 2000, there is so much sea left And now only 10% of that sea remains There used to be water everywhere here And now the water has receded 100 kilometers Now there's a desert here I'm in the middle of a wreck The fishing boats that stand here Here was once a port People used to call this lake the sea because it was so huge There used to be the largest fish canning factory in this town Throughout Central Asia Everyone here lived off fishing It was a good place But one man from the Soviet Union came up with the idea to make this place a cotton production basin He thought he would grow cotton here because there was access to water He wanted to make it white gold so there would be a lot of revenue But after they made the fields, they made the canals it is badly made because the rivers that were supposed to flow into this lake They did not irrigate these fields, nor did they flow into the lake The lake began to dry up. As I showed you, you saw what happened here in 40 years They also thought of making rice fields here For there to be rice fields there must be the right climate, it must rain. Rice grows in water all the time, it has to be wet all the time

Here with this climate there is no chance to grow rice, here is a desert climate The lake just started to dry up Now only 10% of the lake remains The water that is left is very salty, no fish live there, people can't cultivate fields because the water is not suitable Nothing wants to grow on this water The drying up of this lake is the greatest environmental disaster in the history of mankind I'm shocked at what I saw here It's looking up here that there was a huge lake It was 14 to 60 meters deep It was over 400 kilometers long And now here is a desert and a shipwrecks From the port that used to be here There used to be a port here and now there is nothing here Now there are rusted wrecks and desert This is really amazing How man can destroy the world There is only sand everywhere This sand is so hot that if it falls into my flip-flop it burns me This is something terrible Just now the temperature was showing 42 degrees In the shade, imagine both how many degrees it is in the sun It's hard to record anything here It's windy, sand gets in your eyes I haven't been to a place like this yet I'm glad I came here Some of you may say that there is nothing here but wrecks Yes, but I've never seen wrecks like this before In a place where 40 years ago there was still a lake Very large lake And now there's a desert here A terrible disaster There is no denying it Think by this that someone wanted to make cotton fields here. How many people lost their jobs. From fishing, it was 30,000 Very much Plus tourism and other things that were irrigated from that lake People had to leave the place There were a few thousand people left because I read people didn't want to leave the place Mostly old people did not want to leave this place I'll tell you, I'm surprised Really like being at the end of the world I'm moving on The city is deserted here A sad sight It's 42 degrees, imagine how many degrees it is in the sun Bad We stopped for lunch I have a soup with two stuffed peppers I ate Lahman for two days, it is good I'm eating something new today I'm in a hotel I was drove here by these very nice mister I'm so glad I went with them I have a nice room, I took a special one because I knew no one would be here Here in Uzbekistan it is hard to meet anyone Yesterday there was a boy he was from Turkey. And he hitchhikes all the time He said as he toured Kyrgyzstan. To tour Kyrgyzstan by hitchhiking it took him 60 days Nicely Hitchhiking in such heat and still in Kyrgyzstan you have to pay for hitchhiking A person pays as someone takes you So hitchhiking is not cool there You can pay the same for a bus For the bus that goes there Or for a shared taxi I'm glad I went with them How would I take 3 buses there, or 2 buses and then a taxi To go back by taxi and then by bus again, it would take 2 days We drove 7 hours one way, in an hour I saw what I was supposed to see, and shot what I wanted to shoot I hope Grzesiek will do something about it And now we drove 4 hours, because I did not get off in the city from which I was going, but earlier, because from here I fly tomorrow to Tashkent So it would take me 2 days It's a good thing it worked out that way I'm going to charge my phone and go see what's in this town We're about to find out It was good and something had to happen I don't know where to start It's about my visa to Pakistan I got all the documents to just submit and they grant the visa right away on these documents Something obviously had to happen It turned out that as in 2019 I applied for a visa but did not get it. Because I didn't submit all the documents. I just didn't know about it

I flew to Bangladesh But my visa process has begun Now I don't have those reference numbers And without these numbers I can't start a new visa application I think I said it right I have to call the Pakistani embassy to get my visa cancelled so I can apply for a new one But if they make up their mind that I have to come there, well, that's a problem The other option is that I will call there and go to the embassy in Tashkent and try to get them to do it for me So far, so bad Even the man who was to get done it for me says it looks bad and that there is nothing he can do The rest is in my hands And what they tell me at the embassy The blocks of flats here look like in Poland. It's like I'm somewhere on a housing estate I came to the best pub on recommendation Just because a diner is the best doesn't mean it's expensive here. Because the place is really cheap For such a lunch of fries and chicken, I paid only $2 I'll show you how much fat there is here This is an exaggeration I think they spilled fries on my plate from the fryer See here Here is the fat itself Strongly I thought there was a hair here, but luckily it's not a hair Workout is over Today I did 300 push-ups, 200 squats, and 10 times 1.15 minutes of plank

All done in 10 series Every once in a while, he wants to increase the sits-ups, and the amount of plank . And the number of squats Workout completed It's late and I'm going to have a hard time sleeping I'll have to take a higher dose of oil Podróże wojownika I recommend Tropical flavor And you need to eat some carbohydrates after your workout. Not counting this It is my pleasure I have to drink the vitamins I need I'm watching vlogs of Pol and Baza currently being in Egypt Visit their channel Hi I start the next day with a workout There were 10 rounds of skipping for 4 minutes each, 10 rounds of planking, shadow fighting and finally stretching A good start to the day I have to pack and then I have a flight to Bishkek at 5 p.m. I'm going to go out on the town right now. I gotta see if there's anything here to show you

I'm going to go eat my second breakfast and take a shower Look what an old kiosk You can buy cigarettes by the piece Some newspapers Looks like communist times For dinner I have tomato soup, and the second course is beef with vegetables It costs $1,5 So that's 6 zloty It costs 8 zloty It cost $2 And coffee I'm moving on the road I didn't see anything here because there is nothing here There is an art museum here that doesn't interest me It doesn't interest me one bit I didn't go there I need to catch a taxi. I have 3 kilometers to the airport, it is a very small airport But it's lucky to be there The ticket was also cheap All the plus I'll record something for you at the airport Let me tell you the situation They want to take away my drone at the airport It is illegal to own a drone here You need to have documents for it I said it was a small drone under 250 grams It is treated as a toy and you don't need documents for it But to them it doesn't matter a drone is a drone is a drone The lady who is arranging this for me is nice and wants to help me. But she says there are rules and every now and then they call somewhere I'm afraid they'll take away my drone or I won't fly But if I don't fly, it doesn't matter because I'd rather have a drone. Than lose 250 zlotys on a plane I will take the train, but the situation is not good because I think they will take my drone away I'm about to get a call from someone higher up and tell me I told them I'm a vlogger, I travel in Central Asia, I record vlogs I said I've flown a drone here before, and even the tourist police let me fly here The lady said she understood, but the airport is something else And as here they found this drone they have to do all the procedures I hope this ends well for me They gave me back my drone but showed me all the documents That in this country it is illegal to own a drone I didn't get permission to fly here with a drone before And use the drone here If any of you would like to fly here with a drone, be careful because you might lose it here I explained to them that my drone is a toy because it is only 249 grams And not until 250 grams or more. If they wanted to, they'd take it away from me

Then I would have nothing to say The lady was nice and wanted to help me They took all the pictures of this drone, and the serial numbers I had to show them the model, and tell them the name of my you tube channel But it worked I was lucky I came close to losing my drone That would be weak At the airport, one plane goes to Moscow and another to Tashkent I didn't have a mask on anywhere here, and no one paid me any attention Even on a plane Normal country If someone wants it, they have a mask, and if they don't want it, they don't I don't want to go and I won't go The end of the episode, all ended well I was 90% sure they were going to take my drone away I'm very lucky If you liked this vlog please leave a subscription and like Greetings I invite you all to shop the podróże wojownika You will find clothing, and sports equipment Thank you all for supporting my project Greetings Piotr Pająk

2021-08-09 10:47

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