UVM Class of 2020 Celebration

UVM Class of 2020 Celebration

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Greetings. Graduates. Families. And friends. Welcome. To this time of recognition, and celebration, of, all. You've accomplished, on your journey to graduation. While. Each of your stories is unique, the. Choices, you made have, brought our paths together and I'm, grateful, for this opportunity to. Applaud your, hard work and perseverance. Indeed. You've, shown a strengths, and tenacity that I know will keep you in good stead in the, years to come. The. Past few months have been tough not. Just, for our UVM community but. For millions around the world and. Yet, here. You are. Soon-to-be. Graduates. Despite. Challenges. That few of us ever imagined. So. Before I go on I ask. That you are graduating class. Take. A bow. I'm. Deeply. Honored to be president, of your University, and you. Should be tremendously, proud of yourselves, and. Of. The friends, family. And loved ones who. Have supported your dreams efforts. And accomplishments. Along. The way. Just. Seven months ago at my installation ceremony. I stood. At this very lectern. One. That belonged to renowned. Philosopher. Educational. Reformer, and UVM. Graduate, John, Dewey in. Many. Ways that, seems, a, world away. But. It is front of mind for me now in large. Part because. Of a short poem that I shared. During the ceremony. This. Poem was written by Rabindranath. Tagore. In, 1913. Many. Years before my country of origin India, won. Its hard-fought independence, I, first. Studied the poem in grade school and its, message still resonates. Among. Other things, the. Poem talks about a mind that, is free of fear. It's. A powerful, premise. One. That has guided me throughout. My life. But. Given current circumstances. It's worth, unpacking. Further, a, mind. Without fear is. Not. One that, has never known fear. Rather. It is, one that has encountered, and overcome. Fear. The. Past few months have, been defined, by fear and the many unknowns, that lie at its core in. Qualifying. For your degree, despite. Unforeseen, circumstances. You've, overcome, fear. So. As you step out as graduates, of this, institution that. Has stood the test of time I want. To remind you of what. You've accomplished. Not. Only in completing your degree requirements but. In the way you've worked together to, navigate, new. Ways of learning while. Protecting, our community. Importantly. You've. Also preserved the collaborative, and inclusive values. So. Fundamental. To who we are as an institution I. Would. Like to close with two thoughts, the. First is a quote attributed, to. John Dewey. Education. Is not preparation, for, life, education. Is life itself. This. Is inherent, in a, UVM education. Your. Lifelong learners, and your. University will be there by, your side and. Second. I want, to reiterate that, in, overcoming, the obstacles, of the past few months you've. Demonstrated a, resilience, that. Will continue to serve you well I, have. No doubt you, will go far and I. Look forward to the time soon. When. We can celebrate your achievements.

On The green, together. And in. Person. Thank. You president Caramella. As. A proud alum of UVM, it's, my pleasure to congratulate, the class 2020. Under. Normal times would be all together on the green with family, and friends to celebrate your incredible, achievement, but. As you know these, are anything, but normal times, I. Realize. How tough this semester must have been but. Rest assured, all the. Sacrifice you've made are literally saving the lives of hundreds of Vermonters, these. Are friends, family. And neighbors. Together. As a university, as a state, and as a nation, we've. All had to make sacrifices. We've. All faced hardships. No. One has been left untouched. But. Often the. Best measure of character, is how. We respond, to challenges and, you. Should know the. Grit and determination, of the class of 2020. Is inspiring, to us all, it's. Proven, you're ready for what life will surely throw at you. Whether. It's the nearly 100. UVM nursing students who graduated, early to join the fight on the front lines of this pandemic. Or. The business students who will help lead the economic, recovery. Each. And every one of you should be proud of what you've achieved and, excited. About the opportunities, they're sure to come. Please. Know the, matter the challenges, ahead this. Great university, has given you the tools needed to succeed, on whatever, path you choose, in. Closing. Although. Today is a big day for you and, we should celebrate what you've achieved, today. Is also an important, day for those who support you along the way, your. Professors, advisers. Friends. But, most importantly, your, family. They. Are the ones who fought for you every step of the way to make sure you had everything you needed to succeed. To. All the moms and dads aunts. And uncles grandparents. Brothers and sisters and, so many more watching, today, it's. Also your day to, celebrate and be proud. If. It wasn't for your love and support none. Of this would have been possible there's. A father myself, nothing. Makes me happier than seeing my kids succeed. So again to, the class of 2020. Congratulations. I look, forward to seeing you in person in. The, better days they're sure to come. Greetings. Graduates, and Families it is my great pleasure to assist president, garam ala with the conferral, of degrees for, the class of 2020, degree. Candidates, I would, like to begin by offering my, congratulations. Although. None of us anticipated that, your final semester would end this way I am, proud of how you've risen to this unexpected, challenge, your. Resilience, will serve you well in your future journeys. Beyond. This semester, and most importantly, you, should find great joy and satisfaction in. Getting, to this important, place and celebrate. All that you have accomplished, in your four years at the University of Vermont a provocative. American, poet, Maya, Angelou. Once said my, mission, in life is not, to merely survive. But. To thrive and. To do, so with some passion. Some. Compassion, some humor. And some, style, so. My dear Catamounts, show your passion and everything you do remember. To listen and understand. With compassion. Never. Lose your sense of humor because laughter is always, a good thing and, whatever. You choose to do do. So with grace, poise, and a, sense of style that is uniquely, yours.

Today's. Degree, conferral, would have taken place on the university, green during, the main ceremony had, we been able to gather together, each. Of your deans would have stood proudly, to, present, their students, as a group by. Their college, or school. Instead. Today I hope, you are with family, and loved ones who are celebrating this important, milestone moment. With you please. Know the administration. Faculty, staff and UVM, community, are celebrating. With you from afar, all right. Candidates, this, is the moment we have all been waiting for, we will now confer, degrees in. Course. Congratulations. President. Caramella, as the. Dean of the Robert larner m.d. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont I have, the pleasure of presenting to, you the candidates for the degree of Doctor, of Medicine. And ask you to confer, upon them the degree for which they are recommended. Graduates. Doctors. Congratulations. President. Caramella, as dean of the Graduate College at the University of Vermont I have, the pleasure of presenting to you the candidates, for Doctor. Of Philosophy, doctor. Of Education. Doctor. Of Nursing Practice. Doctor. Of Physical Therapy. Master. Of Accountancy, Master. Of Arts Master. Of Arts in teaching, Master. Of Business Administration. Master. Of Education. Master. Of Professional, Studies, Master. Of Public Administration. Master. Of Public Health, Master. Of Science Master, of, Science for teachers master. Of science and biomedical engineering, Master. Of Science and Dietetics. Master. Of Science and Engineering management. Master. Of Science and medical sciences and master, of Social Work degrees, and certificates. Of graduate study I asked. You to confer upon them the degree for which they are recommended, it is, with great pride that I congratulate, our students on their accomplishments. President. Garum Ella I have the pleasure of presenting to you the candidates for the bachelor of science degree in the College of Agriculture, and life sciences and, I, ask you to confer upon them the degree for which they are recommended. Congratulations. Graduates, on your well-deserved success. President. Caramella, I, have. The pleasure of presenting to you the candidates, for The Bachelor of, Arts and Bachelor of. Science degrees in the, College of Arts and Sciences and I. Ask you to confer upon them the, degree for which they are recommended. Graduates. Congratulations. On. Your outstanding, achievement. President. Gary Miller I have, the pleasure of presenting to, you the.

Candidates, For. The Bachelor of, Science in. Business, Administration. Degree in, the, Grossman School of Business and. I, ask you to confer upon them, the. Degree for which they, are recommended. Graduates. I wish. You a great sense of accomplishment as, you. Celebrate your hard work congratulations. President. Gary Mela I have, the pleasure of presenting to you the candidates for The Bachelor of, Science The. Bachelor of Science in art education The. Bachelor of Science and music education The, Bachelor of Science in Education in, The Bachelor of Social Work degrees in the College of Education and, social services, and I, ask you to confer upon them the degree for which they are recommended. Congratulations. Graduates on this, great achievement. President. Gera melih it, is with great pleasure that, I present to, you the, candidates, for The, Bachelor of. Science and Engineering Bachelor. Of Science, and Engineering management. Bachelor. Of science and biomedical engineering, Bachelor. Of Science, and electrical, engineering, Bachelor. Of Science, in civil engineering, Bachelor. Of Science and environmental. Engineering, Bachelor. Of Science, and mechanical, engineering, Bachelor. Of Science, and mathematical, sciences, Bachelor. Of Science, Bachelor of. Science, in computer science. Degrees. In the College of Engineering and, mathematical, sciences and I, ask you to confer, upon them, the, degree for which they are recommended. Congratulations. Graduates. Today, we celebrate your, hard work and accomplishments, and we, look forward to your contributions in. Solving, some of the world's most complicated, technical, problems. President. Caramella I have the pleasure of presenting to you the candidates for The Bachelor of Science degree in the rudenstine School of Environment, and Natural Resources and, I, ask you to confer upon them the, degree for which they are recommended, graduates. Congratulations on. This very proud and joyful moment. President. Gary Miller as Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences I have the pleasure of presenting to you the candidates, for The Bachelor of Science degree, in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and I, ask you to confer upon them the degree for which they are recommended, graduates. Congratulations. I'm sure, today is a milestone on, the path of your continued, success. President. Gary Mela I have the pleasure of presenting to you the, candidates for the designation, of Honors College scholar and I ask that you confer upon them that designation, it, is, with great pride that I congratulate, our students, on this achievement. Members. Of the class of 2020. Through. Your successful, efforts as certified. By the recommendations. Of your Dean's you. Have met the requirements of your respective, schools and thus. Deserve. To receive this hallmark of the, University, of Vermont. By. Virtue of the authority vested, in, me by the trustees of the University, of Vermont I admit. You to the degrees for which you've, been recommended. Graduates. Please. Accept, my heartfelt congratulations on. Your, new well-earned, academic. Status. Please. Join me in singing, the alma mater as we, celebrate, the, class of 2020, and, I. Think you'll notice a little surprise in there. From. Memory lane. You. You.

2020-05-27 18:46

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