Utah History Adventure - Beaver ATV Jamboree - Honda Pioneer Review - Willard Bay Walleye

Utah History Adventure - Beaver ATV Jamboree - Honda Pioneer Review - Willard Bay Walleye

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We're, going in search of history, today on at your leisure I'm Steven Heumann join, me max Elise and young Sam as we travel across Utah, to learn more about our shared pioneer history and why these destinations are worth your time from, there you can climb on your ATV with means act Cipriano as I preview, the newest ATV Jamboree in the West if you want to discover a whole new area to explore this, is an event you won't want to miss last, but not least Reece Stein finds out sterile, fish are a good thing history. ATVs, and fish it's a winning combination at, your leisure is next. History. Is all around us from the urban centers of Salt Lake City to the rural backroads of the Rocky Mountain foothills that. History exists, in the form of buildings. And stories, old outposts, giving, us a link to our past and a better understanding of, how our forebears, lived worked. And died the. Great thing is we preserved, a lot of these spots and today we're taking you to three, of the most interesting, to discover why there's more to these dusty cabins and weathered, monuments, than just wood and mortar and we're. Starting here and this is the place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City Utah one of the most authentic pioneer, towns, you'll ever come across how about we take a closer look. Am i shaving off your mustache today. I'd. Be a terrible pioneer, our. Mission, is, to make history enjoyable, so, it's the idea to see all this old history and what, it took to make something back then what, it took to do something what life was like and bring it to us if. You're looking at a house you're, more than likely looking. At the original and it's, been relocated. Here from somewhere in the state where, else can, you sit down with your kid at, different, locations, in this you know and just, a hands-on, experience a, craft the, blade rides on the leather it. Doesn't. Yes. It doesn't cut through that exactly. I start. Drawing, literally. Whatever it is I'm going to carve. This. Is how I get that second, stage for. The darker colors around the outside not, to mention the entire Native. American piece you, get to walk into a Hogan you get to walk into a teepee you get to actually sit, and visit and learn about their culture I know that they were traditionally, made ahead of. The. Pony Express wanted. Young, skinny, wiry, fellows, not over 18 so I think I would be fine with that oh. Cool. You're, too young to get a rose right now I know let's. See. Why. Are you so excited to see this house is it just good it's pretty no, I don't, even like the color pink okay then so why are you so excited because it's Brigham, Young town, okay you're. Excited about the history I like that waiting's that doll thanks. It's. A creepy doll. We. Need to know our history we need to know who we came from where we came from why. We do what we do why, we say what we say, don't. They always say history repeats itself the reality, is if we don't learn from that, we. Are bound to make the same mistakes I mean. How many times has a civilization. Been annihilated. Removed. From the face of the earth and all we have is the archeology but. If we could at least have the stories, we might understand, why, they're, gone what happened to him. History. Is really important, what. Did you think was interesting about Brigham, Young salsa that. Was pink. About. You it. Was just cool to see all of the, different and fashion. Stuff inside it how, they would make clothes, I, think we should get a loom make you guys start, learning your key because. Yes. We've stopped at the huntsmen hotel we're about to sit down for a nice pioneer, meal of hamburgers, and cream. Soda, why don't we head off to our travel adventure with Zach Cipriani. Hey. Guys Zach seprieono here now while we had this alone time in the car I thought I might give you just a little bit of backstory about why I'm so excited for today's travel adventure. About. A year ago I had a chance to do some riding down in Beaver County on the east side we took trails through barely blooming spring meadows and on the west we rode past towering monoliths in a high desert ecosystem, but, truthfully one of the best parts of the trip with, the people that I got a ride with the.

Touch Remount an ATV, Club and the residents of Beaver County really do have a passion for where they live and the, love they have for this area is infectious. Now, I'm back riding, immaculate care for trails previewing. An event that will allow you to have the same experience, I did while in Beaver County beaver. Jamboree will be starting, May, 16th, and it, lasts through the 19th, will, be, stationed out of beaver city and all, the rides will lead from there and come, back to there every day we. Have six, different rides that we're offering so, one of the cool things that's awesome. That our Jamboree is that these are just local trails that have not been open, to the public before so, these are all new trails so, if you haven't ever ridden in Beaver County it's, a totally, new experience, some. Of the rides are, challenging. But there's nothing that's death-defying, so, anybody. Can, ride why should people come, down to the Jamboree because. We. Have a, lot. Of things planned there may be a ton of fun I don't know that. Well. Our rides are what the Jamboree is about we have beautiful country here we, have a lot to offer the last day of the Jamboree said, they are going to have a lot of prizes being, given away lots. Of things to to look forward to in addition to the rides that I understand, that there's going to be good, food lots. Of lots of activities, to keep everybody busy. One. Of the reasons that I enjoy, it so much here is because you don't have to use a blinker, and merge with traffic on the ATV. You're out here and you're out here just with a couple of people so, it makes it really fun. But. It doesn't get, crowded and overwhelming. To, preview the event we wrote on a newly open trail that leaves straight at a beaver no, trailering, required, rocky. Climbs, cool. Shaded, areas and plenty. Of water crossings, kept the trip interesting. Came, in the middle is forever to get a shot now I'm stranded, oh. There's, fell Phil's here to save. Ultimately. The trail we took landed, us at the locally dubbed picture, rock named. So because of the ornate almost, symmetrical designs. That plaster, the stones in this area this is one of my favorites, it has a circular, pattern to it this, is a competition you might be winning. Splashing. The rocks with a bit of water brings out a display, that would make Cyndi Lauper proud what, I mean by that is these, rocks are showing their true colors. Hidden, secrets like these would remain hidden to riders in this area without the knowledge and welcoming, spirit of the local ATV, club members, the. Next destination while, not a natural, wonder like picture rock still, has its appeal and a wealth of local legends surrounding, it so the gang just brought me to a place called monkey fence I don't know why it's called that it oh. That. Makes sense. Why. Is the monkey fence here, because. We wanted you to come out and family is that why you did I. Said. I've lived here for 38 years oh I didn't even know this was here until last year I don't want to be that guy but I think I could have lived 38 years about knowing this is here. Every. Time you go out and you learn you, make. Friends in town and, around the county, and a. Lot. Of history is given by word-of-mouth, so. You're. Constantly learning. About new places and that's what this Jamboree, is it bringing different. People from, different cultures, different areas, and we all come. Together and, we're going rides and share our experiences. So. Don't forget the Bieber country Jamboree is going to be May 16th through the 19th and you can register on Beaver Country dot-com. Well more at your leisure after the break. The. 9 to 5 here, is 5 to 9. We. Earn our scars. We. Wear our work ethic. We. Work until the works done and. When it is there's, a family to raise a neighbor. To check on a. Country. To feed a few. Hours of shut-eye to rest up for tomorrow, the. Day we'll finally, get something done. You. Meet. The new leader in, off-road utility. The completely. It's got the most power the, largest towing capacity, the highest, ground clearance and, the best comfort, and storage. Introducing. The all-new Polaris. Ranger XP 1000. The hardest, working smoothest riding. Ranger. Ever built. Too. Often we find ourselves in shoes like these or. These, wouldn't. It be nice to change into something more like this or, this how. About these put. On whatever shoes you prefer, and come, to Beaver County we, have exactly the adventure you need to put under them, so. The next time you want to change out of these come. To Beaver County where you could jump into a pair of these. Beaver. County Utah lace. Up for adventure. Welcome. Back to at your leisure.

I'm Jordan Wayman, and for this week's product review we're gonna do the honda, pioneer. 550. Inches so you can go on any trail in the country and nothing's, gonna stop you so, let's take it out and I'll prove it. This. Handles, so well I get so quick in responsive, and the other cool thing is these paddle, shifters are so much fun to shift with it's way better than having an automatic, and then doing the shifting for you way better one of the cool things about the Honda pioneer is there's so many accessories you can add for, whatever comfort you need for, example it, comes with the 24 inch tire these are 27, you're able to put 27s on it the shocks that comes standard with this are great but you can also have the capability to upgrade, to a walker evan shock which is really, beefy, and it's. Already, pre-wired, for, a winch and the cool thing is this, bumper, it comes standard with the machine it's ready to go add your winch so if you find someone stuck in the mud you'll be able to pull them out as. You can see in the back here we have a dual a arm coil over suspension this. Is the standard, chalk here also, it has your, receiver, hitch ready. To tow this, thing can tow up to a thousand. Pounds another. Cool feature is is you can get these things street-legal you, can get plates form and all your lights mirrors. So, you can go on or off-road, with, this machine now up here you can see we have a very large cargo, box the cool thing is is the reason why is we have our racks right here and the rack on the bottom, here makes, it very easy to put any accessories. On here from, cargo racks to cargo boxes, to anything, that you need for hunting, or traveling or whatever you need it's, got a quick release just. Like this you pull these levers you can get everything on and off very simple, very easy to use so. In the front of this thing I'll, open up my little playmate plastic, door. To. Protect my shins, I'm not a big fan of these but what, I am a big fan of is the way this thing drive this, has two ways you can drive it you can put it in automatic and, drive it or ship for you or you can switch it to manual and use your paddle shifters to change your gears and you can do that for whatever your terrain needs are the. 500, also has a parking, brake and it holds really good you, can add so, much to this machine do that go down the Steadman's recreation, in Tooele, right off of Main Street they'll get you set up with what all the accessories you need that's. Been this week's product review I'm Jordan wingman we'll be back with we're out your leisure right after this.

Go. Seek. Discover. What lies beyond, on. The entirely new 2018, gold wing tour from Honda. Like. The, will that you. Don't use, in, case if you get a popped will, it's. Kind of like a trunk, but, it's different I don't. Know. If. This oil is a car that has five, wheels um. A wheel. Could. Be half a lower five. Wheels. There's. No need to travel far to find that perfect family adventure. Juab. County, it'll. Change your family forever. Welcome. Back to at your leisure everybody, we're at our second, stop on our historic tour of Utah and this is one of my personal favorites. This is co fort it has a great, story, wonderful, history and I want to share a little bit of it with you right now. On. April 12th 1867. Brigham, Young sent a letter to IRA Hinckley, asking, him to leave his home in Colville, and travel 220. Miles south to, supervise the construction of this, fort in, a decision that would change his and his family's lives forever I responded. That he was prepared to go and would leave on the appointed day so, IRA and his wife Adelaide, and their kids came, and built the fort and lived here for, the next decade, although, the fort was built to provide safety for travelers, during the Blackhawk Indian, War it was never, attacked, certainly, in part because of its unique solid, construction but, IRA and his family also, made friends, with the natives trading, with them and even employing, them in the fort yeah the only time they ever heard a gunshot was, from, two little boys playing with a gun now, the thing, that I love about ko4 is that you so. Often hear about like really tragic pioneer, stories where everybody, died of some disease but. With this one this, is actually a really good story, you know because the Hinkley's had great relationships with the natives, people, loved coming here there were never any battles, never any Wars and that family feeling extends, to today because, every time I've come here with my kids they've had a great experience and, that's, not always the case you know because they would get bored or whatever but with, this I don't know it just resonated with them too and they've always had, just a great time here, at the fort you can see that's actually a lockbox that they would have kept the mail in and it's right next to the telegraph, office you can hear let's go through here, or. I guess we can't let's go back around and then go in there all right so telegraph, office so the dude would sit in here and use. Morse code. What. Would you call him the guy who did the telegraph thing oh there. It goes is this, all this is the kitchen area right one, person, you know like. 60. Counts, okay was. That one of the boys or the girls across it. And the girls and look at the cows right Sam what is that right there I think, that. It. Does make better good, call and it would be horrible to be the youngest person. No Fork why because, when. You took a bath you'd always be the last person to take the bathroom you always use the same water so I'd be super cold all, right what is unique, about the boys room. Okay. This is cool this, was one of the guest rooms because, obviously this was like a hotel it's a travel point this, was Brigham, Young's favorite, room I wish. We did think oh. Well. We've got one more stop on a tour of Utah history but we're gonna toss to our trailhead, adventure. I'm. Reese Tyne at your leisure at Willard, Bay State, Park where, the wild life guys are catching dozens, of walleye, it's, a three-year old project, designed to improve fishing, not only here but, in lakes around the state and for you anglers don't worry they're, gonna put these fish back. It. Starts, on the lake where biologists. Are pulling in lots of big walleye trapped, in gill nets the. Fish aren't quickly extricated, from the nets and kept. Alive in big, tubs full of water. Three. Years ago we started this front program, where we're trying, to make triploid, walleye we. Do make a few which. Are sterile fish triploid. Means the fish have three, sets of chromosomes, instead. Of two making, them sterile, so, why do they want sterile, fish that are unable to reproduce. Sterile. Fishing a lot of our water so that we can control, the numbers, it, helps prevent people from moving in a fertile fishing to start population. Somewhere else. Yeah. These. Two the carnivores, can raise havoc with prop legs and in waters with endangered, fish like. The. Green River and there's, a lot of endangered, species there and, they have enough trouble as it is without another predator. In there, after, them sterile. Walleye are less likely to be a problem in those sensitive, waters even. If they escape from red fleet and got into the green it, wouldn't, be a population, of walleye that's, growing, and. Devouring, all those native species so, these. Monster, walleye are just now heading into the spawning season the, biologists, want to intercept, them and hijack.

Their Cargo, they'll. Spawn, the females taking an amazing. Number of eggs last. Year we averaged 52,000, and change eggs, per female Wow. The. Eggs are then fertilized, with semen, or Milt from male walleye and the process, begins the, eggs will be hatched at the hatchery with, a much higher success rate, than if the eggs were laid in the reservoir, if. They're left to hatch in the wild. The. Eggs would be just laid straight, on the bare rocks, out there in the reservoir, and other fish are going to come and eat them so very. Few. Survive. It's anywhere from 50 to 70% success, in the hatchery the, eggs to be sterilized, are washed and poured into a special, cylinder, the, cylinder then, goes into a pressure chamber and brought up to 9,500. Pounds per square inch for, 10 minutes the, eggs have a second, copy of DNA that would normally be ejected, from the nucleus of the cell but, under. Pressure it has nowhere to go so you, end up with three pairs of chromosomes, so, that makes the fish sterile, the, entire process is done here at the lake each, step, time to the second, to ensure success, here, nothing is left to chance, daily, we bring fresh water from the hatcheries to keep. On the eggs and stuff so we're not contaminating. Those or. The hatchery that we're going to take them to sterile. Fish can be stocked in more lakes around the state where they won't cause problems and that's good news for fishermen, and, fish eaters. Walleye. A very, popular, game fish especially, this time of year and this project aims to make that fishing even better we, stein at your leisure at Lourdes Bay State Park. Du introduces, the newest ways to, explore, the water load. Up all your gear catch. Some rays grab. A bite to eat crank. Up some tunes and, tons more. See to escape. The everyday. There's, a little place, all. Of Utah man. Four hours, raised where. My heart's, at where. The sagebrush, grows. Wild. In high, the. Stars come. Oh. In the basin with the you preservation, skin starvation. That. Do same. Our. Trailhead segment today sponsored, by Rocky Mountain, atv/mc. That's. That great place where you can order all kinds of accessories for your ATV, or your motorcycles, and we'll ship it right to your door just go to the Rocky Mountain atv/mc, comm. Website. Meets. A new leader in off-road utility. Ranger XP, 1000. It's, got the most power the, largest towing capacity, the highest, ground clearance and, the best comfort, and storage. Introducing. The all-new Polaris. Ranger XP, 1000. The hardest, working smoothest riding. Ranger. Ever built. Welcome. Back to at your leisure everybody, what we promised you one more destination, and here, we are this, is camp, Floyd it's one of those little hidden gems that not a lot of people know about but there's a ton of history here we actually got a chance to talk to Chuck one of the Rangers and he gave some pretty, cool details, about what took place here in and around the Civil War how about we find out more. Camp. Floyd is one of the best-kept, secrets, in Utah. It's. A little out of the way cuz Brigham Young didn't want the army anywhere, near Salt, Lake City in, 1857. A newly elected President. James Buchanan believes. That the territory, of Utah's and rebellion, against the United States and. There, really is no rebellion, going on but. It will force the establishment. Of Camp Floyd with. One third, of the entire United. States Army and. They'll be here for three years the. Camp is torn down just after just, prior to the Civil War so there's really not a whole lot of original stuff left we, have our commissary, building here which is the only surviving structure, of the Cowboys and from. That we have artifacts, and the diggings of dr. Dale burger at, Brigham Young University that's, on the 1980s, and 90s, we. Also have our stagecoach. In. John. Carson, built, that in he came here in the early 1850s. And. He came with four of his brothers and they're gonna establish a, new settlement riders. On the Pony Express ate. Meals there people, traveling, on the Overland stage they. Slept. We. Have we call the Johnston's, army program, it's, kind of geared towards Scouts, so. We, bring them in we enlist them in the army they'll hear the story about Camp Floyd and they. Sleep overnight you, know I actually earn their American, heritage or merit badge you, get a chance to fire a real musket, we learn to March and drill like the soldiers back then of, course to learn more about the Civil War and about American, history which. Many times in today's school. They don't spend. Time. I don't believe doing, it you.

Learn How to be, a Civil War soldier. Learn. How to make these those, are cartridges. They're. Black powder we. Have three day history, camps, for kids eight through eleven four day camp they'll even get a chance to fire a real musket, and they learn about the history at. The Utah War and the American Civil War now. If you want to find out more about the Johnston's army program, that they have here which is pretty cool just go to the camp Floyd web site they'll have all the details windows events now, we're just about that time for today's episode of at your leisure we're, gonna have our giveaway winner and our counter events here in just a second but first let's take a look at the next episode of ayl what. Happens when you play hide and seek with a paintball gun with a bunch of adults it gets pretty, messy and we're gonna take you into the middle of it next week how these indoor arenas changed into intricate destinations. For all ages find, out once you strap on your gear and prepare for, an alien invasion, from there we'll find out about one East Coast children's camp that is merging outdoor adventure with the arts and some unique ways we've. Had a lot of fun today hitting, these historic, sites and they're, not really that far away and they are everywhere, you, can go to almost any corner, of the state and you can find these spots so take some time and do it with your family well right now we got just real quick we have two events to talk about April, 27th, and 28th at the Southside Expo Center is the, Salt Lake off-road. Expo we're gonna be down there you can check out all of the gear everything, you could possibly want that is gonna be a great event then on May, 16 through the 19th, is the Beaver County ATV. Jamboree this is the first annual event, this is an area of not a lot of people have explored so, get down there for this Jamboree you'll really enjoy it now real, quick we've got this week's giveaway, Zach Cipriano has that for us and, you we have skull demonstrating, the proper way to climb a whale sticker unto one's teeth, congratulations. Skull you're our winner. Congratulations. To our giveaway, winner and for the rest of you give, out to some of these historic, sites they are all over the state they're easy to find and you will learn a ton we have just a great time and you, will too I guarantee well, as we always say get, out there and create your own adventure at your leisure. Stop. On our tour of Utah history but. We're, good. Okay. Okay, website.

2018-04-21 01:55

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