Unseen Mysterious beautiful places which are not highlighted in Himachal tourism | Prashant Kapoor

Unseen Mysterious beautiful places which are not highlighted in Himachal tourism | Prashant Kapoor

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[Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in [Music] cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh my darkest memory might let me fall back [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of trash [Music] [Music] is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] yeah is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh boy [Music] so [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we could be taking control [Music] we could be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we [Music] if we try to be a negative we can be taking control we can be taking control [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh my darkest memories might let me fall back [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of trash i can [Music] what's in the other side of innovation is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] cause i'm feeling so cold [Music] i'm more than [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] if we try to do foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we can be taking control thank you [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to cause i'm feeling so good [Music] ready to rescue me if i go out of trash [Music] is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] cause i'm feeling so cold [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] if we [Music] if [Music] control taking control [Music] [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't [Music] [Music] we can be taking control we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's on the other side baby [Music] uh [Music] ready to rescue me if i go [Music] just to show me what's in the other [Music] is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] cause i'm feeling so cool [Music] hey [Music] oh yay [Music] ah hey [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we could be taking control [Music] taking control taking control [Music] if we try to believe [Music] if we try to believe [Music] we can be taking control we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] is um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation no apologies my baby i tell you cause i'm feeling cause i'm feeling so good [Music] oh my darkest memories [Music] you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of trash i can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we [Music] think if we take [Music] [Music] control [Music] we can be taking control we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] uh [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of trash [Music] all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation [Music] foreign [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] what's in the other side of vision [Music] i don't believe in [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we can be taking control [Music] we could be taking control [Music] [Music] can be taking control if we try to believe [Music] taking control they can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh my darkest memories [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of trash [Music] answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] what's on the other cause i'm feeling so cold [Music] i won't give me two more chances i don't care if i am fans i'm brighter [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't yeah we could be taking [Music] it control be this difficult if we try to be negative [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we try to be a negative [Music] if we try to be we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's on the other side cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh my darkest memories [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of [Music] make me trash my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation no apologies my baby [Music] cause you make me love my [Music] on the imperfections side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] i'm [Music] [Music] [Applause] goodbye oh boy [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we could be taking control [Music] we could be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we try to be [Music] if we control [Music] you [Music] um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in [Music] cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh my darkest memories might let me fall back [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of [Music] cause trash make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we could be taking control [Music] we could be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we [Music] if we try to be a negative we can be taking control we can be taking [Music] thank control um [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me [Music] cause i'm feeling so pretty [Music] oh [Music] i can [Music] what's in the other side is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] cause i'm feeling so cold [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i don't believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we try to do it if [Music] we could be taking control we could be taking control [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if if we try to believe [Music] we can be taking control thank you [Music] um [Music] so [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's on the other side [Music] ready to rescue me if i go out of trash [Music] just to show me what's in the other side of innovation is my baby [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] cause i'm feeling so cold [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah oh is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if we we try to be a negative yeah we could be taking control if [Music] control taking control [Music] foreign [Music] forest foreign [Music] we really don't my questions is [Music] uh foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] okay okay um foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign the [Music] foreign you have to tell us what it is [Music] [Music] foreign foreign is foreign a [Music] [Music] but what you are going to take a little bit of it what foreign [Music] it will be somehow foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign no that's okay okay actually uh foreign [Music] foreign foreign um foreign foreign foreign yes foreign see foreign is [Laughter] [Applause] be careful or importance so guys come almost foreign foreign [Music] foreign okay foreign me you is she knows how to make a way foreign okay foreign foreign great okay [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] you go now you can go [Music] [Music] i am enjoying foreign foreign how foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign we can be taking control we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] uh this is [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation is [Music] oh my darkest memories [Music] but you'll be there ready to rescue me if i go out of [Music] answer trash my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] if we try to believe in anything greater than a miracle it wouldn't be this difficult if yeah we could be taking control [Music] we could be taking control [Music] [Music] we can be taking control if we try to believe it's difficult if we try to be we a be taking control we can be taking control [Music] thank you [Music] i got enough of every melody they all sound the same yeah for my broken heart no remedy but maybe if you stay we can get away with it cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation cause i'm feeling so good [Music] oh my darkest memories [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections answer all my questions just to show me what's in the other side of innovation [Music] cause you make me love my imperfections [Music] what's on the other side in a vision [Music] me two more chances i don't care if i am fans i'm brighter [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

2021-08-28 20:47

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