Universal Sufi Order visit Israel with Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV

Universal Sufi Order visit Israel with Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV

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[Music] [Music] [Music] as this tour of israel much anticipated tour of israel um that's been kindly set up for us by as a cena villa scott and marla berger who will be joining us a bit later on this tour um we'll be starting off in jerusalem on tuesday at the ymca i'm in jerusalem where we're doing um the heart awakening is homeless unicellular sufi master we'll be sharing the message of divine love and then we're going to be up in haifa that multicultural city of haifa famous for the holiday of holidays where they celebrate not only hanukkah but christmas and ramadan a universal sufi master coming to israel and not talking about islam not talking about whirling dervish necessarily just talking about heart meditation heart awakening um fighting negative energies i mean this is really a powerful message that um the yearning souls of spirituality are seeking and the answers are right here so everybody's really happy about that so stay tuned we're going to be our tv we'll be covering our little tour of jerusalem tomorrow goshimaruba and welcoming goa jesus we're in the holy city of jerusalem um the holy sepulchre church we just walked up these steps this this is the site of the crucifixion calgary hill in jerusalem it was the place where um it's believed the closest place that they can get to calgary hill where the crucifixion of lord jesus christ took place here people are praying and queuing up and this is the crucifixion site and you can see the actual original stones on the left and right and the crucifixion of jesus that took place the stages of the the crucifixion depicted on the wall here wow i mean i can't tell you how emotional i'm actually feeling right now i'm just saying my own prayers that please through his homeless unisa lord shahid please let us know let the people know these followers of christ the living jesus calvary hill going up to the site of the crucifixion the side of the crucifixion is up there up on the top there that's where we were previously and this is the tomb this is the tombstone after the crucifixion the tombstone that jesus was laid on very very emotional we pray for jesus christ and forgive the forgive those who crucified jesus but we're we're here to talk about the living christ the esoteric knowledge of jesus christ he will return again i just can't tell you how the feelings you have here that jesus came very the ministry just three three years maximum of three years of ministry just talking about love divine love trying to unite humanity and they crucified him where jesus was beaten and then jesus was had to carry the cross all the way right to this area beaten all on the way persecuted and finally he was crucified here buried here but he rose again these are all according to the scriptures the holy scriptures [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] or is foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] if you think you're great it doesn't make you great it's just indulgence if you think you're the best of all all right go away but does it mean just because you're thinking you're the best you are the best no it's just pure indulgence [Music] is [Music] [Music] hi viewers well we've just finished our very first program in israel and it was in in i didn't really expect it to be right in the heart of jerusalem this ymca is a beautiful building absolutely stunning i mean we were taking pictures outside long ago it's in three bridges uh three arches sorry not three bridges it's called um it's homeless has delivered a speech and we've done the circle of love and of course i mean i'm sure our tv viewers are going to recognize paula from ohio in california which was our last very last program that we had on that american tour we went to that beauty beauty of a church where we did a we had a beautiful afternoon um and it was um reverend marilyn who hosted us um absolutely beautiful so um and uh paula is here with her son adam as well they've come all the way over from usa and for this event so i'm just going to ask paul to share with us what she felt today oh my god it was so beautiful and when i came i met some people from jerusalem that were attending and they called me a group groupie of his holiness because i'm following them all over the world now but i agree with you steve this was such a beautiful special spot for his holiness to come and deliver his message of unification and love in terms of we're all the same and you know from coming from the heart and i'm so glad all right and this is adam i also had a great time i really loved the end where we all got together and the activations the dances the singing the chants i thought it was really special and really enjoyed everything and i was grateful to be able to come to this um and be a part of something how do you feel about sufism was it something that you thought was just attached to islam and somebody would have to follow a religion um to be on the sufi path has this been a surprise you know i sufism has always been something i we both are attracted to the more mystical spiritual elements of the religions as opposed to maybe the more the elements that are more about just beliefs and maybe even dogma but we really do appreciate and we were really i'm happy to be here and be a part of that and you know i've always yeah like i kind of said had positive a positive perspective on sufism and this just kind of brought me closer into that and made me realize that even more yeah where are we going to meet each other next which country australia you heard it here folks australia next we'll see you there here with jakub he's joined us for this sufi gathering this spiritual evening that we've just had um it's been absolutely immense and um i'd just like to ask jakub you know to introduce himself um i know that he's the owner of a spiritual bookshop right here in jerusalem and a very keen follower of sufism and i just like to know sort of how you found out about this event because people have been coming from far and wide for this event how did you find out about it from facebook and uh a new member posted something with a picture of yunus and a quotation from him uh somebody else another new member of the group had a very strong negative reaction yes uh something about the companions of the prophet and you know issues about ali and the the descendants of ali um i said uh okay i don't want to censor this let's discuss it because it was a little bit of a conversation and then i said to myself so who is this guy so i looked up on eunice's facebook timeline page and it's a holy mackerel tomorrow night at the inca at the ymca we say in ibuymka i'll make one word out of it yup and here we are yeah i mean that's that's what we want and this is a beautiful um way we just don't argue with people um but it's very important to have these discussions isn't it very important to um be very open and his holiness most certainly doesn't promote any religion um it's about love um you're originally from new york brooklyn new york and how long have you been in israel 29 years since 1990 makes it easy to remember but now you're in the um so i opened my bookstore bookstore 22 years ago you did you enjoyed the the speech today was telling his speech and the sufi zika we did afterwards and the awakening of the heart maybe it's something that we can do with other like-minded sufis right here in jerusalem sure sure it it felt familiar and uh was good to share yeah yes okay well thank you very much for sharing that with us and we're gonna come to your bookshop tomorrow and we're gonna hopefully work very closely together in the future yeah thank you very much okay thank you we're in haifa in north israel and we've arrived here for the um event that's going to be held at the crowne plaza hotel it's homeless unisa the sufi master is uh delivering a speech on sufism on divine love and we're in a very special very um sacred place here today in haifa and this is elijah's cave and this is where elijah wandered in the wildernesses here um regarded very highly you know with prophet moses as the defender of the hebrew god and here we just have one of the most sacred caves in israel and tradition holds that elijah the prophet stayed here on his way to his momentous confrontation and i'll speak very very gently here as we come into the caves very respectfully and people are praying um in jerusalem and but this goes right across israel such a sacred blessed land that all these prophets stepped upon these very this very ground that we're walking upon and here we are right inside the caves this is exactly where prophet elijah used to come as a retreat um to pray here as i said he was a big defender of one god the hebrew god lots of scriptures people we're here quite early in the morning so it's pretty quiet but people have been coming in saying their prayers and going off to work the event this evening is going to be six o'clock in the crown plaza and we've been here for two days now in haifa promoting this event after a brilliantly successful event in jerusalem we have people from spiritual bookshops attend people coming over from america um to attend that lecture and we did the heart meditation the heart awakening right up on the stage it was a beautiful building in the ymca and we're expecting exactly the same tonight everybody's so excited and anticipating it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here in nazareth guys um this is a much happier place a much more uplifting place for us to to visit and we're actually on the site here the basilica of annunciation this is where the announcement happened archangel gabriel sent from almighty god descended from the heavens and made the announcement to our lady the virgin mary that you will give birth to lord jesus in bethlehem according to the scriptures and uh we're going to step right in now to the basilica beautiful church you can see pilgrims from all over the world um israel i can't tell you what a welcoming place this is we've enjoyed every second we've been in israel we kind of like did it in reverse order in the way that we visited the holy sepulchre in jerusalem which was obviously the crucifixion the burial and the resurrection of lord jesus then we visited bethlehem the birthplace of lord jesus but now we come right back to that beginning that holy moment on this holy ground this is exactly where archangel gabriel um descended into heaven everywhere on the walls just decorated with beautiful mosaics portraits of our lady mother mary and this and israel i mean it's really holy ground really holy ground that we're walking on just imagine all the saints and the prophets that have walked this ground and we feel so welcome here people from all religions are trying their best to get along with each other and sufism spirituality is most certainly needed in israel in mother mary hail mary full of grace knowledge with thee blessed be once women and blessed be the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for our sinners now at the hour of our death amen and as you can hear in the background this multi cultural place of nazareth there's a muslim call to prayer there's so many huge mosques miraetz um and the court of prayer is in the background that we're here in nazareth of course this holy ground was where most of jesus short but very important and very significant ministry happened very short no more than three years most of the healing most of the miracles happen right on this ground here in nazareth very very happy to be here in nazareth after two beautiful programs in jerusalem and haifa and we're going to be returning very very soon here to israel to this beautiful place can i can't recommend more for people to come to israel once in your life take that pilgrimage visit jerusalem visit the dead sea visit nazareth visit haifa visit safid whether kabbalah of the hub of kabbalah's are up and suffered uh we went we visited the um cave of elijah up there in haifa all these saints and prophets were walking on these hallowed soils so thanks again stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's a sacred place [Music] bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] you

2020-12-26 06:52

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