Un boug en Asie - Vietnam (part 2)

Un boug en Asie - Vietnam (part 2)

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we're fucked But it's a bit funny at the same time Well, finally I'll have a bed Look how narrow it is I was in the hallway normally There are 3 rows of beds in the bus And it goes all the way to the back There is a lot of noise for the moment (it will last don't worry) There are two on top of each other I think the most annoying part is when the driver is honking so much he's honking with all of his strengh it wakes up the whole bus He's honking for nothing, that's how it is in Vietnam In a sleeper bus on top of that, it's a bit annoying without earplugs in addition I looked for it But when I show the Vietnamese what I want They look at me, very confused They don't know what I'm talking about I admit that I miss it a lot well I'm having a hard time freeskating 2 km on the road with my big bag we're a bit in a shitty situation, it happened after 14 hours Of an infamous trip It was unbearable, it's a bit hard for the mind But it's ok, it's ok The dragon's bridge I'm a little tired I'm not going to lie I finally reached a room It was an adventure It was impossible to sleep in the sleeper bus The driver and his friends They were screaming they were just speaking Vietnamese but they were screaming But the worst part was the honking, they did it SO much It was very hard to sleep Then 2 hour away from the city They tell us to leave And go to another bus much less confortable I was not seating on the seats I was seating on the hallway of the bus when I arrived I take a taxi to go to the hotel And there I see that they have canceled my reservation It would have been too easy It would have been too simple Life challenged me She told me "Matthieu you are already tired" and then BLAM So I took my freeskates I rode with my big bag To rent a vehicle On the scooter I was not very serene It was not easy, it was the heaviest traffic I had with the big bag and with the fatigue I was not very serene Too hungry Too tired It's also part of the trip It's small adventures like these but we like them of course It's weird to enter in a big shopping center Here in Vietnam So yes Yes yes yes There is no problem sir You do what you want sir This screen is amazing It's gigantic What I noticed in Vietnam Is that they love the lights The LEDs etc there are everywhere I'm going to savour it They made a dragon with this bridge I don't know if you can see it, It looks so good I tried this It's cool It's quite different than a electric unicycle Little street workout session improvised the final boss he's level 900 he's doing naruto signs KENKABUKI NO JUTSU look at this monkey Me and the boys who go fishing It's so fun to see this kind of stick with a net at the end whats up bros? Hey bro! how are u doin ? Take this one let's take a selfie oh they're fucking they're fucking they're fucking i'm a child lol Calm down He stole it from me Come back here you mf Incredible they are laying down We don't have any attraction like this in France What is this shitty resolution? so guys I don't know what is it Anyway it's really good If you know, tell me in the comments Activate the bell And subscribe (joking) Vegetarian the dragon spit fire before, now it spit water let's go swimming with the little photo shooting in direct live i'll go swim, don't have time for this bullsh*t little museum I always ask if people accept to be filmed or not in my vlogs damn it's so hard Vietnamese is so hard Translation : "Are the ArchDuchess's socks dry or super dry?" A hunter who knows how to hunt without his dog is a real hunter. it's so pretty we will be here for a bit how normal people exercise how Vietnamese people exercise how I exercise right now friends we are on the top of PHAN CO PEAK which is at the top of a mountain here we can see the magnificent view of the city FUCK it's alright we're the 22th february, I spent 7 days in Da Nang we will take the train to Ho Chi Minh, which is completely in the South of Vietnam the journey in the train will last 23 hours I can't even imagine a full day in this fucking train It's gonna be long It's been 8 hours, for now it's ok We just arrived in Ho Chi Minh, I was imagining telling this was the worst trip ever And in the end, it's very surprising, not at all It went well, it even went quite fast It was very different from the sleeper bus everyone was very calm and slept during the whole trip All the people around me, I swear they slept They slept all day and night But really For 24 hours I don't understand how everyone slept so much I swear, the guy next to me, he didn't do anything other than sleep How is that possible? What was perfect was to eat, there were small stops People who made us eat in 30 seconds, it was done Oh my friend! The heat here! We're 5 days in Ho Chi Minh I can't wait to meet the freeskaters There's a pretty good community here, Ho Chi Minh is the biggest city of Vietnam Yeah! Since earlier, I only see people that tries to sell shoes or repair shoes But like that, in the street And every time, as soon as they see me, they look at me and look at my shoes And they tell me straight in the eye, your shoes are SHITTY! Yes, it's shit, that's it! Look, look, it's shit, that's it! There are 5 people since I arrived, it's been barely 30 minutes Leave my shoes alone lol We met the free skater ok do a trick, throwback 180 It's very hot We did some game of skates How was it? Pretty good Did you like it? Pretty bad also It's really good, for only 8 months of practice He practiced 3 times a week, sometimes every day Very good progress I met more freeskater, they are in front of me This guy, this one doing the fingers This is Ho Chi Minh's most skillful rider He gave me a cap of his own brand Because he has his own free skate brand he really is someone in the game He has hundreds of thousands of followers on Tik Tok It's so much he got viral a lot He does his little business like that He make a living out of it He is with his wife that have a coffee shop Look who it is! Mbappé! Do you see Mbappé? He's French! What the f***! This place is incredible! With the dragon that is encrusted I think it's crazy! Little coffee with... Pro! Professional! With the little cap he offered me Very cool! You too! Very good! They offered to do an improvised camping I said yes of course In two days we're leaving It's going to be very fun I think Hey! We're going to find a restaurant Tranquilamente I met them for like just one hour and they proposed me to go camping with them so camping we go haha Really incredible! Very very nice people! We're in a vegan restaurant Because they are super nice They brought me here Because I told them I was a vegetarian The concept is incredible We can serve as much food as we want Except that we have 45 minutes After that they kick us out Yeah! You have to pay Oh more And do you know how much it costs? unlimited buffet food for 45 minutes It costs 2 euros! So I served myself Like a big man Come on! головut! damn my friends this night was just amazing but when I say amazing, I mean completely crazy we rode so much, from 5pm to 11pm I swear I sweated so much I was like a fucking fountain I don't know how many liters of water I sweated it was crazy the kids were so cute we all held hands at one point It was incredible, I loved it. I didn't film a lot because I just enjoyed the moment doing Game of Skates, all the games, making people try it discuss with everyone, the Vietnamese, or even someone at the end, Nick, we talked for two hours Really, this evening was great. A day in the Mekong Delta, this should be nice You can taste the honey at its source.

This is the fruit of the dragon, guys. I've never eaten this, it's so funny. they are so hungry lol Little table for kids, we're going to eat here It's super famous to eat in small tables like this in Vietnam There are a lot of them everywhere Whereas in France... not at all So now we're going to the Cho ben Thanh Market Apparently it's gigantic No, we'll get you down to 20 Oh f**k I'm scared this guy is quite amazing It's true that he doesn't start from scratch, he's already done skating, snowboarding and so on But yesterday, I swear, he tried for the first time He managed to have the balance on freeskates Really, it's pretty crazy, it doesn't happen often People who are talented at this point, he has 10 minutes of practice How are you my friend? There are so many kids doing it, it's incredible Come on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 And there are a lot over there too Hi, this is Mathieu from the editing Wow, the guy makes off voices and everything So professional, the principle of the game of skate It's played the most often in 1 vs 1 The first player will start By setting a trick If he is successful, it's the other player who has to reproduce the same trick If the first player can't set a trick Well, it's the second player who will set a trick If the second player can't reproduce the trick Well, he takes a letter And the goal is not to get to the letter E of the word skate So it's a very fun game that we often do in free skate to know who is the best also, I'm not going to lie good game Thê we are sunday 25th february And now we're going camping With my Vietnamese friends It's going to be incredible We should have left much earlier It's kind of part of the Vietnamese culture To leave four hours later it's all good lol It allowed me to sleep later In fact, I can't wait for the scooter trip In motorbikes there's more than 100km We'll be going to the beach and do camping here Last night It was incredible We rode with the other Vietnamese riders I would have liked so much To stay longer in Ho Chi Minh But I already took my flight For Bangkok A little bit unfortunate But at least We enjoyed so much our time here So there we go On a boat With our motorcycles yolo I think there's no more cider, there's no more Where are they? Ah yeah they're here KA it means dick They taught me a lot of bad words, it's incredible "you motherfucker" Is it good? It's good What does it mean? Your motherfucker Yeah It's motherfucker Fuck, we arrived! We did it! it only took 8 hours lol 8 hours for, like, 130kms It was an adventure A bit long, but it was still great To be behind someone for this long It fucked my ass tent installation, chilling Very awesome The waves were smashing our ass off But it was amazing A little barbecue is being put in place We went to the beach this morning Nick will go his way He actually bought some free skates because of us So he will continue to Vietnam going from north to south for one month He actually bought his own bike here in Vietnam Apple store bike You see these abandoned buildings in Vietnam There are a lot of them And I don't know why it's so weird That's impressive we do content here the content Do you see the content Wow Oh look at this bridge No, it's crazy It's a bit futuristic Futuristic I don't even know how to speak French Futurist Look at all the Vietnamese It's 40°C, they're all in vests and coats Look how crazy it is There, there, there why Einstein ? they protect their skin from the sun Because they don't want to tan They're well seen to have white skin here It's like a symbol of wealth It's really historical That's why they kept the...

Oh, the crash in direct! That's the first time I see a crash the war tunnels, apparently all the tunnels combined are 250km long It's a sugarcane farm We're really in minecraft, it's incredible We're going to plant a sugar cane farm I think when there's traffic jam, they don't care they drive on the sidewalk It was very cool to ride with you and see you maybe another time in Ho Chi Minh, thank you guys! I'm leaving Thai to go to Thailand, awesome time dude, thanks for everything, we'll meet again for sure! good bye Vietnam I love you Vietnam Creator : Matthieu Delisle Video editing : Matthieu Delisle Cameraman : Matthieu Delisle Sound engineer : Matthieu Delisle Graphiste: Matthieu Delisle Communication manager : Matthieu Delisle Artistic director : Matthieu Delisle Finances manager : Matthieu Delisle

2024-07-08 06:03

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