Uhuru and Raila media brief after touring Nairobi

Uhuru and Raila media brief after touring Nairobi

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[Music] [Music] number one infrastructure number two infrastructure number three infrastructure really [Music] secret foreign tv and it's good to see you from a prime minister in your element i just want you to clarify or tell us about what the kind of treatment regime you're going through and as you went through these three weeks are you scared at any point in time and to you mr president um of course after the measure that we announced last week on friday there has been a lot of cry especially from institutions and farms that have been affected by the bashir lockdown and the other containment measures so for years he listened to this crime which sometimes mostly is genuine what is that that will make you decide to go back to the economy operating in full capacity as it were well you hardly can tell how you contract this disease because you really try to do your best like i've been doing keeping social distancing wearing masks and i've also not been avoiding crowding but it just comes and you find yourself feverish and getting a little bit weak and then when they do the test then they find that you are positive but i do believe that uh the best way to go is to follow the instructions that we are getting from our experts there's really no other way out of it and but also now that the vaccination is available i really want to encourage our people to take advantage particularly those who are advancing age to do a vaccination i am going to personally arrange to do a public proclamation so that people can see that have confidence in the process thank you i think the issue you raised is a self-answering question i i want to make it categorically clear that the measures that we have imposed are not my measures these are measures that have been brought to us by those who have the knowledge the professionals the doctors the medical practitioners the scientists they went through and we had long long sessions with them and this was their recommendation that if we are to stem this virus from continuing to grow kill people the only thing we can do is to lock down in fact if we had gone by their extreme measures they had wanted us to lock down the whole country we had to come down to tell them we also have an economy we also have livelihoods which we must consider and that is why they picked those counties that we locked down as the most heavily infected counties and we went for what is called a partial lockdown not even a total lockdown a partial lockdown as the honourable prime minister i said it is true as a result of that partial lockdown some segments of our economy are indeed hurting the hospitality sector the bars we also know that churches are not having the opportunity to gather but at the end of the day we have not said that people cannot pray and we welcome people to pray in their homes but the most important thing is that we must stay safe and by staying safe means we do everything that is possible to follow the protocols and the guidelines that have been given to us by the health experts the washing of hands the social distancing the wearing of masks and indeed encourage those especially of that age bracket that is most vulnerable is the the elderly who are most susceptible to death to be vaccinated and as to when these measures will be removed and we can go back to normal which is our prayer every single day depends on how we are able to flatten this curve when will we be able to get to an infection rate that has gone to a high of almost 27 percent in those counties that i've mentioned back down to below five percent which is the recommended level in order for us to be able to open up the economy again so all i can say is fellow kenyans i know it is difficult but we cannot pretend that this disease is not with us we cannot ignore the advice that we are getting from the world health organization from cdc africa from our own experts that the only way to save lives is to take the measures that we have taken please let us work together let us cooperate and collaborate with our health experts and the sooner every single kenyan begins to do that which is necessary the sooner we shall be able to get back to normal next thank you mr president my name is judge moringa from ktn news and as you speak about uh you know ensuring that the uh percentage reduces to below five percent you've seen the donation to the five countries and the question that of course kenyans are asking is when shall uh you know last year you introduced rather you announced the mitigation measures to cushion canyons at this time when you announced the partial lockdown we haven't seen much of that considering that also the uh such you know such donations will be made through manufacturing and when are we likely to see you and your government uh intervene especially to ensure that kenyans are cushioned on even on mater's tax thank you well you must first and foremost recognize that this lockdown is very different from the first one the last lockdown that we had we had to lock down the whole country and that is why we had to take some of those measures because we basically locked down the whole country and the whole economy this time luckily some counties have done extremely well and the rate of positivity was not the same across the whole country so we were able to narrow it down and lock these i think there were five counties the rest are still functioning as for normal and it is our hope that that within that 30-day period and hopefully even sooner when we are able to bring that curve down like i said to below five percent that we shall be able to resume and that is why we have not locked down like i said we have not locked down the economy we have locked down specific areas that have been mentioned by our health experts as being the areas of super spreaders and that is public events that is where people more than 50 people gather that is why bars have been closed that is why churches have been closed but the rest of the economy is still going on we have not closed our markets they are still operating all within normal operational times we have not closed down factories in fact the factories are still operating on double shift yes so we have a problem in the hospitality sector we possibly also will have a problem in the entertainment sector and we will look to see how we can work together to support some of these sectors but that will have to be on on an issue by issue basis because it's not you know when you talk tax you talk about the whole country you know you're not talking about a section of the country so we we will have to look at whatever measures that we can take that cannot specifically apply to within those particular counties we have for example in nakuru where they have said there will be no licenses we will be paid you know because that is how they are going to question the the business operators in nakuru we hope the other counties will also do similar uh interventions so that the levies that people have been paying and so on and so forth you know are waived in those counties that are affected so it will have to be a case by case this is because this is not a national lockdown and we cannot do different tax measures you know for one county as opposed to another this is what i hope you will understand right thank you mr president my name is gena kirari from ntv my question is to do my first question is to do with the hospitality sector are there any specific incentives that are going to be put in place to push on those things i think i've just answered that in terms of sorry in terms of domestic travel because there's still that issue of domestic travel or flights chartering from back and forth are there any specific incentives for that sector and my second question is with the with uh what happened with the third wave um political rallies were banned but we saw double standards several times what's going to be done differently now to ensure that when you say political gatherings are banned they are banned and no one is going to go through with them um so yes thank you um let me put it to you this way i think it is a reverse question i think that you have a huge responsibility to show out those people who are breaking that is why specifically today when we went to launch these roads that we were doing when we went on the inspection site we have actually done it virtually only with the accompany of the right honourable prime minister and yourselves we didn't have to we didn't in a call call in the general public we counted on you and we thank you very much for being able to accompany us so that other kenyans are also able to see and to take note of what is happening so i think that is all i can say that we will do everything we can but we will also depend on you members of the fourth estate to um to to help us to show up those who will fraud these rules and we will ensure that anybody who does will action will be taken against those people we want to be able and we can say we can we can work we can do all these things like we have spent the day with you without necessarily breaking the covet rules so we have shown that it is possible we can work within that framework and we hope that others will do and those that don't there will be no differential in the measures that shall be taken against them oh thank you so much mr president my name is give us from cairo uniform my question is um on regards to you know the vaccination and the vaccines and this is extrazineca um a section of kenyans are worried that uh we've only managed 1.2 um you know doses and some have taken their fast doses some have not yet taken out completely um you know what's the progress so far you know for those who have taken uh someone saying if the government and there's no plan or it could delay then they could miss on their second doses and even for those who have not taken completely thank you i want to assure you that nobody who has taken their first dose and that i can give you a complete assurance is going to miss out on their second dose that's point number one point number two is that it is a fact that there is a global problem in the supply chain of vaccines every single country is having problems accessing vaccines but what we are doing is working day and night night with all the different partners that we have across the world to ensure that we are able to get these vaccines in the shortest time possible in order to be able to first and foremost ensure that all frontline workers are vaccinated secondly those who are most vulnerable and those living with co-morbidities you know it's those living with core mobility and those who have a are above a certain age again are also covered as we move towards vaccinating generally the adult population of kenya so we are working day and night to ensure that we have these vaccines here and available but i give you the assurance that anybody and that is why it is very important for the records that are being maintained by that's why you're being asked for your telephone number your place of residence and all those questions those questions are so that when your time comes for the second injection you are made aware that your vaccine is in place x please make yourself available to be administered with a second dose so nobody who has received the first of those will miss out on the second and point number two is that we are working day and night to ensure that we are able to get the necessary supplies in order to be able to vaccinate our population yes so there's a question i raised with the former prime minister he didn't quite respond and i was specific on during the treatment regime you went through what exactly were you going through on a daily basis what was it like just briefly and then secondly how are you feeling this afternoon well i think i thought i responded i say that the first one was admitted at the road restaurant they put me on a certain drug that they were administering the internal economy uh for the love for the first five days and when they stop that drug then when i went back actually drugs that i was able to receive and that's what i've been using and secondly i've been steering a lot in the evenings and then of course i was on an oxygen for a while and then eventually they will be out of the oxygen because of oxygen levels are 90 and and above but it is a process it takes a process and one just have to be a teacher and has to be disciplined and follow the instructors of the the doctors well thank you all very much and once again from both of us we wish the whole country all kenyans a happy easter to all our christian brothers and sisters my plea to you once again also please please stay safe stay safe for your sake for the sake of those that you love for the sake of your neighbors for the sake of your friends let us stay safe during this particular holiday and together i am certain we shall defeat this invisible enemy may god bless you all thank you [Music] colleagues from the media for accompanying us and being able to participate with us as we have been inspecting these projects and telling kenyans what is going on and we all wish you the very best thank you all very much asante nissan i don't know whether you have another [Music] happy easter to all our people asante

2021-04-06 07:17

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