Tuscany. Best places. Secret tips.

Tuscany. Best places. Secret tips.

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You do Anna! You are very good at breaking balls! So, at least I found out that i'm  good at something! In breaking balls! Okay! ... of the city... Aleeeee!!! You're destroying my video by the way! Yea, do it again No, I won't do it again! I will continue my video I was talking about Siena that we are going there to spend couple of days... ...and actually it's not the weekend but its... So, he's laughing on me! All the time! He's laughing on me! He is ruining all my videos! So, can you  explain me the reason why you laugh on me now? So, two minutes  of youtube it's already too much for you? Yes, exactly Can i ask you  to sit silent and drive the car? Yes Oh, do we wanna coffee? Yeaaah! We stop for a coffee! Again? Sweets? NO! So, what do we have here? Sandwiches Peach or something similar Do you wanna some salami? Mmmmhmhm... I understood everything With this box I can survive Even in the desert How is it? Do you like my sandwich? Yes, I love your sandwiches So, today we have a problem with the Telepass Somehow it doesn't work Oh, now it works What have you just said? That I love you very much! He has just said that... Till the moon and back! He would sell me! He would love to sell his wife Even though i'm not a wife for 100 camels ...an inventor of an attorney of a car  factory who said that the car won't have any won't have any won't have had any success and that horses would be the future and you know...

Yea, yea, I know further story that you still ride a horse I have my personal horse Ieeeeee Times are gone Women are not horses So when you got a chick you don't check her teeth in order to find out if she is healthy or not so, you just flirt with her you invite her for a coffee You know Ah, not really not really so, we found awesome place it's like maybe 35 degrees outside but here it's super windy and cold maybe like 25 degrees I don't want to leave this place Oh, God! My boyfriend is a little bit retarded So, this house is a home for many many many many birds Laughing... Anna, This is the famous Palazzo della signoria How can you say that?! So, this is the Palazzo Pubblico Yeah but... yeah... it's not the house of many  birds it's palazzo pubblico it's one of the most important building of  the city and also a house of many birds i like your shoes! Do you like my shoues? I do I love them Do you know how much they costed? 20 Euro Aaaaaaaaaa?! Can you focus on me? Vita mia (=my fife) Not on the camera On me! it's easy to make a man feel bad Scassacugghuina! (=Balls breaker) I knew it! It's only 11 Euro? In Germany i buy size like like this for 11 Euro XXL Baby it's your size there I mean for your appetite I really don't understand when i'm sleeping in the car you're complaining with me that I am  "very active company" when i'm talking to you i'm chatting too much i'm breaking your balls what do you want from me? what do you want? What do you want? You! oh, look at this So, what's the name of this duomo? Duomo! Yeah, with the haus of birds it has nothing to do You wanna visit that museum, Anna? Oh, No. I'm tired Yeah, you can go upstairs there (in Duomo) but for sure there is no elevator no? super parking in Italy thanks God the driver was there Yeaaaah! really? the guy was made to us? wow okay if you want to park this way you definitely need to do the diet because if you stay... Oh my God I can't believe it! Yeah another one okay, he is parking right under the sign I can't believe it right under the sign Can we? Yes, we can It's normal Italy so, we arrived to the monastery are you sure that it's a monastery? Yeah. Its an abbey

Do they drink wine in the monastery? they produce wine so they only produce but they don't drink? yeah of course they drink as well why they should not? because this is a monastery so... so what? they live here in the monastery and they like pray to God and drink wine? Yeah, and drink whine so it's not forbidden okay then I can go to the monastery then it's okay what does this mean abbey? what did I ask? Abbey is a monastery. It's like  something in between a church a monastery   so it means monastery something between church and monastery okay so now we are going to something in between church and monastery let's go wow that's awesome I show you it's so quiet here i can't hear really nothing except of birds and my boyfriend who is chatting all the time cactus fruits!!! so they first blooming and then there will be cactus fruits that I love that's beautiful I love this plant as well it's a lot of them in Sicily and i also love this plant chatting, this is a chatting plant and then you blow in in the hole and some practice wait can we go there? No? Why? Because there is wine? so i've just learned two things that PAX means peace you see over the door PAX means peace and also i've learned that this is  a men monastery and also i've learned that the monk who lives in the monastery uses cellphone because upstairs there is someone who is talking in skype yeah, we need to go why we need to go? because we need to go to our abbey to the Certosa di Pontignano abbey it's something in between monastery and church? yes so we go today we are going to stay overnight in something in between monastery in church and we will sleep there for whom they made it here? for children? they put children in the jail? because in this door only children can fit so my idea was to make here a swimming pool instead of the reservoir oh here you must be careful that's strange why someone should do this in the middle of the road maybe for cars no for water aaah so I understood wait now I've just learned something very important I'm explaining when it rains water goes down  in this small hole and there inside there's a pipeline that goes to this reservoir and so they save water I'm allways nice when you sleep not even when you sleep because you bite me so we are in a Asciano did they plan these windows like that or they did  it by occasion so they thought okay so maybe here we need some light in the room let me make here  the window all of the windows are different okay it was the door I saw already many  times you see on the on the top of the building this sticks what is that why are they doing this  uh I think after earthquakes if there has been   a damage then they put some strengthening inside  the wall in order to strengthen the structure i can imagine how hot it  would be here in summer   in july yeah and it dries maybe in a half of a minute so we found this awesome place   back in the days we found? yes if we did something good  it's always we if something bad it's always you so back in the days it was the monastery  and now it's a hotel it's an um   um i will tell you later the name of the place  but yeah but guess how much? how much? guess oh my gosh Anna there's a garden outside as well Oh look here Anna, thats beautiful yeah beautiful nice terrass we are looking for our room look at this Ale funny skeleton one um original thing from  Tuscany as far as bread is concerned   they put really little little salt i'm fascinated by these two huge trees that are for sure like maybe 1 000  years old maybe what you laugthing? nothing tell me i dropped the bomb okay i will tell you later what does it mean but it means that basically we have to escape quickly now it's maybe 18 degree maybe 17. so this monastery is really really huge how did you like the breakfast? i loved it what did you like it most? desserts of course, you can't live without sweets cheese cake Have you already said goodbye to your  diet? what what what diet? exactly, what diet? I am not doing any kind of diet so we are leaving the Certosa di Pontignano   and today we will go first northbound  we we'll go to visit Monteriggioni  it is very very nice then we'll drive back  down to Asciano first most probably to the M.Olivetto Maggiore abbey that we already visited yesterday  Oh no, no, no. We have been already there. I prefer to skip

we skip and we go to uh down to the Val d'Orcia and San Quirico d'Orcia Is this that highest city? The highest city will be here nearby what is the name of this highest city? Chiusure then we'll go to Pienza then we will go to Pienza you see here then  we'll go to San Quirico d'Orcia then we will go to yeah this is the val d'Orcia and uh  here it's the the place where the   famous movie the Gladiator yeah was shot and this will be in the afternoon   i don't like to spend a lot of money for  things because it's just things I am really surprised so they're so comfortable and  it's hot today but i'm not sweating in them   i really love them so today i'm  testing my shoes for 14,99 EUR it's simply amazing Amore mio, do we wanna a coffee? yes my baby, we do so we go for coffee? yes we go , we go yes we need the coffee coffee double espresso Prego, Oh, Grazie yeah but what for? I mean it's like old pants, they cut it and  put it on the tree but why? for what reason? i don't understand this constructure at all   Is it for some holiday for some celebration? yes, during middle age festivals they do Oh they do middle age festivals here? Yes of course they do why didn't they invite us? I am not afraid of hamsters You are not afraid of? hamsters? you sure of it? bite you know what now i understand why in middle age  they used that much arches and tunnels most of the time i spend under these arches because it's colder and here you can take nice rest   to sit and drink beer and just relax middle age in the middle of the middle age stone age middle age stone age Amore mio, do we wanna beer? no we don't! we want, we want   oh my gosh we have been in Chiusure and it is really a  little little town on the top of a hill in the   surroundings of Siena in the cretaceous area  and this tip we got from locals so the best information we got from locals so now we got the problem i've just realized the meaning of the gesticulation in italy so for for example  this sign for me always was like cool you   know for example like bikers so you're cool  now it was the situation: one truck driver   really did something on the road what he  was not allowed to do and he prevented us   to go and after that Ale showed him like this and i asked him so what are you doing? and he was like i showed him i mean but you said to him  like you're cool no initially it means that you're like an animal with horns like your woman is cheating on you so in italy it's really bad meaning the sign i don't know how maybe I got really wrong meaning of this sign but the problem is we chatted a couple  of days ago with a friend of Ale and we were on the road with a motorcycle  and we sent to him a couple of pictures   and he said it's nice and i sent him cool bikers i sent him this sign and i really don't want to think what  he got i mean can you wait for me? Should women always follow you? Three steps behind me on the left is it only three stars hotel? Really? wow but it looks awesome for free stars so now we finally found the famous place  from the Gladiator movie exactly this road   exactly this road was in the movie and   we took a lot of pictures here  it's amazing simply amazing you

2021-07-05 10:57

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