TURKEYOur First Impressions | Adventure VAN LIFE Around the World

TURKEYOur First Impressions | Adventure VAN LIFE Around the World

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For, those of you who have been following our, travels, as we drive around the world you, will know that we are currently self, isolating. Here, in Istanbul. In fact. Today, is day. 26. Of, our, self isolation. So, we want to reiterate, that this, video was. Filmed before. Coronavirus. That actually arrived here in Turkey and, it's. Hopefully. Going to give you a little bit of escapism, for. Those of you who are self isolating. And this, will explain why there is lots of kissing, hugging and, no social distancing. So, sit back relax and, enjoy, this, episode. We're. Actually not, going to come back into an EU country. Until. Hopefully. Until. The end of 2021. Because. Suddenly feels, more real. Lordy. Lordy. So. They slope Oh dat poodle, that we've done free where Europe, is about to pick up pace. As. The, mileage. And stuff gets serious. Stoner. Actually. Just a touch on the insurance. Cost when we came in. It's, probably one of the highest. Countries. It was, 200. Euros. He. Said it was the same price for a month or three months so we thought may. As well get the three months just in cases any border problems with the corona virus and stuff but, yeah two hundred two hundred euros, for, the month is its. Pre-crisis. In the scheme of, insurance. Although I suppose we've spent fifty euros on a week and things like that so I suppose it puts into perspective. But you you have to buy these things and, it's just part of our. Travel. Expenses, which. You'll be able to read about this. Next planet you. Will they, will start with ich what 200, euros. I'll. Be down there. It's, very hard to fight a bit of parking, at the moment. This. Is a bit tight in here. He's sure about us. Okay. I reckon. It's gonna be something. Oh my. God. There's, no parking anywhere. Oh mrs.. Fisher, keep. Slowly. I'm, not sure we're gonna find parking, around here we've. Seen a mobile, shop but, I'm not sure about the parking, it's. Definitely. Rammed. Maybe. One up to par come walk in I'm not sure. Boulder. Get, in there. Okay. Hello. Find. A little car part we're just gonna see. Hi. We need one hour really. Want you to buy SIM card from mobile phone. So. We need one hour for parking, just to walk. Contrived. In love. It's. A little bit crazy he's gonna going fine he's gonna move this car, so. We can park but. I don't actually know the exchange rate which. Doesn't help so we. Are in Turkey, and. We. Are going to go and have a little look around the town and see if we can find a sin and some, Wi-Fi. Who. Is a bit crazy driving around town but it's all good I took. Telecon, there. That, is really good we did they said that this. Internet, just on the other side here one, of the problems, we've got is we don't actually know, how many, how. Much local, currency, it is to the to, the pound because normally, we look that up while we've got internet but we don't at the moment. So. We're gonna go and, find. Some Wi-Fi, and then. We'll. Go back and. Then. We would know how much what we're dealing with there's a few shops there to compare prices. Oh. Oh. So. What we've done is we've come into an internet, cafe because we have no idea. Rookie. Mistake whenever you cross the border and you don't have any data you, should always know the currency otherwise we'll go to the mobile shop we won't actually know how much we're, spending on. A SIM card which. Is a really crazy thing. So. We figured out that it's actually eight, to. The pound so.

Now We know what we're dealing with good. Job. This. Is with Maya. This. Comic was. You, got more oh oh. No, SIM cards what, the honking no. You. Don't come back. Don't, let your map, how. Good is this food look, oh so. Nice. This. Be. Ha ha. Jack came up. How. Nice, does black like Turkish. Food a seriously good amazing. Lips, we got some over, jeans good. And. Some, I don't know what that is what is it. It's. Like a buffet. What. Is it I, don't. Know looks like it looks like design.you but it's. And. Then we got some sausages. With potatoes, rice. And it comes with bread, amazing. And. Then automatically. At the end of the meal, we, got tea. He's very good guys. Only. Been in Turkey for about an hour and a half it's, all good, well. That was a seriously. Good lunch. And. Great. First impression, here in Turkey. You know. Thank. You very much thank, you, so. We just went back to the Vodafone shop, and, the. Prepaid sims have run out so there isn't any simps the. Very strange so, he's given us directions to another one so we found another, oh look, we're gonna have a photo of the photo, Instagram. Okay so. We have managed to find another, page. So. Yeah. We've managed to find, a prepaid, SIM, card 20 gig which will last us a few days before we get to Istanbul, all, good and these lovely ladies here are looking after us. So. Now he's hospitality. We've only been in for a couple of hours and we're, having coffee in the. So. We've arrived back to, Trudy, all. Is good and the parking, was like 60. P for a couple of hours on the guy looked after our van for us what, an amazing place the. Ladies, in the in. The. Vodafone shop, really looked after us the guy in the restaurant the carpark, first. Impression, of Turkey, really. Really good, so. Now we're gonna go off and find, somewhere to sleep for the night because. It's about half-past three because we've gone forward an hour so. Yeah, bedtime. Whichever. One you want. This, guy. My, god, is AB it's fine. Yeah, about two inches. That's a bit tight. Second. Right he said. It's. Not that one. Next. One, next. One nearly. Went the wrong way down a one-way road, until. The guy from the carpark well all the cars are facing, the way that it says Chicago and, there's, another one coming so. I'm really confused but there you go. What. I can't believe is is actually 22. Degrees, we've gone from being quite cold in Bulgaria, and it's, 22, degrees. Amazing. So. We've headed out of the town probably, for about just about, 15. 15. Minutes south and. We. Found this really cool park, there's. There's, a few cars and people coming out for picnics and stuff, but. Yeah, it's really nice, there's. Bins, lose. So. Yeah we're gonna stay here for. The night recoup, and then. Probably start, slowly. Heading. Towards, Istanbul. But. Yeah today's been a big a big. Relief getting into Turkey without, any problems, and. All. This good we've. Broken up our first morning in Turkey. And the. Weather has, taken. A turn for the worse it's raining. It's. The first bit of rain we've had for ages actually, so. It's one of those things today what do we do if. We, stay still and make videos, we're. Not really generating, any electric, from the solar. So. Raining, is good to drive from, a. Electric. Perspective. But. It's also a good opportunity to. Get some video editing done, for. Our next vlog for you guys and. So we're probably going to do it a bit of both we're going to do a bit of video editing and, then maybe we'll drive, a little bit what. Your I can love. Albania. Albania. Yeah. We're about for. Those of you that want to know we're probably about 10, days to two weeks behind. On, the videos. So. They're almost life is pretty good but. Yeah it's. A it's a. Pretty gray. Day. Out there today. Good. Morning from Turkey. We. We. Spent the day here yesterday I match to get another video made, because it was raining, and this. Morning, we have woken up in the trees, it's.

Stopped, Raining. It's, a little bit cold it's not as warm as I thought it was gonna be here in Turkey. But, today we, are going to go, exploring. And we're heading. To. Istanbul. Yep. Who would have ever thought you'd. Hear us say we're, driving, to Istanbul. Exciting. I can't, wait Istanbul. Has always been one of those countries that, I've. Wanted to go and visit and are, hopefully we're going to hook up with those guys. The Turkish guys that we met, in. Montenegro. Look. Who we found. Is. The guys from Turkey we met in Bosnia. So. Exciting. Rachele. Ago today. Man. Right. I. Would. Ever have said let's, drive to Istanbul. It. Doesn't actually feel like we're in Turkey, because when. You look around, it. Looks like autumn, back home lots. Of leaves bull. Trees, it's. A little bit chilly. My. Friend, say. It's really nice we're parked up in the woods and then I thought should. Be panicking should, be going what are you doing parked up in the woods but. It's been a really lovely it's been quiet here look nobody, around, it's. Been really, nice and. But. Time has come to move on, so. Yeah yeah we're gonna go to Istanbul. Baby. It's. Kipling oh yeah we've, actually got, a checklist that, I made. Called. Our pre-flight, checklist, and. One of the things on the checklist is, clean, windscreen. Before. Driving ready. For filming and the. Funny thing is Maryann, laughed at me when I made the checklist. The. Funny thing is that, since, we've left we, haven't looked. So. I apologize. It the windscreens, been really dirty it's because we didn't read the list. So. One of the things that always makes me laugh is Maryann starts, the van gets. Ready to drive and, then I go where are we going and then. She's like I don't know like. Well. We need to put something in there in the maps, me otherwise where we going. No. You. Put it in already. So. We found we've got a GPS, of. A place in, Istanbul. We've. Actually managed, to find somewhere, hopefully, secured. Parking, campsite. Thing which. You have to pay for but in a city for security, purposes, it's always worthwhile. It's. Got electric, free laundry all the services of a temple. And. Also. In. Turkey, we. When we cross the border a gentleman, very kindly said when. You go on the motorways. Make. Sure you buy the toll. Pass from. The booth before you cross, the cameras, of the ways you'll get fined so, we're going to learn. About that today and we'll expand, on that a bit later on, so. Right let's, go to Istanbul. I wanna close my eyes, and go back play. It in my mind. The. Others, - yeah we, were happy, and pretend, care, not, nobody. Felt, like we. Used to be so strong that. Picture-perfect, sky now look. So great cold. Istanbul. It's, a lot greener than, I expected, I think. Because. Turkey is a real sort. Of holiday. Destination. I expected, it to be, probably. Hotter and drier maybe. In the South otoki because it's a huge country but. Yeah lovely, green, farming.

Fields, Here in the north of Turkey. So. First refuel, in Turkey, let's. Go and figure this out. No, the only thing we're trying to work out is the. Two. Paid for the ATS can find it. In. The red. Look. At tables. Writing. HS. And then, you can buy that. On. The road. Sam. You got we got the turkey sticker there already. We're. Going to Istanbul, today you know exactly. No. We, have three, friends. And. We're gonna meet them in Istanbul, and they're gonna show us Istanbul, so, that was very nice the gentleman just explained, to us that actually we can buy. The. Pass for the motorways. Just, before the toll booths or you can do it online so no need to panic so. Thank. You. Peanuts. Everybody, in Turkey is just so nice. It's. Amazing, so. The price there is really good it's like. 572. For a liter of diesel which. Is it's, eight to the pound. It's. Probably like 60, 70 P, so, it's definitely, the cheapest, fuel since. We've left I'm like. In Turkey and. The. Sun has come out. Beautiful. Very well planned we're heading to Istanbul, in the sunshine, I. Can't. Believe how nice that guy was just buying us a bag of peanuts. And. It. Was cheap so, we got half a tank for. 28. And. He gave us the expensive, diesel did, he yeah we didn't have the cheap one we had the expensive, one, that's. Amazing, 28, pounds, okay. Although the insurance. Was 200 euros and driving. On the road in Turkey is definitely, cheaper. They've. Got like these police cars which. Are made of like carport. They're, not actually real police. Cars it's, really strange but it definitely gets your attention and makes you slow down. Please. Don't go through the red light he's coming through the red light he's. Just gone through the. Red light. There's. Them steering wheels on the wrong side. Is that good is that good. I'm. Not sure I hopefully, in. Italian. And Greek or maybe maybe. They've just realized, that we're actually nuts. The. Thing about using Maps me and putting. Avoid tolls, as. You do. Come down some. Very, funny. Little roads. We. Should have just taken the motorway really but I guess this, way you do get to see. The. City and life on life here in Turkey, and. You get lots of people waving at you by the side of the road which is always quite fun.

Because. The steering wheels on the wrong side is confusing, them one, of the things when using maps May is just take it as a rough guide because, it, does try like I said before to. Take you down one-way roads, and it. Wanted us to go down a road with, those. Bollards. That shoot up, to. Stop you going down so one yeah. Just, follow the general flow. Of traffic. Even. If it's busy like it is today and keep. An eye on, keep. An eye on the map there is it's. A newer version of Trudy. And. Look the the. Fake police cards, even have flashing, lights on them very. Cool. Very good way of slowing traffic down. So. It looks like he's taking a wrong turn so, he's gonna reverse back onto the motorway. As. You do. There. Is somebody just. Reversing. Down the motorway. Like. Halfway, on the slow lane that's, just mental. Absolutely. Mental. Okay. Have you locked her so. We've just got some change we're gonna get Trudy a bit of a wash, first. Wash actually, since Austria. We. Actually carry a broom with it it's, really useful. If the car washes don't have like, brushes, because they don't all, and. Then I use the the brushy bit for the dustpan, like. Cleaning out the van. Whoops, we left the broom in the garage so we're going back this. Way. The. Excitement, of watching the van was too much. We. Can see the see again. It's. Just over there that is right at the top of the bed. We're, about 35. Miles from Istanbul. Don't. You drive it down through Turkey you see by the side of the road these little stands, with converted, vans that you can see behind, us and. We just thought we. Have an enemy lunch. Oh. My. God. Shredded. Chicken maybe, and chili nice. Some, chitti's on the table. Marecus. 1/8. Thank, you. Chicken. Rice with. Some pickled chilies, makes. A good little spot for lunch in it. Turkish. Style nice. Good, job, the. Van actually, behind me in the backs converted, so, it's got like. Two tables, of four inside, so people can go inside and, eat their lunch inside it's like a little mini portable restaurant, what a cool idea I've never seen that before of you that. Was great nice. Little snacky lunch one pound job, together. Mercy's. Right. There I, can. See I. Can see, the sea. So. We're arriving in Istanbul. And, we're just going over the waterway, and, you. Can see the city skyline on the hills above us so yeah, not far to go at all now, we. Made it to, Istanbul. The main and, really. Welcome. To Van life, Istanbul. If. You see all the cargo. Ships. It's. A really nice drive down the south with this damn bowl here and. We've. Only got about five. Minutes, until, the. Spot. We found for parking, we think. Turkish. Coffee. Welcome. Aboard this. Treads, the global flight to Istanbul. Drivetime, today is about three hours. Your. Pilot, today is Mary. Ann. Your. Turkey you speak chicken. Join. Us on the next episode. As we, get lost in Old Town Istanbul. Meet. Up with some new friends and explore. This wonderful city.

2020-04-20 03:28

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