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Say. Hi. Hey guys welcome back to, turkey. So, i've got my new museum, card. And, i'm with. I'm with julio. And his friends. And we just came to. Ephesus. Oh my god. So today i'm going to show you guys the. Touristic. City, of ephesus. It's ancient. I've already been here like three times. And. We're gonna go to some other places, we're with halil's, friends and they're visiting from istanbul. And stockholm. So, yeah, i'm gonna try not to vlog, myself, with the, sun. The sun directly overhead. But. Yeah guys let's. Go. Let's go up let's see what it looks like. Oh cool, yeah there's a very big title, area. Nice, guys so this is the, buleterion. If i'm saying that correctly. And. That's where we were. Just walking, and this is where they would have contests. And. Any kind of. Concert. Okay. Guys so this is enormous. But this is the temple, of hadrian. And i'm guessing. If you can see, that's patreon. It's. Amazing. Look at the. Architecture. On this in the design. Here, toilets, are in. Here. So guys. Any guesses. What these were. These, are the old, toilets. So these were the toilets. And as far as i know. These were only for kind of the wealthy, and. These canals, under here used to have like. Water running. So. Guys these are literally. 2 000 year old toilets. You know when you clean yourself after for sure. Like a small bathing suit, population. Poop and. I'm vlogging, this. Look at them look at them. There's something magical, about cats hanging out at. An, ancient, ruin, you know, it's like do you know where you are. Do you know, we paid money to get in here and you're in here for free. Are you eating pretzels. Yeah. Yes sir you're so cute. Hey guys so i'm, currently. Oh my god my makeup, is, melting. Guys. It's the middle, of july. In turkey. It is so, hot. But. I'm on the opposite side of the library, like i'm technically. Inside, the library, at the moment. And, now. We are gonna go. And. Check out the port. Sorry i look like a hot mess, but. We are gonna go check out the port, which is down here. Where we just came in was from down there. And then we'll go to the. Amphitheater. Look at these, amazing. Ornate. Details. In. The. Roof. So now we've exited, the library, we've come through these doors, and, this, area. Was apparently. The. Bazaar. So i guess it's where you could come. And sell, all, your goods. So guys this is the amphitheater. Unfortunately. Half of it is being restored, so we can't really see but. That's the. Center area. That would have been the. Sort of wall. And. Amphitheater. Okay guys so we just came to the, exit.

Of, Um. A pesos, but now we're gonna go to the bathroom really quickly. Then we're gonna go to the graveyard. Then we're gonna go to the. Mary's. Church. And look oh my god i'm so, sweaty, so. Sorry i'm not filming, myself, more as i talk but. I am red and sweaty, and melting. And, i don't know if i mentioned it's summer in turkey, and it's really hot but. It's summer and turkey, and. It's really hot. Okay guys so this, is, the. Church. Of mary. It's obviously destroyed, but it was, really big. So i'm gonna try and show you. It goes back back back that's how big, it used to be you have to kind of imagine. So this is all destroyed, but this it was the entrance. Then we have, this area. Now we're going to go back and i'm going to show you more, so i'm guessing this was the altar. Area. And again if anyone has any more information, about it than. Me, feel free to write it in the comments but this was like, the center, and then it would go down. As you can kind of imagine. And then it just went down. Down. Down down down it was really huge. Okay, so we have this huge basin. I have no idea, what it was used for, so this is the end, of the church, and we just walked, from there, so you can see all the way back. There. Is the. Altar that we just came in from. I'm gonna go out on a limb here. And guess that this. Was for baptisms. What do you guys think, baptisms. I'm guessing that giant basin we saw was also used for baptisms, but maybe this was for like. Adult, ones where you could step in. I'm not sure so i cannot eat with potatoes. Like two dry. Oh, pregnant. Cats. Little babies are. Coming. Hey guys so, we, currently. Are, walking. To. The, cave, of zeus. Um we left a face, and we drove for about an hour. And so now. We are walking to the cave of zeus. Which i've never seen before. And apparently. It has, a, water, spring, inside. Which. Possibly. Zeus. Bathed in. I don't know let's see. Oh my god. Okay guys so this is the cave of zeus. People are swimming, and apparently. Like i said maybe, zeus, swam. Here. Okay guys, welcome, back, we are in, another location. So we left. Zeus's, cave. And now, we are actually. At the beach, so. The water, is there we're in kusadasu. Which is a city like an hour. Outside of izmir. And we're gonna go swimming. Um, we're at milipark, which is like a national. Park you just pay a little money to get in. And then. You can swim. And also this place has kind of. The forest, you can hear like the.

Insects. And we're just gonna change here. And then we're going to go swimming. And then we're going to go to, shooting, day and then we're going to go to cheshire. Okay, guys so. We all just like, jumped, into the, water. Which, was, so great because, um. We were so hot from walking around ephesus. And, the, cave of zeus. So we all just jumped into the water and it's freaking gorgeous, it's the aegean. Sea. So. Oh, this really nice way to like cool off. Guys by the way, these are actually, greek, islands, i think this is samos, if i'm not mistaken. And we're so close to greece, that. I had to turn my cell phone data off, because, it was picking up the. Data from greece. Actually. I'm so red. I just realized, how red i am, hey guys. Welcome. To. Shooting, jay, i just realized, how, red. Uh burnt, i got at the beach, but. We just arrived, in schulenje. This was actually. Khalil and i came here in january, and i already vlogged that in winter. But we're here again. And this is like. A really nice. Mountain, area. And they sell a lot of wine. And they make their own. Homemade, wines, and i don't really drink alcohol, but. I think hello's, friends are going to get some. I. Want to get some turkish delights, because last time we came here. We tried some, amazing. Turkish delights they were literally, the most delicious turkish, lights i've ever had in my life right baby. Guys look so they're selling these kind of homemade. This is molasses. The blue, and blackberry, molasses. And all these preserves. This is thyme. Looks like orange. Reserves. Any, i'm looking if there's anything i want to buy. Oh. You like, it. Guys these are turkish, delights, this one was. Blackberry. Mulberry, turkish delight. They're so, good. This guy keeps just giving them. These are all, turkish delights i'm going to buy some, money, i think i'm going to buy this one which one, you want to buy, uranium. Guys this is the same shop but they have all these spices. Amazing, it smells, so good all these fresh spices. They've got like, jasmine, tea. Jasmine. Um. The whole flower, you can make tea with, saffron. Is. Guys this is sage. All these spices. And. Oh guys, people are doing their wedding pictures, look they just got married. Doing their wedding pictures, here. It's so cute this is a really good place to get wedding pictures. Actually. Guys there's a nice view. And we're going into. The. Church area so this is the courtyard. And this is really old. Can you hear me again. Can you hear me. This is a church. This is the courtyard. And it's really touristic. Now but. Oh sorry, the ice cream oh my god.

All Kinds of. Sounds, but anyway guys. This, is the old. Church. Okay i got burnt i obviously, got burnt this is what i get for not wearing, oh my god. I'm so red. This is what i get for not wearing. Sunscreen. Again. Guys do you remember in my last sharon j vlog i bought socks from this place. And i love them they're my favorite. Socks. Guys we came to another, church. Wow. Look at that view. So this is the old. Old church. And. Oh, it's really. Pretty. Is that jesus spam i don't think that's jesus. It doesn't look like jesus. No that's not jesus. That doesn't look like. Jesus. Okay guys we're at the last place before we go to chechmay. And it is a, wine, shop so i'm going to show you all the wine. They're trying all the, wine. Choke no this is good. Which one did you guys try. Your salsa. I should also, you can mix. White. In this. Village. So, all that we ended up getting was. This. Turkish delight, like a half kilo of this turkish, delight which is so. Good and fresh, and then we got this, it's a mix of like. Sage. Um. Melissa. Jasmine. Chamomile. And then this is melissa. Tea these are both teas but we are gonna burn them, we burn them at our house so that we can like. You know purify, the energy, and, all that hippie. And there's no sugar now. They will see. Again. This is going to be a montage. For this is like one one difference, in swedish, breakfast, is that instead of having the butter in the honey we have the butter on the side, you put the butter on the bread, and then you have stuff. Oh my god that looks, nice. Yes. Always been known to make you know. Um. Hey guys good, morning. So we are in cheshire. We arrived, last, night. And. Actually. It was too dark when we arrived. To actually film anything. So we just ate at a restaurant, and walked around a little. And then we went to bed so there was nothing, interesting, last night anyway, but, today. We are currently, at. A castle. So we're checking out this castle i really don't know the history, about it yet but. I will try to show you guys and i'll show you the view. Okay so i just read this and apparently. This, cannon. Was found in 1770. In a sunken. Russian. Ship, from, um, the ottoman. War. So it was there there was a sea war between the ottomans, and the russians. And they found this cannon, after. Which is really cool actually. Ottoman, russian, naval. War hall. Ooh. Oh wow. Cool. Oh my god so there's some. Like historical. Coins, wow. 790. A.d. Those, copper, coins are from it's from solid, raw. Copper. Wow. Nice. Oh. Oh my god. An eagle. Eagle's, foot and a key. What. It's really beautiful. Army officer, sword, and scabbard. 18th, century, recovered, from shipwreck, off coast of. Cheshire. Oh my gosh, it's really beautiful. What. That's amazing. So guys this, is the, um minaret. Kind of the mosque. Part of the castle. And if you walk. Down, here. Wait a minute i will show you. There's a little, area. To do, namaste. Like. The. Muslim. Praying. So they have the little um. Carpet, thing, that they prey on. Five times a. Day. Interesting. Guys we just came to one of the watchtowers. Look at this aerial, view. The. Whole. It's a really cool. Castle. So. Guys, there's some archaeological. Like. Dishware. From the 4th, century, bc. 6th century to 4th century bc. Check it out oh my god look how teeny tiny, what what did you even put in this. Really though. Oh my god. So beautiful. Look at that. So beautiful. Look how old, these are. Look at that that's so amazing. Oh my god. Wow. First. First, century, and that's a mistake. First. Century. Third century, a.d. Wow. That is so cool. Look at that. Oh my god that is amazing. Some oil lamps. Look at these little oil lamps, oh my god. Cool. These ones are a little bit um. Newer. What number nine is look at the jewelry. Oh my god look at that, jewelry. Hey guys do you remember yesterday, in cushida. I pointed out there was a greek island. Well now we're in cheshmate, and there's kyos. Which is another, greek island which, we're really really close to. So, this is kind of cheshma's. City center like this is kind of the main street, and there's a bunch of bars, and cafes, there. And last night we went and it was totally, packed, people were drinking, beer.

Just Staying out late, having fun. And then. We just had breakfast. Somewhere around here at like a seaside, restaurant. And then. The marina. Is somewhere over here like, where you can. Hop on a boat and go, to. The greek island, this one not mistaken.

2020-08-01 00:43

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