Travel with Doug & Narelle to Eastern Canada & USA in 2019

Travel with Doug & Narelle to Eastern Canada & USA in 2019

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Hello. And, welcome to Holiday World TV, and my, name is Noel Lewis and my, husband and I have been here at some Manta Bay for. Over, 23. Years now and what, we do is we love to, travel and so, do all of our clients, and one. Place that's very special, to our heart is Canada, and Alaska, and, I know that that's on a lot of people's bucket lists maybe it's on your bucket list and today, I just like to talk to you about the evergreen product introduce. You to that it's, a fabulous product, where. You get to see the wonderful sights of Canada and, Alaska and, I must say Canada we have to be one of the most beautiful countries that I've ever visited and certainly. The word that I use with regard to the Rocky Mountains, is. Gobsmacked. And. Hopefully that you feel that, way too when you get your chance to go on your holiday over lifetime what. They have are tours, of the west coast so, that you can see that Rocky Mountains, beautiful, Lake Louise just. Whistler. Gorgeous. Places. To visit very, scenic and beautiful and, then, combine, that with a cruise through, to Alaska, to see the wonderful places and. Beautiful. Animals otters whales. Lots. Of other things beers. What. We are doing this year is. We've put together a tool for next year so. That you can come along with us to the East Coast because that's certainly an area that not everybody, gets a chance to visit and, if you've been to the west coast then. Certainly, going the East Coast is a wonderful opportunity for you what. We have is a tour that starts in, Boston. Goes. Up through tech, to tonight I grow Montreal, and then back to New York that's very briefly, what it is but, what I'd like to do is pass you over we've, done a video podcast, with. Amanda, from evergreen tours and she'll, explain all about this, wonderful product and about Canada. Hi. Ladies and gentlemen thanks, for having me as they all said my name is Amina I've. Been working with the immigrant, in the state group for. 17. Years now so I'm, going to talk, a little bit about our, North. American product, so our Canada. Eastern. Canada group departure, bleach Toronto is taking next year and, also. Living. Around some. Of the other options of the offer on the west coast so throughout the rummies I'm, going to go through just, a, little bit about the immigrant experience so, what we include and what sets us apart it's, a small different I'm. Going to talk a little bit about the, your, advisor so these aren't unique experiences. That we include in the cost of our tool is so they're already. In. Their, itinerary, for you that's will be a little bit unique and, set. The ITA, apart from if you're doing it yourself and. Some. Of they are discovering, more experiences, so we their degree we do like to give you in a free time as well so whilst you're.

Over. There we do include site scene but also free, time in a lot of the courts and the counseling. Because it but. You also have the option to add on and do more as well. Discover. More experiences. And. Candor, or less going out East Coast itineraries. And. A. Little bit about without Italy been ill be bitterly, good call my office. Some of these exclusives, yeah they're coming along. As. You know there's lots of touring options available to you so in North America, now some of you a little bit overwhelming, around the option we were just talking tonight about some, of the different operators that are out there hopefully. This afternoon I think they help give, you some, information or help you make a bit more but a clearer, and easier decision. This. One I'm going to say it's called favor. Race, favor basically, means, the. Anticipation. Of wanderlust so this. Is a I, guess, you know don't you the trouble it really, feels everyone with excitement. Why. Dude emigrate well we have fully, escorted tours with our local. And experienced. - directors they are supported. By our Canadian. Based operations, team so just based in. The Fairmont, Hotel in Vancouver so we've, got some experts. On the ground there to help out with the entire program. We, include, the must-see so, included. As I said is in each town we have T or. C that we visit we've got some sightseeing. Some, of them are see such as the beautiful butchart gardens that, you see here and. You. Know we do spend a few hours at this beautiful location where, you get to wander, through the different Gardens this is the Sun King girl this is Laura Sullivan, there's. A Japanese gardens which is mind-blowing, that's beautiful, so. Lots of local treasures so you wouldn't even know, existed. Unless. You. Experience. During company so we also have, included, in our West Coast Rocky's, arteries, the ice field parkway so, this, is the ice explorer, this. Takes you up onto the aqua basket of Asia and. Those. Coaches. Are a lot larger than the available ice team understand, what this is in one of those wheels so. They're, massive, and. An experience, that a lot of people like. To enjoy here is this, running fresh water, and I'm going we've having an attacking an empty bottle and having, a sip. From the relations in the fresh water which is.

Really. Unique experience it's. Really great earlier. In the season. Later citizen, or turistic, entering, through this so a lot of other companies, may add these on or off this is an extra this is only included within correct so, in, Toronto, we can go to the, top. Of the text and our to get fabulous views across, the city and of. Course, also. We're going into no reforms, of which I'll talk a little bit about. Going. Forward when. You get to taking, the waterfall the safari park above them the way them we. Also, include. As I mentioned city tours so this is beautiful, New York and. This. Is included in our eastern Canada to us which I'll go into a bit more detail as well. So. They also stayed in the heart of the city's so that's something important to think about you do have that free time you've got the option to their just walk straight out of your your hotel. And pretty. Much anything that you like this is on your doorstep you, also got the local tour directors that will be able to give you, you. Know peace its, advice. In using, their experience on, where they suggest you might want to go and see if you've. Got some free time or if you happen on any pre. Or post accommodation. So. Alberto's, are pretty special some of them shows, them for their scenic, location, as well such as the shadow Lake Louise it's, a beautiful property this, is the, Emerald, Lake Lodge which is situated situated. Right on the lake on site. So this is stunning, Emerald Lake we, do have some itineraries that stay there throughout the Rockies and of. Course as I mentioned in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise so, this. Is just you know beautiful. Any time of year if you go during the sort of April May months. It can still be partially. If not completely, frozen so. It over winter period, they do. Have ice skating ice sculpture on the lake then, how'd you go through into June July almost, of course. Melts. In its own beautiful turquoise color that, you see in this picture so it's. A, beautiful, experience and I can't, really show you the. Fairmont, Banff Springs Hotel so this is the castle in the Rockies, she. Is an, iconic, company and, in, Vancouver, we usually stay at the western bait shop so that's right down on the shore of the, harbour. Then, food is one of the most beautiful, cities I've ever seen it's absolutely, stunning with. Harbors and mountains in the background it's, it's it's. Incredible, probably. Is like probably. My favorite city in the world people must have spent a few months there I was very lucky to to, get to take it all in, in. Your we start thinking to Midtown so again. Right. In the heart of the city so essentially, located, and you can get out about easily, to, explore.

Further Afield and. Of. Course nothing no two would benefit without the amazing food so, you. Know about itineraries. We do highlight, what meals are included, for. Be for breakfast which is every day which will be a full buffet breakfast, in most occasions and, you. Also have a lot of lunches, or. As well as a lot of dinners included now we do give you some free time so you've got the option to go out and explore some fabulous restaurants, on your own and, one of the other inclusion, is important, to ever agree all, tipping, and gratuities, are included and that includes. Everything from your porridge, in the hotel so, you don't worry about your bags you barely pick them up to be completely honest they're all abducted for you would take, them from room to the to, the coach and. Also. Restaurants. So when you're meeting in your having. You join the meal one, of the really. Fun things about traveling to North America, is even though what to do but then making. Sure that you go yes right you don't have to worry about any of that it's all included everywhere, we take you you, have already been, included. Upfront so. You've. Done a great job but absolutely, no need, to UM it's already, included, in your fare um, so you're invited, so I spoke earlier about those, unique experiences. So we include, these as, as. Part of your tour, so. There's something that you wouldn't necessarily do. If you're over there so, for example we included, also our visit to our First, Nations, camp and you get to mingle with the locals and, you're going to actually. Experience what it is to. Live. Like them and, they do a bit of a you know how, the musicians, come out into a bit of a show for you as well so we do have notes you know they represent. The aquarium, in Vancouver, and you get to see these fabulous. And. You. Know also one of the other inclusions. That we have is in yer invited evening some cakes we have a fur traders, presentation. Also depending. On where you're going but if, you do go on in Alaska you do have a lot sugar going dog so I think it's one of the most popular, options at. Yet. If you don't want asking crews the complete yet you might have the option to do this it is really popular you. Get to make the dogs in demonstration. As well so, that's. Really cool and. Insane couvreux and depending, on the itinerary there, is a visit to Grouse Mountain so. Grouse mountain is one of the mountain so you get to see from the downtown. Vancouver. City and they've, got to reason definitely but they're all year-round so even if you don't necessarily have, seen any bears out in the wild, which, depending. On the time of year I was lucky enough about times and I went to Robert's to see both black. And brown bears so it. Is that aggressive ethic or Griner and cooler than they've been up there for a long time they're pretty old but they're really great to see over. On the East, Coast we have the this, is in Quebec this is the Sugar Shack so, we visit this which is where they use the maples, I'll show you how they extract the maple from the bacon trees and it'll make the syrup and then they make all the cops and all sorts of sweets out of it so a. Really, delicious way, to spend, the afternoon now, on our itinerary as, well we do include a, visit to everyone, are we doing movies at through Lancaster which, is the world of the Amish for the Amish people there so it's something, a little bit different it's a different way of life and we do include some cruising. As well I'm not going to watch mark reasons we do have our friends at Oceana here, to talk a bit more about us tonight but, we do have itineraries. As well that offered different options, with Alaskan. Cruising now. If you are in the West Coast the Rocky Mountaineer the world one of the world's most famous railway. Journeys. Absolutely. Incredible. Experience. It's. Two full days on the train I cut to how exhausting, it actually is from playing. Ago, like these looking out the window because. It's so much to see it's absolutely incredible it's, pretty special train train, journey it. Is absolutely. Unforgettable, we, very much feel maybe a couple times myself and they, now offer two, different, classes. Of travel. The fabulous gold leaf which is the glass stone that you just saw and. Also, still believe so with, evergreen, week if you do our weather - its most the time including the sillies which has beautiful. Windows sort of all that they curve up but it's not glass all the way, they. Do include, the, meals.

And Beautiful, meals with fresh salmon for lunch for example, that's included, in your seat if. You do upgrade with your traveling in the gold leaf bus it. Really is an. Incredible. Experience it's, so you're. Going to be there it's amazing, there's, a dining underneath. The carriage. And so. They, will take you down at the breakfast, and for lunch I think. Last time I did it breakfast, in gold leaf was someone's - Eggs Benedict, so, what's the tale Xfinity, so it's. Delicious, it's incredible, we're. All about the cute animals, we, don't discover more excursions so as I mentioned before there's the option to add extra touring so, for, any free time or anywhere in that version we see it's highlighted, orange discover. More then you have the option. To add on an extra tour all the additional, prices, for those are listed in the brochures as well in. The very back so there's, a lot of little extras that do such. As being. Throughout. Certain. Areas we've got meet the adults. Like puppies. We. Also include, in Whistler, they're viewing. Expert. His name's Michael Allen and he, he. Has a, loose, after around 70, black days in Whistler I'm, all by name and, generally. Take you out to the best places, to find those days we. Don't think we're sort of lucky to see a bear from my hotel room it's just it's. Under you. Everything. Can, be they're pissed so they have these expert. So. We do have the opportunity the wolves don't sanctuary. As well and. For. The foodies we also have culinary, options as well so in Victoria, for example we have a walk into up through, out some, of the. Local, markets, yep there's, also a foodie towards in Quebec City New, York everyone on this list I'm just going to take you true now just a little bit around degree culinary show you what is included in our East Coast tour in. 2019. As well as just some, of the very, quickly some of the most popular, west coast to us at we do. So. Firstly. Starting with our holiday well and school ship departure, with. Drone Japanese, commences, in Boston, Logan 18th, of May 2019. This. Is these. Puts very different to the West so very European, influence, and obviously that french-canadian. Style. So. We visit. The Quebec Montreal. Downline, house, Washington, in New York what's. A different picturesque, sort of landscapes, lots of different European charm throughout, so starting, in Boston, we. Then traveled to Montreal, Quebec. City in Ottawa before. Heading to the Goodman Toronto, that's. On the map there it shows how many nights we stay in each of the places that we visit in Toronto viventia movies at the CN tower and. You get those spectacular views and also through, Toronto you're going to magnificent. Ia performs. So. We do include a cruise which, was drilling experience, down. Through the inside curve, of Horseshoe, Bay. Falls. As they call them and, this. Is where you get to sort of feel you know the water put a bit pretty wet today. The, tour then continues in Chilean cast us yet spits at the Amish community and, seeing their way of life as I was talking about and, then we're going to, the. Capital to see Washington DC, respect, two nights and then, we have the. Tour concludes in the Big Apple New York for. Two nights there as well and you can obviously option, to extend on those. As. Well if you wish now, you, can do both which, I think they might be something like you, we're doing know me I'll, see you at west coast as well as I went to the East Coast that's what we're doing once it a lot of time experience, obviously, you get to do, the bike the beautiful Rockies alas there and inside by the to the east but. If you're looking at say just a couple of the other arts hearing those talking about so just the the, west coast we've got a 17, day itinerary, that includes, the Rocky, Mountaineer, this one has. A crew that's at visit Seattle. We've. Also got, the, 18. Day off is Explorer so quite, just some different I carries, depending, on the departure, date that suits as well as, perhaps. Your budget and. We. Also offer our ten areas this one we can do without they're working down to me so, the, rocking down to the Evans two days very luxurious way to travel but a dark moment the price Apple mobile a after-party on if.

You're Thinking. Of perhaps you, know exploring. Further afield up into, Alaska we, do have options where you can go into the Alaskan wilderness so right up into the land. As. Well and. We do have opportunity to host cruising as well in. 2019. We're also going to East Coast us alien program, as, you can see here so this one goes from New York right, down into South Carolina so. See. If some of that sticks, out so. We also want to travel with every grant also become a member. Of our Explorer. Club so you will have, access to. Now. A magazine, newsletters, offers special, deals and, before. You travel with us the more on options. And offers, and product, that you actually get, and, for our special officers everyone loves a deal depending. On the itinerary that you're doing but you do have what we call to finance, their deals so, buy one get one free on. The East Coast to our we do have different, offers so on the group departure, the airfare inclusive, rate is written on the flyer so. The. Team the kimono can be explained to a, little, bit more around those inclusions, but, we have to. Find airfare deals we, have. Discounts. If you're not clear, about your own affairs, we, can do upgrades the course to Premium Economy and business class, the. Flight from Sydney to me in Korea is that 15 hours 48 hours nowadays so. If you've got yeah, an option. To upgrade then, there's certainly, so. Much availability. Where to go and, we have solo traveler, offers also so. So. As a Mitchell we've just covered off so a little bit about every thank, you very much to my delight to bring, this subscribe to you, well. Thank you for listening right, to the end to, our video podcast for. Canada, and I'm hopefully, that you've stayed, to the end because it's so excited, about the adventures, that you might have for, your next holiday of a lifetime, probably. The best thing now is to call, in and grab a brochure from us well give us a call with the details down below and, we're really looking forward, to helping you with your next Canada, and USA, holiday, of a lifetime.

2018-08-29 22:25

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