Travel With A Goat | Episode 2 [HD] | Insight TV

Travel With A Goat | Episode 2 [HD] | Insight TV

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We. Are in the middle of now I. Have. No idea who I'm gonna meet what, animal you're gonna have. If, three days to, bring it to the slaughterhouse. We. Do have the toys to save it in the end. British. Host and writer Stefan gates is waiting, for Canadian actor and influencer, julinho, key they're, about to embark on an adventure through the dramatic, highlands of Peru in South America. The, reason I wanted to do this show was the, same reason that anyone goes on that venture is to find out about yourself and earth and find out about the world around you and how you fit into that world Julie and Stefan have never met. It's. Quite, strange meeting a, complete, stranger in the, middle of some poverty-stricken, village, in, the middle of the Andes in Peru, I've. Never been in this situation before. It's. Very interesting, to, meet a stranger. And to go on an adventure together, we, don't know anything about each other yeah here we go catch. Your minds. Hey. It's. Me. So. Beautiful. The. Only information they've been given is that they need to pick up an animal from a local Shepherd named Octavio, Puma, before, leading it through a butcher, who will prepare it for the dinner table, unless Julie. And Stefan unanimously, decide to keep it alive so, I'm Steph I'm. From London. Hello. I'm Stefan. You how, to catch how, to make a fine, house, it Coon Stefan. Is AG astronaut he's written several books about extraordinary cooking, and has presented a number of TV shows mostly. For the BBC. Well. I'm from Canada I'm from Toronto and I, make youtube videos I, make food videos I make sketch comedy videos, now let's talk about food. Julie, is known as an online food, and travel host and almost 50,000. Subscribers enjoy. Her weekly comedy videos on YouTube don't do it don't you lick it don't, you lick it, both. Foodies eat meat on a daily basis, but, will they have the heart to lead an animal to the slaughter after. They've had time to bond with them my. Default is a, hundred, percent I would save the animal there's no way, I could go through with that obviously, not I love. Animals, grew up with pets grew up with dogs I just. Don't think I could get my hands dirty like that so, I stepped into this project pretty clear on my mind that if I can eat, meat I should, be able to slaughter so I'm pretty certain that any. Animal I've been given I will, be able to send it to slaughter without, too. Much pain you, know with respect. Octavio. Puma, Octavio. Puma. And. Earnest. And. Octavio. Okay. Anyway. Dan. And she tried though hola um. Octavio. Pumas. This. Way this way sir walking the wrong way okay okay good start, so. Any, is there anything that you won't eat any any meat, that your you. Draw the line at. Pretty. Adventurous like, sometimes you'll hear, you'll. Hear something that you're not used to and you kind of get this like whoa, but. It always ends up like I think, I've had frog and, uh huh, snake and, eel and stuff that you just don't grow up with yeah. Okay. I'll see you guys here. Send. Your puma. Are. You, Octavio. Puma see, ya. You're, not Octavia pure oh you've, been having its own okay. Hey Octavio. Bring him out alright we, celebrated, a little prematurely. Do. You have an animal for us yeah that's. Right very happened, them all for you yeah great. Um can, we see it yes, sure is it your animal it's out on the moor yeah okay, okay. Okay. Can we get it fun yeah. Okay, should we go, yeah excellent this way. You. See live scene. When. I first found out our animal was gonna be in our pocket I was really. Confused, I was absolutely. Absolutely. Adamant. In my mind it was gonna be a guinea pig, sort.

Of I got myself ready for guinea, pig and our packer was. A, whole different world he's got these big, deep, eyes with enigmatic. And sort. Of cute, so, I have to say I'm slightly, confused about where I stand now this, isn't big. Well. Maybe a little pig lips maybe we'll just grab grab, grab a small one I'm running, okay. Fine alpaca meat for me is foreign. I've never had, it before I've never tried it before but it kind of makes sense to me that a large animal in a small village that you can kind. Of raise. Us livestock, even make sense that you can eat it. Happy. You happy it when Octavia, pointed, out Xavier. There. Was a kind of lurch in my stomach because that's. When it suddenly becomes real and I was like this is gonna be impossible, can. We get one of the old ones can, we get an old one who's like lived a good life and it's just like struggling. To survive and, it's ready to see the end of his days yeah, we choose it a beer because, you, at the. Is. Ready. You. Want younger, yeah, that is the good, one, okay. And so so, what we are going to do is only 12 to say goodbye to our alpaca. Up to our a beers in, the coca leaf is I was important. Ingredient, to do this it was, just. She's. Going to bless their alpaca, okay. To. Measure if we did that for every single time. You wanted a quarter pounder with cheese, it's. Just feel it but it's such a crazy thing because it did it felt so respectful. We. Are going to. Octavia. Tell us what we need to know water maybe, twice a day, twice a day water he's eating, normally, if they will food this alpha alpha alpha, yeah, okay. Ready. - okay. Let's. Go okay, yeah you hope to bring to Cuzco Julie. And Stefan have three days to bring Xavier, from Wacha huazi to the city of Cuzco roughly. A hundred kilometers, to the south where. He will be slaughtered unless. They both agree to spare his life you. Would be sending him to slaughter anyway, even, if we one day yeah everybody's, going one day all of them there, one day to page dr. hammer there is this rush of guilt at, the same time Octavia was really good because he said you know we, would choose this animal it's at the right age to be slaughtered you know we would do that every year we'll, take three animals every year and this, is one of them so this, was gonna happen anyway. Yeah. Right hearing, that the animal has to be slaughtered yeah I can process that I think, I keep replaying in my mind what, it's actually gonna look like when I get there and that's. A, whole. Other story. I think this journey is gonna be I'm. Just gonna go back and forth and back and forth it's gonna be a mind boggle okay so we're. Going to Cusco what do you recommend I, recommend is. To go to, Kalka you, have to walk to go from, there you, can take local, transport, to come. This. Weekend, all. Right. Looks. Like he's got his back he's really concentrating that's what I do when I take a pee do you really, concentrate yeah, it's. Like watching a baby take his first steps, I'm.

Not Enjoying it as much as you are and frankly. It's. A little strange a bit creepy. I'm. Quite proud of him Julie Stephan and Javier walk towards, the village of la res where they hope to catch a bus to the town of Calca, their target destination for, the day. So. Do you have kids, yep, one, big fairy white knight oh yeah, two, girls. What. Ages they're 13, and 15 oh wow. Teen. Girl is. In trouble. Today. Are. They meat eaters do you guys yeah in the head oh yeah yeah, real meaty date time yeah we make our own salami. And, oh my, gosh we, get, their hands deep, into into, meat, and blood and it's amazing, that you and I like, beating the meat eaters that we are are, so, careful around this creature. Where I live more, than happy to like go to the grocery store. Know. Its name nobody. Did a ritual, our alpaca, is awesome. You walk a little bit he's right behind you give him a little bit of grass he loves it he's your best friend he is super docile really. Friendly easy. To love oh god here. We go this. Is gonna be impossible I'm. Hoping, that that doing this makes, meat, eating that much more special because, you realize, what gets into it you realize that you, know the emotional journey that you ought to go on yeah, if you're gonna beat it if you're gonna eat a steak. You should be here, you should be prepared to kind of empathize a little bit with you can't empathize with a cow, but you know usually I understand. So. We set off from, Octavia's house down. The Inca Trail through. The valleys and you've. Got these beautiful. Hillsides. Just piling. Down from on high these you know absolutely. Vertiginous, mountains. Coming, down with this gentle, grass all over it absolutely. Stunning. He's choosing a strange right he's got the rope, around, his neck kind of just. You know yeah they're. Stinky. Camel. Oh yeah. Bad. Smells. Okay. Hmm. No. In the no in the muck. It's. Been pretty docile hey, this whole way yeah there's are you thirsty bud, what. Ugh wha I know, okay well I tried. Look. At this oh. My. Gosh this is so cool, camo. Hereand, I just. Love giving them secret snack yeah, exactly like me this snack giver yeah. That. Way we can be best buds, would. You ever eat a dog. Yeah. If it been raised right yeah. So. When you say if it had been raised right like not as a pet uh, just. Well just, so they've been looked. After properly haven't, been abused. Yeah that, slaughter Elfi, have you eaten a dog reform. The. Otto. Boosts, what, the bus at abuse. Okay. Otto. Boosts for. You. Say, no. Oh no. See we. Can wait for the next one do. You think we could take. No. You. See we can't take the I'll pack on the bus. You. Have a buggers, do. You eat them. Like. You eat them yeah, yeah is. It good yeah, so, we get two ladders and we've got to get to Kalka we know we do we know that there's public transit available, but, the, act of actually getting and I'll pack on public transit, turns out it's a little harder than, than. Just asking. Right. We better hang out and wait. For the next bus and then how are you gonna negotiate and. Get in I'll pack on the bus smoking, mom. You're. Getting a little close for comfort. You. Can smell it. You. Another two, minutes. Piss. Off. Careful. Careful careful. Sorry. I, don't. Speak Spanish. So, we're, not gonna film this guy great okay that's it there's one behind straight that's gonna try these guys here oh okay. Yeah yeah. That looks great. Then you, go. To Kalka. And. Oh. My, gosh it actually happened, we actually got on a bus we. Ended up negotiating with. His bus driver he was totally cool about it got, her buddy on the bus, no. Trouble, and we, took the ride. So. Weirdly enough he, seems to be quite comfy here yeah, it's, good on the good. On the winding road surprisingly. Wisemon I am but, I'll call it smelly yeah. Once you're in a small space with him, stinky. He doesn't like the corner. That's. Better. Right, here, perfect. Amazing. Okay awesome. Okay. Okay. Okay. I got him. Okay I. Got. You good job good job. Yeah. So, we've, come down from quiet quite, a height down to calcio, yeah so I guess it, was nice and cold, a little bit damp up there yeah so. Much. Do. You wanna hold him yeah I'm aren't you boiling yeah it's. Like beautiful. So. We get into Kalka it's beautiful, really cool bustling town but we're starving, and I was kind of concerned about Xavier. So I, wanted to give him some alfalfa because that, seems to be his favorite so we head to the market. Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Okay. We're just gonna see access. Many. Potatoes, that go. Look. At the heads now that's quite brutal I don't know I, don't know about this. I don't think we should have him in here though these fair. Yeah. I, think I wasn't comfortable because when. I buy, meat at my grocery store, it is like prepackaged. It is pristine the, beef is bright, red it's like perfectly cut I never ever see it like that you have a point sweet down.

To. Chicken the spaghetti, so. We're. Eating an animal here, this. Was a chicken it's, delicious but it. Would be good to care a bit more I think right, so if we could if I sat down and thought food, about what happened there rather than just stuffing it in my mouth and I think that's. As. A meat-eater deserve, that guilt trip each and every time do. It is that like a. Part. Of eating, meat is that you have to I don't know that's a serious question because I I, totally. Agree with you but another part of me is like god I gotta, live my life like, don't, can't every time I take a bite it I can't but. If you understand, the process then it doesn't have to be a guilt trip it just has to be understanding. The post where, where you've gone so maybe so, it's a respect it's a thankfulness we're not gonna do this all the time just. To. Care I guess just want to be able to think that I've put. Some carrots because that's death I'm sitting there as much as it's like for us but right you know we don't have to eat it I guess you know we could be that bit there yeah, and. And there, would be no pain no moral, issue but, as far as we know I mean. That. Was the purpose of that chicken's, existence. Now we're getting deep oh man. Too, deep for spaghetti, wipe your fingers. Which. Way we go. That's, just come. On baby grass, grass, grass grass grass grass grass. So this looks like grass, he can tweet on. This. So. We come around the corner and there's this whole street, full, of greenery. And it's like. Alpaca. Navona and Xavier, just head straight for the biggest part of alfalfa, I didn't even know it was that that was the stuff no. And. Maybe, we should get a big big bowl. This. So 1000 1010 oh you. Got it yeah rosianna oh okay. All. Right should we just get a bundle of stuff, first. Oh. Oh. We have an alpaca, and we were gonna get some, alfalfa. Yeah so, and, Packers. Eat alfalfa yeah yeah so, we're doing our deal for the alfalfa and this, strange guy comes up and I'm thinking what's, going on here. But. We need to, to nerve calcio do. You live here yeah. Not, in, Kalka but in the community. Sansa he's the sweetest gonna do, you know somewhere, where, we can get a room for the night it, might take a packer, tonight. Yeah, if. You want we, tend to go to, my home my, family have. Made. A, community. Farm but, I need, to call. Can, we take our packet yeah this, guy has a place and he's offering, for us to say it's kind of like he has tourists. Come over anyway. Of course we say yes super. Relief Luka. Okay. Yeah this. Is. Already. My con what you what so we can we can cap in stay the night and bring, in the air pocket yeah okay, all right well let's grab alfalfa, yeah. He's. Already mean. So. Don't be weird these, are new people we just met okay, huh. She says the one. Song mode because, that string. Yes. Okay. So when we agreed to go to this guy's house I'm assuming. That it's around the corner I'm assuming he kind of lives there and he's, like no no nope he points us to these motor, taxis, and they are these tiny, little taxis, with kind of like a motorbike, oh. Okay. These. One is okay because, oh. You're. A, park okay okay, it's. Okay to bring the alpaca. Okay. Okay. So. He finds one but it's like a mini, three, wheeler pickup truck aBSI, beautiful, okay, all. Right and yeah, everyone's, dandy we're on our way. Yeah. Super, strong nose, bridge. Driving. Through the plains in the bottom of the valley is just absolutely. Stunning it's everywhere. You look it's breathtaking. It's, quite overwhelming. So, after about half an hour of driving we arrive at this small little Peruvian, village which is so cool it's gorgeous, after. You. Oh. Wow. Cheese. Today. This. Family, home is so, so, cool this is exactly, what I wanted, when I went to Peru who's my bath it's like very. Rustic, it's very much the village lifestyle, but it's beautiful and they're so welcoming, we are, lucky. For, today only. For, you tonight. Our, dinner, is pachamanca. Okay, Hachi Micah what is pachamanca, but a monkey is that the, food of the earth. The. Actual act of cooking it was very much like clothes. And tune with nature you know we buried the meat on these hot stones that had been heated for hours and then we had these potatoes, and we buried it all with dirt and of course we blessed, it it. Was a really cool experience. The. Food was, everything. I could have dreamed of it you know it's not the haute cuisine it's not delicate, it's, of the earth it's a partial manga you know it's it. Feels, right, it's all those flavors it's got that earthiness, that depth.

It, Feels like something you can care about rather, than just, chucking something inside because it's everything, on that plate has got a story that was. The most extraordinary. Meal thank. You very much. To, be honest before all, this I probably would, have said I was gonna save, the animal I think that's the easy choice. Now. I. Don't. Know meeting. Octavio and, seeing the ritual and, just. Like, the. Whole purpose of this. Alpaca, there's like wonderful, animal is to, provide sustenance and, this circle of life I'm like I respect, that you, know and. Then another part of me is like ah. I've. Always believed I could eat every, single piece, of meat on the planet you know why, should I be able to eat, pork but not dog I know why I should be able to eat everything but. It's, an emotional journey as well you making you do make a connection with animals, that you spend time with so it's. Beginning to crack in my head a little bit and but. Right now I don't know I think I think. I could take him to slaughter which. Feels. Bad, to say, but. We've got a long journey to go on so who, knows what's gonna unfold. Hey fella, so I was doing a touch of research I learned that alpacas. Like. Don't, aren't good at being alone like they can die from loneliness sociable. Animals that's something i've tobio sent using oh yeah they're great in hers with their friends right you saying I'm not enough room well. Yeah. Exactly but, no so I start freaking out races starting to worry search and get this found, and I'll pack a sanctuary, he can like be around his buddies maybe. It's nice fresh food we, can chill outs and, how are you feeling about the. Don't. To say in front of anything odd. Honestly, not, good, I'm, not feeling good right now, I don't. Know I think I think what's what's, quite weird when he starts getting quite calm and he starts chilling out with us and sitting down yeah. You. Start making a bit more of a connection and that is the bit that makes it feel a bit tricky I. Am. Fine thank you. Well. Now, we need to go outside. The. Road because, my, friend is. Coming with, the car okay, thank, you so much the, relief that came over me when jobber, said we had a ride I was like it's. Actually coming together because if he, didn't, I don't know how we would have organized getting there so soon yeah that. Okay. Chose. Those. Okay, and we're. Going to cusco, yeah. But. Oh can. We stop at the Oh. Por. Favor please panel. Unos. Minutos, enter. The girl coos cooing I wanna conjure. Parkas. Yeah. Beautiful. Seamless. Come. Here give. Me your beautiful thank. You so much awesome. Job. For, me I think to actually watch, something, news it's life, it's where I. I. Don't. Think I don't know if I got it in ya it's difficult as, a meat, consumer, you're. So far removed from, the dying animal. This is an easy decision to make whereas now we're here and, we're only two. Layers you, know where we're going to be there in, the room and now, it gets you thinking about it I know that this is something I'm gonna take back with me I'm gonna take that think, of it every every time I pick out the package of, tenderloin.

Or Whatever it is, hopefully, this will help me to just. Remember every single time that yes, it's important stuff good. Respect, the the. Animals that doing that, we're raising for meat and just, slow the hell down. Thank. You yeah. You're. A big fella, there. We go thank. You. Okay. We'll catch in a bit okay, don't you do a changing so yeah, thank. You ladies, come, see some friends. Doing. Most people who visit bring their own up there yeah. Totally, normal yeah. This. Is such a good idea so, we came into the alpaca, sanctuary and it's. Like being a proud parent you know you would. Bring him along to meet some other alpacas, and you're thinking are, they gonna reject him are they gonna be friends are they gonna bully him and they're, all sniffing, around you can see he's really alert, and they're all jumping around trying to get a view of him trying to sniff him out really, lovely it kind of made, me kind of proud as a sort. Of proto, dad we've taken out packet for a little journey and, we just thought we'd stop and see, if he could come, and hang out with some friends. What are you coming from what are you from who do you know. He's. Coming to us he's, not like oh, was. It a little bit of a spit there I think that's okay that's kind of like a yeah, it's like pretty see what Alexa does that helps, the smell first in if they make friends right he's, newly get shaved, yeah, I. Was, before the year they get shape yeah. Make, table runners, bracelet. Even slurs, would, it be possible to shave like get a little bit of fur for like a bracelet or like something small as yeah. I think it could be yes. Very. Creepy, oh really lovely. Yeah. It's just a nice memory because I know you had like a kind of bomb we don't love, the idea that we can shave a little bit of Xavier and have kind of a trinket of him to take with us home and I was impressed it was such a professional, procedure, they knew exactly what they were doing seems really calm hey. It. Was really carefully, organized, and. Really cool to see. This. Is hard I knew, it was gonna be hard I knew was gonna be challenging, I. Just. Like every. Time I have that waffle back and forth of what do I want to do what do I think is the right thing to do what do I think is the easy thing versus. The stuff that challenges, me I command. The people that do this the people that do this so that we can have meat in our grocery stores, most. Respect, and. If you eat meat is it, paradoxically. Offensive. To not be able to go through this and. I. Don't. Know. The. Brace is ready. Oh yeah. I'm. Not sure what I think about this this is a little piece of happy I've got with me, and.

I Don't know if that's a mark. Of respect for, him it's, a connection that I've made with him or whether it's, just a little bit weird but. I'm beginning to really love it already I feel like we've crossed the Rubicon here with something, something fundamental, his general. Okay yeah there, we go. Say. Bye bye. Coming. Down into cuzco what an extraordinary, experience their whole city. Unfolding. Splashing. Out from this central area and going all the way up the hillsides Wow. Look. At that tomorrow, is the big day I'm gonna, make a big decision I'm feeling, conflicted I just, I just thought. This was gonna be easy I thought, that this was just unfold, as it as a series of rational, decisions and now. I'm all a bit of a mess Hey, I. Wish. I could say something really clear about what I felt and, it's just not as simple as that. A little, worried about, where. We're gonna spend the night. Okay. Okay, let's try this that's. A big but no. Not. Chancing. That's. The switcher. Nobody. And everyone, says baby. Empty. Maybe. They're Ola and. Balling. Lazy we're. Looking for a room but we have an alpaca, do. You have a are, you able to have, can, we keep the up Packer in a room you. Know so, many rejections one, after the other just began, to think oh he's. Thinking. A. Little. I think he's really distracted. Yeah. Yeah. No. No. Okay. Good. Isis. Give. It a try whoops, and. Do you have two. Rooms and a room, for an alpaca. Please. Please. Finally. We got into one hotel and they, reluctantly. Said, okay. I'll, check with the boss and. Thank, y'all for that. Hey. This'll totally work. Yeah. He's. Eager hey. I'm, coming hey. You're, ready to chill out you. Got hot too he's in the zone. It. Is beautiful. Okay I've had a old. Idea. I, wondered. If we should head out and have supper. Celebration. Forgetting to Cuzco but. Also a, little bit of a twist maybe, we should try eating, alpaca. We've. Been talking loads about how this is the site of life and he was destined to be eaten yeah let's, do it that's the only way that. We're. Gonna be able to go through with this yeah a little bit worried about cheeky joke baby that oh he, looks good he looks happy. We. Aren't here middle, of the street. Ah. Awesome. The. Idea of tasting alpaca meat is, exciting. To me I love, trying. New things the. Fact that it's in this circumstance. Does feel weird but. I. Was really curious about it and I really really wanted to try it. But. The hydrators, so, you used to be like just with Turkey. Like. Almost now we're diving in and trying our. Package, that's that's what I do that's what I love doing suddenly. Though when you've got an animal on the end of a string and you're looking after it and then you're gonna eat its kind there's.

A Sudden, emotional. Overlay this is the reality of something that I'm gonna choose to do or not do. And everyone a fettuccine you know yes. And white sauce yes my friends enjoy you please thank. You very much well. There. Is a sudden realization here which is that that is. A hunk of young. Alpaca, but. Bear in mind this is what, Xavier. Will look like on, the plate. I. Don't. Want to be. Overly dramatic but this is that's, what we're doing I. Know. If I'm there in in my brain. So. Stupid this is so stupid. I. Think. In that moment, is. As. When, things started clicking. It. Made me really uncomfortable I'm. Really uncomfortable I, guess this is the reality of what. Is making, a connection it's making the connection with you making, the connection with India, it. Tastes good. She's. Really good. Siliceous. It, was honestly the first time that. I connected, the, animal with, food. It. Was overwhelming, tomorrow morning. Stay. Strong. How. Much soup. I can. I get a, taxi, to this address and, also. I need to be able to put an alpaca. Like. Right away. Yeah. Yeah we can take that yeah yeah okay. We'll just be I'll be out there. Thank. You, today's the big day. Last, night I slept so. Badly why can't I just come up with a rational decision there, should be a clear moral, imperative here and I, just, can't find it yet, yeah. We. Had kind of, rollercoaster. So. Feeling. Angry with myself why, angry with yourself oh no I think, I couldn't couldn't even make up my mind it's. Unwavering. Yeah. Daddy. Loves you Stefan feels very different, today his personality, is totally, done a 180, which. Is kind of tough for me because on, this, adventure. He's kind of been my rock, but it's good he's. He's. Handling, the gravity of this situation in, his own way I think it's exciting. I think it's exciting to see how much it means. To both of us. Oh. Great, great. Awesome oh thank you. She's. A super taxi. Idiot. The drive to her final destination was. Kind. Of eerily calm, we. Didn't really talk a lot I think. We're both, processing. I think. The decision I don't, know where his head is I know. Where, I stand and so. Hopefully. We, agree because I would hate to. Not. Stef. Yeah. Julia. No John Julie, yeah. There's. A kind of a rush of adrenaline. Nausea. Our. Hearts beating faster, this. Is this is the moment coming up. Bailiff. All. Rise me. As, you see that is now in the package for her. Okay. Well, when, you slaughter an alpaca can you just take, us through the process what, happens this, is, a dormir por el cerebro por. Ella nunca the process for some first, of all is to tie, the the feet of the alpaca and then to cut the neck does. Does the alpaca, feel a lot of pain no. We, just have a few minutes to have a little think if that's okay si. Gracias. Okay. Okay. Who. Tell. Me I can't find the best grass best. Grass you can find. What. Sorry. Ignore this what what, are you thinking I. Think this, is the best, place to be to happen. If, it's gonna happen totally, and I. Think. It's. How. They've done it for, hundreds. Of years I. Mean. This is the. The fact that it's really hard is. It's. The right thing you know the fact that it's a tough decision to make you know if totally if I can go home and eat some meat, yeah whatever it might be you know. Whenever. Somebody, eat, some meat an animal, has to die and if you can't if you can't live with that yourself and make the decision then, you, you're. You're spineless, you know yeah you eat meat an animal has to die and I. Want to be able to hold my head up high and say I've. Done the right thing so we're. Both on board yeah, I think so I think is it yes isn't it I think it's a yes thank. You I feel I think I feel, good if that feels that's it's one with me I initially, thought that I, would save the animal I I couldn't, fathom that I would be in a place where I, would. Feel brave, enough to, do it I knew it was gonna take like everything I had and thank God for Stefan. And in the journey that we went on and talking about and really hashing, it out I thought, that there would be a long, drawn-out, struggle, with myself and with Julie but, it, was it just sort of unfold in front of you this is the thing.

To Happen and so the answer was yes. Those. Embedded budgets under must be in the bag we get from a performer Cody so, before they start the slaughtering process there, is this ritual, and, the. Amount, of respect, that, they have for this animal it makes me feel so good it makes me feel that we're doing the right thing. It. Was a really quick process and, I. Was. So relieved from, now on I'm. Gonna be eating a lot less me because I've, been, dragged through hell really just trying to, take. That journey from from animal, to, something. That fit in my mouth I knew it would be difficult I knew it was gonna be challenging, but, the respect I have for meat. Has just a, sword. At this point it's really. Kind. Of cute. Although, all, those huge just, feels so crucial to watch I'm. Surprised. At, this. It's. Been. Done beautifully. With dignity. The. Sense, of connection to land in that, this. Whole experience has been a roller, coaster adventure. And it's both physical. And mental and, I know, those, things are easily said but I, have, fundamentally. Changed my, relationship with. Animals, and with needs I'm not gonna buy a stake in the same way ever again that's for sure the meat that, we buy. Doesn't. Get this kind of respect. We. Saw the best-case scenario yeah, I guess I, don't think I could have done this solo no in fact I knew I know for a fact I couldn't have done this solo so thank you yeah well thank you for taking me from the Jenny, vice-versa.

2019-01-24 22:23

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This is why i hate the human species we are one of the only species that can feel empathy and yet we don't use it.....

Got worried for a second they weren't actually gonna do it, fair play

I'm glad you chose to slaughter the animal. Realistic and normal.

If you really think about it its not normal at all

This show is proof of the lows MSM will reach. Poor animals, tortured by a bunch of Z list hipsters for weeks only to be ate and shat out. Shame on corporate media. STOP ADVERTISING THIS SHIT ON MY VIDEOS, I HAVE NO INTEREST IN WATCHING A BUNCH OF CELEBRITY TWATS STOOP TO NEW LOWS FOR A PAYCHECK.

Seriously this makes me disgusted. Honestly I'm really fucking disappointed.

“This is a thing that has to happen” but it didn’t have to happen. You could’ve saved the animal. You could’ve saved him. Hearing him cry while they held him down and killed him made me break down into tears. Meat eaters will do everything not to just give up their fucking meat.

Really disappointed with their decision to be honest.

Awesome video, love julie. Great insights about how to approach what is involved with eating meat.

I’m not crying

I have no words...

I'm not crying, you're crying. Such a great series! Can't wait to watch the rest :)

I have slaugtered cows and goats before. You actually develope a certain appreciation of the animal and I feel that it makes me more thankful especially because the way we have it done is very humane.

+Sky Wade Using that argument, we should stop carnivorous animals that feed on meat from eating.

+CTR+ALT+DEL Well, they are sentient beings.

CTR+ALT+DEL ??? I’m telling you that because you commented it...

+Sky Wade Someone?

+Jackson Catlett Why are you telling me that? Tell that to the people in the video. Most humans eat meat and appreciate it. So tell that to most of the world's population.

CTR+ALT+DEL you appreciate animals while you’re killing them and exploiting them?? That’s like saying “I’m a slave owner and you really gain appreciation for your slaves”.

+Sky Wade thats what i thought

Is there really any humane way to do that to someone? No..

No...why :(


Can you please upload the episode 3

What the fuck is wrong with them “ that feels good” like what the fuck “it feels like doing the right thing” are you kidding me as if animals you eat INDIVIDUALS get slaughtered this “respective” way is there even such a thing?! this is a disgusting act by weak people who literally just want to justify themselves for eating meat. DISGUSTING

Hello! :) Big like and support from London!

great video


The reasoning behind the slaughter was that this was the animals 'purpose' and that it's been done for '100's of years'. But the underlying point was that, as meat eaters who have potentially facilitated 1000s of animals deaths, by not allowing this alpacas slaughter they believed they would be 'spineless' by admitting that their past actions were wrong, and that they should go forward not eating meat. This alpacas death was not necessary, and so was only done to prove a point. Or at least thats what i thought, pls discuss :)

With your second comment in mind, what do you think of soldiers then? In some regions, it's just not plausible to have vegan or even vegetarian diet, I went to China for a business trip, I went a vegetarian and realised I couldn't survive off vegetables and rice, so I returned a meat eater. There is respect when these animals are killed and that is undeniable, but it's our choice and we shouldn't be judged for it.

Also i think it's kind of twisted that this was considered a brave action - brave enough to kill . . .

I have met stephan. He is really nice.

Do this to everyone, I’m vegetarian

I’m so disappointed with the decision

Of course the American cry’s

just going to hike and then eat goat wbu..

where is episode 1?

+MinkyT Oh no, you misunderstand. I was vegetarian for religious reasons but am not that religious any more. Food isn't just a challenge, it's an experience; I don't want to limit the food I can experience in my life, and that's why I eat meat. We are omnivores, I see no reason why we can't eat meat, like some pseudo-intellectual vegans constantly try to demonize us for.

+IDK 700 I'm glad you tried a vegetarian diet! It's difficult to maintain it if your are in a different country, but when your home there are so many options, if your up to it, trying it again might be a good challenge. I don't know what motivated you to become vegetarian in the first place but it's good to solidify those reasons or add to them to stay motivated. Back to the point: Both you and these people are not bound by religious beliefs, and although the animal is respected/blessed i wonder if that is for the animals sake or for us humans to alleviate guilt. And I would argue if it is not necessary to kill then why would you?

Your heartless it’s innocent and you should be ashamed of being happy for it dieing

+MinkyT Okay, then what about omnivorous animals? Should we stop them from eating meat? What about the poor folks living in desert areas who eat the animal they take with them for survival?

+CTR+ALT+DEL No, as it is a necessity for carnivores to eat meat however we have the choice to not eat it and still be healthy

Could you dtop pushing this onto me through ads? Thanks.

Am I the on,y person who thought of that episode of the Simpsons in which Homer raiser a loner?

This is so upsetting poor alpaca

I cried! Especially at the end! ... Poor Alapaca :-'(

i fell so bad for the animals and i am never eating any meat at all and why would you eat dog

mmmmmmm :-'(

I think the rationale was that killing the animal would show viewers how important it is to be respectful and to value an animal as part of a life giving cycle. A contrast to the mass production of meat in the first world. I would have personally liked to have seen more of the conversation where they came up with the decision. I also think your interpretation of spineless is one dimensional. Yes, they would be hypocritical to save the alpaca and continue to eat meat, but it would truly be spineless to, as western outsiders, save the animal at the expense of lower class Peruvians who could derive nourishment from the meat. I think they and others who watch the show come out with a greater respect for meat, and the animals it comes from.

+MinkyT Okay, then what about omnivorous animals? Should we stop them from eating meat? What about the poor folks living in desert areas who eat the animal they take with them for survival? Humans can be unhealthy without eating meat as well. Humans are omnivores. All we need is a balanced diet. We can do that with meat or without it. If you don't like meat, then that is you. I love meat.

As if they let them kill him I was shooketh

In one sec its alive and before ya know is there dead!!!!fucking them

It's bleeding,lifeless body pisses me didn't need to die and they are both sonofabiches

LISTEN TO IT CRY.they are NOT doing the right fucking thing!!!!!!

They are both fuking heartless.the alpaca didn't even need to die.they can eat when they get home I mean look at it.the alpaca has no fucking clue what's going on and how it's sinless ass is about to get slauterd to its death.greedy basterds with no heart!!!!!

Such a disappointment. You make me feel so angry,now hate the episode. You are worse. Why?!

Why they killed the Alpaka I cryed

keep the fire content up! sub + like

The pace is very nice i like support you

This was bad.

I’m surprised this video has less dislikes it should have more. You killed the innocent animal. And guess what it was scared when it’s legs got tied up and guess what it felt the pain before dying. Of course they would tell you that it won’t feel pain. But imagine if it were you lying on the ground legs and arms bound and then a sharp pain in you back. It was scared. Crying out in fear. You and your friend made a stupid decision and I am surprised it hasn’t been taken off of YouTube yet.

Yet I'll bet that you eat Mc Donald's daily :)

+Iris Hughes Circle of life. It was born and bred for this. I cried but I still understand the logistics of humanity doing this to survive. At least the Alpaca had a good life, no matter how long.

This was so hard to watch :´( very good documentary though

Even though I'm vegetarian I respect other people's choices and if people want to eat meat then they can. BUT I cannot stand people leaving meat on their plate or just throwing it away because it's too old or just not wanted. Please if you eat meat remember that an animal died for that to happen so eat it all and dont let that life be taken just for the trash.

That part of you that was crying was trying to tell you both something. It already had the answer for you both. Be well.

Post the third episode please

+IDK 700 You say "It's our choice and we shouldn't be judged for it". This is completely untrue. People should be judged on every single decision they make no matter how big or small. And the decision to pay for a sentient animal to be killed for our taste pleasure when we don't need to eat them to be healthy is a choice I definitely see merit to be judged upon (When you know the facts about suffering involved and lack of necessity for human health).

I agree. From the reasons they both gave it came across as "well I eat meat at home so I'd be a hypocrite not to agree to the slaughter". The "It's the way it's been done for 100's of years argument" and "best place to be slaughtered" were to me more of a coping mechanism for them to feel better about the decision.

Totally respect and am thankful for your decision to not participate in the killing of animals for meat. Without me coming across as a preachy arsehole, are you aware of the suffering involved in the egg and dairy industries? I ask this because I wasn't when I was vegetarian. Going vegan is the best decision I ever made, it's so easy and I feel like my morals are aligned with my actions.

+juicy boi fair point, my bad, carry on

+死 i said one of the

I'd disagree on the empathy part really. Ever observed a dog that sees someone suffer?

+MrMking1991 Yeah I do understand what you mean, this is an ideal scenario and not all animals are treated this way but my point was more to do with the whole killing of them to begin with, I think rather than bring in ignorance of these sort of things people should try and understand and accept that this happens. Maybe 'worried' wasn't exactly the correct word but I just felt that if they were to refuse the killing of the animal then could they justify being able to eat meat knowing they weren't prepared to let it happen. Sorry long response but I hope this clarifys things a bit more

+TheHalomaster1066 I agree and I believe you should also accept this is going to be one of the ideal scenarios in terms of minimised suffering. I don't see exactly why it "worried" you that they might decide not to go through with it though. But anyway, thanks for the reply.

+MrMking1991 I feel like if people eat meat they should be prepared to allow this sorta thing to happen. As someone who does eat meat I think you need to understand and appreciate the process of killing animals and being able to get over that fact. Hope that helps

Out of interest, why did this worry you?

MrMking1991 I am also working to becoming vegan by the end of March this year ( cutting down dairy and not eating meat)

MrMking1991 it’s great to know that others choose to not hurt animals. It feels amazing to see more and more people giving respect to voiceless animals that have no power over their own lives.

you know it's not the eating meat part that is wrong or unethical or whatever the hell it is, is the fact that you can spend time with such a cute animal, have the decision in your hands to let it live but you chose to kill it. That's sickening

agreed, absolutely lacking sympathy and empathy.

+Victoria Saprykina don't make assumptions without any truths. That's a bold claim to accuse somebody of eating Macdonalds daily. Many people here are vegetarian. You are one of the many sick people lurking in the comments.

+Victoria Saprykina Save ur fake crocodile tears. By your logic, please go and live like a lifestock then, no matter how long you live, I'd assume you lived a great life. make sure you are part of that circle of life and let others decide if you are their dinner or not :)

+MinkyT well said.

I’m crying

Canadian* cries*

And they still got someone else to do it for them lol. You should have killed the alpaca yourselves.

"The Westerner cries out as he gets someone else to slaughter his meat for him." It's a well-known quote.

+Jackson Catlett You're the girl, a city girl that is.

Dr. Tiggy girl shut up my towns population is literally 6000

+Jackson Catlett Ok city boy.

okay DR TIGGY. Winnie the Pooh tigger headass

@Victoria Saprykina don't make assumptions without any truths. That's a bold claim to accuse somebody of eating Macdonalds daily. Many people here are vegetarian. You are one of the many sick people lurking in the comments.

@IDK 700 You say "It's our choice and we shouldn't be judged for it". This is completely untrue. People should be judged on every single decision they make no matter how big or small. And the decision to pay for a sentient animal to be killed for our taste pleasure when we don't need to eat them to be healthy is a choice I definitely see merit to be judged upon (When you know the facts about suffering involved and lack of necessity for human health).

@MinkyT Oh no, you misunderstand. I was vegetarian for religious reasons but am not that religious any more. Food isn't just a challenge, it's an experience; I don't want to limit the food I can experience in my life, and that's why I eat meat. We are omnivores, I see no reason why we can't eat meat, like some pseudo-intellectual vegans constantly try to demonize us for.

@IDK 700 I'm glad you tried a vegetarian diet! It's difficult to maintain it if your are in a different country, but when your home there are so many options, if your up to it, trying it again might be a good challenge. I don't know what motivated you to become vegetarian in the first place but it's good to solidify those reasons or add to them to stay motivated. Back to the point: Both you and these people are not bound by religious beliefs, and although the animal is respected/blessed i wonder if that is for the animals sake or for us humans to alleviate guilt. And I would argue if it is not necessary to kill then why would you?

@juicy boi fair point, my bad, carry on

@死 i said one of the

@MrMking1991 Yeah I do understand what you mean, this is an ideal scenario and not all animals are treated this way but my point was more to do with the whole killing of them to begin with, I think rather than bring in ignorance of these sort of things people should try and understand and accept that this happens. Maybe 'worried' wasn't exactly the correct word but I just felt that if they were to refuse the killing of the animal then could they justify being able to eat meat knowing they weren't prepared to let it happen. Sorry long response but I hope this clarifys things a bit more

@TheHalomaster1066 I agree and I believe you should also accept this is going to be one of the ideal scenarios in terms of minimised suffering. I don't see exactly why it "worried" you that they might decide not to go through with it though. But anyway, thanks for the reply.

@MrMking1991 I feel like if people eat meat they should be prepared to allow this sorta thing to happen. As someone who does eat meat I think you need to understand and appreciate the process of killing animals and being able to get over that fact. Hope that helps

@Victoria Saprykina Save ur fake crocodile tears. By your logic, please go and live like a lifestock then, no matter how long you live, I'd assume you lived a great life. make sure you are part of that circle of life and let others decide if you are their dinner or not :)

@Iris Hughes Circle of life. It was born and bred for this. I cried but I still understand the logistics of humanity doing this to survive. At least the Alpaca had a good life, no matter how long.

@Jackson Catlett You're the girl, a city girl that is.

@Jackson Catlett Ok city boy.

@MinkyT well said.

@MinkyT Okay, then what about omnivorous animals? Should we stop them from eating meat? What about the poor folks living in desert areas who eat the animal they take with them for survival? Humans can be unhealthy without eating meat as well. Humans are omnivores. All we need is a balanced diet. We can do that with meat or without it. If you don't like meat, then that is you. I love meat.

@CTR+ALT+DEL No, as it is a necessity for carnivores to eat meat however we have the choice to not eat it and still be healthy

@Sky Wade Using that argument, we should stop carnivorous animals that feed on meat from eating.

@CTR+ALT+DEL Well, they are sentient beings.

@Sky Wade Someone?

@Jackson Catlett Why are you telling me that? Tell that to the people in the video. Most humans eat meat and appreciate it. So tell that to most of the world's population.

@Sky Wade thats what i thought

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