Tourist attraction in Venice || Travelling Mantra || Europe Part 26

Tourist attraction in Venice || Travelling Mantra  || Europe Part 26

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So guys, we just had a scene and it happened that we got down by mistake but we reached a beautiful area and if you ever come to Florence then this city called Connaught City if you ever come with your family then don't fight with each other always keep in mind there is a lot of gap in between and right now we are standing in Florence city of Italy from where we are going to take a train and San Marino didn't have any direct train or bus from Florence and I think there is no direct bus from any city of Italy so first we have to take a train to Rimini and we have to stop at one place right now we have taken a train and we have to stop at one place and we have to stop at one place and we have with us Yash brother who is working very hard hello and our lovely Manni Sir why are you angry? why are you angry? I want to play you want to play and madam our team is working very hard because we are able to catch the trains we are able to catch the trains this happens with children and I think this happens with trains sometimes we catch the trains by running so we just had a scene and that happened that the Global Pass app was showing us the station and we had to go to Rimini from there so this train was not going to that station we asked if any train will go ahead so they said no train will go to that station because there is some work going on so you have to go back to Bologna and then you have to take the train from Bologna to Rimini so we are going to Bologna and we have reached this area and we have reached this area this is a local station and then we will see how we can reach we got down by mistake but we have reached a beautiful area but we have reached a beautiful area it is looking very beautiful and we are searching for Tabaki shop and we have found a local market and we are finding a local market today is a Wednesday today is a Wednesday it can be possible that this market is open daily it can be possible that this market is open daily but sometimes they put up weekly markets in Europe and Western countries in Europe and Western countries let's stop we have got a sandal for Rs. 3500 we have got a sandal for Rs. It's a city of rich people from the beginning Look, there is a normal Aston Martin parked on the road By mistake, we visited the whole city It wasn't even our mistake It was the mistake of the timetable showers And we visited the whole city It's a city of old rich people It's called Florence in Italian We are going to the store again We are doing fun, we will see what happens Which flavour is this? It's not Tic Tac, it's fake It's like a bunny Dad, which flavour is this? Pick one Pick one Pick one It's the same flavour Which we get there Which one is this? That one This is also the same We get it there No, we don't We get it Let's keep it Where is the lemon? Let's take this We will never take the lemon We will take the lemon Let's keep it No No If you ever come to Florence There is a store called Connaught City It's very cheap here It's like a train station You can see the church there The store is on the opposite side The store is on the opposite side The store is on the opposite side And the supermarket These are the timings To open and close You can buy from here Whatever you want to buy It was very cheap Our train journey Has started again And again we are going to Central Station, Florence Did you finish the sari? You will eat at night Good boy Ma'am, how was the fun? 140 140 If you are with your family Don't fight It happens This is the fun of travelling In your city In your country We don't know this country We don't know this country We don't know the language It happens Enjoy it Because we are here to travel And we are here to travel If we get lost Then travel a little extra Then travel a little extra So travel a little extra And enjoy We are here to travel But the ticket costs Sometimes If you take a train ticket It's a problem But if you ask They will tell you Don't take a long train It happens People in European countries And we were smart We asked So if you feel But it's not showing You can always ask Why it's not showing You will know We found out After that We came back to the central station How are you? They are also sitting We should travel like this From India Where in India? Gujarat? From South This is the fun We should travel like this Get lost And our Eurorail Helped us a lot We didn't face any loss We will buy a ticket again What else could we do And children We have reached again Central station Florence and sometimes when you are coming to Italy, you will see Benario written on the platform and always keep in mind that there is a lot of gap between the trains whenever you are coming, there is a lot of gap in between the trains of Italy, the whole leg will go inside they have put a platform here, but it never opens when you get down, you have to be very careful and never fight, ok there is no reason, enjoy that thing you can't do anything because we got on the train it was our fault it was anyone's fault, we still came back with another train and this is what we could have done, by spoiling our mood we will not get anything one thing I learned from Vishal bhaji we missed our flight to go from Australia to New Zealand and he was laughing then he said, what can we do, you tell I said, we can't do anything he said, let's book the flight again and let's go, why spoil our tour whatever happened, we will see later so whatever happened, we will see later for now, it is the same thing for you in travelling, all this happens enjoy yourself, enjoy that thing too learn and share your experience with others Thank you so much Namaste, Jai Hind Ram Ram to everyone, Salam Walaikum

2023-08-15 22:30

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