Tourism PSP Challenges Information Webinar

Tourism PSP Challenges Information Webinar

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okay we're away so um I just want to say good afternoon everybody and welcome to the band queensland's private sector Pathways challenge webinar um today online we have um Dr Emma Beckman from the Queensland Academy of sport and also Dr Megan Shepard um as well as Joe O'Neal from Sport and Recreation uh in the background from Advanced Queensland we have um Adam Williams and Melinda shinkle and my my name is Jeff Greenhill with um Advanced Queensland and Innovation division So today we're here to talk about a webinar for our challenge that's upcoming which is innovative solutions to improve sport participation performance for individuals with disabilities before we get started I just like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet all meet today for our office it's the juger and turble people and we recognize their continuing connection to lands Waters and communities we'd also like to pay our respects for abigal and Tor straight Islanders cultures into Elders past present and emerging so please note that this webinar today is being recorded and it may be uploaded to our website or disclosed to other government departments or contractors for the purposes of help them inform and support Queensland government grant programs and advanced Queensland initiatives your personal information will be handled in accordance with the information Privacy Act 2009 microphones and cameras have been turned off as well as the chat function has been turned off for this webinar but we have a Q&A function which should be on the top of your screen and Adam's mon monitoring that for us so we'll Cate um any questions you have during the webinar in that Q&A and we'll answer that at the end of this webinar along with some questions that have already been submitted when people were registering so the private sector Pathways program supports Innovative small to medium Enterprises based in Queensland to collaborate with corporate Partners to develop commercialization opportunities so what we're looking for is innovative solutions to challenge that are presented by our corporate partners and in this case our corporate partners are the Queensland Academy of sport and Sport and Recreation the program aims to increase our Partnerships between small to medium Enterprises and corporate businesses to help improve Solutions and business collaboration essentially small to medium and Innovative businesses can receive up to $100,000 in funding from Advanced Queensland and the corporate partners for your solutions to be tried in in business for up to six months some of the benefits of this program is for the corporates is that it exposes them to the latest in in the Technologies and Innovations and helps to solve their corporate challenges using local Solutions and Technologies we hope that this helps to diversify the procurement for the corporate to a widen range of Queensland businesses and also to help deliver improved efficiencies and business processes the nice thing about our program is that we help the corporates to co to drisk the process of trialing you Technologies by co-funding and also managing the process to increase the speed of adoption for the smmes and scale UPS which I assume a lot of you listening today are from the benefits for you are that you'll get a commercial opportunity with a queen um with a Queensland corporate and an opportunity to Pivot your services or products into a new sector so we're not just looking for sports Technology Solutions it could be solutions from other sectors that would like to Pivot into sport it's an opportunity to secure the corporate as an ongoing customer and also a nice thing about program is that it's designed that you will retain your intellectual property and help you to build credibility by having this customer and to scale nationally and internationally how it works is that we usually work with our corporate partner to initially identify the challenge and then the challenge is then release the market so then the third stage is this information exchange which is this webinar that we're having today and then once the applications close the um and the there'll be short listed and there will be Solutions will be presented to a panel of experts then the last part once those up to three winners are selected is that the um Solutions will be selected to be funded and they'll enter into a contract with um Advanced Queensland as well as Queensland Academy Sport and Sport and Recreation division so this challenge is the partnership between Queensland Academy Sport and Sport and Recreation which are part of the Department of Tourism and Sport The Innovation division is part of the Department of environment science and inovation and we look after the advanced Queensland initiative so a challenge definition Workshop was held with key disability sport stakeholders and this helps inform the challenge statement which you've seen on our private sector Pathways website so the the Queensland Academy Sport and Sport and Recreation will provide co-funding and mentoring and connection to Industry for the challenge winners the objective that of this challenge is that we're looking for innovative solutions from a wide range of sectors that could pivot to Sport and the dis ability sector our goal is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in a broad range of sports and to do this to make them more active and have have healthier lives but also to improve the talent pool available for high performance competitions and particularly the 2032 par Olympics that's coming up to be eligible for our challenge you must be a Queensland have a the business must be a registered um Queensland registered ABN and also be registered for GST you must be an established Queensland based startup or small to medium Enterprise with fewer than 200 um full-time equivalent employees you must have a product which is at or Beyond minimum viable product or being developed in Queensland and applicants must have had um applicants that have had previous commercial contracts with the Queensland Academy of sport or Sport and Recreation are not eligible to to apply as this program intends to provide new opportunities for applicants to work with participating corporates if you've had an advanced Queensland Grant before though or if you've um got a current Grant with Advance Queensland then you are still eligible to apply the key dates for this program is that the application opened on the 20th of February we're having this information webinar today 13th of March applications will close on the 26th of March at 2m and then shortless at applicants will be notified around about the 5th of April the um the short list of applicants will be invited to a pitch presentation to the panel and um that'll be held on the 16th of April to apply the application process we have our private sector Pathways web page here that you can see on the screen um applications can be submitted VI this private sector Pathways web page by the the yellow highlight there there's a little button that takes you through to our smarty grants application portal and on the smarty grants application portal you'll um submit an online application uh which should include um the following a clear description of the solution including its key features and benefits and its value proposition a road map for imple implementation including timelines resources and Milestones and a plan for measuring the impact of the solution you'll also need to detail a budget which outlines your financial requirements for implementing and maintaining the solution and a summary of your team's qualifications and experience including any relevant skills just and it closes on the um 2m 26th of March once the applications are submitted the um they'll be shortlisted and what the criteria that will be used to short list them um are these four criteria here so the first criteria around addressing the challenge this is where we'll be looking to see if the solution provides a um Innovative or involved new to Market technology or novel application of existing technology to address the challenge we'll also look to see if it's developed and delivered in Queensland and it's likely to address the chall and provide a success solution to the corporate partner criteria two which is capability to deliver the project and project viability this is where we're looking at the experience and skills and capacity to deliver the project to achieve the proposed solution and the right to use any necessary IP that you have in delivery of the proposed solution we also look in this criteria around um key project risks and risk mitigation strategies as well as that the Project's well planned and achievable within a challenge time frame the third criteria is the technology and Market Readiness so this is where we're looking to see if it's a product that's already at MVP stage and has been tested with potential users or if it's a product which is Market ready and has customers already the proposed Sol solution will need to demonstrate If the product could create new market opportunities the last criteria around fair market value is around whether the proposed solution will be achieved within a with a um within the project budget which represents fair market value as I said before the um shortlisted applicants will be invited to a pitch session um which will be held on the 16th of April um this will be a closed pitch session session so it'll just be the um the people pitching to the panel um with um with no other audience um the shortless at applicants will be invited to pitch their solution um of 15 minutes and uh with an additional 15 minutes for Q&A at the end up to three winners will be notified following the event um and a successful applicant will receive grant funding of up to $100,000 excluding GST to Pilot their solution for up to six to eight months with qas and Sport and Recreation stakeholders so I'm now going to hand over to Joe from Sport and Recreation who will talk to why this is important to our Sport and Recreation division thanks Joe thank you Jeff um appreciate the opportunity to speak today about why this challenge so beautifully links with what we're trying to achieve at sport and Recreation so accelerate is the second action plan of activate Queensland which is our 10year Sport and Recreation strategy and it is to encourage and support more queenslanders to be more active more often accelerate centers on the five key commitments which you can see on your screen now with commitment one uh directly relating to what we're trying to achieve through the private sector pathway program to achieve these five commitments accelerate is delivering targeted and deliberate actions and Investments aimed at strengthening the active industry and better positioning the Queensland government and the industry to work together to drive increased physical activity participation to enhance queensland's Pathways uh to better utilize infrastructure and venues and maximize the benefits from major sporting events um while setting the foundations for success in the lead up to of course Brisbane 2032 and Par uh Olympic and Par Olympic Games so most importantly for us the strategy remains a whole of government priority to be integrated and delivered as part of a coordinated investment that drives increased participation in physical activity uh one thanks Jeff so a shout out to Max who is one of Emma's favorite athletes uh who's doing a little bit tough at the moment so that's Max on your screen now so for us uh the recently released Brisbane 2032 Legacy strategy which is uh called Elevate 2042 suggests that success would mean that people with disability are where they want to be doing what they want to do and being exactly who they are treated like anyone else in their Community as hosts of Brisbane 2032 the Queensland government through our Games Delivery Partners seek to drive improvements for all queenslanders with disability including through establishing Community programs to encourage greater awareness and Sport participation with the aim of engaging another 500,000 people with disability in sport by 2032 um it's a really lofty goal that's why this particular program is so important to Sport and Recreation we need your help to drive solutions for people with disability to reduce the barriers they may face so more queenslanders with disability have the opportunity to participate in sport and of course the more queenslanders that are participating the more available Talent there is to choose from I'll now hand over to Emma who from from the Queensland Academy of sport to further elaborate on this link thanks Emma thanks Joe it's actually just so nice to be sitting next to Sport and wreck um this this project is so important that we collaborate together because our goals really do align so nicely so we talked about getting people with disabilities more physically active um and when you look at the qas 2032 high performance strategy uh it should start to become really clear how nicely it aligns to what we're trying to achieve in a high performance environment so with our um Vision to inspire extraordinary sporting success um we've got some Milestones along the way so we've got par Paris and La between now and Brisbane um but by the time uh we get to uh the Brisbane 2030 get two games we need a lot more uh athletes par athletes in our in our high performance system so we've put up the qas pillars there you can see how important Talent is uh it's it's one of those pieces of pie that we've got there in our in our pillars in our strategic plan um but right at the center is the athlete Journey that applies so well to the par athlete um as well as our Olympic athlet as well so if I talk you through Jeff I'll get you to change that slide for me I tried to do it myself there we go so if we talk you through a little bit about what the qas does uh it really is about supporting athletes whether they're Olympic or par Olympic athletes the Queensland Academy of support reps performance support and um and supports uh National sporting organizations to develop to deliver Sports programs for para athletes we support more than 500 pre-elite and Elite athletes um across all of our programs but those numbers of para athletes are a lot smaller than they are for Olympic cohort and when you really dig into the details what we're really um uh thinking about for the next phase is the fact that we we have a lot of Podium athletes Australia does incredibly well in paral Olympic sport but what we really need to do is build that um the lower part of the pyramid so we've got a lot of developing in emerging athletes coming through we know that to do that we need a large Grassroots participation base of par athletes um and that's the only way that they will then be able to pick out as many talented athletes as we possibly can but we're also really aware that that that really big Grassroots movement is really important to improve um opportunities for coaching and opportunities for competitive opportunities that then improve Athlete Performance as well so um it's really closely aligned that we need that big base of participation if we're going to do really well in a high performance environment one more for us Jeff so I guess I wanted to use this um this picture as a bit of a stimulus piece so when I look at this photo of our our par Olympic athletes some of who are queenslanders and and some aren but some of the things that jump out immediately to me are things like the diversity of um equipment that's used in par Olympic sport so one of the big barriers that para athletes have when they're looking or people with disabilities have when they're looking for a Paras Sports that might suit them really well uh is equipment so if you're a kid with a disability who wants to try wheelchair rugby um Athletics so wheelchair track racing and also wheelchair tennis that requires three pieces of equipment that could be upwards of5 to $10,000 each um just to tral it to find out if they like it or not and that's not par um parody with kids that want to get into Olympic sports so we know we've got some big barriers with respect to equipment um with access to coaching with access to supporting um uh accessing facility sorry so when I look at this photo of our par athletes I really think about what are the challenges that um will enable people with disabilities across Queensland to get involved in these incredible sports that you see on this slide in front of you so this challenge really does help us look to um to overcome some of those key uh barriers to to participation but also to high performance sport so the last thing I I think that we want wanted to touch on and I'll let Joe and Jeff um jump in here if they if they wanted to add anything but essentially um the themes that came out of the challenge statement so when we look to co-design um what what were the real challenges with uh people with a disability with par Olympic athletes with par Olympic coaches with people from National Sports organizations and local sports organizations for people with a disability the things that came out of there were that um we need Sports opportunity and sports participation for people with a disability to achieve healthier lives we know that cost is a barrier we know that education while that seems a little vague it can it can touch on things like education of um parents uh education system so School sport uh there's so many um barriers towards awareness and education that impact then on things like Community engagement we know inclusive equipment is a barrier and it's a huge issue uh accessible information opportunities for training and coaching um opportunities but also challenges with the ndis and what's funded in sport and what's not um but we also know that there are big challenges with par Olympic Pathways and um not all people with a disability will be eligible for par Olympic sports so that's something that we're working with Sport and Rec to look at we want all people with the disability to be more physically active but then a smaller pool of those people will move forward in a par Olympic pathway um so we thought it was good to mention some of the context that we had around um what we were thinking about when we when we put this challenge together I'll hand back to J yeah thank you Emma so hopefully that's giving you a bit of a um overview of the application process and um eligibility criteria as well as some context from Joe and Emma there about like why this challenge is important and what can be um achieved through it um through the registration process we had a number of people submit some questions that they would like answered so we thought we' collect those now and and talk through some of these questions um for the group but just a reminder to please pop any additional questions you have up into the the Q&A and we'll get to those shortly um so one of the first questions I was asked was that is is this the first time that this grant has been offered and are there past winners that can be looked at so the private sector Pathways program has partnered with other corporates and large organizations in the past to release challenges to Market um for example we released a challenge with the mar hospital and looking at innovations that could help retain diploma in nursing students um however but this is the first time that we've partnered with the Queensland Academy of sport in sport and Recreation um for a challenge focused on inclusive sport so it is the first time that has been offered but if you have a look at our PSP website there are other past winners of other challenges with other corporate Partners uh the second question was are there any exclusions where funding will not be allowed or approve for this grant submission so as per our program guidelines the PSP program is looking for products or solutions that are ready for market and therefore ongoing research and development expenses won't be eligible so businesses in Queensland with research and development activities included in their proposed solution will need to demonstrate how this value adds to their solution and also to be conscious of your project time frames the proposed solution needs to demonstrate that it'll be achieved within the pro proposed budget with fair market value and the evaluation panel May negotiate on funding amounts sort and propose activities When selecting applicants with a challenge um the third question was is a hybrid physical and ort proposal permitted and to this we say y great yes we'd love we'd love a hybrid um proposal however the primary focus will need to show how the solution addresses the goal which is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in a wide range of sports leading to more active and healthier lives and also how we can improve the talent pool available with State national International competitions and particularly the par Olympic games that leads into the next question which was is the priority Grassroots impact supporting the journey towards 2032 or is it around um existing professional athletes um so there's no priority given to Grassroots or um Pathways Impact versus Immediate Solutions to resisting athletes um ideally solutions that will help existing athletes now may also help improve participation in that and the bottom of the pyramid like Emma was talking about um to help improve participation and pathway opportunities for others the fourth question was does the product need to directly relate to an Olympic or par Olympic sport that exists in today's list of included Sports and the question was a bit longer than this and it went on to ask about um for example Cricket is in the LA Olympics but it's not confirmed for par Olympics at this stage so this challenges is interested in a broad range of solutions that will help people with disabilities to participate in sport um but the solution should um needs to aim to empower individuals with disability disabilities to pursue athletic excellence in National International competitions so this may not necessarily be included in the Paro Olympics from a sport and Recreation point of view we're really interested in just how we can get people involved in a broad range of sports um but if it has um a paralympic focus then that's good too but we would say that if it's um too um uh sport narrow focused um we are looking for solutions that would go across a broad range of sports ideally the last question we have is can the technology being developed be used to increase participation for both able-bodied and disabled people and yes it definitely could but we'll need to demonstrate how it specifically addresses the needs of people with disabilities so those were the questions that were submitted prior to the challenge I'll just check in with Adam do we have any questions coming in the Q&A chat at the moment M around um if the business needs to be GST registered to apply and that is part of the legibility you do need to be GST registered to apply um we got another one here uh is indoor rowing an elegible activity for disabled persons is that part of any not at par Olympic games okay not currently included in the par Olympic games um but I I have actually heard that someone was trying to include it in the um the winter uh games so that that could be an interesting Avenue but I'm currently not a par Olympic sport indoor yeah but again if you have a solution around that particular sport then we'd love to see it you know it's not just about the ones that are currently included in the Paralympics y yeah and we have another question from Chris that is phys physical equipment barriers for Mobility disability and therefore paralympic Pathways is vastly different to barriers to autism intellectual and physios social disabilities I.E invisible disability and 70% of ndis participants which category would have higher priority or treated equally I can have a crack that's all right sorry for the backwards and forwards there um yeah that was a it's a really good question I think it's from Chris just up a little bit um yeah so just so I had the question in front of me um it's a good question Chris I think um when you look at the numbers the sheer numbers of people specifically on the ndis um people with Autism intellectual and psychosocial disability U make up a a high percentage um people with intellectual disabilities are eligible for paralympic sport um there are not as many classes for intellectual impairment but but they absolutely exist so I can see some crossover between participation and Elite Performance with par Olympic sport uh for people with intellectual disabilities um but there are also SP Sport Pathways for um particularly around glob Global games and verus games for for people with other conditions and I think um if if you could demonstrate that it was going to so greatly increased participation of such a large number of people I think um it would absolutely have to be well considered well there's another questions um and another question from Chris following on does qas have existing relationships with Community clubs and sports grounds so as to accelerate Grassroots impact yep absolutely uh yeah it's a good question um and yes so qas um has worked predominantly with categorized athletes so athletes who um have been recognized by National Sports organizations as um either Podium athletes so have have demonstrated success or are developing and emerging so there's criteria around that as well um we've got pre categorization programs so particularly in the talent area and the youth for 32 Pathways and we do work with clubs and uh local sports organizations or state Sports organizations to facilitate those programs as well wonder if I might and that's Sport and W bread and butter so let Jo sorry I was just going to mention also Chris um yes so we are liasing on a daily basis with our state sport and Recreation organizations and we have uh Regional staff right throughout the state that work at a local level with local uh sporting clubs and associations and Al also local governments uh our 77 local governments across the state too who are intricately involved in sport and Recreation delivery also thank you for the question yeah and a question from Alexandra would you kindly elaborate on the answer to question three is a hybrid physical and ort proposal permitted um that question was pre-submitted so I'm not sure how we can elaborate on that as such but Jeff did you have any ideas um yeah well I guess I guess when I was looking at the question we were wondering whether if it was people asking whether could they um submit a proposal that involved a um ort solution as well as a physical sport solution um and to us our response to that was was like yes definitely we would love to see something that we know that Esports is a a um a great um activity for inclusion and that it it provides opportunities for people to parp participate in um uh social activities that they otherwise wouldn't have um but the prim primary goal of this challenge is about basically improving physical activity um through sport for people with disabilities um and so if you were to submit a solution that was focused on esport it would also need to demonstrate how it's going to help people to participate in um physical sport um and ideally lead to like some sort of um Elite pathway that hope that builds on it an example of that might be that um we've got a lot of athletes with high support needs that require like rely on carers to get to training um venues so if there were Esports Alternatives that could allow them to train certain aspects of their performance like making decisions um repetition that sort of if there was a um ort that replicated some kind of um skill that they needed for their actual sport I can see some really nice Synergy and allowing people to be a little bit more independent with their sport um but as Jeff mentioned it would it would have to facilitate participation in active sport as well all the questions we have in the Q&A um unless anyone has any more that they want to add no worries if you if you um slow if you do have any other questions that come to mind um or are watching this um this session back later right because we're going to upload this onto our website this recording um please just drop us an email at the Partnerships at totis email and we will um try and answer for you straight away um and just a reminder that our application page is live so get application in by the 26th of March there's just one more question Jeff if you want me to just um the uh Chris the solution requiring involvement of Grassroots clubs and sports grounds um I think uh I I think I think at this point anything that's really going to um make a big leap in a step forward we've got some amazing clubs doing really good stuff already but they haven't shifted the needle in terms of participation so if you've got an amazing idea that's going to shift that needle that needs collaboration I think um I think put it on the table um yeah I don't know would you answer that differently right thanks okay all right last chance for any questions other those will say thank you very much to Joe and um Emma and thanks Adam for fielding the questions for us okay all right thanks everybody have a good afternoon and um we look forward to seeing all your applications thanks everyone thanks very much well done thanks thanks Je

2024-04-13 21:17

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