Tourism businesses | Managing your online reputation and why it’s even more important now!

Tourism businesses | Managing your online reputation and why it’s even more important now!

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Good morning and welcome to this second  and the latest series of digital webinars   delivered by VisitScotland in conjunction with  Business Gateway's Digital Boost programme   and part of a programme or part of a package of  webinars aimed at supporting tourism businesses   as they recover my name is Andrew Craig from  VisitScotland i'm industry development manager   at VisitScotland and today i'm joined by Rene  Looper who is the founder and MD at two mains   social media which is based in Inverness. Hi Rene,  hi everybody just to remind us today that all   your microphones and webcams are in off mode but  if you want to ask any questions at any point   during today's session you can use the go to  webinar control panel and there's a little section   in the control panel headed questions and you can  put any questions in there to VisitScotland and   during the session and we'll have 5-10 minutes at  the end to cover any questions that you might have   we are recording at today's sessions session  and you'll be able to watch it again or if you   have to dash off you'll be able to see it on within the next five to ten   days or staff members that VisitScotland add  subtitles to the recording and for accessibility   reasons so that it makes it that'll go up in in  due course and you'll be able to see it and we'll   also be distributing a link to the slides and from  Rene's presentation and at the end of the webinar   as well as via a follow-up email that will go out  and tomorrow so any queries about social media   sorry about managing your online reputation why  it's so important then please ask them via the   questions tab and go to and go to Evernote’s  control panel and then one final thing beforehand   over to to Rene is that we're also  offering the opportunity to participate   in a free VisitScotland digital review with  one of our industry relationship managers   and these reviews will assess elements of your  digital output including suppose not limited   to social media managing your online reputation  online bookings your presence on search engines   and website performance as well and those are free  you'll see as soon as you leave the session today   you'll receive a little notification on your  screen and that will give you the opportunity to   register to sign up for one of those free  digital reviews with the member of staff from   VisitScotland and then just so actually said one  just before a password to VisitScotland this the   usual screenshot from digital boost or the digital  boost home page it's a program that delivers   a lot of free services including up to 21 hours  of specialist digital support and workshops on   a variety of digital topics in fact all of the  topics that we're covering in this series of   webinars can be booked on the Digital Boost  website just now and then there's also online   guides on 21 digital topics and video tutorials  online digital topics as well so that's enough   definitely enough for me for now and i'll pass  things over to Rene who is here representing two   main social media and he's going to lead today's  session so rainy i'll hand things over to you fantastic thank you very much Andrew and welcome  everybody i'm just gonna share my screen with you   should be able to see my first slide and  thank you very much Andrew for inviting me   for today's presentation and today's presentation  that online reputation is close to my heart   and i'll tell you why but today's agenda as  you can see on the screen as well is about   online reputation obviously people talk  about you but where is not just TripAdvisor and thank you very much and online reviews  managing online reviews personalisation and   the quality insurance scheme coveted 19.let's see  if I can go to the next slide yeah next slide is  

actually a little bit more about myself I’ve seen  the delegate list I’ve seen the businesses that   are taking part today and I recognise some names  of recognising businesses because I used to work   myself in the tourism sector we used it on the  Clooney bank hotel in forest which you can see   on the screen if you're looking for a nice place  to stay in Moray Spey Side find them at Luna bank   hotel in Moray and we run that for seven years  and in those seven years I became very much   into the whole tourism bits and online reviews  as well so I know how harmful it can be and how   it hurts if you get a negative review so I totally  understand that the way that hospitality nowadays   and regardless if you're running a hotel a  restaurant or an attraction or you're a tour guide   online reputation is becoming more and more  important especially now I have to say where   customers are finding out about  your online reputation online   when they're having a nice cosy evening the next  couple of slides are more scene setting in in in   that sense before we go to the nitty-gritty event  online reviews but we all know these statistics   you know if you make a customer unhappy in the  real world they might tell their six friends   nowadays if you make customers unhappy online they  have the opportunity to tell a lot more people   6 000 friends that's actually in a quote from  amazon in essence but yeah it is it is more and   more important to have a good online reputation  online and what I’ve learned in the in the tourism   industry as well when I worked in the in the  hospitality sector is i'm just gonna do here slides there we go reputations  can take a long time to build and   very quickly can be destroyed by having one person  being very negative about your server's offering   in that sense and that's why it needs to be  managed in that sense and i'm actually looking   forward to the q a question and answer at the  ends because love to hear your own experiences   and like Andrew said as well you know if you  agree with what's on the screen or you don't   agree with on the screen please put that in  there in the chat and Andrew will look at the   questions that are that are coming out but I’d  like to have that conversation later on as well   what always say and it's a bit cheesy have to  admit but you know the best form of marketing is   word of mouth marketing the best form of marketing  is indeed word of mouth marketing however it's it   can be pretty slow before the time people tell  all the friends of family it’s the cheapest form   of marketing in that sense but also the slowest  form of marketing and that’s where online reviews   is the word of mouth is actually moved to word  of mouth marketing told you it was a bit cheesy   apologies for that but we all understand  reviews are more and more important for   the for the consumer for people who are  booking your hotel your attraction your   restaurant and so on but also hotels  you can't book a hotel or a restaurant   or anything else nowadays and asking people to  sort of write a write a review the next slide is   it's talked about you know a lot of people would  actually pay more for excellent customer service   and agree with this slide but I also disagree  with the slide because offering customer service you can have a five-star experience in a two-star  hostel and one-star experience in the five-star   hotel it's not related think to the price that  you pay and it shouldn't be related to the price   that you pay for a product or a service customer  service should be integrated into the into the   culture of a business and regardless if you're  selling hotel rooms for 400 500 pounds or for   50 pounds you know customer service needs to  be part of that of that offering in that sense I hope Glasgow tours is on the call on the webinar  today because I’ve got a screenshot for them and   Glasgow tours I’ve never heard of the company  before so what did I do I went to google like   most people do and type in the name of the  business and page one of google comes up   obviously with your website your website  is seo optimised your website comes up   but apart from that there is trip advisor coming  up actually underneath your website which is good   TripAdvisor New Zealand comes up halfway the and different variations   of trip advisor as well so the first impression  of your business is not your website it's actually   google you might have a fantastic website you know  all the right things it looks fantastic but if   you're if the first impression of your business  on google or other search engines is not that   great then people move away very quickly however  in this case and in most of the cases have to say   the first impression is very good only see five  star reviews there so that gives me the trust   that this is a good company to deal with on  the right hand side you see those big arrows   about own this business and people also search for  the reason I did them there is because it says own   this business i'm not sure if the owner of the  business has actually claimed that google my   business listing because that's what it is but  if they have they could do a lot more with it   to indeed optimise your google my business listing  there's another webinar for that so don't go into   detail but there is a lot more people can do with  that right hand side of the of the page and just   so you know how important that is when you a  digital conference two years ago in Edinburgh   a two-day conference and there was someone on the  on the on the stage from google who said this was   two years ago 47 of people that do a search on  google are actually not clicking on the link   because they can find the information on the right  hand side the telephone number the opening times   if you're open June covets what are the rules  et cetera so don't ignore the google my business   and if you don't have a good reputation online  on the right hand side at the bottom it says   both people also search for which means  your competitors have a place there as well   good my business is extremely important  like I said before I’ve got some screenshots   of their reference watches who know very  well Mary if you're on the call welcome 72   mainly five star reviews cant house again five  star reviews and culture actually thought it was   Netherlands but it's more blemisher also  got great reviews there as well and this   is the point that i'm going to ask Andrew to  put up a poll we have a couple of questions   for you about how you're dealing with the reviews  so the first question that i'll launch today that   we would like you to respond to is just asking  you about what type of reviews you do respond to   so select only one do you respond to only negative  reviews only positive reviews both positive and   negative reviews or do you not respond to any  reviews at all and if you can click what you   respond to that will be superb okay and we'll  share the results there ready here we are   so only negative reviews is it seems it  seems one good thing is that everybody here   responds to reviews of some sort so nobody is not  responding if that what makes sense nobody is not   responding to any reviews so the bottom one  there so some folk only responding to negative   reviews but the majority 89 both positive and  negative reviews I’m delighted to see that and   90 respond to both positive and negative reviews  and like I said i'm delighted to see that because   the amount of people sometimes speak to say well  no we don't respond to the views because then you   get in a conversation that don’t really want  or don’t respond to the good ones and ignore   the bad ones and think so well done the next  question yeah so the next question is what   percentage of those reviews therefore do you  respond to you respond to them all or you see   the options there and you can still again select  only one and there we go so again very healthy and   all of you are at least responding to for those  that are responding 50 percent 22 percent 75   percent of 22 and then 100 of reviews 56 if you  respond to all the reviews that you receive that's   very encouraging isn't it ready very good very  good this can be a very short session actually and then finally you can select as many of  these as applied to your business which review   platform do you direct your guests or visitors  towards if you're asking them to make a review   and TripAdvisor google Facebook or the review  platform provided by your booking system   so if there's certain times of year or certain  types of visits so you maybe say okay well these   we'll put them on to you know ask them to make a  review on google or yeah perhaps if they've got   if they've made a booking in their email address  as a Gmail account then you might want to say   okay you've got a Gmail account  already so nice and easy for you   to put google review something along  those lines right we'll see that wow yeah that's incredible 44 yes like I said I guess people that are online are  already doing the right sort of stuff so it's   like I said could be a very short session today  a nice spread Vinnie okay ready I’ll hide that   and let you continue perfect thank you very much  that worked really well and just got back slightly   responding to reviews is extremely important  and I don't have to tell you that because   most of you do that but I’ve seen reviews bad  reviews where actually the business owner turned   a negative review into a positive because the  way they responded unfortunately I’ve also seen   business owners that made a negative review into  a double negative or an even more negative review   by the way they responded as well so yeah it's not  just the review it’s the response to it I think I   think extremely important now when people search  on google they get the google my business listing   when people do a search on Bing the other search  engine they don't have the google my business   listing it actually links to TripAdvisor and  as you can see I did a search for another   organisation the national Wallace monument so  I hope you're online as well and it shows the   Trip Advisor listings over there and there as  well so it's all about reviews nowadays and I   don't have to tell you that nowadays you can  spend a lot of money and resources on trying   having a good reputation marketing trying  to convince people you're a good business   but most people look at the reviews on amazon  on google my business on TripAdvisor et cetera   again after I’ve used some examples of businesses  that signed up for it so again I hope they're here   these are social media reviews so on Facebook  they've got reviews as well and Facebook is a   little bit messing with the reviews you do get  almost on a daily basis people complaining about   hey we've got 125 star reviews and all of a sudden  it says five people gave you five star reviews   while they're still there so there's a little bit  of issue there with Facebook but overall again a   very positive experience and again don't just like  people that giving you a five star review or less   response to those reviews even on Facebook and  yes that takes time but built in time in in not   just posting content on social media but engaging  with people as well especially people have given   you a nice and nice review so responding again  I can't emphasise enough how important that is the next slide is a company  called or a platform called yelp   when I mention yelp to people they most people  are not aware them or have seen them on the on   page one of google but they're not quite sure what  it is yelp is a is a review site like TripAdvisor   but you can erase any business  or servers on yelp so it's not   just the hotels the restaurants the attractions  etc you can rate your local shop your dentist and I’ve seen years ago I’ve seen a   review of someone that took the time to write  a review about a petrol station on the isle of   Skye who does that right you get petrol but sure  enough people seem to have time to write reviews   and they do that and if your customer is American  or are American’s they yelp in America is big   and again you know things about your customers are  do you get a lot of visitors from the from the us   they are most of them are aware of yelp and are  using that and this this screenshot will show   you some people that Matthew for example have  highlighted his he had the time to write 1739   Idon't know where people get that have the time to  leave you to do all these reviews but they do yeah   so be aware that people not just writing reviews  for of your business on TripAdvisor on google my   business on Facebook they find other platforms  as well depending on the platform that are   used in their in their country right inside  again a company that signed up and hope   they're here fantastic seven star reviews  and oh i'll just go back and sure enough   Pamela who works at that business is responding to  that review actually the same day as it was posted   in a nice personal way and again emphasise it  again responding to reviews is extremely important   let's tackle the elephant in the room TripAdvisor  reviews I mean here are some examples of you know   you can't please everybody most people love loch  ness but hey it's just a lake for some people   you can't please everyone and don't  even try and what for some people   can be a negative thing for other people can be  a positive thing I mean I don't have any kids   if I like to go to restaurants I tend to go to a  restaurant that you can have a nice time without   and he gets shouting running around so if I see a  restaurant with a negative review about there is   no menu for the kids grades that's what i'm gonna  put my so you know you can't please everybody   and you can actually make use of you know having  a worst according to this woman we have we are   terrible on TripAdvisor and have a couple when  I speak to businesses about TripAdvisor they   usually say or is very positive or very negative  there's no in between well that that depends and   the average score is actually 4.08 in that sense  so a lot of people do write positive reviews   in that sense so it's not just for the for the  negative and extremely positive it's actually   quite up quite high up there so don't be afraid  of negative reviews how no matter how good you are   there will be at some point person coming that is  not pleased and writing view etc just to emphasise   it's not just for hotels seventy percent post  reviews about attraction sport represented bad   restaurants on TripAdvisor as well and you get  beautiful reviews and wonderful pictures of food   there from Anderson’s restaurants in in Granton  or both of carton actually but yeah it's reviews   so what happens when people are not that pleased  and you can see a couple of examples there as   well where people write fantastic reviews five  star reviews and another person who probably   was there on the same day writes a negative  review etc I’ve highlighted the way they up   their contents their review on trip advice and  mobile more and more people because they're there   write a review on their mobile they don't have a  negative review then get into the car drive home   open up the desktop and then write to the  view they write a review there and then so   be aware of that thing and no doubt you are  and again on the right hand side you can see   someone that is quite recently not happy  with the way people the hotel are doing with   coke 19 they're not taking it seriously and  a response from the from the general manager   just to explain the other side of the story and I  think that's very important don't give customers   just one side of the story and and by responding  you you give the other side of the story as well   and what like about trip advice that's that's  ends of the discussion there is no yes no yes no   which can happen on Facebook because people  can respond to to reply as well so make sure   your response is is a good one best way to  respond to negative reviews take a moment remember   when we got our first negative review was  like a warrior on the keyboard and my wife   looked over my shoulder I said I wouldn't post  that and she was right the next day I was a lot   milder and realised you know but my answer is  going to be on the internet for years to come so   take a moment really take a moment sleep  over it discuss it and if you're not the   person to write a reply ask someone else  to do it you can be do it a lot better   don't take it personal in that sense although it  doesn't hurt have to have to say be personal don't   use the same answer over and over thank you very  much for your fine starter for you we hope to see   you again in the near future and the next one who  says the same etc so try to personalise it because   that will give other people a more sense  of what you're what your business is like   don't stand back show empathy address the  issue directly and make it good obviously a question that I get asked quite often as well  can you get bad reviews removed well you know if   it's a genuine complaints then no you can't remove  it best way is to respond however there are some   reviews that trip advice will review if people  use language that they shouldn't use online you   can report it if it's intolerant language when  people talk about certain people about staff   members religion politics all that sort of stuff  can be removed but you know that's obvious and   if it's irrelevant and I hear that as well where  maybe a restaurant is not run by the hotel that   is part of the hotel and TripAdvisor or the shop  or something like that that should be appearing on   their own entry as well so it's not relevant  to your business you can you can remove that   as well and on the next photo slides i'll show  you how to how to do that so you can report a trip   advice interview if it has one of those things  that it shouldn't be there report it and then   they will take actions on to see if it's indeed  not suitable to be on a family-friendly website   like trip advice the other question I get a lot  is don’t understand the ranking that TripAdvisor   use I’ve got 125 star reviews my competitor  has five star reviews and he gets a higher   listing than myself which I don't understand  nobody knows for sure it's a bit like google   how do you get the page one nobody knows for  sure however the number of reviews are important   so it's the quantity of the reviews the  quality of the review so it's more positive   it seems to be that you're getting a higher  listing and the recency after of the reviews and   that's where my next point about asking  people for a review is coming in as well   if you don't ask you don't get so asking  people for the review is extremely important   getting the most out of TripAdvisor is obviously  check your reviews respond to all reviews which   most of you do anyway so well done like I  mentioned before don't allow people to see just   one side of the story be honest important gorgeous  virtues don't try to if you messed up be honest   and don't try to sweep it under the carpet and  actually and that's what we did with the Cluny   Bank hotel as well use reviews for team training  and you know it's we looked at if the quality of   the reviews went down and it was for example to  do with housekeeping then we looked at when did   it happen was it during the week was it during  the weekend who was on call that weekend and   make them aware you know if we mess up if we  are dropping our cars then we're gonna we're   gonna get those type of reviews so use it for team  training don't use it for you for just yourself   ask customers for reviews do that in an email  once people have left with a clickable link to   your TripAdvisor listing or your google listing  or your Facebook listing and create a feedback   system and then the next couple of slides  will tell that go into more detail as well   TripAdvisor itself has online booking you can pay  more to get a higher listing to be featured and   all that sort of stuff so again you know if you're  getting a lot of business from trip advice at that   point or not you can look at that from the other  perspective as well see if you can up your game   by finding out what other services they offer as  well and it is indeed make it easier for people   to book online straight away through TripAdvisor  or pay more to get a higher listing be featured   and all that sort of stuff but i'm sure you  were aware TripAdvisor is very wouldn’t say   aggressive in the marketing but they will they  will tell you but they can what they can offer   some of you might have a review management system  where review pro for example and revenate I know   is quite popular in the in the hotel industry for  example where it aggregates reviews from google   my business TripAdvisor Facebook and you can do  it from one screen basically on the dashboard   if you have an aggregator like that please put  it in the in the q a and if you're happy with   it if it works for you it basically saves time  on managing these online reviews  

for example it's another one that’s that they  integrate so there might be a way to sort of   minimise time spent on responding to reviews  by having a review advocate like that great do you have a culture a process in your business  that actually encourage people to write a review   do you collate the reviews and do you analyse  the feedback and the next slide is a very simple   excel sheet almost where you know if you if you  have those feedback forms in your room which we   which we had at the room had feedback form of  course you can then create you know what was the   nature of the feedback what was the action taken  and the details of the follow-up and who handled   it these are quite helpful things and think  if you don't have a system in place like that   you're getting feedback but do you actually  take action after getting not just negative   feedback but some people can actually put on the  feedback from something that is not a critical   thing but it would be nice thing so next slides  is actually when was going through my archive   this was what we had in the Clinton bank hotel and  then this back in from 2004 actually so we took   a note about when was that review which room and  what was the action taken yeah so and again that   was a simple excel sheet which we sort of combined  and every month we had a meeting with the team   to say okay we tend to get that sort of feedback  what can we do about it what sort of questions in   the feedback forum what did you like what could  have been better suggestions and funny enough even   a sort of a suggestion like well you know a hook  at the back of the bathroom door would be great to   hang up my towel or bathrobe and everything are  good suggestions and would you recommend this so what do you do to manage your online reputation  do you actually share your link to your google my   business listing so people can write into the view  to Facebook to TripAdvisor and to yelp have you   claimed your listing on yelp as well now how can  you find out what people write about your business   an easy way to set that up is using google  alerts google alerts it will show you next   couple of slides as well is where you can  say to google I want to find out what people   write about my business anywhere on the  internet and it attracts any keyword or   phrase that you that you specify you can do it  on a daily weekly or monthly business and what   it does is if you can find out who is talking  about your business what are they talking about   and can you join the conversation yeah you can  also do it's a bit sneaky but nobody finds out   you can also do an alert for your area so  we did an alert for space sites and we did   an alert for our main competitor in forest as  well just to see what's where they are hanging in   this is what it looks like starting a life with  Scotland welcome I hope you're on the webinar   did a search for or a google alerts  for you and it shows me the sort of   the content that is coming up on line nearly  there personification what does that mean um can you go a step further by just offering  the services I mean if you go if your hotel   you're offering hotel rooms but can you can you  personalise it and know from own experience as   well sometimes people give a little bit more extra  information about why they're there so for example   a couple come from London so we send them an email  you're probably arriving at the internet's airport   can we arrange a taxi or something like  that put a little cart in the room if   you know it's people's anniversary  or something like that tweeting   the social media comes up later in July as well a  session about social media if people tweets on a   positive way about your business you know a little  a little message can do a lot thing it's often   the little things that can make a big difference  and the last example on the right is a customer   that has missed some chocolates in their inductee  and coffee facilities tweeted about it and sure   enough half an hour later that tweet was picked  up by help by the hotel and they brought him   some tweaks you know these little things can  make a big difference in the in the experience   great then the covert 19 the last section  of today be clear about you know what can   people expect and the screenshot on the left  is actually a post that the business editor   posted on the book of my business listing just to  let people know you know what is the process what   can you expect how to book et cetera et cetera  and the same goes for Edinburgh gin distillery   where it says you know if you're the health and  safety options is you need an appointment the   mask is required and the staff wear marks as well  so use all the elements that you can use to inform   your customer because the customer is interested  in that information don't just do it on your   website this national museum Scotland put  it on their website which is fantastic   but you can do it on Facebook and google my  business as well show that you you're taking   things seriously I’ve seen lots of Facebook  posts from hotels attractions restaurants   even creating videos about you know what what's  what can you expect when you book a table with us   how it's going to work and all that so be clear be  transparent etc the last two slides are about the   options that this Scotland has created the good  to go and safe travels scheme for example and you   know that that logo that that very recognisable  logo that people see gives them a little bit of   trust about you know by going to this hotel or  restaurant or attraction we can be short of safe   visit because that's what it's all about nowadays  it's not just good customer service it’s being   safe that is you'll be happy to hear two more  slides and that's then we go to the q a session   some key actions some takeaways I thought would  be quite helpful review and prioritise your   online review platform so should you focus  more on Facebook or on google my business   or on etc claim and use your  google my business listing very important   set of google alerts like I showed you it's free  and create a culture not just of customer service   I think customer obsession nowadays is  is the right term and get the whole team   involved not just the business owners but get  the whole team involved you know how can we make   a stay an experience even more pleasurable  and people talking about it and that's not   usually the price that's usually the extra  little things that usually make a difference   ask people for reviews send them an email does that automatically TripAdvisor   when you book them online as well does that  automatically as well because if you don't ask   people and make it easy click on the link and  you go to the trip advice listing or Facebook   don't build in barriers make it easy for people to  click on the share a link to review sites in your   email so if you send out an email to customers  after their stay don't hesitate to put the links   in there and update your covet 19 rules on google  my business on your website or your Facebook etc that was me the next slide and like Andrew  said as well the slides can be downloaded   so they're clickable so that makes it a lot  easier there's lots of support available from   this Scotland and other organisations business  gateway digital boost etc and we would be very   happy if you take the time to go to the feedback  form I think i'll put it on the slides on the on   the screen but it seems that disappeared but  there we go yeah i'll just cheer my screen now   so that people can see that this there's various  options that Israeli was just mentioned helpfully   of support they're on the screen there I’ve  also added the details of the forthcoming   webinars social media on the 7th of  July analytics on the 14th of July   and then two sessions one at the end of the month  on the 28th and one at the start of next or the   start of august sorry on the 4th of august on seo  for tourism businesses those can all be booked at slash events so i'll again as really  mentioned those these slides will be distributed   in due course in fact you can see the handout is  mentioned on the screen now but you'll get you'll   all get an email with the link to that enemy so  don't worry if you don't take it over just now   and as arena also mentioned thank if you  want to put any feedback in for today's   session you can do that at BusinessGateway and today's pin is 11 fc

any feedback on today's session so Rene first  of all thank you very much for your thoughts and   for sharing with us today on the topic of online  reputation management and I wonder if you could   just bring yourself back up on the screen again on  your webcam just see if you can really thank you in the chat do you do you put your link  to the feedback in the chat as well   know it'll go out in an email at all either today  I think oh it's actually it'll go out tomorrow   so that that will good tomorrow but yeah you  can just go to   just now if you like with that that pen that's  on screen a few questions actually ready i'll   bring them up just now but somebody  made me a very good point around   responding to reviews and said that advice they  had received was to write a response to negative   reviews from the perspective of future guests  rather than perhaps the perspective of the person   making the complaint or making the negative review  and I thought that was most helpful very good yeah   yeah excellent yeah no it's it's I mean the the  especially trip advice you know your response   is going to be the end of that discussion so make  it in a way and that's why you need to think about   it don't don't just start clicking on the on the  keyboard straight away think about what is it that   you want to achieve with this response and that's  and that’s a very good one actually to think about   you know what else can we sort of get out of  the for future guests and everything very good   grand one of the things you mentioned Rene was  to try to personalise responses to reviews so   it's not always the same thing time after time but  it I guess if you're a small business and you're   trying to respond to a significant number of  reviews that have come in then that can get quite   tricky and coming up with a different response  every time maybe takes a bit of time would you   recommend somebody's asked a question would you  recommend using a review response template system   they certainly have the positives in in that  sense but it's always emphasise you know   try to make it and I know it does it takes  more work and I totally understand that and   just to give you just to give you an idea every  customer is different obviously and what we did   at some point in our in our team we said  okay we have a crm we have a database   write down three things from I mean our  hotel was a small hotel we have ten bedrooms   and we had a front of house and all this and stuff  but write down three things of every customer   put it in their crm and that could be  such-and-touch likes well done bacon   when the customer checked out he said you won't  see me for a while because i'm on holiday to Spain   all these little things that are unique for every  customer put them in the database because the next   time they're calm you can actually respond to that  and if they write a review you have a little bit   more data in that sense because it's amazing  how quickly you forget people in that sense so   having an online booking system obviously  shouldn't just have a name and an email address   and an address try to build on that and you know  put in some extra information that allows you   to say hey you know this we need to remember  this for all for next time or if the customer   write a review we can we can respond to that so  that might help yeah really I suppose it's an   it's the thought there is keeping a conversation  going with the guests or with the potential   guests for future reference so that you can  mention to the future instead of just saying   oh you know come and visit us again if you say  something you know is likely to hook them in   a conversation that's hopefully going to make  them more likely to book I mean from a customer   point of view if someone else sees a response  for example to say well thank you very much Mrs   Jones it was great to see you again hope your  visit to isle of Skye went well or and the dog   had a good time and your kids had a good time that  that that makes it personal that means that people   that like that personality are more likely to book  you in in that sense some people don't like it   fine you can't be good for all sort of people but  you tend to get the type of people that that you   that you show online in the in that sense great  I suppose slightly related to that and someone   else has asked this question is it okay to offer  incentives for people to respond i'm not talking   about necessarily giving them gifts or anything  like that but perhaps saying if you know leave a   review on TripAdvisor and then whether it's good  or bad doesn't matter if you leave a review on   TripAdvisor I suppose that's part of the trust  element there we'll give you a 10 discount or 20   discount off your next day is that okay yeah it's  what works for you I I’ve never done that but I   know businesses who do that they say you know if  you write a review you get you get drawn into a   competition and you know you can win this or  you get a discount or something like that I   never did that but I can understand why  people want to do that I what I tend to   what I tend to emphasise to get people to write  a review is you know and again a simple email   we hope you enjoyed your stay if you haven't  please let us know if you enjoyed why not tell   the world and that word of the world was a link  to our direct trip advice at least and actually we   said you know it would help us tremendously if you  if you if you write a review in in that sense so   you know more playing on people sort of well you  know we had a great time so I’m quite happy to   help them instead of offering in incentive in  this and like I said I have nothing against it   you know it depends on what you prefer but I’ve  never done it I tend to play on people's you know   we've done our utmost best if you play time the  least you can do not in those words obviously   the least you can do is click on the link and give  us a review and think that that works really well   okay well I think we've got time for one  more question and think it's a really good   one someone's asked and from the perspective  of someone who's perhaps put in a review with   comments or aspects for improvement that they  think that the business should implement that   this person's asked is it appropriate to follow up  with reviewers at a later stage so for example if   you're a restaurant and somebody's made  a complaint and said oh the quality of   the steak that I was served wasn't very good is  it okay to follow up with mnc two months’ time   and say we’ve changed our supplier for you know  our stakes and that’s improved is that is that   worthwhile doing is that appropriate absolutely  no I think that's a very good thing to do   people like to see if people give  suggestions they do that to help you and   you know it's like I said I mean I gave an  example it happened 15 years ago but still   it might be still in my mind where we had  a suggestion about you know a hook behind   the door of the bathroom would be it would be  nice to have and I thought yeah why didn't we   that's so obvious why never why have you never  thought of that so we installed we went to being   for two pounds or something and installed it  and then we sent an email just to let you know   thank you very much we really appreciated  that that feedback and we now installed that   I think that's very good it's and because  people like to help not everybody but in   general most people like to help and if they see  action has been taken because of that suggestion   I think that's very good well done especially  when it's a business that that relies on is   benefits from repeat you know regular repeat  clients like a restaurant that's yeah ideally   absolutely and these are the things that people  tell other people you know I still talk to my   friends about experience that experience in a  hotel in a restaurant that went beyond the normal   customer service I think if you're still providing  normal customer service you're going to lose   you really need to sort of step up and see you  know where can mean a simple example and I know   i'm going over time so i'll keep it i'll keep  this short this was years ago we had a French   crew in they put most of the  room six of the rooms where were   their English was not very good and that  was the day that the clocks went back so   we put first a note into every room don't forget  the vlogs are going back and this is how to do it   here is the manual for the alarm clock and then  we came back and we said how can we improve this   and someone said well it's nice to have the cars  but they don't speak English so they probably   can't read it as well why don't we already  put the clock backwards and put in French   google translate yeah we've got the best sort of  friends but to say don't worry we've already put   the clock back but if you if you're coming an  hour late for breakfast don't worry we'll still   so you know it's I think that's is a  makes your job a lot nicer and everybody's   a lot nicer but also the experience that the  guests get is a lot higher and you know they will   share that on Facebook on twitter on Instagram and  all this stuff brilliant really Rene thank you so   much for your time today really appreciate that  thanks very much everybody take care and goodbye

2021-07-08 23:19

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