Touring your BEAUTIFUL Tiny homes | The Sims 4 Shell Tours

Touring your BEAUTIFUL Tiny homes | The Sims 4 Shell Tours

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hey guys what's up welcome on back today is  another show tour welcome guys welcome to   chat thank you so much for being here today I am  Simeralla and if you are new welcome on in it's so   good to have you all here today so we have about  eight participants eight to nine participants   um so we're just gonna just jump  right in so first up we have Nathan   um tiny home in newquest the show challenge was  uh the tiny show challenge the theme was dining   um family I also gave kind of like two patios  outside patios so the description says this is   a small modern home made on the corner lot in  newquest thank you so much for that location   many skills items on this lot including space  to do a lot of gardening the backyard has a cozy   area perfect for a pool side barbecue we love  it and we love to see it okay we are here at   this cute lovely home it doesn't even look like  my show at all it's fantastic I love the whole   um Echo Vibes uh I love it I love the bike outside  it's very welcoming perfect cute adorable home and   we are going inside and when you walk in you got  the paintings the plants oh the TV is right here   you got a bowl of fruit got your little radio  you got your little sitting area oh okay I   can see a really nice um elderly couple maybe  oh there's a room right here oh this is nice fevi nice and I love the color the wall coloring  as well beautiful room I love this little kitchen   area this is just like too freaking cute I love  the kitchen I love the copper back slash and the   everything copper and then light blue oh it goes  really well these colors go at sectionally well   together I love the Clutter the placement  go in here oh this is a kid's room okay   this is nice you know it's this is a tiny home  but everything fits so well I love the coloring   look at this it's like a skylight above  I love the coloring of the kids bedroom   so let's go out the sliding door and there's a  lovely lovely whoa area very nice plenty of places   for the family to come out and dine if you're  dying as you've seen inside or you could dine   outside it's that inside outdoor um living and  I absolutely love it and then on the side here   have your gardening stuff plenty of um places for  you to plant you got your little gardening area   here nice touch now I didn't see a bathroom  but maybe make sure that I seen everything   um okay so this is the bedroom make  sure I didn't miss anything now   okay and you come here this is the face  oh yes okay now we're talking this is the   bathroom right here as soon as you come in shower  toilet area I just love the turquoise the blue   very very nice this is a really nice  home once again you can get this on   the gallery of course and can I get some  claps and chat for this lovely lovely build Black Rose 49 70 Black Rose headed my last shell  challenge she's a really good friend um so she   did this tiny show challenge for me as well um  she used about four packs she used City living   um I believe this is jungle Adventure  uh tiny living stuff pack and the deluxe   um desert Deluxe desert Deluxe does it Lux  kit all right so we're gonna go ahead and   Jump Right In okay we are here at Black Rose  4970s house I love the outside I love the brick   exterior I love the plants outside all right  let's go in I even love the walkway with the tile   a little bit High I'm gonna go down  a little low here we go all right   I love the mint Sentry  modern doors I love the green   all right we are going inside lovely tiny home oh  okay this is one of the curtains I love that couch I love this area as soon as you come  in you can come at home and relax   video read a nice book it's so nice and cozy I  love the desert walls okay the kitchen is very   um with the Spanish tiles that's for the  jungle Adventure I absolutely love it   really really nice okay and I love these  doors these doors I believe are from the   um the desert Luxe kit and this outside  indoor dining area this is exactly what I   was envisioning with the shell this is perfect  outdoor indoor living nice room this is really   spacious for a tiny home this whole layout Black  Rose my goodness this is fantastic I love it very   spacious enough room for your Sims to come I can  see a young girl just living on her own I just   love it this is absolutely gorgeous okay and it  is a room here look how spacious this bathroom is   I love it I say love it one more time but  actually do actually do I love the black   against the orange it doesn't look like you  know how sometimes if you have like black   with orange it's kind of like Halloweenish but  no this works because it has the accents of the   blue tone in here it's really really well  done very nice job okay so let's go outside yes look at this I I want to come hang out  here I really do I love the hot tub this is   a young girl on the rise Korean lady out  here in Oasis Springs maybe hanging out   with Johnny says you know what I'm saying  love it love the barbecue I love the entire   your home it's so well done you guys can get  this on the gallery once again this is Black Rose 49.70 absolute wonderful job yes can we get  some claps in the chat please thank you so much   All Right Moving On Up Next guys is wannabe  v03 and the packs they used are um Echo   lifestyle seasons cats and dogs City living get  together get to work a lot of expansion packs   um and also game pack dream home decorator and  then the deluxe why do I keep saying Deluxe   is Desert Luxe kit all right let's Jump Right  In Here we are wannabe vv03 this looks like a   really nice modern home out here in Oasis Springs  I love it I'd love to see it I love the brick and   I love the big Windows actually look at that I  love the big Windows okay so we're gonna go in   I love Oasis Springs I just  love the worlds it's so nice I kind of would like another um desertly type  um world but all right here we go we're going in   front door all right you know very modern very  the uh aesthetic is black and white oh I never   even noticed that before that's a nice little  side thing okay I love the walls art and avas up   there you got your bowl of fruit nice table okay  and again with these um desert Luxe doors I love   these open Sliding Doors oh okay very nice okay  so then you have your dining you eat in kitchen   all right and then in this area right here nicely  done has where you can garden and look see how   it's uh like a skylight it's very exposed I love  that okay so let's go into this door over here   and you have a bedroom this you know I picture  a guy living here I put you a single guy just   living here you know doing his thing lovely okay  so let's go to this door all right so we got a   bedroom a kitchen and you have your living  area where you could just hang out you know   have company over Chit Chat and whatnot love it  okay and then here is another door a lot of doors   and then you have your bathroom now the bathroom  is very spacious very spacious bathroom it's very   um minimalist and I like that I love it you  got your tub shower combination you got your   sink and you have your very modern toilet  with your fifty dollar toilet paper tell   me why the toilet paper is fifty dollars  I don't know we don't know all right so   let's go take a look outside I'm not sure  if they decorated outside because they do   have the garden inside but let's just take a  look at the surrounding area really quickly this is why I love Oasis Springs  because it's just so bright out there   I am gonna pan out just a little bit laying out  guys for you make sure that we got everything   yes we did get everything  and make sure turn around   yes we did get everything and once again I  absolutely love the windows um you guys can   find this on the gallery on the gallery thank  you so much claps everyone in the chat yeah yeah all right guys up next is a special this is  really really special um this is my tiny shell   challenge of course but cats coffee Sims turn  my shell into a bomb shelter honey okay that is   something worth taking a look at so um they  use the echo lifestyle uh strangerville and   they use the industrial love kit so let's go  okay here we are at cats coffee Sims bunker this is it this is it I gotta find my way in  oh I'm super excited this is so so unique and   so original I mean who I mean come on this  is fantastic okay so I gotta go around the   back I mean this is a bunker after all you know  we are dipping and dodging from those bombs you   know going off we gotta hide so we're coming  through here we see the dinosaurs and stuff   and like we just walk and looking for shelter  we need some help we need to take cover and   long and behold baby here we go  yes this is so nice okay you got   some glass shards on the floor on the  grounds you've got the nuclear type   um barrels the tires some some nuclear crap  spilled or on front you got this door like oh my   God I gotta get in I gotta get in touch the button  boom We inside oh okay yeah so when you come in   they telling you you got to like wash down you are  in the bunker you know you gotta get that new off movie here you gotta shower wash your body  off okay once you are done you're cleaned   you're gonna come over here you're gonna grab some  supplies then you're gonna come on in now we are   in we are safe yes you can wash up more over here  I love the sink I love the toilet I just love the   rust the slime on the walls this is like really  thoughtfully well done I absolutely love a cat's   coffee Sims you did an excellent job you got your  books you got your papers you got clothes people   are running around in a frantic they just frantic  they scare and then you come here and this piece of piece of plants you gotta you gotta grow  the herbs all over again the herbs the fruit   the vegetables you know because you gotta you  gotta say some for the future yes I love this   area and you have the skylight very nice okay  so let's go through here and here you have   your kitchen and this is where you do everything  I mean you're thinking here you're drawing out   plans to like you know once you get out of  this bunker you're gonna build your own home   this week you eat I don't know if this  is where you sleep too but hey you can   right here in this chair love it very very nice  okay so okay we're gonna go out the store here and here is the bedroom oh fantastic well not TV video to hear from like  what's going on out there in the world   you got the files you're looking through stuff  information conspiracy theories you got your punk   mates yes who's who's hanging out with me here in  the bunker cause I'm ready I'm ready if if stuff   goes down we out we know where to go that's  right cat's coffee Sims you helped us and out   here you've got of course you got the generator  you got your your water thing you got the power   oh this is so nice oh I love it this  is excellent now if you're doing like   um an apocalypse challenge this is what you should  go and download right now because this is perfect   okay so go right now on the gallery Cat Coffee  Sims okay and download this bunker okay hold   on getting a little twisted okay I think I came  through here that come through here nope that's   the kitchen pack it up okay we came through  here yes out through this door and we outside   fantastic bunker I really felt like I was in a  bunker for real for real I really did all right   everyone clapped for cats talking Sims oh followed  them on the gallery up next this is a tiny commune   okay and this is by I want to say don't Cara a bit  I hope I set your name correctly don't care a bit   and they only use one pack tiny living cool dolls  fantastic okay so they give a little description   it goes this is much more than a tiny home it's  Collective of like-minded individuals who eat   sleep and breathe trees yes that's right this is  an arborist commune they just really love trees   um she was inspired by the Bible Spirit too  and she found my show Challenge on Twitter   yeah guys here we are this is by John carra a bit  um this is the commune home and she was inspired   by bio I will spare two I love the brick brick  I guess it's the new thing as you've now seen   um a couple of homes that we've seen has the brick  exterior so brick is trending as far as Sim 4   builds so just want to put that out there okay um  I love the bicycles in the front you know it shows   that you know people are living here I love the  nice bench and then the um the flowers on the side   okay so let's go inside I love this door this  is all tiny home and base game that is it   okay so here we are we have a ladder  so that means we could go upstairs   okay I love the orange you know what let me  just come up a little bit and zoom out as much   as I can it's a little bit hard you know to to  maneuver in a tiny home so please forgive me I   love this area you come here you chill you read a  book you put your feet up I love the plants just   a really nice touch okay so there's a door  right here so we're gonna go in here first   what do we have oh a beautiful bathroom oh I  love how you did the countertops how it's kind   of like L-shaped and how it connects to the um  shower tub combination I actually absolutely   love that I love the windows the corner Windows  yes love it this is a really cute bathroom yes   well done okay I love all the tiles okay so  they're coming out this bathroom okay now   we're gonna go across the hall across the  commune area and then you have your kitchen   you have your nice modern you know stainless  steel appliances just got the subway tiles   you got your little coffee area with the  microwave dishwasher this is really nice   you got um some stuff up there you know  your little cookies pot holders coffee mug   really really nice okay okay all right so  we're gonna go through all the doors before   we go upstairs to this ladder right or should  we let's go upstairs let's go on this side   okay bear with me guys bear with me I'm going  up this ladder here we go okay oh you got a gym   I love that the workout yes gotta  get your work out in absolutely   very nice that is such a good idea okay all right  I see what's a cause but I'm gonna should I jump   should I jump no no we could  jump over here diagonal and here's your garden area nice very nice okay  so we're gonna go back down you know we're gonna   go back down I need to show you guys how you  know how your Sims would look and stuff so come   on we gonna go down down the ladder okay so yes  let's go across on the other side let's do this   going up of a heavy yarn and this is a nice area  you know your Sims can get their skills up logic   out yes you've got your chest table here you  got your telescope you're looking up at the sky   hope your Sims don't get abducted by aliens  yes okay let's work our way back downstairs   go oh God we in the kitchen going through  walls and this is where everyone sleeps   very nice you got your TV you got your work desk  you got four who makes your four people in here   uh-huh I see it I see the vision I see the  vision nice bare walls you don't need to decorate   everything this is great this is fantastic the  clothes on the floor who's the sloppy one I don't   know they might get kicked out I have no idea  this is a very nice house and this is by don't   Cara a bit now she did say um I don't know if  it's she or he so I'll just say they they they   said that there was a garden I seen the garden  we went upstairs but I want to make sure aha yes   this is where they eat yeah yeah outside dining  love to see it yes and of course here you got   some freshly new planted maybe some fruits  maybe some vegetables for when they all come   together and eat as a family yes all right  claps in the chat for don't have a [ __ ]   yes all right guys next up is Luna socks one  yes and they did a tiny Echo home or Eco home   um and they use um Echo lifestyle  don't know why just opened that up   um Island living dream home decorator tiny living  stuff pack and Industrial Loft kits and it's a two   bedroom one bath firm on a 20 by 15 lot so let's  go right in oh Luna socks one I absolutely love   the front of this house the whole echo or ego or  Echo lifestyle I love it the bikes the plants the   beautiful colors of the plants against the dark  um wood of the home with the sliding rooftop   yes okay we're gonna go inside there's so  much to see you know what I it's so much   to see on the outside let's begin on the  outside first with this one okay so here   we have the plants and the bikes and  there is the bird what do you call that   um The Birdhouse The Birdhouse hello a brain a  Saturday forgive me okay excuse me little little   boy you know all in my way okay this is where you  plant and you recycle and do all that good for the   um air quality stuff for the global warming this  is where it's at this is the center this is the   Hub okay so we are going in the side yard here  and this is where the garden supplies are at   yes and then yes like I said you have the  recycling you've got way to fix all your stuff   um I think this is the Candle Maker something  like that but yes you could make some Vines   honey this is the fabrication going on  this is the fabrication Center okay you   got your grill you got the child art center  very artsy very creative you've got a pool   what you can Lounge out here you got the The Gnome  mm-hmm okay so let's go back towards the front and   we're gonna go we're gonna go into the front door  okay I love this home now if I get a sim who's   all into like saving the world and all that stuff  gotta save the world man cause save the world uh   they will definitely be in this home because it  just fits okay so come in you know you have your   console table with your plant you got your  box maybe this is where you will put your   keys at you got your when you hang up your  coat your hat take off your shoes you know   you gotta take off your shoes you've been in  the garden all day you've been working outside   leave those shoes right here okay so I am gonna go  through this door first perfect like I said you've   been working in the garden all day take your  shoes off you dirty you stinky you come right   here into this bathroom I love the black Subway  tiles I love the shower I love it against the   um what call it uh that Southwestern ah  cautery tile y'all know what I'm talking about   I just love it love it it's kind of this bathroom  reminds me of like a single male but it could be   unisex it definitely Can Be unisex for sure  okay so we are coming in and I'll be in the   house and this is where the family dines and I  love this picture is this base game okay okay um you got your TV you got your frog right okay  I see those two doors on the in the corner but   we're gonna come right through this kitchen I  love the industrial kit yes I love these lights   the countertops the wood um countertops to fridge  very nice I just absolutely love this kitchen   I really do even the garbage can if  that's a garbage can that I rarely   use but it works so well okay so we  got two doors we're just gonna go left okay now no no no yes yes I love this bedroom industrial kit once  again yes mixed up with dream home decorator   okay now this person could be or maybe that  significant other is the interior designer   and then the other one obviously is the the  fabricator I see the story it's coming yes   here is the area where they  come up with their ideas laptop and they can look out the window that is a   bonus when you know in real life and  in Sim life where they can just be   right there studying and looking out the  window we already went outside so I'm gonna go   um through this door let's see and this is  the kids room I love the green with the brown   I love this color green it's like a hunter green  yes and it works it works yes I can see a little   kid living in here absolutely really nice Luna  socks yes all right guys that is the whole home   and if you guys want to or you better let  me say you better uh I'm threatening y'all   Go download this home and once again thank you  so much Luna socks one for participating in my   show Charles thank you so much claps  in the chat yes we'd love to see you   all right guys this is our last home of the tiny  show challenge but after this whole tank because I   have another shell a special shell um that someone  did previously they didn't get it in on time with   my last shell challenge which was the spooky show  challenge so after this one we're gonna see a   spooky house and then that will be the end of the  video so hold on okay so here we are and this is   by Heaven's Kitty okay let's see if there's any  descriptions I made this little home for a couple   who wants to live tiny and want to have children  lots of skill building space game play tested all   right very nice and they only use once again the  tiny living stuff packed so bonus right there for   just using one pack only all right let's go inside  okay here we are at Heaven's Kitty home this home   they said that uh they built it for a couple  who wants to have children I love the entryway   I love the tile and the walkway yes I love the  fencing the two-tone fencing absolutely love that   and this looks like another walkway but  we'll get to that we'll get to that okay   because I am very excited to go inside of this  beautiful home I love the exterior of the house   yes very traditional type of tiny home okay  so this couple wants to live tiny living   life walks in straight into the kitchen which is  perfect because when you come home and you have   the groceries or your Sims have the groceries  it's really nice to come into the kitchen you   put your groceries right away I love the tile um  countertops against the black black and white love   to see it once again the microwave very nice okay  and then you gotta come into this this through   this door and you have like the common area where  you can like they said in their description you   can have your Sims work on their skills which  is the painting and logic with the chess table   very very nice and I love the plants okay  so we have two doors here side by side so   we're gonna go into this one and we're all  of the babies room why is it when we have   a weekend when we when we talk about babies  we get into that voice the babies room yes   okay I'm thinking for a boy but you know blue can  be for a girl too uh I love the baby's room yes   and I can't wait for babies Oh a baby and toddler  okay so they have two kids and one yes ah listen   share in the bedroom that's how I was brought  up I shared a bedroom absolutely love it love   the little soccer ball lamp The Toy Chest the  teddy bear the colors very nice room well done   okay so let's come out of this room we're gonna  go right next door this is probably where Mom   and Dad sleep yes yes and they and they have to  convert it they have the converted stop what do   you call it like pull out bed or something like  that this is where your sim is going to die   this is where it's going to happen this  is where they're going to die I'm so sorry okay yeah cause we know how this bed works yeah  your sim is going down okay all right but it's   a very nice converted type room where you can  just you know you can chill you can watch TV   and you can study you have the computer  desk over here and then when you are done   you pull down the bed and you go night  night forever no stop very nice okay so   uh I am missing a bathroom hold on hold on we  have signed no I went into the bathroom didn't I oh what's going on okay okay yes it was hidden from  me I like that I like how you   um use the fence over here as like a divider I  absolutely love that okay with the toilet and   the shower no tub okay baby gotta be washed  up in the shower or in the sink depending   on how big they are okay very nice yes a little  toddler toddler toilet okay what's through here   this is the outside yes where the family eats and  enjoys family time together for dining we love it   and then over here I guess you have your  your outdoor play area with the jungle gym   yes and then um you go through this walkway  path ziggity zag walkway path and you have   um you know you got some some some pots where you  can plant some some flowers or some vegetables   or whatnot yes this is such a beautiful home  everybody in chat I mean Applause please for   heaven's pity absolutely beautiful go on the  gallery download it now I can see the vision I   see the sweet family with the adorable babies  I love it as promised I am a woman of my word   um simsy loves a lot okay like I said before  they did the shell Challenge from my spooky shell   challenge but they didn't get it in on time and on  top of that it was flagged as CC so it didn't come   up when I was looking for the homes or whatever  but I promised them that I would Tour on the next   our shell tour so here we are so this is from  the spooky shell challenge which was awesome   okay it was so much fun um and they used to  pack one pack only they use get together and   it's a three bedroom one bathroom on  a 40 by 30 locked um any description okay they just explaining that they UCC but  it's there's no CC was just flagged as that   um the infant room has no bassinet because  I have override for that toddler bed don't   worry about it we gonna figure it  out we gonna look at it it's gonna   be wonderful let's get it let's go gorgeous  I love the colors I love it very like um like Victorian or yeah winterberg it's it's  you know it's the whole get together a lot   uh let's see what's inside yeah I think there's  an outhouse I think you gotta go poopy outside   I think you have to go poopy outside I don't  know okay I'm just curious because I see the   little house and it looks like an outhouse  but it could be for gardening because I see   the gardening tools okay so you have the  bird house okay let's see what's in here all right okay though it's just it's  no poopy it's no poopy Outhouse this   is the gardening shed very nice okay never  mind okay so and then I left the house the   um the backyard with the gazebo very nice with  the barbecue and oh somebody is singing Somebody   is having a really good time okay so we're gonna  go um this could be like for a car maybe or horses   you know whatever your pleasure of is of traveling  uh I did I do wish we had horses in in The Sims   okay so we're going through the front door the  supposed to be scary now but it doesn't look   scary but I absolutely love it I'm not scared  I guess it depends on who lives here right   okay you come in you got your coats you got your  shoes you got your chest pieces or your chests   you got your chest um table you come in I love  the brick I love the brick okay so we're gonna   go inside this door and we have a study we have a  study with the books very medieval Century that is   the what I was looking for medieval Eve Century  type of style okay this door oh wow okay so you   have a sink and I'm guessing no no toilet so you  have a sink you have a washroom area and inside   this washroom area oh my God this is supposed  to be scary right who lives behind these doors   okay oh oh now this is very unique unique where  it's like the um the bathroom area everything is   separate I kind of like that yeah yes I can  see the vision absolutely okay so you have   the bathtub and then over here is the toilet yes  throat Throne the throne area okay very nice okay   all right and then you come through here you  have this is a really huge kitchen this is like   I love all the Cabinetry with the countertops  you have the dining room table very nice oh you got your toddler party over here oh God  are they eating over here do not letting the   baby eat over here are you but this is where it's  stored and it's a very nice touch it doesn't have   to be out you know when company comes over  and stuff like that so okay all right yes   okay so let's go upstairs let's go upstairs we're  gonna go up the Stalls here we go I'm horrible okay so yeah we're gonna go up the stairs and  we have top of the stairs okay and we come to   like this family area oh no this is where  the kids sleep the kids this is okay this is   this is me I'm worried I'm  worried but a nice worried okay   very nice okay you got the toddler and they  pee pee in the toilet and you got the bunny   rabbit okay so we got doors well this is  just a closet that's not a door all right   okay hold on let me move my mouse my mouse is like  what you doing girl okay all right so we're gonna   go through this door first okay very nice very  nice very princessy medieval I can see twins   who live in this room yes lovely and you could  put you could put stuff up here as well very nice   simple and nice okay so we're gonna go into  this room probably where Mom and Dad live oh no   okay oh this is like the toy area they have their  own little area just got the laundry nicely folded   that's not what my laundry looks like but yes  very nice oh you got the little the little   shoes okay well this is not scary all right  I feel like I'm missing Mom and Dad's bedroom okay that looks like an outside balcony but  I think this is a closet am I being punked   yeah oh [ __ ] it is a class all right so let's  come over here and it's a nice little patio   beautiful scenery where you could come and eat  to hang out have your coffee and then you have   another little patio area and then Dad or Mom  is working on the wood okay very nice I feel   like I'm missing Mom and Dad's bedroom did I miss  something okay so okay I want to make sure I get   everything that is a closet okay so maybe it's  downstairs so we are gonna go outside to the   backyard I know we was already out there but  I want to make sure I'm not missing anything okay so this was really really nice I love the  Gazebo I think the Gazebo it's really really cool   to see I love this build I love everything about  this bill so thank you so much for participating   thank you everyone for participating in the show  challenges there will be a new show challenge out   December 1st and this one is going to be special  thank you so much for joining me today everyone   here in chat I love to see you all thank you so  much I appreciate you coming um and if you're new   and you like my channel you like what I'm doing  and you want to hang out we can hang out hit the   Subscribe button hit the Bell it will let you know  whenever I upload any new content thank you so   much everybody I love you all Happy Thanksgiving  in the United States and all my friends all over   the world please be safe be healthy and  I'm Simeralla and I'm signing out bye guys

2022-11-22 12:21

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