Touring Yorkshire in July - Vlog 81

Touring Yorkshire in July - Vlog 81

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do hello and welcome back to a vlog found a lovely  forest park up uh just near york very peaceful   and that might seem weird because obviously no  solas going on but we just needed some shade   from the sun and we'll be traveling on from  here sometime tomorrow so the b2b will kick in   and give us power and stuff like that but it's  so warm today got over 32 i think it was 31.32   so we just needed some shade so perfect  forestry shade it's just been nice and a   quiet location in nature as well listen to  the birds chirpy cheep cheep and such like so only a quick one well yeah he's loved it don't  miss that's what she said then only a quick one   oh dear yeah it said thankfully because of that  white floor um meant that the floor's not hot to   walk on at all so he was all right with that but  it's just a little bit too water for much a little   bit too warm for much walking i'm talking about it  and talking yeah so but i remembered you see that   i've left nearly four cup of coffee on the  table oh no so gutted so i'll i'll finish   that and hopefully it'll cool me down a little  bit but it feels nice to get back out walking   again yeah even with a sony oh in the meantime  i'm editing the video you've already watched yes   exactly that bloody melting yeah um it's a very  hot day and today we've decided to burn off the   brand new oven which means we've got to have it  on full for 20 minutes so i have sweat in places i   didn't even know i could sweat we have brownie mix  ready to go in along with some um chopped up twix   that will they will be chopped up i'm gonna put  them on the top so i'm literally doing the exact   same as i did with the first lot of brownies um  if i could find the picture that i took of him   because i didn't really think much of it i'll  get john to put that on the screen right now in you go first thing baking in the new oven do well alexa set reminder for 28 minutes well  got the afternoon sun streaming in through the   window excuse the dirty pots on the coffee maker  well this is what we've got it is crispy and gooey   so look at that so i'll give you sticky side up  sticky side up still warm so how is it then babe can't speak right now there's no words i need more to uh give more give more yeah to decide more   well um we have more i almost so  excited like so excited pizza look ready look pizza in the gosh dan oven nom see you in 10  minutes 10 minutes in a normal oven does it say   yeah this is going to be a tesla so see what  the um comparison is to what it thinks it's   going to take see this is all the stuff  i've got to work out before i start doing   full roast dinners you see yeah because at  least i know how long to put things in well   240 actually means gas mark 2 or 110. yep let's  start just get my sharpie out look at that dude it's taken 13 minutes when the packet said  um 10 minutes or so so really really not   that much longer than then we anticipated so  i can quite happily have that and i suppose   there's always a little bit of how you like  your pizza we like ours so it's nice and   and brown but not too crispy on the outside  otherwise you can never eat it so they look   wonderfully done obviously our plates are way  too small but then we're not getting bigger   ones because otherwise we would just eat the  whole world on a plate there's a big empty chair   where my husband should be because he's decided  to take this time now to go find a tiny bit of   signal to upload a video knowing i had pizza  in the oven so answers and comment in the   comments below of uh how possibly annoying that is  mine's ready to go look how yummy that looks now   and i just need to say this stuff it is  vegan blue cheese sauce and everyone knows   i'm not vegan but you know it's never  a bad thing to cut down on your dairy   um but this is shelf stable sauce it does  say it needs refrigerating it's never needed   refrigerating it's oh well i've got it in kind  of a cool cupboard um it is the most stunking   dressing on everything i've used it to dip chips  in it i put it on southern fried chicken wraps   with barbecue sauce as well because that is  a taste explosion you want to try but yeah   this stuff this sakura vegan blue cheese dressing  is amazeballs literally the best thing ever   mmm pizza we nearly missed it so yeah in  our attempt to not be um forgetful youtubers   yeah i've just remembered that we needed  to film eating pizza eating pizza pizza so what do you think them i think it's really good  yep tasty pizza's a good pizza as well yep cooked   all right yeah when the winner pizza for dinner  yay our tea brownies next there's a lot of colors   i don't know where to go see a  lot of colors only feeling blue there's a lot of colors lost within a haze don't  rely on others to get you through their maze the dreams are not the same for me standing cannot take things anymore so we've just arrived at the yorkshire air museum  and allied forces memorial which mandy's really   excited about because it's also um a former world  war ii bomber command center bomber come on center   so that means there's going to be lots  of things that mandy obviously is quite   excited about oh you know we're about to come  really early this morning because it's you know   hot real hot but the really dog friendly the  guy in the door just said fetch dug in there's   water balls around everywhere there's loads of  shade and it just can't go in the cafe which   is totally understandable so so 12 quid each to  get in yep so we're going to pay our way to get   in now and then going over shifty round yes so  that's really cool so it's 12 pound admission   but look it's valid for a year so  it's 12 months submission 12 quid behind the ones you left behind and  i'll sing for you all the way home oh but why does it feel like home is i just sing my soul as i walk through again and there she stays is and so i sing to her a lover had a gun   you let me see but still i sing for you oh what do you think of it oops do  you like the planes and everything   pretty warm inside here at the moment  sweaty in it yeah it's not good cooler   inside than it is outside though so  i'm happy about that raising that   it's quite good inside because  a lot of the floor was um   concrete concrete white concrete wasn't it  so i mean i kept taking my flip-flops off and   and checking it out and then they did it at  the car park and it's like nope mate oh again   yeah have a nice time yeah that was brilliant  that was interesting little museum really   like it there's a little bit about everything  and it's also all because it was a world war   ii station then it's all about that but it's  also all about the history of flight and how   the airships were designed and gun turrets were  designed and all that kind of stuff so i was   geeking out properly about it yeah very very good  stuff and we've got ice creams and souvenirs um   and now we've made it all the way to helmsley for  a little tour of yorkshire yes and um i'm gonna do   some editing for the next couple of days or next  day in a bit anyway so um you can go and explore   i'll have a look around and see something  new shop for tat all of that means   yeah no doubt i'll have a camera thrust in my  hand yay so we are in helmsley which is beautiful   i'm a part right there you see that john is uh  working away and i'm gonna have a walk around   and uh let's see we can find because it looks  beautiful first of all i need to find a chemist   because i keep getting bitten to death by things  yeah so i don't know if you can see that from here   not particularly nice and i've been  bitten on my foot like that so uh   i hate feet sorry about that pete so i'm off  to find a chemist apparently there is one in   the local doctors so i'm gonna go there  and see if i can get something because the   stuff i got in spain seems to be just to stop  the itching and i need a bit more than that   but yeah staying here i've got past all the  recycling um we got here at four o'clock   yesterday and it cost six pounds to stay till  four o'clock today which i think is a bit of a   bargain it's got proper home parking spaces you're  allowed to be there you're just not allowed fires   and you're not allowed to be rowdy so i'm fine  with that i can i can do without them for now   some toilets just there i think they're  closed at night but we didn't need them um   and we had a little bit of a mooch but because  it was sunday all the shops and everything were   shut none of the pub served food so we just  treated ourselves to a little chippy tea   because we'd been driving a little bit during the  day so so yeah let's see what uh elmsley has to offer so so   smash hmm   it's lovely and warm out there and considering  it's the monday it's um it's busy i suppose it's   holiday season isn't it in the in these cute  little towns so i managed to have a bit of a   look around i've got myself some light cream all  the bike beams are available so miami and motto   are feeling very very grateful for that at the  minute um yeah nice to get a few little bits of   of things there's an event coming up and  managed to buy some things to get ready   for that i can't say much about that because i  think they might watch these videos so you know   and this video will be out way after his birthday  it'll be okay after his birthday ah that's all   right then so so it's dave for my nanny's  whip his birthday so i bought him a present   there was one saying so you're going to be 90  and i thought i get that but no i think i think   that one should do the trick so beautiful little  shops um in hell was really really good and then   i thought i'd be really clever not walk back by  the castle because there was a beautiful castle   here it's an english heritage thing um and there's  a lovely little back way from the car park to get   there but i thought i'll walk back on the main  roadway again because it's a lovely little ice   cream shop right by the car park and guess what  clothes today so i was going to be a lovely wifey   and bring back a um a waffle cone with mum and  raisin ice cream in it for john wally's editing   room roman reigns ice cream you did did  you see any of them raising ice cream yeah i know it was closed just today as  well i am sick to death of being bitten so   i have gone to my trusty little knowledge place  called google and pinterest to see what i can find   and i know um because i keep in lemon eucalyptus  oil it's a great flea and tick repellent you've   got to be really careful with where you  put it on the dog um so i looked into it   and apparently it is really good for mozzies  horse flies and ticks as well so i'm going to   rustle up some of that and it is really really  simple got a little four ounce spray bottle   and in there you put in two ounces of vodka this  is my special cheapo um household vodka emergency   technically um two ounces of distilled water so  just boiled in cooled water we'll do fine for that   um a drop of pure vanilla essence and then  about 20 drops of the lemon eucalyptus oil   put that all in you'll find that the oil sits  at the top you just give it a shake and then   you spritz yourself with it it won't stain your  clothes but it will stop you from being bitten   by midges so as john and i tend to get eaten to  death at that time even though john goes round and   zaps all the bugs in the van before we go to bed  it still needs a bit of a help i think so i might   even do bottom of my sheets and things like that  to try and see what we can do to keep them away   and as i've got all of that stuff in all the  time it's practically a free top up for me   to uh keep doing it and seeing if it works so  i'm gonna get some made up dead simple and see   if that does the trick because i'm sick of being  bitten sick of it chin got my water in there ready i know you don't need me to tell you how to pour  things into a bottle but you know i wouldn't be   finishing my story if i didn't okay got to leave  room in here to be able to shake it because   if it won't um blend in properly so you have to  do it that way a bit of vanilla you should do   the trick and then the eucalyptus oil lemon  lemon eucalyptus sorry not just eucalyptus okay so i'll just pop the spray bottle top on   and give it a shake and then just give  it myself a spray so it's a nice mist   so that i can smell that it's strong but it's not  going to be the type of thing that's going to keep   me awake as long as you don't put more than a  15 ratio of lemon eucalyptus oil to anything   else in there you'll be okay uh anything above  15 can cause a reaction in your skin because it   has to be sufficiently diluted you can never use  it neat or you will get a reaction it has to be   even less than that if you're going to use it on  your pets but speak to your vet if you're going   to do anything like that because it can cause  issues and things but this i reckon it hopefully   will be good enough for john and i  to not get bitten to death tonight right so we found some shade there's the sun  here's the shade so this is good isn't it no   hot nice and cool for booby on the grass so not  burning your feet is watch this ready oh now he   does it like the three times before this he ran  over there because he's an idiot ain't your buddy uh so do so so it's been a lovely bike ride the bikes  are amazing downhill they got really fast   and which made us think on the way back  going uphill might be a bit of a struggle   and it was a little bit of a struggle you've got  to bear in mind these things like a bmx they've   got no gears and little small wheels on them but  how did you cope babe really exciting potatoes   people because the oven's working oh yeah well  it's like working the oven's obviously an oven and now when his attention really is on the sky  because there's probably a euro fighter or two   fighters just one he's having a play on his  own but he just keeps he just keeps going   on and doing loops and barrel rolls and then he  just all of a sudden as he's going he just goes   and it's literally rattling them we're up  on the moors today we thought we'd give   the um the rather solar lacking forest a bit mist  today and i hope that we get a bit of breeze up   here on the moors and yes it's breezy it's hot  but breezy this was a good call because there's   some lovely wind coming through coop is loving  it he's fast asleep back there he's so cool he's   had a little bit of a run around but when that  breeze dies down it gets a bit too hot so we'll   take him for a big walk in a bit but yeah it's  a very very good car old views all the biggest   for days all the way around there all the all the  um wi-fi connection good internet good internet   all the good internet um and um and the breeze  yeah so all the good things all the good things   including potatoes i just want my food there  i know well um yeah i had to shut the door   anyway day two of editing the narrowboat  vlog hope you guys like that one let us   know if you did or didn't a bit of a different  thing for us and what am i doing babe mandy is   designing the cookbook layout where'd you go  buddy you just stood there wagging his tail   buddy where'd she go you got a stick yeah oh  clever boy clever boy yeah you've got a stick nice   and breezy is what i can describe this definitely  better for coop because it's breezy inside i mean   the van has been freezing essentially with that  breeze um but it means we can walk him more   because he's not really had much walking at all  we've played his ball in the evening at helmsley   but that has been it so it's nice to get it now he  can wander out there's some sheep around so when   they are he's on his lead yep and when they're  not around he's out that guy's having so much fun give him what how much of that  was it like alpha blinking billy   yeah yeah giving that kind of kit and he's  up there having loads of fun no wouldn't you yeah barrel rolls again probably open finish  filming i want to go and have a look cool so yeah   up here nice and breezy and last night's sleep was  um definitely quiet my ears were ringing because   there was no noise literally nothing at all and  we've been amongst trees for the past few nights   in forests and stuff so it's just all bird calls  and really weird noises that you don't know what   they are in the middle of the night and then this  is like nothing not even not even the plane no no   we went out to give cooper's last week last night  and then we were in the clouds but it was weird   because we were in the clouds i couldn't film  because it was pitch black yeah but you could   see the clouds passing past you know like mist but  up above you could see stars yeah that was really   cool yeah it was just like it was just because we  were on the top of the hill so the fog had just   kind of settled there but we could still see all  the stars that was very very cool if you've ever   seen american werewolf in london that's what i  was thinking of last night so we got back in the   because that's van proof apparently bye

2021-08-09 18:49

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