Touring Vineyards with a Van in Germany & France | Ep. 18

Touring Vineyards with a Van in Germany & France | Ep. 18

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hi hi so we are in germany now in a city called kellinghouse and it's close to the hamburg i just drove here from denmark and um yeah now we are about to go for a walk with the dogs and then we check that there's some stores that should be still open like a kilometer away or so so we're gonna walk today and go see see what they have and buy something hopefully some white yeah yeah we are hoping it's there is wine and it's probably going to be very much cheaper than in finland so yeah yeah but yeah reached reached this place today we were just talking about that what should we do during this week so how much time to spend or how far to drive from here tomorrow so let's let's see we are aiming to go the wine areas i think it's around in mines just before the french border that's 600 kilometers away so that would mean that it would be somewhere in the eight hour section so eight hour drive if we go there straight straight ahead so let's see if we split it into two days or not so yeah but now out for some shopping i'm yami that's netta quite recently we sold our apartment and most of our belongings and moved into a van with our two dogs melody and kauka subscribe to follow along our journey leaving this alternative lifestyle [Music] i've been seeking for the glory say say say my name and i've been trying to wrap my own story in the search for fame i'm sitting here in this empty room walls keep tumbling down down [Music] okay got back from the store and and found some wine the lidl was open there was also aldi and this i think erica stop at those close down at eight o'clock already but but gladly the little was still open till nine o'clock so we got some some food for the evening and then some wine and yeah so just gonna sit down and chill for this evening and i think we came to the conclusion that we will drive through hanover and castle to when we're heading to mines so let's see how far we get tomorrow try to keep it in somewhere like in 45 hours then we would have time to walk around the city and just do stuff as well because now that we've reached this point we don't need to drive that that far away and once we get the alps the distances are even shorter and to the southern southern germany so that's good but yeah now some wine and maybe some netflix we have a few shows downloaded to offline mode so we can watch them without using the data because we now have limited data now that we exited the nordics yeah that's all for tonight [Music] okay so we made the i think this is the second stop or the third stop of the day so we are now in lutken rude somewhere in germany it's 200 kilometers from mainz uh basically from frankfurt that's probably a city that most of you know but we are heading there so we thought that we will just drive there today because it's quite early still and we've made some good progress so we will try there so then we can mostly just sit on on one place tomorrow or we will check out where the wineries in the area are but those should be them quite close so yeah a quick quick break here and then i think it's around 200 kilometers so a little less than three hours [Music] okay we have arrived to the spot for the night the place is called bad gamburg i think yeah and i am not a fan of this parking spot it was described as a wonderful place but for me at least it is not and there is a lot of other people and it is close to the city center so there is not really that much nature around here and there are many people around and yeah it is not that nice place than the last one we were and i hope tomorrow's spot is also better than this one um so far uh the spots we've been has been very good and nice but this one is not the best one at least now but yeah now we are going to take the dogs out and then probably just staying in for the rest of the evening do [Music] yeah i figured i could a little bit to clarify what i mean that why this is not the best place other than it is close to the city center it's very close it doesn't bother me but there is a lot of other people and by that i mean uh next to the cars that here is next to the car i can see inside of the car and i would like to see from my window the nature or some kind of nice view instead of the other cars living room but yeah that's one thing and the other thing is that i like when it's more calm with the dogs it's much more nicer i understand it it might not be an issue for other people other people might like to visit the city center and it is very close so that's nice but for me personally it is not the best spot to spend the night or spend that much time but yeah luckily we are leaving in the morning so that's fine okay so it is friday morning we are still here at part kombucha um just picked up some some morning food from the bakery so some yeah some some buns and and something like that uh we'll just eat up and then we will go and stop by at the supermarket we will buy some food for the dogs and then we will start heading bit more south i think it's close to an hour drive then we should be around the wineries that we checked yesterday so we will go there it said on the back for night that there should be some hiking routes or some cycling routes and there should be a couple of wineries close to each other so we will probably try to spend a couple of nights well yeah let's hope that there's space for us and and the weather stays good good now that we want to go outside as well yep oh yeah now some breakfast and then then a short try [Music] we arrived to gao pica line so we are in in southern part of germany we are at a winery it's called windsor of allison schnappel so we came here we're probably gonna stay here one or two nights let's let's see the price of staying here is that you have to buy six bottles of wine from the winery and then you can stay for two nights i think so we'll have to see if we will stay for two nights or if we will stay for one night have to see what's around here and what we're gonna do yeah um we will it's now noon we will have wine tasting in one and a half hours and then we will just be i think there's some hills so i think we will go for a cycle or something just to see how it's like yeah super nice weather almost no clouds not too warm but quite quite warm still we did put on the the tent or whatever it's called just to give us some shade on the side as well but yeah otherwise it's it's looking really really nice [Music] i saw you down the motorway there was something about you that day i can still hear the shimmering sound [Music] a few wines and now we're gonna go and uh pick up some cash from the atm because they did have a machine for cards but it didn't work so we will go and pick up some yeah cars and maybe take some extra because we noticed that some of the big reasons places like those they don't accept the card so it's a bit easier to have some cash with us just to be safe and because um yeah i think switzerland is now the only country that uses something else than euros than in austria slovakia they should be using heroes and in poland you can pay mostly with card and we are not planning to stay there for too long it's just a pass-through country for us but yeah super nice family-owned winery and goodbye so yeah yeah now they do that and then we will probably go for a cycle on the hill and they told that there's a good restaurant up on the hill so it's actually next to the golf course so we're gonna go there have a probably a dinner let's see how warm we had during the bike ride because it's quite warm and it's it's a steep uphill [Music] there is a life i lead in this city hurrying to cut my teeth i can take what i need to get by it doesn't make it easy the other piece of my heart moves slow somewhere in the great unknown when i return from the afterglow will you carry me like i am whole [Music] i had a feeling but the feeling is [Music] had a feeling but the feeling is all gone [Music] okay so we are still at the same winery in germany we are going to spend the second night here as well and then i think the plan is that in tomorrow afternoon we will start driving to france so we will go to colma probably not how you pronounce it but it's a little bit south from strasbourg so that's that's where we will go and yeah yeah so now we will head to do some grocery shopping just to buy some drinks we don't really need that much and then some something from the parade uh the bakery for tomorrow so yeah yeah and then it's just a day of not much we will just chill and do nothing that's that's the plan for today morning okay so it is sunday morning now uh we just had breakfast and we are just taking the dogs for a second walk uh we packed up everything in the car and uh getting ready to leave to france yeah first we are going to empty the toilet and fill the waters so we're gonna do that before we leave because it is possible to do it here yeah yeah so it's easy to do here so then we don't need to worry about that for a few days now yep but yeah it's gonna be around 300 kilometers so maybe around four to five hours i guess for us but there we are heading to france to another winery for probably for a night and then we start heading to the alps first to the french ones and then after that do these swish ones but yeah it's been really nice a couple of days here at the winery it's been really nice there's a lot of spa parking space it was a nice bike ride up on the hill and yeah overall all the facilities the showers and everything has been really really good yeah and it's been quiet place so there's no noises from anywhere else yeah but now a quick walk with the dogs and then on the road [Music] is [Music] [Music] okay so we arrived to france we're just walking the dogs um we are in a city called vince sennheim it's a small town close to kolma which is still quite small town i guess but it's around 100 kilometers from strasbourg which is a bigger town in in the border of france and germany and we found the winery uh they had good science there so it was quite easy to find and the drive took us around four hours so that's quite okay um yeah like i said just walking with the dogs in this small quiet yeah yeah it's sunday so everything's closed yeah but it's it doesn't bother us it's kind of nice actually yeah we called the owner of the winery they will be at the place around five o'clock so then we will see them and see if we can get some wine from them and see everything but yeah it's quite nice there's a lot of hills and a lot of wineries around here so yeah yeah the wine area is the alsace wine area so there is quite a lot of wineries here and it is kind of popular we have been drinking this same area wines or so in finland as well before yeah but let's let's go for a walk and then see what to do i'll check there were some people on bikes so maybe we can go for quick ride on the hills and see what's up there okay we just finished a wine tasting at the winery super good wine and then really nice the the owner of the estate they were also i think all of the other people who have been parked here or who are parked here there's i think eight cars in total also got to know there's this german guy i think he's around 30 so around our age yeah and then there's a swedish couple also on a vacation who are headed down to the mediterranean coast but they were thinking maybe they should go to the alps as the weather is quite hot as well but yeah nice people and it's it's nice to meet some young folks as well because there's quite a lot of these older or elderly people who drive with the obvious so nice to get some company of our own age group as well but yeah now we're gonna go with the dogs for a small hike on the hill uh on the the owner of the estate gave us this paper document with all the information of the place and there was information that there's quite good hiking routes and nice views on top of the hill we won't be going up all the way because it's quite high quite long but for a short one just to go for a little nice evening walk before the sun sets [Music] i used to spend time with all my friends but who's gonna like me if i'm not there cause i got my head in the clouds but i'm getting really scared alright good morning uh last night uh last yesterday we drove to this winery and uh in the evening we had a wine tasting the owner held us a wine tasting at his wine cellar uh it was very cool there were all of us uh who had parked in this yard and then we took a walk to up a little bit up to the hills where there was the wineries and we saw a nice view it was fun and then in the evening we got new friends um marian lovisa and jonas if i remember correctly sorry if i didn't uh yeah we had a fun night we sat outside and talked about everything it was super fun and a little bit different kind of evening for us because usually we are just by us and for at this point they were not really much the people that talk english as well so only we met the people who don't talk for example germany and we don't have their language skills over having conversation in germany so in german so yeah but it was fun different kind of evening and i was very happy to get new friends yeah it was fun in the wine tasting yesterday the owner actually told that 40 of his income is coming from these campervan campervans and rvs that stay at the the wineyard so that's quite big chunk of of the sales that comes from this so it is it is where the flooding people stay here and sleep here he doesn't charge anything for the knights or for the wine tastings but then people just buy the wine and he makes income from that so that's enough and it's it's quite big big of a chunk of his income so that's that's quite nice okay but now we are going to get on the road again start heading for the alps but that's probably all for this video on the next one we should be already on french alps in la chair and chamonix but if you've enjoyed the video please give it a like and if you want to follow our journey and the rest of the road trip we still have almost three weeks left so quite a long journey ahead of us still subscribe the channel as well but otherwise see you next time bye [Music] you

2022-08-12 06:37

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