I tell you what guys I'll be in bed very early tonight I out on my feet at the moment lot of walking think I did 35,000 steps today I'm just spent [Music] wow that was one of the best sleeps I've had in ages I was just out my feet last night he I was falling asleep when I was cooking me sausages... yeah ...too big of a night... all right well I'm not sure what the plans are today um I'm looking at the Pheasant Creek track just down um the road down here a little bit down Wheelers Creek Logging Road and then heading towards Dargo somehow so ... but anyway look um I'm try and get this fire going and cook up some bacon and eggs and that and then I'll pack up and get out of here ...all right ! it's a beautiful spot this Wheelers Creek Campground a nice big areas all fire pits Rivers just a the access was pretty [ __ ] but it's getting better people starting to make their way down there clear clearing tracks the old Wheelers Creek Hut the one that done up after got burnt down a couple years ago it's really starting to weather well now it's all starting to look a bit older a bit more Rusty it's probably the third or fourth time I've camped here I reckon it's just cuz it's such a good spot and obviously when you're doing Pinar and gibo in the areas around here it's um very handy and they got drop toilets as well say digging a hole in the morning unless you do an aqua turd water's be called right all right guys I'm halfway through packing up um Sun's starting to poke his head over the hills here so I'm going to going to go a quick [ __ ] and U let the sun hit the top of his on just a little bit of dew on it not too bad so um put the fire out and just load the troop up and we'll take off um yeah looks like a cracking day not a cloud in the sky today and it looks like the winds dropped right off too which is a bit of a bonus that's for sure so I'll give a quick check over um yeah like obviously you're pushing up some big hills around Pinar and gibbar and that and you're working the motor pretty hard and everything gets pretty hot so I I'll just check the oil in the water go on the safe side [Music] for well I tell you what I thought if there was a Tre out in this River it would be in that hole a lot of Still Water it's fast flowing there's like little edies it's got me honestly even if I caught one I wouldn't get it up on the bridge anyway I reckon I want see one in there actually I need some polarized eyeglasses hey oh I just come down and retrieve me little lure me spinner I got it without having to get me um my feet wet which is good yeah as I was saying if I was if I was a trout only problems rods up there now on the bridge still but um if I was a trout I'll be in here I reckon there's a massive big hole in here [Applause] just looks like trout Central to me there all bugs I know if should be fly fishing maybe if I was a fly fisherman but there heap of bugs flying around over here moths landing on the water all the way through here you can't really see them but there yeah [Applause] okay I got me lure back which is good save you a bit of money there just going to take off now and go to a waterfall not far from where I was camping at Wills Creek Hut uh might even jump under the Falls there and have a bit of a clean up I've been there before done a short little reel on it a couple years ago they finished all the uh the work see all the paths and everything it's all been done up looks pretty nice now so we'll head back there and have a look okay so I'm more marginal track now um this was a pretty ordinary track a couple years ago but obviously now they done the waterfalls up and made it into a little bit of an attraction they've come through widened all this out um it can get pretty bad in the wet my understanding but perfect weather at the moment anyway so it's been a real dry winter anyway has been much in the way of snow so everything's PR dry up around this area we're currently up around 1150 m in elevation hey I got some service pretty cool oh [ __ ] man that is so cold oh oh my how good is that wo all right woo go again all right what do you reckon it's pretty cool hey there's no one over here there's no one here it's always you're always here by yourself pretty much pretty spectacular little waterfall um that water that water was Bloody cold right T it was freezing all right there it is loga Falls hope you enjoyed it um it's beautiful little waterfall cold but beautiful um the track just up here called Shady track first bit's pretty steep I don't know what it's like um I'm going to go up there make the way back over like Dunston's Road I think it is and then I'm going to go back and probably try and find um the Hut they might call it the Ski Hut I'm not sure it's like an eight framed Hut and then from there I'm going to make my way back to Doo or to Doo um not going to do any real hard tracks me legs are starting to really give me a bit of grief I did like nearly 36,000 steps yesterday feeling a bit sore in the lake so I think I'm just going to take off do a bit sightseing from now on I think and uh make my way to dgo and catch up with the boys for a few beers and St over night so all right cheers guys hope you enjoyed it [Music] all right my bad it wasn't called um Shady track it's actually called scrub track all know is it takes us back towards Dunston's Road all right I've just uh Gone on to papis Creek laer track it takes out takes out to dunon road which is a more direct route I need to get to at the moment obviously it's a pretty good track cuz this this is all Old Logging coup area is so all the tracks up here pretty good really apart from certain parts of them I suppose where the the obviously log trucks didn't have to access them but they're all good driving all right Dunston's Road all right let turn on the ski Hut track [Music] all right the Ski Hut it might be called the lind Hut as well I'm not exactly sure but we go have a look well this is next level honestly this is better than my house at moment well apart from the echo cracking fireplace you come over here this is next level running Water Well Done guys done a great job here all right well that was the Ski Hut or the lind Hut um it's called the Ski Hut because was actually built by some people who formed the club it's called the Murray ski club or something like that back in like maybe the 1950s um and they used to come up here to ski yeah and obviously it got burnt like all the other Huts in 2019 in the big bush fires but um big I'm not sure it's Vic Hut Association or just Vic Parks or something had all the Huts all insured that's why they've been able to come back and rebuild most of these which is good like they're in perfect perfect condition so we really need to make sure we respect them yeah clean them when you're finish and that close the doors don't to leave doors open it's the last thing you want to do and uh yeah and that'll be around for a lot longer for everyone else to use even they do close everything down on us big government nice little climb here pretty gentle yep she just keeps going um getting back to the the lind Hut or the Ski Hut about how the Huts were insured so that was pretty smart so it got me thinking I'm guessing would have been the Victorian Hut Association which would have ured the Huts cuz the Parks aren't that smart eh like everything else they close everything down things get burnt they would never rebuild it I never open the gates so I'm saying I reckon it's probably the big Hut Association re all right I reckon that might be wheelers Road or wheelers Creek Road way over there [Music] it's meant to be all downhill from here to there this camera will not do this Justice all this is just getting steeper right this could be interesting you know drama it's just first gear let the engine do the work all right it's back into first gear low four I have seen this track where it meets up with the wheelers Creek Road yeah it's actually it it's pretty steep when you drive past you go that's obviously rideline track and it's going to be pretty interesting there been a few good spots like there's been this is R Steve to is pretty shayy but yeah we getting the fth you um wash outs up here in front of us I think you can see Wheels Creek Road in front of us now this is a section I would have seen you drive along all right back on Wills Creek Road just leaving in uh go to high four for a little while just dropping into o'hagan's Campground we to show you this all right this is our o'hagan's camping area uh got to drop toilet up further uh and probably room for five or six Vehicles just one fire pit man that is so tempting I hadn't gone for a swim at the waterfall so I had a shower there I'd probably definitely go in there um yeah just a lot smaller Camp spot than the realer wheelers Creek Campground probably better access into the river and probably a better spot to actually swim I reckon looking at it pretty sure that track front straight ahead is a Zulu track it's meant to be uh pretty St and pretty wild I think I was just mentioning about that Zulu Creek track that's it there in front of us and if I zoom in it goes up to the left and then it follows that ridgel line it just keeps going way up over there that would be steep all right we just coming up to banamba carong Road 90 km too driving past so hi another up a section of old mining area so see in here so all be M for gold there do little sha in here maybe like there's an old M shaft in there over there See's all all rock walls here and that I can't go too far down because obviously my troop is up there and it's still running you see the little rock walls that have been built here I'm not the best with the whole gold thing I'm learning I'm slowly learning about it but you can see why down further a lot of guys come down here and they actually jump in their wet suits and go down to the creek down here and just um the gibo or the Jibo depends if you're local or not um they and go down bottles and that and squeeze it into the crevices and collect gold so obviously there's a lot of runoff from here when it rains and that and it always ends up down in there so that's pretty cool eh little rock walls I always say about taking time and yeah don't to double back on things I've driven this road a fair few times but the first time I've actually seen this one so yeah it's it pays to buy a troopy so obviously drive a lot slower than else and there it is there okay when you're driving along van Amber carong Road just take your time and look off to the the Jibo Riverside and you'll find lots of little drop offs and they get down to the river and a couple of them have got bloody spectacular little camping spots and the water's just pristine um but the one I was trying to find I didn't find on this trip L is up a little bit further but I don't think it is but definitely worth a look [Music] [Music] pizza hot all right so I've just taken one of those drop offs um off the bananarang road just nice little spot here nice and level bit of rock here for a fire pit that the Jibo is down here and looks like it could be good fishing as well C the three have this pizza I might just throw a quick line in there I reckon not I'm going to catch anything but I'll be mad not to like it's a pristine River it's got trout is it so anyway I'll have some pizza maybe there is no fish here well it's got me [ __ ] everything there just looks inviting in my opinion Rapids deep hole R Edie some drop offs some under morning of the bank and then then I just waste my time all the time I'll just show you is tell me what you think about this place Got Deep Water got a little swirl over there deep in here Rapids up there Shadows you know bit of Fage there and you got a drop off under the bank here should they be tra there drop a comment below I appreciate it where the world is sleep think of with the road of Lights coming back again coming back to me I remember the long drives to late nights in your car I remember it all
2025-01-18 13:18