Touring the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory at UCLA

Touring the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory at UCLA

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Hello. Welcome. UCLA. Alumni and friends my name is Dennis Hong I'm a professor here at the mechanical aerospace sedgwick department and the director of ramallah the robotics and mechanism, of Ettore and UCLA, are you ready to see some robots yeah come. On in. So. As you enter you see all the awards that our students, won from best paper Awards, competition Awards, a lot of publicity about, a I'm, on the cover of Forbes magazine probably, the only non, rich person on the cover so. We. Really started our robotics. Work back in 2007. With the DARPA urban challenge urban, challenge as a at. The time was the most difficult, competition, about building. Robotic cars so you press Start and nobody touches anything and the robots actually drive. The car obey. All the rules of the road so we won third place in the world and that really put us on the map and since then we built a robot called Charlie, it's a humanoid, robot it's, considered, the United States very first human adult-sized. Human robot and many, many different things and today I want to show you a lot of cool stuff so come on in yeah so, when you do robotics research, that doesn't necessarily mean. That you, build, robots, but we do build robots because of course it's fun but, one more what an interesting thing is you know you can do robotic research and just simulation, and theoretical work but unless, you really build it and test it you don't get to really know all the details so, we focus a lot on building, actual. Prototypes so this is the workshop so you can see a lot of tools we, build things there's a new type of robotic hand that we're working on the, secret project know a. Lot of different things so how do we actually make the robots. We, have electronics, on those kind of things up do you probably know about 3d, printing, have you done 3d printing before yeah so we do have 3d printers so, we call those added. Manufacturing, which means that we add material. To build apart but, many times when it builds make metal, parts, we call it subtractive. Manufacturing so. I'll show you one right, do you think you can run something. Okay. Come on in so Ryan is one of our undergraduate, researchers, we, about how about 20-something. Graduate students, and about 15, undergraduate, researchers, as well so, this is a machine called a CNC. Machine so easy way to think of it is it's a robot, that makes robot, parts, so, for example, we, put this like big metal. Block right and we design all the parts using a computer, and you send that information to this machine and this machine will cut the parts like. This and these. Kind of parts come out so these we use for the robots so from this big, metal block to, this right, so you call it subtractive. Manufacturing from, here to here and Ryan. And I think your show. Us how it cuts yeah. Safety. First always. The. Ride is not controlling. It the computer, is controlling, all the motion and there's a tool that spins like a drill and it's cutting all the metal and taking away unused, metal to make the part now, I think it's gotta take a lot of time so that's expensive it. Let's. Move that way again be. Careful there's a lot of sharp stuff around so, so, we have a lot of, interesting. Robot approaches, the first robot there you see everybody, knows the Luskin Center right it's a five-star, hotel on, campus on a conference center it's great and this, robot is called Lara lost skin automated.

Robotic Assistant, and this robot is actually permanently. At the lobby of the the, LA Skills Center of course we're fixing it so it's here but in. Probably, a month you if you go back to the lobby we'll see you Lara so this, is a robotic, platform, to do many different type of research but it actually it's a it's a conceit for example if you have questions, you can ask the robot and Lara. Answer questions at this, point we. Still we have a pre-programmed, question, so for example. About. Me, like you're curious about a robot what is your name. My. Name is Laura, the, buskin automated, robot assistant, thank. You, nice meeting, you who. Created you. Which. Is over here now, being, all UCLA, alumni and. Our friends, I'm sure that you want to see Laura, doing be a, clap. You. See. You. See, la, fight yay. That's. The spirit so, at this point there's only a pre-canned. Questions, and answers but you can see it has microphone, has cameras, and the, more we use this it gathers more information. And we're going to add artificial, intelligence, in the future you can actually talk to the robot and it will give out answers, so we're very exciting about Laura and it looks cute too, so. This Laura doesn't walk as you can see the robot is bolted, to the ground but if you want to have robots that do useful work it, needs to move it needs to go, to places if you want to have a robot to do your dishes take, out the trash or do work, in that Factory or a disaster, relief it needs to go from point A to point B we, call that problem mobility, probably the robot needs to go from point A to point B how do we do that now, yeah, we can use wheels, your, car doesn't, have wheels or legs, wheels. Right because wheels are simple, they're efficient, they're great they're low-cost but. We're trying to build humanoid. Robots or leg robots, of five here or what's that walk like us why, would you want to do that why do you think we need leg robots. If wheels are great why. A legs. This. Is serious that's a great oh that's, a great answer if we want to have robots living with us in this environment this environment, is designed by humans for humans your, stairs had a certain height this for this design for a human to walk up your door handles certain height for people, to open it up so for robots to live move, around in this environment we claim that everyone needs to be human shape and size and that's why we tried to build human size humanoid. Robots and I'll show you some of our humanoid robots. One over here okay. Cool, right, yeah. This was called Darwin, it stands for dynamic, anthropomorphic.

Robot With intelligence. It's. Very cute this robot as a. Research. And developed, with the funds from the National Science, Foundation everything is a full open-source. Robot, middle button right yeah. Suffer. Okay. So. This robot is fully autonomous. Just to show you we, programmed, it to play a game of soccer he likes her color red and can't kick the ball alright right foot there. You go. Again. You. Can't do it you can't do it kick it kick the ball come, on the, other side right right foot right foot yeah. And. If he falls down of. Course he knows how to stand up back again alright. So. This is just one example it's. Not just a soccer playing robot at the open-source robot, so people can use this platform to do robotic research if you have II's a different type of algorithms, and coding can, use this robot platform through the experiments, isn't that cool yeah yeah. Yes. Father, I think he likes you he. Likes, red color. I'm. Not gonna follow the ball oh I. Like I like your I like a fan. Thank. You all, right so this is Darwin, thank, you very much, so these robots, are, great they're small body these are not toys they are very expensive right but. These small robots cannot do any useful work we need to have big robots to do the difficult things yes question. Oh. Yes. First of all cost having big robots very, expensive very dangerous. Like these metal beasts when you're doing things if it falls it's. Gonna be dangerous too right and then these kind of things are by P robots they don't scale, very well so smaller, robots are much easier to control. With two legs but when you make it taller it doesn't, scale very well but we do need to have big robots so, what we want to show you over here is called for, tactical. Hazardous. Operations. Robot now we have some really strong beef, robots, right this, robot is designed, and developed for disaster. Relief situations. About. What six years ago in Japan the Fukushima Daiichi in the nuclear power plant there was a big accident a lot of people died, and even now it's a big problem so when we have these kind of you, know accidents, we need to send, robots to save people's lives now people, it's very difficult for workers, to go in there to rescue people's life because because, the radiation people, gotta go so that's why you develop this robot so this robot can drive, a car climb, ladders, use power tools open, and close valves and all those kind of things so at this for it is autonomous, but today we're gonna do just remote control just to show you I think, it's gonna do some self introduction, I think don't, have to do everyone. Welcome. To over, there. My. Name is Thor, RV. Tactical. Hazardous, operations. Robot, rapid. Deployment. See. You I, participated. In Vanara Robotics. Challenge in, Pomona California and. Then. In July I went, to China to play in Roma Cup 2015. Now. I have a five-time. World champion, Roberto. I. Am. Grateful, to meet you, okay Thank You Thor so, if you get Thor. So. Just like a human it needs to have sensors, to gather information from, the outside world so for humans what kind of sensors, we have what we use to gain information from the world you, use your eyes.

To See right Thor, has a camera Seesmic. Using, the camera, he, has microphones, to hear right and also you have some senses that you don't have in your face like for example inside, your ears you have, the sensor for balance so for this robot we have a thing called an IMU. Inertial, measurement unit and use your senses for balance, we has four stroke sensors and all those kind of things this is a special, sensor called a laser rangefinder, so. What it is is it shoots out a laser. And. If there is an obstacle it, hits a bounce back and it measures the time and if you know the speed of time a, speed of light I need a better time then you can calculate, the distance so, it shoots out a laser and scans the environment, and it knows a three-dimensional. Train and geometry in front of it so again if you get oh there's a box there's something there's a car so we use those kind of test sensors now. It, looks like a human right two legs torso head and arms. And hands it's something different from a human do you see anything different what. About the configurator, something, weird over here. Yeah. That's right the knees bent backwards, why will we do that well this is something that we noticed. By doing experiments originally. It was Annie was bended for like this but, when we're walking up stairs it tend. To hit a lot of things so he said what if you invert it backwards and hey works perfectly, fine and ice actually better so that's that's the only reason why I bend it backwards all, right all. Right so these humanoids, are good but the problem of these humanoid robots are they constantly fall, down they're slow they're expensive, they're complicated, right, and you, know if, you wanna make it walk chemi. Yeah let me show you walk it yeah it walks really really slow all. Right let's make it walk a little bit as you'll see it walks for every. Snow. I'm. Gonna get you. Very. Slow, all. Right but yet what you see over here is that this is state-of-the-art as I mentioned, it's slow, Josh. Is behind it because if it falls you can catch it because these are very unstable, so we got a long way to go cool, thanks guys all. Right yes question if you guys ever study like animal movements to decide, how your, robots. Are gonna walk or quadrupedal, movement versus, yes, absolutely. So what we're showing right now is humanoid. Or bipedal. Locomotion so, we tried to study how humans walk, we collaborate, with other researchers and, medical community, at sports, science. And also you see these six. Cameras, over here one two three one two three like. These are not security, cameras do you know what these special. Cameras are used for we. Called it yeah we call these motion, capture, cameras Oh like in in the movie industry computer, graphics, you know probably seen actors, put these like special, balls and when you move it it captured, the motion, of the actor, and then use that for, comfort. A generated animation we, use the same type of cameras, to study human motion and robot motion and compare that so yes we do study human motion for human arrow BOTS as ever I don't also collaborate. Other people as well cool, yeah so you were talking about the senses, yes would, there ever be a need for him, to have either a sense of smell or a sense of touch like to, know that there's a fire. Yeah very vague sharp. Question yes we do need but I guess it depends on the situation depending the application. Smell. Is a fantastic. Sense it's not for humans that's not that sensitive but for dogs we, still use dogs for sniffing, out you know bombs and those kind of things because dolls, have such a heightened your sense of smell, so some, researchers, are trying to develop, new type of sensors like artificial nose and with, that's available yeah that'll be a doubly, great touch is actually very very important, we also do research and touch we put these we call the tactile sensing, on robotic.

Hands So when you grab things or try to pick up things you do need to use your sense, of touch so yes we do use, skin like sensors as well but. Thank you so much yeah, so humanoid. Robots are great right we need these robots, to walk and climb stairs but they. Always fall, down we, have a lot of visitors, come to our lab and they see our robots and you're like wow this is cool but after, about five minutes they say professor, Hong but how come they only walk this fast how come they always slow then we walk with two feet all the time right so stable so fast but why can't, we do this with robots, now, I can, explain. This to a actual. Adult or a scientist, but I had this this, philosophy, if I cannot explain it to a child, then, probably that means that I personally. Don't truly understand. It so I start to do, more research and try to think, about fundamentally. Why, is it important, to make robust walk with two feet and I found something fascinating now check, this out so, for. A robot, human about to walk like this one of the big problem, is your. Left leg and the right leg, has the distance, between them and this, is a problem, why. Is that because your leg moves forward and backwards right and because, of this distance, that creates this unwanted, twisting, twisting. Motion and falls down now. If you look at a ballerina, or doing, fencing they always walk, sideways. Because. If you walk sideways, everything. Lights up so you don't have that twisting of moments. Anymore okay problems of them you make your robots always walk sideways right that's, possible, but the problem walking sideways is that you're not really using your knees so, we decided to do this. Okay, if you got to do this let's make this four and make it walk like this right. It's, not a human, form, but it's bipedal, and it's stable and thus, this, robot is born. This. Road is called Navi or none anthropomorphic. Pipet which means it's, a robot with two legs but it does not look anything like a human right so because, of this this is forward and backwards body the reason why I have this face is -, cuteness but also before. We add this face people thought it always walk sideways no no this is for and backwards so it walks like this can, you make it walk. Okay. So, it's much more stable it's much faster its low-cost and, lightweight, all. Right so, it's so lightweight this is all this is all right, and it, can't walk stabili so this is a I truly. Believe this is a breakthrough it's a way of thinking. Differently literally, out of the box and we solved a lot of problems in a by pillow commotion, right cool. Neat. Stuff all. Right what. Can you show next how many do L fret right so, you might ask okay. This is great so what's this way but how, does it turn right. Or it's stable this way but how do you guarantee stable, stability, sideways, it, doesn't have anything so thus. Alfred. Was born now this is an early prototype of Alfred, Alfred. Stands for. Cool. Right so don't think of it as a four leg robot think of it as a. Knobby. Robot what two but two arms however we call this, multimodal. Locomotion. Which means that there's many ways of making it walk for example because, there's four limbs, we call these limbs not legs because they can be used for walking but also for manipulation, like picking things up we can walk with four four limbs such as this. As you can expect, it walks like a four. Legs you know creature. Right but if you want to make it go really fast you can change the configuration like. This and then gallop, or run like a horse like a dog don't, make it go too fast we only have that it's gonna run this. Is just a little bit. See. And then. We're. Not ready to show you today but of course if you fold your arms like this becomes, this type of a knobby. Top bipedal, locomotion and, in the future we might be able to do like this and do it like a cartwheel kind of motion like, this right so this is an early version of the robot cool, thanks, Josh all. Right so this is all great now one, of the fundamental. Problems of these type of locomotion. Robots, is that these. Actuators. Actuators. Think of it like muscles, of things that make robots, move normally we as electric, motors with a gear. Now. 99%. Of the rolls that exists today use, these type of motors, with gears so they're very accurate the. Strong but accurate the problem is they're, very stiff, and stiffness. Is good if you want to do like. Assembly. Task because accuracy, is good but if you want to have leg, locomotion. You, need to have something compliant. With spring, so, it's spring so most, of the human rope walks like like.

Just Like a robot right that's because the. Actuators, use our electric motors that are really stiff with gears but what we really need are actors. That has compliance. Right, like, we call it artificial muscles, like animal muscles so we developed a new type of actor called the bear actuator, can we run this -. Yeah. So, you've seen a de Navi robot, so instead of these traditional, electric, motors with gears, now, we're replacing them, using, these special, actuators. That we developed in-house we are very excited about this new actuator, this will enable, you. Know things that, nobody's. Seen before this is an early early prototype. Ok, just. Gonna make it a hop a little bit ok something. A little right. So. Hopping, is actually, very difficult to do in robotics, not necessarily because of the jumping, part but more important because of the landing, part because when it lands, if you, have just a regular motor, with gears when it lands because the impact all the gears shatter but, because this actuator, is very compliant we, can't do all the stuff what if we can't have a robot, that walks with two leg that never, falls, down or it's a robot that cannot, fall down wouldn't. That be cool can, you have a robot that's so safe that a baby can crawl in front of it without any danger we. Have built a robot that just does that how. Can you do that so. We, cope with all different type of creative creative ideas, one way of coming up creative ideas is that we ask ourselves. Ridiculous. Crazy questions, to ourselves and then, ridiculous, answer, comes out right and sometimes those answers, lead to ingenious, ideas, so one day we asked ourselves what. If we can change the. Direction of gravity, it. Doesn't make any sense but we ask those questions and ridiculous, answers comes out and we came up with a robot called Baloo, is ball already we, are about the idea that doesn't work it's. A robot, it's. A helium, balloon with, two legs this. Is ridiculous. But look at this it walks. Elegantly. It, can climb up steps, it can climb down stairs it can jump, right. Yay. And. It's. The world's, safest robot. Yeah you can shove it or give it a hug if you want to yeah. So. This is a very new concept nobody's. Tried anything like this before right. All, right yes. So. There's many different things sometimes, we have a specific, application like, oh there's, a disaster, the nuclear power plant what how can you build robots oh we have a problem. I need to come up with solutions sometimes. We randomly. Have some. Kind of interesting. Idea for a mechanism which has no, purpose or no application, right so that, idea itself has no purpose but we all I almost always I have. An idea no plan always write that on my notebook and sometimes. I have these call for proposals for, research agencies this time we need these kind of technology I just flip through and suddenly I see a sketch like ah we, can use this then those ideas which had no value finally finds an application, and that's how it comes about so it all depends on the situation in cases yes. Yes. Please oh. Cannot, see so this robot currently, has no sensors. So this has no intelligence. We're just remote controlling, it because this is a brand new concept we want a pest that can walk now. But yes it will have eyes sensors. Just like the robot floor eventually, we'll have a computer, to think. First. Of all you can't blow up another one which means that because these robots are so cheap, so low-cost like, this one it's multi-million, dollar project if you break this has been promised I'm like this because it's a low cost so you just do another one so low cost robotics, has a lot of value to it right and your question, so. These type of robots solves, a lot of problem it doesn't fall down it's fast, its low-cost it's great but it also creates, new type of problems, to these. Type of robots won't be able to carry heavy things there's. A solar can. All, right so, it cannot carry heavy stuff yeah and.

Also This robot is not good for outdoors. Because in outdoors, if the wind blows, it. Flows around right so it has its limitations we see this room or as a information. Device so you can have like a tablet. With a screen so, locks up to you can do you. Like a cubed walking kiosk or in that factory if there's a like a gas leak you can send these robots to take, samples and surveillance. Surveillance so, it has its own odd and nifty different type of applications. All. Right so bipedal. Locomotion humanoid. Is great, but what. A biology. Like in nature, yeah there's you know humans and you know walk it to two feet but there's different types of locomotion, as well like. Insects. Have how many legs. Six. Legs right so why not accept part of all of us yes glad. That you asked hahaha, we, also working on hex up our robots Shen, what come in and show them. Okay. Okay. Let's okay, let's. Go down that way, look if you could yeah gonna go that way so this, robot is called Sylvia, stands for six legs. Vehicle. With. Intelligent. Yeah. Articulation. So, it, looks like a spider but spider has, how many legs eight. So this is not a spider it has six legs right. It can well it's omnidirectional, which, means that there's no forward and backwards on sideways it can go different directions yes. That's. Correct yeah, yeah. And then go up a body can go up and down right, down and, you can do all all changes, it's good like dancing, and. Bleep. We believe this is the strongest. Hexapod, robot in the world so can I put this weight on it if, I'm eight so I am a very heavy. It's. 20 kilograms, right and, it can handle very heavy, weights, okay. Okay. Now also, this. Is the. World's. Very first robot. That can climb, and. Brace pin wasn't climb can you this might not work but, we'll try it over here so, it's going to go through this wall this opening. So. You are, the very first people to see this live. We. Haven't shown this to anybody in person besides a research, in our lab all. Right. So. It's positioning itself. You, can't do it Silvia. Oh, yeah. All six, legs are off the ground and, can. It walk up. Slowly. It. Is like spider-man. Okay. When. So, tries to maintain balance while, walking up again. You're the very first people to see this outside, of our lab yeah. Thank. You let's. Go. All. Right cool I think we're done with this let's show the big one so it's gonna take a few minutes to set up the large one so meanwhile any other questions, you have about our robots or in general anything, yes please. Best. I guess we all we, have so many ideas, that never worked the. Thing that you see so the interesting thing is people only, want to see our successful, robust but behind these we have like, 10, times more failures. So. These robots are you sure you it's. A it's a multi-million, dollar project, there's only one in the world of this kind so these prototypes, are very expensive and rare so when the experiments, you don't want to break this right so you do very, we do express really uh you. Know carefully. There's, many other labs great, labs in the world but our lab Romel at UCLA is different from all the other labs in one sense when. Do the experiments, I tell the students to make it go faster and try to lift. Heavier things and I tell the students to try to break the robot because. If your robot doesn't fall that doesn't break you don't get to learn anything so failure is not necessary bad thing of course if you if we can avoid failure we do we, try to but if it, fails we want to learn from them so failure, is not a bad thing and that asks you the questions we have 10 times more failures, and all, of those failures.

Gave. Us a chance to learn about things and that led to all these success in, our live the greatest most, proud products from ramela is not our technology, it's not a robots it's not our publications. It's our students, I want to have students, graduate. From Ramallah UCLA, and go out in the world and become engines. That will lead in. The field and create technologies and to make the world a better place yes please. Pursuing. Ideas with no purpose yes, that's. So inspirational that I think it's a message, that should get out to people in all industries Oh different works of life but we did all do, that yeah yeah that's, that's it thank you thank you so much that'sthat's what we do so if you look behind you, you see that wall that's not graffiti. So that's our ideal, wall so that conference. Table is where we do brainstorming, sessions and we write things and you. Know you see a lot of bunch of math equation, things and you know more than half of them will probably never see that there light and light of day and you, know there but, we come up with all different type of crazy ideas and some of them lead to breakthroughs, right, that's what we're here, yes. Okay. So our lab ramela is for research on education, it's mainly for graduate, level research funded. Research but, we also have a lot of undergraduate, researchers, graduate. Students, they come from all over the world to join our lab undergraduate. Students, they, get to have, a chance to you, know get some hands-on and really, learn what research is all about now interestingly our, lab, is very very well known worldwide so people want to come in life especially, undergraduate says if I open my email you see like more, than just today, I have more than 20 emails from people on the join our lab now. Many. Times students when they want to join are they only see the fancy, robots that is oh if I'm at UCLA I'll be able to create and make these robots. And they come here and surprisingly. Many times they don't get to actually build things but they do math, and things and some people find, this fascinating this, is my thing and they become a graduate students when they graduate some, students find that oh this is not always expecting, that's not my cup of tea and they leave and that's actually not a bad thing because you, know it's important for students to really know what they're getting into right, but, if you like robotics. This, place is more fun than Disneyland. Well. It cool that robots called Silvius except for all the rules wafers robot I can climb more like this we, also have a larger. Version of that except for robot it's called hex and it's behind you so. You probably see this you probably don't know as a robot, okay. Let's make it stand up. Huge. Whoa. So. We, are developing this robot for the application, of demining, so after war there's, a lot of dangerous, land mines underground, right and then many, times people step on it and they get injured or killed so we ought to get rid of those landmines are fully autonomously, so, this is the base platform to do that so why do you think we have six legs versus, two legs I've been talking about all we need human robots all those kind of things what advantage, what six legs have over two two legs. Yeah. Balance so if you want to walk in a real rough terrain outdoors, it's, much more stable we call that static, stability because, every, time you have you know at least three foot, touching on the ground so, of course ok, can go up body up right.

And Down up and down and, also can change this orientation. Yeah, so, this. Area, is currently open voice this is where all the the, sensors, and things were going so our, vision is it's not ready yet but there's, going to be a landmine. Detecting sensor so twenty four seven three six days a day. Is gonna be walking on a minefield and from here and the sensor so it's gonna be searching the ground right and if it finds a landmine, it's. Gonna be it's gonna sit on it here there's gonna be a dome so. When it sits on it the landmine, is gonna be inside, the dome thus it's now a controlled, environment no wind inside. Of them there's will be lighting so there's no shadows. And inside, the dome there's also gonna be two robotic arms so when it finds a landmine that sits on it and sends, a signal to operator so I've been up dvvv oh there's, a landmine I go to my workstation and I tell you operate control, the arms, to dismantle the bomb so. That's the idea yeah. But, what if the robot, steps on the, landmine, what, was that a problem it's. A good thing because instead, of a human robot, explodes, who cares we build another one right so if it explodes that's a good thing so. You've, seen a lot of different shapes and sizes and the famous architect Luis Albarn once said form, follows. Function which. Means that a shape of an object is dictated, by what it's used for same, thing with robots depending, on the application. The shape and morphology and, the size is all different all right let me show you one more robots, I don't know if it's gonna work again this is also the very first time we're showing it to. Is it is it working alright this robot is pebble, Daniel. Could you tell us about pebble what does pebble stand for first of all. Yeah. Bella okay so this is just the lower body of a humanoid, robot said this actually, had a whole. Human robot this was the early version of four that you seen over there now, after, experience, we took, it apart so that's the lower body we're.

Using It for locomotion, experiments, and this is the upper body separately, which we use it for something else we'll show this in a minute but let's show the pebble first so this is a platform, we're trying to study many different type strategies. For making robots, walk like human. Well, just thing over here is all brand new it happens the past few days. So. It might not work which. Is okay if. It doesn't work we learn from it so. Let's. Put softer ground okay. So. These are all loose right so he's not supporting, it. So. Even though he changes, his body posture can, still bounce on one foot now this is obvious, for humans but it's difficult to do in robotics, are you gonna be doing the pushing thing or not okay. So that's just one demonstration, of balancing. On one foot okay, we're gonna set it to a different mode this time we. Call this disturbance. Rejection, in other words when robot is walking, sometimes there's a wind gust or it hits to something there's disturbances. Right and then, if a robot that cannot handle is gonna fall so trying to figure out how to do, how, to change. Its posture to get, rid of the disturbances, so. It uses different sensors, right alright so there, are sensors, in the ankles, that allow it to detect, if something, is kind of like twisting. And so. With those on the. Robot to tell, that well, I'm pushing, I'm person here but at all it'll, try to go back to its original. So. Normally, if he doesn't have this algorithm when you push it it's gonna fall for like, a structure, right so you can actually kind of actually. Really. Push. It a lot here and. There's. A limit. We. Pushed the boundaries a limit right. So. So, this was a earlier. Version of Thor so this is retired, and we build a new Thor and instead, of the you know taking apart we actually took, the lower body only and modified, it for a new test platform yeah recycled. It. Cool. Thank you very much Daniel all. Right so. The upper body is something different so you. Know netflix, netflix there's, gonna be a new miniseries called, magic. For humans starting, august 17th, and one. Of the episode, is us so. I didn't know yeah, yeah i don't know if you knew it but I'm also a nearly.

Professional, Magician myself and a nearly professional, chef, as well I was on the master chef USA by the way yeah, season four don't, look me up it's kind embarrassing by the way so. There's, a famous a magician called Justin Willman that you probably know so he travels around the rule that visits different places and he, actually came to our lab because he wanted to learn about robotics, right I'm not gonna spoil all the storyline but he, is a magician and he, challenges. Us can you build a robot that can actually perform magic so. In three weeks we, challenge him and build a robot and this was Magi. It's. A robot that performs, magic tricks so we, are not going to show you everything because you have to see it on TV on Netflix in August but, we're just going to show you a sneak peek of one oh there, these are small Doran beanies can. You can you can. You see anything to do about it yeah. Research. Using. A vision system here and kind, objects. In contrast. Yeah. You have good taste. It's. A face as a boot is a I think, what is it suppose. We can put your face oh. Okay. There you go Wow. So. You're just show one. Magic. Trick simple. Trick. Okay. Fall in the cup. Abracadabra. It's. Kind of a fun thing that we're doing but it's as for, studying, manipulation. Doing, something like this is very very difficult for robots so this is a sensor, you know the Xbox, Kinect sensor it's actually a Kinect sensor so it tries to identify all, just had to do the manual placement test alright so those are all the roads that we created there's some more and there's some secret projects that we can we're not ready to unveil but, these are Darwin minis these are we didn't build this but it's that based on the robot that we built Darwin this, is actually a commercial project, can you let some of the kids play with it okay. Give. Them you. Can control them yeah. Let's. Let's do it on the carpet, over here yeah yeah.

Whoa. This. Kangnam style. All. Right you can't play with it more but again I would like to thank. You again for coming to Ramallah the rewarding some mechanisms laboratory at UCLA and I want to give a round, of applause to all of our hard-working students, who.

2018-11-01 16:01

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