Touring The Neighborhood Of BATTERIE IV In Libreville Gabon

Touring The Neighborhood Of BATTERIE IV In Libreville Gabon

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what up family say right here this is another area of where they reach height in kabon because this is the area look at mostly a private residents that is here and also government residents like Diplomat stay here the place is clean nice and calm so battery card if you new to the Channel please make sure to subscribe click on the notification Bell and like the video battery card so let's just keep going let me show you guys around the area so I'm coming all the way that way we are heading towards this way so this is um it's like an office the place right behind me right there it's like an office in b car I just keep going keep going so actually this is my first time of vlogging from Street of our b car just look at this house you see that car just going in there it's a residential area look at the building you see the building this is is a residential area I'll take you guys round so we have come we have come up somewhere we come up this way this way I think we should take let me see instead of us taking this way I think we should take this way let's go this way let's go this way because I don't actually have enough time if you actually go this way it's going to be it's going to take a lot of time so I think let's go this way and see so vlogging on the street like this is not that easy that's why I see now I understand what the other vloggers are going through it's not actually easy but you know to keep doing it subscribe to the channel guys please subscribe to the channel give the video a like and got do some cleaning right there so there's also one thing I want to I want to say this area most if you guys look very well you you find out that many of the many of the um Ambassador lives around and also there are some embassies here like the one right there look at the embassy of Congo that's Embassy of Congo braz that's cono bavi the EMB of cono bavi so we are heading back this way if you're watching my channel for the first time please don't forget to subscribe I'm giving you guys a tour of battery card in lib vabor one of the one of the neighborhood where mostly Diplomat lives we go through this way see we come out again we are we are coming out also our own place in another section from another section can actually go this way I think we should go this way we going to take this this way all around let me know in the comment what you really think about this place which other side in maybe in Asia that you have visited that resemble this place this is school is like nursy pre nury and primary if you look way is it's written there this building that you guys see this one right there that's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the building right there that you guys see is a Ministry of Foreign Affairs the M of Ministry of Foreign Affairs I know you some of you guys will be saying like why is the street so empty because it's Sunday and this is in residential area normally most people are diplomat these are those big people people in people that have money influential people in high places both in government and private sector that stays around here and also we have some embassies also here we have um um residential Embassy of some ambassadors here I I show you guys you see you already saw the embassy of Congo this where we have come out I think this also is it's another it's another NY prey and primary school this one also you see and right now we are on holidays we are on on one week holidays in kabon okay look right there that's ambassad the Sagal residance so this is exactly where the ambassador of Sagal lives that the House resident of ambassador of Sagal right there is written you see ambassador of Sagal so they are mostly high pressure people that lives around here that's why you see the place very quiet so that's why is very quiet like look at look at this building also I think it should be for residential purpose residential purpose this one right there for residential purpose now the [Music] road so this also a villa somebody's Villa right there so if you haven't subscribed to the Channel please subscribe to the channel give the video a like and I appreciate that and comment let me know what you think about this place if this place resemble and somewhere that you you are familiar with somewhere that you know you know or you have been there before so this is Bard in Libra V B one of the neighborhood in Li called B subscribe to the channel and this is the embassy of um this right here is the embassy of Central African Republic so subscribe to the channel give the video a like so most of the embassies are also around this place like I already show you guys the embassy of Congo bavi now we are the embassy of central Africa Republic which is this this is the fence behind me the uh the fence right behind me is the embassy of Central African Republic so we are giving you guys a tour of battery card so look at where we have come out this way so we we were all the way let see we're coming from that way all the way that way and we continue going down this way every B card this way that way goes to the to along the seaside but we'll be going this way so you see this is the resident ambassad de la Republic the guine this is the house of the embassy of of the ambassador of the Republic of Republic of Guinea the embassy of ambassador of repu of guine so we keep going this way subscribe to the channel guys please do subscribe to the channel actually I want to cross see I want to cross let's go this way Let's cross so we are heading this way B cut so let me tell you guys let me show you guys something that place right there where you see the traffic light is called f f battery card so we continue this way you see you see the road even that one right there wait wait actually this is there I'm Al always closer to the hotel I'm almost closer to the hotel where K the lodge when they came so it was around this it was around this area show you guys that's the bed I don't know if you guys can hear listen to the noise there's a bird making noise around there look at at the birds flying look at how one just look at that one right there drawing look at the drawing inside there I love it so so they L we it was called a Hotel AWA the lodging here when they were there this was the hotel that they lodging I was just coming from that way and let's go take this way because there's a friend of mine there's a friend of mine who lives around here where I'm Vlogging so I will just continue then I'll come back and um see him later I think there is a fee there's a fee around here one fee that they play football I'm going to show you guys the fee we are heading there I'll show you guys the fee where they play football so first time subscribe to the channel but God got place that's area this is the area you guys got the M right there football match going on where the boss landed football match they're coming out all the way from that way and we are heading towards this way those New Year we in battery C know maybe they still playing oh don't no we can go check let me go and try if we can go check [Music] [Music] got wow go back back mean [Music] so sit here and watch the ball watch the ball [Music] small start schools come and play the school games here like running Gan look at the little look at the little boy guardan go pass the this place was built about 2 years ago think yeah like two two years two to 3 years ago and this place was bu so you see the place look at even this where people sit and watch the ball the football match sit here to watch football match was recently open for the public about 2 years ago CU it was built 3 years ago but it was open for the public about 2 years ago they also keep the place very in it you see look at that's the running track like the running track you know what let's just go up so this so people sit around here and watch the ball football match and even right there they sit around even there to watch the ball so you see the first division player on the big in the bigger field like the professional fee but the second and third division plays here and even the school games they also come and play here and do school sports here running and other things also here but this is not the only fee they have we have have many fee fees in Li this just one of the Fe that was been constructed 3 years ago see let me climb up a little bit so I show you guys the whole place of place spot see let score a little bit so you see right up [Music] there was the wash the all the plastic making sure that miss the goal a go right there that right there see the picking all the plastic he making sure that there's no there zero plastic around zero zero plastic around goalkeeper Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel is a new goalkeeper for me Club he's giving me a b to kick for him to cash see oh tell him I want to go he want me to be playing with him oh okay Mery so um heading back I just said let me give you guys a little store about a little store of this place the new Fe see how have the toilet for the women the men that's for the women that's for the men dressing room I think it's a dressing room let me let me see if it's open that's a DE see that's this a dress that's a dressing room for the M that's for the M let's check for the female see if it's open for the female see this is a dressing one for the female they just messed it up right now they need to clean it up you see dress room for the female they need to clean it up they'll come clean it [Music] out so I think it's the same let me let's see Che this way this one is local stockish this one is close so this one is like the dressing room at the same time the toil the toilet just move on the the toilet this for for the men just move on the toilet I already show you guys this one one there toilet and this is a stock like stockish place I don't know where this one this one is think all this are the same what this one you see this the toilet I think so is a toilet this one also is a toilet I think about this one it's close this one close so this is for the for the disable I think it's close it's for the disable it's close for the clean so we just keep going so this is where security post right there and this is the outside what is it called let me show you guys what what what is called that's the name of the place the name of the play fee that's the fee there's a school up here kid are playing football there's a school up here but I think we're going to end for for here from here I think we'll be going back should be going back okay keep on going the place is keep going going going going going and it's to it's already late what's the time let me check let me check my phone let me check my phone see look at the time it's already 5:47 so I think we should end I think we're going to I'm going to end from here and start going back and start heading back going to end from here I was supposed to continue that that way but I'll start going back down cuz it's already time we are still in battery card this is the area so I'm going down I think I'll just go and look at my friend I'll check on my friend if he's he's um at home then I'll discuss with him before going back home to go edit this video this video the one I just did this way I've come out again another run round about you know Cross Road it's one that way it's one this way and there two roads so this way it's one and that one that we are going down straight so subscribe to the channel family now I'm trying to see if I can get my friend on phone then I'll check on him before going back home he lives somewhere right down there somewhere down there so I'll end the video for now and call my friend and check on him if he's not at home then I will just leave and go home and edit this video so I'll see you guys in my other next video Bye by look at this house wow I love it simple see coming down look where I'm coming from right that way what up family it is night time and I'm still in battery cut I'm heading home right now I'm trying to head home right now time so I don't know look at where I've come out from right that way that's the fruits section I'm coming out all the way from that section and I'm going back this way so I said let me let you guys know let me show you guys so I definitely think we're going to be I'm going to walk um this way you know I'm going to walk a little bit before I can catch the taxi you know I think that's going to be the best if I can walk a little bit I can C the taxi Let's cross I don't even know if the quality of this video I'm shooting at night is going to be good I don't even know but I definitely believe it's going to be nice I definitely will be good look at the light just turn light was red now it just turned green so that's the light it's like liy at night I'm Vlogging at vlogging liy at night so head somewhere and get it t see so imagine there a lot of cars lot of vehicles let's just go this way so I'm heading this way look at the taxi I don't know actually what that is so I have to go right down down now now now just to get it just to catch a taxi because I can't get a taxi this way it's e for me to get a taxi this way so I'm going to get a taxi that this other way subscribe to the channel and if it's your first time watching this video please support your boy asaio by subscribing to this channel give the video a thumbs up so this is um there somewhere this is uh what is this place called it's called BJ Bank this I'm heading somewhere heading right now we are just along the the the coastline section see that's the water right there got the the water there's the sea Atlantic Ocean I'm going all the way this way yes just coming back from Battery cut right now just came out from B and I'm heading back home um this is your boy asaio thank you so much for watching this my videos and supporting me I appreciate your love and support guys um what else am I going to say other than to say thank than you and I ask that you continue to support me by watching my videos stay with me appreciate [Music] that the car so I still keep on I have to still keep on moving forward with because I have to go to where I think those taxis can drop this tax those taxis right there the taxi that are passing by they can stand and you know carry me and go somewhere or ra or better still I can still walk right through right down right down but I don't actually think like my my batter is going to be able to to really um stand you know record for for that long or maybe like the next 30 minute or 40 minutes again because it's about B is about 20% you know so just 20% that is remaining on the batteries so I don't know if I'll still have time but I can stand here and get a taxi that will drop me elsewhere then I can continue my journey so I can get a taxi from here that will take me there I want to she another place it's a restaurant restaurant launch so I can actually wait for a taxi here wait for taxi right here if I want to some guys are will doing your news sport so let's see let's see right here if I can get the taxi from here canot get a taxi from here then we see I think we just continue walking down right straight but let's just wait and see we can [Music] [Music] get it's very difficult to get a taxi from here and go back home very difficult but I'm going to try I'm going to [Music] try so this is actually Liber V at night let me cross the other way cross the other way so I'm crossing the other way in the middle of the road and I'm bling from the middle of the road Let's cross since one way for the car full fast fast fast fast fast fast so I decided to walk because I can't stand and waiting for the taxi can't stand and waiting for the taxi so that's the embassy of Japan right there to the light so I can't stand there and be waiting so what I'm going to do is like I just continue vlogging and I continue be vlogging so let's see what which level this this 20% remaining of my battery where it's going to lead us going to lead me to I'm going straight right down continue just walking going straight down so let's see where this 20% this remaining 20% my battery let's see where it take me to if it's going to be able to take me right down there then it will be nice though so I'm vog at night I am at the just at the at the shore of Li V look at the watero look at the water are the [Applause] lights so just keep on going going going going going I have to go again right down there look what there a stop there's a bus stop right down there where cars can stand cuz this way no this cars cannot stand because it's like it's like a highway and there's nowhere for cars to stand and to stop and you know carry people except the spot where I was before moving before walking all the way so let's keep continue moving and just believe that I'm going to uh let's see get a taxi to go back home I don't even know what time I'll finish editing this video then what time it's going to take it's going to take to upload so that for you guys so that I can put it on public for you guys to see this video but I don't know if I'm going to be able to post a video today but I'll try I'll try so I'm going to see if it's going to be possible okay because sometimes the the connection is not that fast I'm talking about I'm talking about the Wi-Fi connection the internet connection sometimes it's fast sometimes it's not fast so I don't know any time if it's fast okay not fast okay so somewhere look at some group of people coming this is the this is the French Embassy the new French Embassy the building you see is the new French Embassy so heading right the way back don't forget to subscribe to the channel give the video a like and comment comment so it's prob can I put it I just put like 3 at night so drop a comment let me know what you think so fascinating to see because I'm it has been a very long time I experiened you know at night like this especially when I see looking at the light the green yellow that's the exact color of the flag of the that's the exact color of the flag in the country it's so amazing so very very amazing you know and I actually love it though I really do love most these people you see walking they are coming they are coming from the beach so they're heading back home because they have to that way me I'm going going somewhere right there so they going back this way leaving two the two spot where you where people leave it's either you leave this way leaving this way is like it goes towards the airport and towards the I call it towards the airport go towards Al and then shab where I'm leing where I'm trying to go so you subscribe to the channel don't forget to subscribe think he wants to fish let me see that's what he said that's his fish fishing fres I'm asking him what he always use to put in the hook before he can cat the fish he said put um fresh sardine [Music] orette ah all the the the the shms the little shms that's the shrim I'm actually asking him if yeah there also fish here he say yes that there are fish fishes here I'm asking him if he can if you go right inside to set up the the hooks but he said no that he will just put it here then water and carry it inside the the ocean we leave there inside the ocean alone I don't actually know if you guys can see wow so I'm heading back home I'm heading back home this boy side HW subscribe to the channel somewhere the around about show you guys where am I so where am I so we're going to take the sidewalk

2024-04-03 12:46

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