Touring Tasmania? Your Complete Guide To The Best Places To Stay & Play + So Much More!

Touring Tasmania? Your Complete Guide To The Best Places To Stay & Play + So Much More!

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hello happy campers we hope you're having a  wonderful week well haven't we had a great week   down here at the let's go south Australia Caravan  camping and outdoor show show grounds it's been   so good so fantastic looks like Katie's already  had a couple of Ven she's got a dancing shoes on   oh it's a buzz I love Showtime it's there's such  a good energy and being able to meet everybody   who's there and excited about you know whether  they're about to hit the road they're looking   at different Vans or vehicles I mean it's it is  so cool it is always a and this is a mega show   we didn't have any idea that was going to be so  busy we have met I was going to say hundreds but   it would probably be fair to say thousands of  people and and we didn't want you to miss out   on the weekend so we're going to take you back to  one of our alltime favorite episodes and this one   is from Tasmania wow can transport me there now  yeah it's so good we love it it is jam-packed   with amazing people incredible food experiences  incredible beverages what's not to love about   tazzy the scenery the environment we love it  all and we know that you're going to love it   too in fact it wouldn't surprise me if you watch  this episode and then you book something oh you'd   be crazy not to just quietly all right enjoy next  week back to normal viewing see you then awesome bye coming up in this week's episode this week  we are bringing you the complete Tasmania touring   guide everything that you'll need to know before  you go including the best campground the best   foodie experience the best water hole the best  tours and attractions best free activities the   locals favorite and tazzy's number one destination  as well as the must have apps maps and resources   that you'll need to make the most most of your  time in Tasmania and you asked for it and we've   listened we've now released our complete 160 page  Tasmania touring guide ebook bundle the complete   guide to getting around this extraordinary Island  state and we'll share the details on how to get   your hands on that in this week's episode all  right time to grab a drink let's do it okay we   have made lots of notes so I've got my cheat  sheets here to try and bring you the best of   the best look if you get off the spirit of tazzy  you can turn left or right we have done both and   lap around the island would take about 1,500 km  thereabouts in our 3 months of touring we did   just over 35,000 km so to say that we try to get  to every corner and see as much as we can really   would be an understatement and we still miss stuff  oh exactly and we are still compiling a list for   our next visit it seems to be one of those places  that you'll continue to return to because it is   jam packed with so much to see and do in fact our  number one tip and this is something that we hear   lots and lots from Travelers and we see it pop  up in the traveling groups I'm coming to tazzy   for a week or two weeks or 3 weeks we're going  to whip around the entire Island we're going   to hit all of these top spots our best advice  to you is to slow down the whole reason why we   created these different road trips is to give  you options and really pick a region you know   if you've got a short amount of time pick one  road trip and do that well because guaranteed   you will want to return to tazzy and then you  will be able to make the most of it and see as   much of the island Perfect all right now this  guide is really going to give you the best okay   best experiences destination campsites free low  cost you name it foodie beverage The Works apps   Maps resources everything that we used to create  those itineries we'll share with you in tonight's   episode as well as a bit of a recap on the top 10  things that you need to know before you go on the   spirit of Tasmania which is very relevant because  most people that are traveling with a rig of some   type or even their own just car will be traveling  on the spirit of tazzy yeah awesome all right ah   national parks pass great okay tip number one two  doesn't matter most important tip before you go to   Tasmania is to get yourself a national parks pass  almost the entire state is National Park I mean it   is amazing and you are going to be within an hour  or so drive no matter where you are on the island   so you do want to get this sorted if you're  heading over on the spirit of test buy it on   the ship you will get a discount otherwise jump  online it is so easy there are different passes   to suit the amount of time that you are going to  be exploring this beautiful island so do get that   sorted because no matter where you go you will  need it okay fantastic tip number two subscribe to   our Channel here's our Shameless plug look guys if  you haven't already subscribed subscribe now what   are you doing uh like comment if you do comment we  will get back to you yes eventually it's taking a   little longer these days but we are trying to get  back to every single comment we receive so please   let us know what you think what you'd like what  you'd like to see more of and we will listen yes   absolutely and if you do love us then share if you  want to give us a virtual hug share our Channel   with those that you think this could Inspire or  help on their travels or their plan yeah and all   of that helps get our content out there even more  so that more people can see it and get inspired   and that is totally the algorithms what we love  all right there you go there's our Shameless plug   okay we're into it the best free camp in tazzy  for us okay well this was your favorite and it   is in the FR national park it is the friendly  beaches National Park Campground it is free   you do need your national parks pass but you'll  already have that sorted right yeah look we were   so lucky we rocked up uh against our normal rule  you know you need to get to a campground generally   by lunchtime and these free camps we rocked up  at 5:00 p.m. and fluked it but look there was   a changing of weather the ruggedness of the coast  running along that beach with Jasper feeling like   the best St in the world watching him and his  Joy was the highlight for me absolutely and   this is one of the locals favorites and you know  you're on a winner when you talk to the locals and   they say yeah we go there on our holidays okay  best lowcost campground oh this was a hard one   to choose from I might just jump in here and say  we back and fored over these decisions didn't we   this didn't come easy this information there is so  much goodness in tazzy but Stanley the recreation   group grounds right next door to the Stanley golf  course so we're Northwest Tasmania looking over   that amazing nut that core of that ancient volcano  this was such a fantastic Campground what I love   about this it's $10 a night there is a dump Point  recently been put in uh you do just help yourself   but you probably could fit around about 50 to  60 campers and Caravans in that site there is   a freshwater tap we saw people joining their hoses  together to fill up their tank so they could stay   longer uh $10 a night if you stay seven it's $50  you only pay for five you get two free yep right   on the beach close walk into town can't complain  love Stanley okay best full hookup that's a best   full paid Caravan experience yeah and again we  armed andard and back and forth on this one but   the one that really took the the cake the cake yes  exactly was the NRMA Port Arthur down there on the   stunning tasmine Peninsula it really just ticks  all of the boxes and its location and what you   have at your doorstep to explore was the reason  why we chose this one look it's very unique to   be able to camp in a world heritage listed area  so that makes it quite unique the walk down to   Stewart's Bay oh Goosebump good all right stunning  and of course P out the historic site right on   your doorstep yes uh the best foodie experience  outdoor would have to go to Mel Shell's oyster   Shack yes I love this little so quirky so unique  stop in at swans so that you can get to Mells   we're on the east coast of Tasmania right now just  a really rustic relaxed awesome experience do you   know what it is it's it's the locals hangout there  are many more Famous Seafood options along this   stretch I mean the Lobster Shack a little bit  further up the road but for us this was awesome   we loved it yeah go and cook your own kebabs have  a glass of wine from the winery that literally is   around the bend on the river called the bend and  just take in this awesome environment okay best   foodie experience indoor this was so hard I mean  you will know we are about to produce the taste of   Tasmania how to eat and drink your way around  the Apple aisle it will will be an audio book   it will be an ebook as well we ate and drank so  much so these decisions did not come lightly the   best indoor experience for us and certainly for  me was in gston so south of Hobart down in that   huan Valley region Harvest and light Cassie's  pickery again this was such a unique experience   we never experienced anything like this before  Cassie's produce is amazing she collaborates with   the local local producers awesome yeah we loved  it and again you know someone that passionately   does what they love to do and then shares it oh  can't go wrong so good I'm hungry all right we   talked about last night actually contacting Cassie  and see if she will uh ship yes across to the Big   Island send us some pickles yes all right here we  go best takeaway experience this one was really   easy masaki yes the famous surfing sushi chef also  in gston down there in the south of Hobart he will   ruin you though I am just warning you you will  not be able to eat sushi anywhere else around this   country after you have had a box of msaki amazing  it's artwork it is just incredible incredible and   he's catching and uh collecting harvesting his  own produce Seafood remarkable oh so good all   right thank you masaki let's stop talking about  food here we go uh best on water experience yes   what was the best experience we did on the water  as a family yeah Gordon River Cruises yeah and we   look we love the water and you will notice a theme  throughout episodes wherever we can get out and   do an experience or a tour on the water we will  Gordon River hands down some of the most amazing   environment in Tasmania it is within the world  heritage wilderness area and for good reason you   two options for Cruisers we've done both this one  was amazing oh look it it was very VIP high-end   this one wasn't it so you know sitting back and  out felt like business class on the water in a   world heritage area yeah drinking wine stunning  eating ocean trout yes doesn't get any better no   we got to stop talking about food okay let's do  it uh best Land Experience this was very recent   actually yes it was and again so hard to pick  and choose from all of these amazing places and   experiences what we really loved was our walk  on kunani in Hobart Mount Wellington rising up   in the background of this awesome City and to  get out there with Andy and he his passion and   follow in Charles Darwin's footsteps and learn  all about that history and the geology and the   environment and then to stand on the summit it's  his passion again I mean this guy grew up on the   mountain he grew out of the mountain like he's  just part of the mountain isn't he he's unreal   so yeah absolutely that was our highlight of our  Hobart experience okay uh best history experience   again this was hands down Port Arthur Historic  Site wow totally underestimated what this site   was going to be and the experience that we would  have there and it is just phenomenal and so worthy   of a full day or a return visit your ticket does  give you two consecutive days you'll want to use   that to really immerse yourself in this incredible  environment it it's hard to believe that this can   be so well preserved after all of these years yeah  and the stories that come from this place are just   amazing must be good management maybe all right  here we go best Wildlife Experience again this   was obvious to us pencott Journeys wow look they  have I think now six experiences that you can do   different tours and cruises around the island  MH just pick one of them as we say you will not   go wrong no absolutely hands down was our Tasman  Island cruise that held the title from our first   visit in Tasmania then we did the wine glass  Bay cruise and we saw that incredible pot of   dolphins I mean just in just amazing mind-blowing  and these guys they ethos about sustainability and   protecting the environment well worth supporting  with your dollar they are world leaders as far as   being conservation Champions and we will continue  to tell everyone we know to go and do these tour   and we'll continue to tick off that yeah I can't  wait to to do the next one they've actually got   one uh out of uh Wilson's prominent tree yeah  if I said that right in Victoria yep that'd be   worth checking out too if you're on the mainland  in Victoria awesome okay what I'm up to best free   experience yes what's our best free experience  walk around Dove Lake wow yeah just Katie didn't   stop dropping Katie did not stop smiling the  entire almost 7 km of this walk Jasper very   proud of him did it on his own two feet it's  an easy it's like a grade two so easy to do   but so incredibly you know what did they say it's  extraordinarily beautiful I mean it is H yeah it's   that yeah it really is of course you need your  national parks pass but again you've got that   sorted so to be able to go and immerse yourself in  this environment do you know what I love reading   the history and the people who came here 100 plus  years ago and saw cradle mountain and decided that   this place needed to be experienced by everyone  and henceforth it was made a national park and   available for all of us to experience it is that  special and you can hike for 7ks with a massive   smile on your face the couple of things that are  outstanding about this I mean it is in the center   of 1.4 million hectares of world heritage area  Y and as far as meeting criteria to get a world   heritage listing you only have to meet one out  of 10 it meets seven so it is the world leading   world heritage listed site yes and you can feel  it when you go there because it is just amazing   love it okay best national park how do you choose  on an island that is covered in amazing National   Parks look we promised ourselves we would not be  fence sitters we're totally fence sitters on this   one you could go to any national park in Tasmania  and be all struck yeah look the problem for us   when we were deciding this one is we started  to make a list oh cradle Mountain FR and then   we went hang on mountfield the tasmin down on the  tasmin peninsula there are so many national parks   the Southwest Gordon Franklin Rivers National Park  there are too many and they are all spectacular so   just get out there and visit some of them there  are so many that we are yet to experience and   they are on our list the next time we go yeah look  we even went um and had a little bit of time out   in mountfield National Park and we haven't even  covered that in our episodes and it was incredible   y y okay next visit uh best human interaction this  was a really easy one Greg Duncan the wall dant   Bridge amazing amazing inspiring passionate man  what he has created there and you will hear the   hype if you are going to Tasmania you will have  every tazzy local say to you have you visited   the wall you should go to the wall trust them  believe them book your tickets go to the wall   go and see what Greg has created and if you are  lucky enough like us he'll be on the front door   when you get there and you'll be able to have  a yarn to him what an amazing man I honestly it   made me feel like anyone can do anything after you  hear about his full story we'll put the link for   That interview that I you know feel very honored  to have had with Greg uh in the description below   uh but look the amount of challenges that he and  his family have faced through their time to create   and follow his dream he' never even picked up a  chisel and he's he told his wife I've thrown my   job I mean I mean it's remarkable anyway check  that out oh amazing it will inspire you to to do   something totally okay wrapping it up now getting  to the end the hardest one that we had to do was   the overall number one destination mhm proof that  we don't always agree no that's true so I'll give   you mine and Katie can give you hers look it  had to tick all the boxes for us and for me FR   a national park on the East Coast it actually is  the most outstanding part of the East Coast if you   were going to only go to one part of the East  Coast FR a I mean there's Cold Bay wine glass   Bay the wildlife the walks friendly beaches free  Camp is there Mel shells is around the corner I   loved it best pizza on the island it is certainly  stunning stunning environment as is my number one   which is the southern Hobart region including the  huan valley stretching down to [ __ ] Creek again   it ticks so many boxes you've got beautiful  green Rolling Hills of The Valleys you've got   that spectacular huan river that just weaves its  way through these little townships you've got the   amazing beaches of cockal Creek that PR untouched  environment food producers more cider than you're   ever going to be able to drink I gave it a good  crack there is so much to love about that region   wow yes indeed and can I just give a shout out  to the caroan sale caroan with Dave look this   is a guy again he's not in our list but I have to  give him a shout out because again someone who's   just dedicated their entire heart and Life to you  know of loveed to bring this vessel from almost a   derel condition to where now he has just started  to welcome passengers on board yeah go and support   Dave you will love this experience yes out of  beautiful Franklin in the huin sailing along the   huan river amazing all right he wasn't on my list  but yeah yeah thank you Dave all right number one   bucket list now coming down to Tasmania for our  second time Katie had a bucket list item that was   on our first visit and we didn't get to do it and  so you got to this time absolutely easy one cradle   Mountain I mean it is the the icon for tazzy it  was everything and more that I anticipated it was   going to be it was my birthday which I think just  adds so much to it the fact that we were able to   go spoil ourselves with a few days you know in a  nice hotel room in something a little bit larger   than 17 square m but to be be able to experience  this incredible National Park and it's so much   more than that and it's not until you're there  that you really realize how special this place   is so that if you've only got a minute and you  want to experience everything tazzy has to offer   this would be a great place to go no matter what  season I can't wait to go back and see the snow   on cradle mountain and some of that imagery  where the snow is like unbelievable oh look   Jasper's number one wish was to see snow while  we were in tazzy and look you can actually see   snow any month of the year yes we didn't get  to experience that sorry Jasper but he did ask   to include his number one experience and that was  the West Coast Wilderness Railway this is a first   class worldclass experience yeah absolutely out  of Queenstown or Strawn over there on the west   coast if you could pick one or the other go from  Queen Town yes because you get to experience the   rack and pinion which is the only place in  Australia that you can actually do that yeah   awesome okay here we go we're moving now on to  the apps the apps that we can definitely vouch   for recommend and that we used every day that  we were traveling y Wiki camps I'm sure that   most of you out there watching this will know  what that is uh again we'll put all of these   details in the description so that you don't have  to go searching for them fantastic helps you find   anything and everything you need to know about  camping staying low cost full cost everything   you need DP points water access local attractions  Willie weather okay this would be our number one   choice as far as a weather app goes yeah they get  it right 90% of the time yeah look and if Willie   weather doesn't get it right just talk to a local  CU they seem to know exactly what is going on with   tazzy's weather and when it's going to happen  yeah that's true particularly on the East Coast   you know we're like oh it's going to be raining  the next 3 days and they said no no it's not yeah   don't believe it yeah and they were right yep  okay um the trail Forks app now this is very   new to us really to be actually using um you can  download specific to Australian region and then   you can basically go into any part of wherever  you are around Australia in tazy boom pull a map   up and then it just keeps opening up more and more  Trail heads uh for every type traveler grade you   name it it's all available in there fantastic  app what is so awesome about Tasmania is that   there are so many different walks that you can  do and it doesn't have to be a massive hike we   did short little walks to spectacular waterfalls  we did 7 km walks to waterfalls we you know we   did the national park walks there is so much  on offer for everyone look the the other thing   is that there are two world class world renown  walks that we are yet to do and once Jasper's   a little older and I'm feeling a little fitter  yeah we'll do them the Overland track yeah out   there at cradle uh to stclair in the national park  and then also the Three Capes walk yes wow breing   I'm raring let's go I've got my backpack ready  you'd be right all right uh now we're going to   move on to Maps yes but before we do I will just  say the east coast region of tazzy have their own   app and this was great as well so everything that  you would expect to find in a tourist guide on an   app if you just search for East Coast Tasmania  that was a good resource awesome tip okay Maps   Google Maps probably seems a bit obvious we  find that's generally better than say Apple   Maps uh sa gig we've spoken about this many times  on our show you can put in the parameters of your   vehicle height weight length and that can save you  a lot of headache poang Bridges we have certainly   reversed of sticky situations cused some problems  don't be like us get that app sa gig it is a a   little bit of an outlay a good tip there every now  and then they give 50% off so just keep it and it   comes up every few months they give big discounts  on a lifetime purchase of that app or you can do   a monthly subscription all right uh season produce  guide oh yeah got this one this guy fantastic you   can get that on the spirit of Tasmania in fact  all of these um handheld guides this one yeah   the wine Trails yes and the Tasmania travel and  touring it is awesome we love Max you know it's   so good because this is another tip too if you've  got kids get them involved in the decision making   even if you've made the decision already let them  know where the plan is the region and then let   him point it out and I mean it's it's awesome  the excitement in Jasper when he has touched   something on the map and then he sees the sign in  real life y it it it actually all clicks you know   you see it you see it working so get the kids  involved what's great about these Maps too is   you can roll them out and they are jam-packed with  attractions points of interest so you can really   get in and see what is where and where you want  to go do you know what we love you can walk into   a pub and they the people behind the I will pull  one out and they'll mark it up for you and then   give it to you and that's happened on multiple  occasions and you speak to other people who been   a tazzy and they tell you the same thing oh did  they mark up your map yeah exactly we've even sat   around with other campers who have bought their  Maps over to compare with our Maps what did they   circle on your map where did they tell you to go  so it's a it's a very cool thing that just seems   to be ingrained in Tasmanian locals y sharing is  caring all right here we go we're on to resources   okay look the best advice we can give give you  on the resources is to download our free quick e   Road itinery guides on our website the Feelgood because we've embedded the resources   digital resources from all of those other websites  that have helped us so it it's free yeah if you   want to support us and you want to keep our wheels  turning uh this is something that's very new to us   and Katie's done incredibly good job uh beautiful  design design on a full comprehensive road trip   itineries they're all around 20 pages long more  yeah you can purchase those through our website   as well if you want to get the real detail and all  the juice yeah absolutely all the places that we   went the points of interest little things that  you may not get from searching the internet you   guys have been asking us for ages to put together  road trip itineries and so tazzy was the perfect I   guess testing ground for us to do that and they  they have come up so beautifully they are all   individual on our website we are going to we've  listened we're going to put them all into one   comprehensive comprehensive guide yeah look it  it'll be over 160 pages of pure Tasmanian Bliss   yes really awesome job Katie and they're $1.95  each or if you want to get the bundle pack they   will be $26.95 for that complete tazzy ebook guide  to tazzy yes awesome all right and by the way we  

did mention anyone who purchased the individual  packs or the bundled pack now will receive the   audio guide which we are recording called The  Taste of Tasmania we'll make that a separate   product as well that will also have an audio and  an ebook attached to it if you want to purchase   that yes if you want to know how to eat and drink  your way around the island we can tell you okay   uh a last minute plug for us is our podast wow it  is the number one travel and culture podcast in   Australia awesome award to receive and that is  going great guns that is released every Friday   night through every single podcast directory  around the world for free m and that's about   8:00 p.m. Australian E standard time we absolutely  love creating content of course available on every   single platform and best of all it is free got to  love that yes okay the rest of the year for the   Feelgood family is Jan Pat we will be speaking  at some major Live Events we will continue on   with our live Q&A on YouTube yes we'll let you  know any of these dates well in advance as they   come up and we also have something special over  the next few weeks coming your way yes lessons   from our lap Year yes we do a three-part series  full of information tips hacks so much good stuff   all of the things that we have learned dur during  our lap around Australia well kind of more like a   figure eight but Minor Detail so much good stuff  if you are planning your own lap of OES or you are   in the process of getting prepared for that this  will be a great one to watch for you all right I   think that's it awesome all right for now look  after yourself look after your family and happy trails thanks for watching pleas please  do like subscribe and share our Channel   and if you'd like more information on  full-time RV travel and living visit   our website the Feelgood there  you'll find loads of free resources our   weekly podcast Caravan cooking recipes our  monthly magazine articles and much more we   look forward to seeing you next week take  care of yourself and your family and happy trials [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a

2024-02-22 08:26

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