Isaan Market Evening Stroll Udon Thani

Isaan  Market Evening Stroll Udon Thani

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hello what are you selling so cute hello hello mate and oh okay we have some like a be right hello I feel a little bit sick after  eating that bug I've got to say but um so hello here we are at walking Street Market  um happens on a Friday and a Saturday as far as   I'm aware just a weekend walking Street  in udon tan um a little bit early we're   a little bit early because it's uh it doesn't  start till like 5:30 so it's about 5:00 now but   I'm going to go along and just uh have a look  see what they've got and uh bring you along so   let's go have a look got I say they're just some  are set up some are some are not quite there yet carb the spring rolls 190 bar trousers is about £4 UK love these orange juices just a  20 b so around 50p and uh yeah just   freshly squeezed orange really  sweet really nice like a sushi excuse me is this Sushi like a Sushi Wow like mini eggs uh no thank you uh [Music]   uh is it a particular bird the egg is  it like a oh I see here there got a   small one and the and the big one ah quow  I think quow egg yeah oh very good C and caral again they love a hot dog in Thailand too fish sticks excuse me what's this one called  what fruit is this uh what is the name   Jack Jack Jack fruit oh thank you jack  fruit there we go jack fruit and how how much 50 bar for six six p pieces  10 for 100 ah 10 bar for 100 G   um okay maybe I come in back every thank you C and car fresh fruit andish healthy some buckets of Dorian over  there I'm not really a fan right 100 okay foods and drinks desserts sat sat pork chicken  chicken s chicken oh okay a li H pork here no and chicken one so that's around  20 P UK money S car or chicken or cooked chicken excuse me how much for the one chicken uh 160 C  it's 160 Bar for a whole chicken looks very tasty   S car oh uh you it is a raar right no cook you  can roll oh wow okay maybe I try on the way back   uh this is salmon is it this is salmon and  this porn shrimp shrimp shrimp you don't   need to cook this one you can still eat oh  okay thank you very much Korean Korean style   oh okay thank you there we have Korean style uh  food what do you call it in Korean what is this called no not really have don't no name  for for this like uh in in Thailand we   call salong ah right in in Thailand  you call it salong oh okay thank you K the usual Kebab that looks  like a good one lovely alo alo   Mark looks good thank you maybe  on my way out I grab one thank you and more drinks very refreshing lii nice different bags here 100 bar  so yeah incredible really £250 [Music] all 100 bucks look great and all these are are 100 Buck the cop nice and cool very [Music] good oh very cheap good priz  okay may on the way back thank you phone covers oh do you have any covers for a  Galaxy notee 9 no it's too old right okay thank you your oranges your green oranges very  sweet they press them here nice and fresh the crunchy snacks uh like  CRA crackling 70 bar good price I'm not sure what uh what  meat is this I'm not too sure uh this from uh pork pck beef  beef beef oh beef beef from the I think I'm going to have  to get myself a coconut smoothie come back then quick before my battery runs  out so I'm going to get one of those coconut   smoothies cuz they're great but before  um I lose battery or my phone overheats   cuz it's around 35° um I'll just try and  show you the rest of the market Okay so   we've now reached the closes part of the uh  walking Street and uh bundles and bundles of   every type of clothing you could imagine um  yeah I won't show you all of it so I think   I think we're going to draw it to a close today  so just a quick visit on walking Street here so   if you if you're in UD on Tanny and you want to  do some shopping it's absolutely brilliant on a   Friday and a Saturday here um everything you  could imagine hundreds and hundreds of stores   all types of food all types of clothing really  cheap um yeah just good fun nice to come and   walk around and uh just people are very friendly  some really interesting bits um yeah like this   for example like a donut right is it donut donut  okay looks good okay thank you and oh okay we have some like a be right so I'm not sure kind of like these I think uh excuse me is this this  one same same okay so that's that one oh okay can I try one so going to be brave enough  going to try one all one c c okay H okay car I didn't think I'll be able to  eat one of those but not too bad not too bad that's that one there I could eat that okay so that's my trial D um  thanks for watching so that's Jinx   travel uh just a I say just  a quick one today Cu uh my   battery's going to be dying shortly  so there's nothing much more to see it's it's it's coming back up really go like  a little bit of a leg of a beetle stuck in   my throat but actually tasted all right yeah I  think maybe the thought of it made me Quin a bit I think next I think tomorrow I'm going to  pop out and uh I'm going to go and see this   lady who I rented the motorbik from she's got  like she looks after a lot of dogs so uh the   dogs have got different things wrong with them  or just I'm not sure if they're stray or just   just some of them have been ill but she looks  after these dogs okay and uh yeah she she's um   I think she's got about 30 40 dogs so we're  going and take a look at them and see if uh   we'll go and take a go and take a look talking of  doggies we got some very cute doggies here some Labradors so cute hello hello mate what what dog is this bom B yes they're  so cute uh how much 8,000 8,5 8,5 okay that's   the that's the price they're beautiful yeah  look very healthy did you sell any today yeah   this one sell any today one half one and  one mon 15 day 15 15 dog one mom okay good hello yes hello okay thank you sir thank you com c and you got your watches here very nice   looks like a good watch for 350 bu so it's  about 10 UK pound looks good doesn't it oh they look good how much how much uh60 160 BS   so okay that's good about3 okay  thank you look lovely thank you say chicken okay so I think that's about [Music] it you [Music] ready okay [Music] inter so intersection here so goes  up there for about another um about   another 500 M and that way about another  200 M so next time I will show you the [Music] uh what are you selling internet home internet  from home home F yes fast internet   yeah okay you come from uh England  London England London oh anr you said   anr an an uh how much is your  internet for how much [Music] internet9 899 oh 899 yes yes yes [Music]  yes yes thank you that's a good priz video   uh YouTube okay oh YouTube YouTuber YouTube wow  your name uh JX travel but um yeah I'm small so   not many subscribers just starting all right  I you okay okay good luck good luck for me [Music] then J Travel okay it's time it's time okay [Music] okay okay thank you good luck  have a good day than you very much okay [Music]   think this whole all of the uh the band  here they're they're all they're all blind   um but how fantastic they all come together  like this make some beautiful music so good [Music] it's okay no [Music] problem okay they're not quite starting  yet and unfortunately I've got to uh   got to make a move got to get back but  maybe we'll catch them next time [Music] where the B place is over there  though we can get through I there [Music] but hope you enjoyed it there you go that's  walking Street UD on Tanny and uh yeah really   good atmosphere just it's getting busy now as  you can see uh we was a bit early but it's it's   starting to get busy now and just yeah had fun  really really good selection of foods clothes um   I'll try and come back here at the weekend I'm  often busy working online at the weekends but   if I can get here between 5 and 9 definitely  will you should too if you're in Udon Tahni

2024-07-19 11:29

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