Touring my UNFINISHED Sketchbook

Touring my UNFINISHED Sketchbook

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Hey everybody. Welcome. To the christian, verse as a first video, or this is my first video, on this channel, i wanted to do something very special, today. And. Um, before. We start the video. Um. I fell on my arm and i broke it just if you were wondering. But, what i'm going to be doing today, is i'm going to be. Doing. I'm going to do. A tour of my sketchbook. It's not currently, finished, and it looks disgusting. My only thing that i really like is this little kitty cat. And. Before i start the video, i want to tell some stuff about it. Now. About, the sketchbook. I started, it and. I started it last july. When i went over to my friend's house and they had a sketchbook for me and i just used it a lot. Um and another thing. It's. It was supposed to be black. But i painted it white because, why not. And i colored it all over and got it super ugly. So yeah let's start, so. Where where's the sketchbook, sketchbook. Where'd you go. I have it. There was a little, um. Problem. Finding, it it kind of disappeared. But. I found it, so let's get into it. Oh yeah this is the little picture on the back i was testing out markers, and destroy, this. Creepy. Thing. So. What's first in here, is. This, twirly. Swirly. It's really weird. I made it, when i was. Eight. And. It looks horrible. And it's ugly there's actually a page before it i ripped it out because it was so bad. Stupid papers. Next, is this. Thing. I don't know what it is. She's trying to build a building i guess. Building. Drawing, a building. In 3d, i'm not good at 3d, i don't know. If you've noticed. Like. I mean we're only a few pages we're only two pages in but. I want to give you the no i want to give you the warning that i can't draw 3d. I can only really draw cubes. Oh yeah here's another 3d, thing. Llama. From fortnite. I actually really like this. I'm not a huge fortnite fan i've played it before. But, i like loot llama. Um these were, um. I was designing, comic book covers. And so we got the um. The. Princess, something. The smart, cow. The dog, the man and the dog. The rainbow, girl with rainbow hair and like nancy, forgetful. I don't, know. I also, forgetful, wrong and. Razor. Giraffe. We're gonna pass over that. We're all now, no let's do this. No. Hate these papers. This is my drawing, of a superhero. Super villain actually named puma. Like based off of the, animal. And i, really, don't like it. I really don't like it. Next. Oh, okay nope. That's a bad picture. This is another, this is a superhero, actually, this is. Silver, coyote. And. You know. Don't love it, don't hate. It. Yeah. This, is. Um, an elf person. Don't know why just a random drawing i like. Um. This. Yeah i forgot to tell you there's some violence, in here. There's a lot of violence. Like this. This is dave. Dave the. Murderer. Um. A dragon. Or. Dragon. Dinosaur. This is cool. Dude. Oh yeah. This is me drawing my brother, as a kid. As a king of bronze, kingdom. Yeah. Oh this is a picture of me what i was going to steal from his room. Didn't do anything, because. This i really like this page i like it it's not done, obviously. Because this i made this like a year ago, and never finished, it but i like how it was going so far. It's kind of cute. Next. Is. Um the start, of my i guess you could call. Better drawing. Thing. Um. I really need to set this up better, i'll be right. Back. Have to use this to hold it. Okay. This is much better. So. There's. This. Um. Picture. It's not good. I hate it so much, this is where we were drawing with our eyes closed. There are some really interesting, pictures, in here. Like this one. And. This. One. And this one. It's they're just all really. Weird. Oh yeah, this is me trying to draw more people in the first style, it's really bad. This girl, like, this girl right here.

I Can't even see her eyes, they just look like. Eyeballs. Just. Eyeball, a black hole eyeball. There's no expression, in them. Um. More. This one right here is so. Ugly. So ugly. There's a roller skating person down here. This is really weird. The, angle of this, this is a mermaid, tail there's no body attached. Someone killed a mermaid. There's this, ice. Cream, girl. And these, two, other, girls, i don't know what they're doing. They're one person but you know. This, is. An elf. And um. I don't know if you can tell. But look at the body, the. Butt, shoots, out and the legs are just, is not attached there's no body proportions, in there. It's just a whole. Mess. Oh yeah this, this is my friend savannah. Who also is anyhow anyhow you should go check her out. But and then this is courtney. From. Um. Courtney's, a character i made and they. She has two friends named, leela, and. Marie. Down here. They learn magic. And, i really like them i've been drawing them in a long time. But. I do like them. This is ravelina. And, this is a little girl. And this is spiderman, and i don't know that's a building there's nothing on this side. Surprisingly. I draw on every side. This is another. Eyes closed. Thing, not. My most proudest, thing although the one down here is kind of cute i really like that one. Really. Cute. Um. This, is a page. This was just a fun thing i don't really like the girl here and here but i really like this little girl, that was a teeth and it's so cute and she has a different color, different. Different color, different hairstyles. And one. This is supposed to be a three marker challenge, which, i was. Testing, out if, was not really a three marker challenge it's, three markers. For saturation, and i was going to do the skin tone and stuff. And so i'm like well i'm gonna see how she looks with darker skin or with lighter skin, drew this i'm like wait, i kind of want to draw her a friend. Drew this. Girl. And, yeah their names. Are april. And nora. And this girl, down here is supposed to be april, except. Messed up her eyes and next. Next. Messed up her hair color.

And, Yeah that's that page. This is supposed to be um, breed out the weird withdrawing. Like i took four very major features, out of all of them, and, merged them together with the child. This girl down here, she's my favorite i don't know why i thought this girl was the prettiest, i really like this girl. And then this is me drawing nora my brother says she has a huge butt and all a minute she does. This is april. Wait. This is, april, and nora, together as being friends. I, obviously, i didn't know the proportions, of arms. So one of them is like, as tall as them. Or as long as them. And then this is april. And then, random people down here. This. Is, an interesting, page. Yeah we're not gonna do that. These are just doodles. With, um. Pen, this actually looks so much. Weirder. I went over this later, and colored. Over it. Or, that color, drew over it to make it look better. Random drawings, here. Just, witch. Stuff people sitting. I don't have much, very many interesting, things in here, this is me trying to draw a new york girl. Didn't, do, very well this is just. Random colors, that i picked, out. Um. This, is with the watercolor, and this is when my news. Style came in. This, um, i like these pages, like this little. Guy down here. And. I am so sorry for the angle of one of these i can't do this yet. This is um freya. Girl named freya. And these are just, random, drawings. That's maple. Down there, she's one of my characters. I like her. Um. Yeah, i tried drawing a living room. And then, drew, a celebrity. And. Yeah. Don't love it. It's not my proudest, moment. This is when i got new colors i really like these markers. They're, one of my favorite. Markers, ever that i've had. This is an angel, girl. Or it's meant to be i'm supposed to draw a double girl under her but. Didn't really want to and then this is maple, and then this is a dress that i actually really like. I don't do wrinkling. I don't do i don't can't draw wrinkles, it's hard. And. This is just. Random. Drawings. These are also random drawings. This is um. One marker, challenge. Random colors, testing out. Um this is camilla. This is. Emery. This, was, um, me, drying, with. Just um, dried out almost dried out, on crayola. Marker. And i'm like this, could be good, for using for blush. So i drew this character. And. Like, i don't know but i, really like her she's, so, cool. And um i didn't use any outline for her except for the eyes and i tried putting the blush on and it ruined her. So. She started, forever. Sorry, baby. But yeah these were pictures, from reference, i can't draw, from reference, very well, because i'm like, trying to get everything correct which i know you're not supposed to. These are just random drawings. Um. This is, this is acrylic, paint this is for one of my sketchbooks, i was doing a thumbnail. These are. This is a girl named shora, she. I don't know. She doesn't have a mouth. So maybe she, can't, talk. I don't know. This is panthaya. Penfe, is one of my characters oh yeah this is. Camilla, and emery. Being, best friends. Uh yeah but this is pamphlet. I love her, so much, i've drawn her this is how she looks at 21 which is how she looks currently. 5. 9. And 15.. Moving. On. This is sage. I like sage, this was me trying to draw lips, didn't get very far. This is a girl. Like, most of the time. Um. This, is, a. Space. Alien, demon. Nice. Princess. I don't know, her name's, samaya. I really like her. I don't know how i come up with penn state. Samaya. And. Other names. You could sing, let me get the next page. Okay. Sorry for that this is me trying to draw this is just scribbles, things, this is me trying to draw different faces, because i have a thing called, same face syndrome. All my faces that i draw they look the exact same person. And when i show it off to other people they're like, oh is that that character, again and when it's not supposed to be i'm like no. But yeah this is me trying to draw different face shapes and i went with more of a. You know slanted, eyes. Korean look. Next page. Is. Don't want to look at that, it's, horrible, it cursed my eyes. I'm sorry, i have some stuff in here that i really don't like showing. This, is. Um. Lines. This, was, actually. Very fun to draw, i just drew lines. Randomly, i drew, superstars. Like celebrities. Superstars. This is um nita down here she, was, all these, combined. And the ones from the first page. And i made her and i really like her. Um. This was an interesting. Page. This is, lakina. Natana, the kind of akina, i don't know, and then these are just random, this is actually a boy. Um. Yeah. Oh, the i use i got a pack for christmas, and it was just like a five. Marker, pack. From like a company called zebra. Um, and i used them to make this little, um. Cat wolf, girl, i. I, haven't drawn these in so long. I was obsessed, with them at one point in like first second grade, and i'm like oh i can just draw normal people.

This, Is. Um for a picture. This, um. These are just a little scene, from a comic, i was making, i quit the comic because, all. Fourth graders, quit a comic. When they go ahead like they have the whole idea. And they. Um oh yeah this was made with nail polish, they have the whole idea, and then they kind of don't get very motivated. After. And then they kind of forget about it and that's exactly what i did this is stella. I don't know who that is. It was just a random drawing and i decided to name her. This. Is summer. She is. Scarily. Realistic. She's not super realistic. When i drew her i thought she was but. She's not. And she's crying, for some. Reason. This is camilla. This is her new, redesign. And, yeah there's just random. Drawings. Um. So. These, next two pages. I don't know if you know this youtuber. But there's a youtuber called lavender, time, and i love her style, and i tried doing it i did not succeed, so we're just gonna you know. Pass all of them. Ah, keep going. This is a little french girl. Or someone who looks like it i tried redesigning, new. Try redesigning, something, it didn't go very well i don't. I like her all design. Stupid, papers just won't ever, go, like i'm gonna have to cut this all out. Random drawings, me trying to do anime, didn't know very well because my brother, really wants to have an anime style. He can't draw this. He's not a very good drawer. This, is. Um. The thing this is me drawing anime eyes i kind of like how they turned out. They're definitely, not the best. I just took inspiration, for watching anime, videos and then i just kind of like oh, yeah. But, anime, doesn't become my style. And. Um i keep with the current one that i really like. This. Is, um an interesting, page this is me trying to branch out with their faces because i still have same face syndrome. I'm, it's not as bad as before. Like this is, this is my charac this is my brother's character, joey. He has a pet um. A monkey named jeff. This is a. Person, i tried, at drawing. Transgender. It's, kind of hard, because it just looks like a girl but i was trying to add man. Men elements, in there, this is just a girl. Named her winterfest. She's interesting. She lives in the cold. Um. This, is, a. Pride, month, drawing. Of all my, characters, that are, i guess, pride. Um, i got the bisexual. Flagger, on and i forgot to color it since this is on like, my birthday, which is juice video, sorry. Um, this is a little. Girl, don't know what i was doing that day. Art blocky. This is a pirate girl this is this girl and this girl. Not super. Interesting. Random drawings. Random, this is eve. Oh yeah. This down here i did not know this this is my brother. It, is, horrible. It looks like um a clown. A skinny, skinny, skinny clown. This, is, a, interesting, drawing, i, like her a lot. I use pen, i got these new um. Like. Art supplies from. Christmas color premiere. And. Yeah. This is me this is me teaching, my brother, how to come up with a character, and i said think of the weird things a lot. Thought of um an empty toilet paper roll. So i drew, a little character, with a. Toilet paper dress and then added another weird thing on like well. The next weird thing wasn't very weird, flowers, and then more stuff and then more stuff. But this is blossom. I like her a lot. These are just random. Drawings. This is chloe grace. Which, is another one of my characters she's actually in my comic con creator, i actually didn't give up on it these are just more random drawings. This. Already. Some characters. This, is me. Randomizing. Stuff, on the random number generator, to come up with characters. This is the first one. This is the third oh. Wait. This is the third one and this is just minnie mouse as a person. It was, an interesting. Thing. And. Yeah, that's, where. That's. My, sketchbook. I have about 20 pages left, until i finish it and then i might be able to give a better. Um. Like. Walkthrough, or, tour. Of it. But this is all i can do for now i'll try to get more equipment, but. I'll. But i'll see you guys all later. Bye.

2020-08-26 11:20

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